Friday, October 31, 2008
This election will determine the direction America will go on in for decades to come, should the Lord tarry. Unfortunately, there will be no turning back and the consequences very severe. It is the responsibility of every Christian to vote. There may not be enormous differences between the candidates or the parties, But, there are enough significant differences to make your vote important. Remember there are forces in the media, politics and even in the religious establishment who want to discourage you by telling you your vote does not matter. That is a lie! Your vote does matter.
If the President is Democrat or Republican they are going to face some of the most monumental challenges in our lifetime. A global financial crisis that will bring America into a recession, a recovery or in a worse case scenario another Great Depression. The unprecedented move towards Global Government, Global Currency and a Global Court. In other words, a one world economic system with a one world government and a new North American Union Constitution. Most people in America are completely clueless to what is happening and it is our responsibility to educate them and use the opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission.
In addition, we have the impending crisis with the nation of Israel. Israel must destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. What will the response from Russia, militant Islam and the United States be? Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
We are going to go into further detail about the events described above and "What The New President Means To Bible Prophecy." Join me at out two meetings. Tuesday November 11th 7PM at the Hilton Hotel in Woodland Hills and Thursday November 13th at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa at 7PM. These are private meetings and they are FREE if you pre-register by simply E Mailing me via The hotels do charge for parking so be prepared.
America and the world are on the verge of some massive changes. Join me at these very important meetings!
If the President is Democrat or Republican they are going to face some of the most monumental challenges in our lifetime. A global financial crisis that will bring America into a recession, a recovery or in a worse case scenario another Great Depression. The unprecedented move towards Global Government, Global Currency and a Global Court. In other words, a one world economic system with a one world government and a new North American Union Constitution. Most people in America are completely clueless to what is happening and it is our responsibility to educate them and use the opportunity to fulfill the Great Commission.
In addition, we have the impending crisis with the nation of Israel. Israel must destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. What will the response from Russia, militant Islam and the United States be? Prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes.
We are going to go into further detail about the events described above and "What The New President Means To Bible Prophecy." Join me at out two meetings. Tuesday November 11th 7PM at the Hilton Hotel in Woodland Hills and Thursday November 13th at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa at 7PM. These are private meetings and they are FREE if you pre-register by simply E Mailing me via The hotels do charge for parking so be prepared.
America and the world are on the verge of some massive changes. Join me at these very important meetings!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I was in Washington D.C. yesterday. The financial crisis and the election was in the very atmosphere. At our upcoming Prophecy Meeting's Tuesday November 11 at the Woodland Hills Hilton Hotel and 7PM and on Thursday November 13 at the Costa Mesa Hilton at 7PM. The meetings are free but be prepared to pay a self-parking charge. Also, you must pre-register by E Mailing me at
We are on the verge of a seismic shift in our nation and world. The North American Union moves full speed ahead and America along with the world are going to experience a great shaking. You need to discern the "Signs of the Times!"
The major world leaders are calling for a Global Regulatory Agency with more power than the IMF and the World Bank. They want a new financial world order and a one world economic system. The new President is going to have to deal with the greatest financial crisis recent times and will be "tested" by terrorists within the first six months of his term. The U.S. just hit Syria and is signaling to the world that we are prepared to fight another war. Afghanistan? The cover of a major U.S. magazine had the cover story "Afghanistan The Right War?" The American people are being prepared for another war.
Israel could strike Iran's nuclear facilities at any moment, but will probably strike after the election. Russia continues to arm Cuba and Venezuela. But, Russia has been hit hard in the last few weeks by the global financial crisis. Will this push them over the edge in seize 40% of the worlds oil coming through Georgia or join Iran on an attack on Israel? How will the new President affect prophetic events? Without question the next President will find himself in the Middle of prophecy. What will happen to America if we turn our backs on Israel? "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curseth them that curse thee."
Is there a relationship between our dividing the land of Israel and the economic crisis, freak weather and impending terrorist attack? We will give you the up to date facts at our Prophecy Meeting's. Although the two meeting's will contain similar information, there will be enough different information that it will make it worth your while to attend both meetins.
Also, the Lord has impressed on my heart a powerful message of hope for God's people and some guidance about what to do in the economic storm.
Please pray for us and the events! You can help by bringing people who could be helped by this information. Also, by signing up people on our McGuire Report E Mail list. But, please only put down those people who want this kind of information...otherwise people just get upset and we have to take them off the list.
We are on the verge of a seismic shift in our nation and world. The North American Union moves full speed ahead and America along with the world are going to experience a great shaking. You need to discern the "Signs of the Times!"
The major world leaders are calling for a Global Regulatory Agency with more power than the IMF and the World Bank. They want a new financial world order and a one world economic system. The new President is going to have to deal with the greatest financial crisis recent times and will be "tested" by terrorists within the first six months of his term. The U.S. just hit Syria and is signaling to the world that we are prepared to fight another war. Afghanistan? The cover of a major U.S. magazine had the cover story "Afghanistan The Right War?" The American people are being prepared for another war.
Israel could strike Iran's nuclear facilities at any moment, but will probably strike after the election. Russia continues to arm Cuba and Venezuela. But, Russia has been hit hard in the last few weeks by the global financial crisis. Will this push them over the edge in seize 40% of the worlds oil coming through Georgia or join Iran on an attack on Israel? How will the new President affect prophetic events? Without question the next President will find himself in the Middle of prophecy. What will happen to America if we turn our backs on Israel? "I will bless them that bless thee and curse them that curseth them that curse thee."
Is there a relationship between our dividing the land of Israel and the economic crisis, freak weather and impending terrorist attack? We will give you the up to date facts at our Prophecy Meeting's. Although the two meeting's will contain similar information, there will be enough different information that it will make it worth your while to attend both meetins.
Also, the Lord has impressed on my heart a powerful message of hope for God's people and some guidance about what to do in the economic storm.
Please pray for us and the events! You can help by bringing people who could be helped by this information. Also, by signing up people on our McGuire Report E Mail list. But, please only put down those people who want this kind of information...otherwise people just get upset and we have to take them off the list.
Friday, October 24, 2008
PROPHECY MEETINGS NOV 11th Woodland Hills NOV 13th Costa Mesa
I am right in the middle of the three day Israel, Iran, Globalism and America Prophecy Class at the Kings College in Van Nuys. Then I fly to Washington D.C. to tape a Bible Prophecy special along with an interview on the financial crisis.
Tuesday November 11th at 7PM at the Woodland Hills Hilton Hotel you are invited to a free America In Prophecy Meeting if you pre-register by E Mail. Stay connected to the website we may change the hotel location in Woodland Hills. It will be the same area, but we may change hotels. We will let you know in the next few days.
Thursday November 13th at 7Pm at the Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel we will have our second America In Prophecy Meeting. The event is free if you pre-register by E Mail. At both events you will have to pay for self parking because they events are at hotels. Prayerfully bring people who will be built up by this message and bring them with you or meet them there.
Also, you can forward our McGuire Report E Mail blasts to people who would like to hear this message and with their permission sign them up for our free McGuire Report E Mail. But, only sign up those people who want to have this information. Sending the E Mails to people who are not interested or antagonisitic is counter productive and we just have to take their names off anyway.
You can help us get the word out by sending the McGuire Report E Mails to interested friends and church member and sign those people who are interested up to our McGuire Report E Mail. Bring people who are interested to the events and most of all pray for us as we launch out if faith. Your prayers are so important!!
The next few months are going to be very important prophetically. In addition, to a new syndicated radio program we want to purchase air time for Bible prophecy teaching shows and a number of evangelistic outreaches in the U.S. and other nations. Our thanks to those of you are standing with us by praying, volunteering and supporting our work. Truly the fields are white with harvest.
I keep meeting peopel and getting E Mails from people who said they started hearing me speak and reading my books because of the information on the merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. and the other prophetic information. Than they accepted Christ, and their family members accepted Christ through this ministry. We just launched out into the ministry and already people are telling us that they are receiving Christ, coming back to Christ, being healed and delivered. We have an open door before us that will reach a lot of people. It is a big jump of faith for us and we need partners who will stand with us and help us to fulfill the Great Commission. We are fishers of men!
Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
Tuesday November 11th at 7PM at the Woodland Hills Hilton Hotel you are invited to a free America In Prophecy Meeting if you pre-register by E Mail. Stay connected to the website we may change the hotel location in Woodland Hills. It will be the same area, but we may change hotels. We will let you know in the next few days.
Thursday November 13th at 7Pm at the Costa Mesa Hilton Hotel we will have our second America In Prophecy Meeting. The event is free if you pre-register by E Mail. At both events you will have to pay for self parking because they events are at hotels. Prayerfully bring people who will be built up by this message and bring them with you or meet them there.
Also, you can forward our McGuire Report E Mail blasts to people who would like to hear this message and with their permission sign them up for our free McGuire Report E Mail. But, only sign up those people who want to have this information. Sending the E Mails to people who are not interested or antagonisitic is counter productive and we just have to take their names off anyway.
You can help us get the word out by sending the McGuire Report E Mails to interested friends and church member and sign those people who are interested up to our McGuire Report E Mail. Bring people who are interested to the events and most of all pray for us as we launch out if faith. Your prayers are so important!!
The next few months are going to be very important prophetically. In addition, to a new syndicated radio program we want to purchase air time for Bible prophecy teaching shows and a number of evangelistic outreaches in the U.S. and other nations. Our thanks to those of you are standing with us by praying, volunteering and supporting our work. Truly the fields are white with harvest.
I keep meeting peopel and getting E Mails from people who said they started hearing me speak and reading my books because of the information on the merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. and the other prophetic information. Than they accepted Christ, and their family members accepted Christ through this ministry. We just launched out into the ministry and already people are telling us that they are receiving Christ, coming back to Christ, being healed and delivered. We have an open door before us that will reach a lot of people. It is a big jump of faith for us and we need partners who will stand with us and help us to fulfill the Great Commission. We are fishers of men!
Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
Friday, October 17, 2008
It was great meeting you at the Hilton Hotel! Thank you for your prayers, partnership and support! October 23, 24 & 25 I am giving a 3 day seminar at the Kings College in Van Nuys, California entitled Israel, Armageddon, World Events, Global Currency and Bible Prophecy."
If you wish to attend the seminar call 818 779-8453 to register! We will have a great time!
Paul McGuire
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
If you wish to attend the seminar call 818 779-8453 to register! We will have a great time!
Paul McGuire
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567

Tuesday, October 14, 2008
You Must Pre-Register Oct. 16th Hilton Hotel Costa Mesa
Our prophecy meeting is coming up Thursday October 16th at 7PM at the Hilton Hotel in Costa Mesa. It is a private event but you can come IF you pre-register by E Mailing Paul McGuire and you can bring people with you IF you E Mail and let us know in advance. However, if it is last minute you can come and register there admission is free but seating may be limited. We are going to talk Israel and Iran. There is the strong possibility that Israel will strike Iran immediately after the election. In addition, the financial crisis is moving us quickly to global financial sytem and a one world currency. We will talk about this at the meeting! See you there!
Sunday, October 5, 2008

Paul McGuire speaking at the "End of the Age" conference.
Alan Greenspan, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve stated that we are in the worst financial crisis of the last 100 years. Yet, this crisis was predicted by a number or people before and there are some who speculate it is in some degree connected to our relationship with the nation of Israel. I have just finished a third MP3 in a series entitled “Economic Meltdown, Israel and What is to Come in America? I go into details and I invited you to our special meeting at the Hilton Hotel In Costa Mesa on October 16th which is free, but you must pre-register by E Mail.
First, let’s look at a brief overview of the global financial crisis. Easy money and credit has been pumped into the U.S. economy by the Fed, for over a decade. A housing bubble has exploded and the crisis is now global. Governments and economists are calling for the world to work together with a new international regulatory system and a global currency. However, just like in the time of Joseph, God knew this was coming and has made provision for His people. I will discuss this more in detail on the MP3. But, first let’s understand the dynamics of what is now happening in America and around the world.
The financial crisis is now global; that means across the world governments must work together in new a global economic system to survive. The financial Meltdown is spreading across the Atlantic into major banks all over Europe. The German government just spent $51 billion in loans borrowed from German banks and the German government to save Hypo Real Estate, the country’s second-biggest property lender. Hypo Real Estate was just one of five major banks in seven European countries bailed out in just three days. Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands rescued Fortis. England nationalized Bradford & Bingley. Belgium, France and Luxembourg saved Dexia. Iceland rescued Glitnir. Ireland took €400 billion of contingent liabilities onto the national balance sheet, when it stood behind the deposits and debts of its six large banks and building societies.
The “Bail Out Plan” consists of having the Treasury purchase approximately $800 billion of bad dept from both U.S. and foreign banks doing business in the United States. The Treasury would also be authorized to buy up securities backed by bad auto loans, student loans and credit card debts. Unless God’s people are prepared like they were in the days of famine in Joseph’s time, you are going to see the American Middle Class dissolve into Third World living conditions. This is the purpose of surfacing political candidates from both parties who espouse to varying degrees socialist economic policies. Obama clearly has ideological ties to the Marxism espoused by the Weatherman and his plan for America is socialistic in nature. But, the Republican Party essentially is offering a similar menu. Remember both parties share in responsibility for the Meltdown. This clearly means the loss of personal, religious and economic freedoms in America. Make no mistake about it. Without God’s intervention you and your children are going to live in a radically different kind of America. As I said in the title of my book, “Are You Ready?”
The “Bail Out” further globalizes America because we would then borrow from China, Japan and the Middle East. When they own controlling interests in U.S. corporations you can be sure their will be control of domestic policy, law, and most importantly the American media. For example, when Saudi Arabian or investors from Dubai own American media conglomerates they will control news reporting when it comes to Islam, Israel and the Middle East. In order to secure this debt on the balance sheets of the banks of China, Japan and the Middle East, the U.S. taxpayer will ultimately pay for the “Bail Out.” As suicidal as this sounds, the alternative is an economic collapse larger than the Great Depression. Financial panic could create market collapse, wiping out pensions, 401Ks, portfolios and benefit plans for millions of Middle American’s that would drive millions into bankruptcy and force millions to continue to work beyond their retirement years millions more to put off retirement and continue working until they drop dead.
This “Bail Out” has already cost you the American taxpayer: $29 billion to rescue Bear Stearns so J.P. Morgan would buy the investment bank; $85 billion for 80 percent of AIG to nationalize it; $150 billion in a stimulus package to flood the nation with cash; perhaps $300 billion to bail out Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; and now $800 billion to begin taking the taking on the debts of major U.S. banks.
The question should be asked has God tried to warn His people before the crisis?
In June of 1998 David Wilkerson had a prophecy about an economic holocaust in America. Here a few excerpts from that prophecy:
“For some time I have prophesied that America is about to be stricken with an economic holocaust. Now, lately, I've become convinced that one of two scenarios could take place. Here is one scenario::
“On the other hand, the stock market or bond markets may dive overnight with no rebound at all. If so, we would see a daily retreat among investors - because everyone will recognize America has been hit with a full-blown market crash. At that point, total panic will set in. And we'll know our nation has entered a period of divine judgment - because we'll take a precipitous, sudden slide into chaos”
David Wilkerson also had a vision of an economic crisis:
“And we're going into six months of the worst hell America has ever seen---there's going to be chaos---not even the National Guard's going to be able to quiet it down---we're going to have to call out the whole U.S. Army.
Now I've had visions recently, for I've been in New York City and I was in Macy's in a vision, and I saw people walking around stunned because they couldn't get their money out of the bank.
Now I'm going to give you a word of advice, the first country goes bankrupt---I've documented this and I've got it sealed in an envelope, and I'm going to call all my friends and I'm telling you---this is the first time I've said it in a public meeting like this---but the first country that bellies up, you go get every dime you have---church get your money out of the bank--because there's going to be a 'bank holiday' and you won't be able to get a dime for six months. Now, of course, there's going to be -restored, but the nation will never be like it is again.
There's going to be fear like we've never known---judgment at the door. When I was at Macy's Dept. store in a vision and I watched people walking around stunned, they didn't know what to do, they didn't know what was happening; then a bunch of people walked into Macy's and suddenly went wild and began to steal and within an hour everybody---I saw the spirit of everybody in the store---they were robbing and stealing---they raped Macy's and destroyed five floors---Macy's was raped and ruined in a period of an hour or two.
That's just the beginning. Folks it's all in this book (the bible) ---we've been warned and warned and warned---you can't tell me God hasn't warned us. You can't tell me God isn't saying something awesome here tonight in this church...we better get our prayer life straightened up, our lives straightened up, get rid of the idols, as Paul writes, and seeking the face of God in holiness or you're not going to be ready for what's coming. God's warning, get ready and you'll not fear these things that come onto you and you'll start rejoicing, you'll not be afraid because your hands will be clean. You've been praying and God's building a wall of fire around you to keep you."
We'd like to teach you a song about God's protection. It goes like this.: "There's a wall of fire around me...There's a wall of fire between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire that you can't see...Between my soul and the enemy. There's a wall of fire around me. May it be so with us all..."
Wilkerson recently gave a sermon where he talked about the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and revival as people come to Christ when the financial institutions are shaken Psalm 93:3 “The floods have lifted up, O Lord, the flood have lifted up their voice. The floods lift up their waves. The Lord on High is mightier than the noise of many waters, than the mighty waves of the sea.”
There appears to be a direct relationship between America’s treatment of Israel and our current financial crisis. The stock market collapse on September 29, 2008, happened on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. Condoleezza Rice has been flying continually to Israel to pressure Israel to give up land. President George W. Bush president is calling for a Palestinian state, and for Israel to give up land.
In the Old Testament God warns that nations who try to divide Israel in the last days will be judged. In Joel 3:2 the Lord says that He will "enter into judgment" against those nations that "have divided up My land.”
In terms of Bible prophecy, there appears to be an effort to use the financial crisis to create a global currency and a global economic system. In 1961 the nation of New Zealand experienced its private corporations, government and economy being taken over by foreign investors as sort of an experiment in globalization. The Bank for International Settlements.The World Bank, and The International Monetary Fund began lending large sums of money to New Zealand for the purpose of experimenting with a transition from nationalism to globalism.
It is important to remember that the primary purpose and objective of the United Nations created in 1945 is bring about world government. Under the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference of 1944, the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, International Trade Organization and Global Security Exchange Commission ( G-7 Ministers ) have been established for the ultimate purpose of a one world economic system and global government. See Revelation Chapter 13. “Economic Melt Down, Israel and What is to Come in America? Hear “Economic Meltdown, Israel and What is to Come in America? Part 3 MP3
Despite the economic chaos, God is still on the throne. You and I have been chosen for such a time as this. God will provide for His people and He will provide for you. There will be tremendous opportunities in the days ahead for God’s people. God does not want His people to develop a “bunker mentality” or “hide out in the hills.” Clearly, a shaking is coming. But, God desires to open doors for His people on many levels. These will be challenging times. But, these are times to draw closer to the Lord. Seek the face of God. He will lead you and guide you. Seek the face of God for your children. He will lead them and guide them. Do not stop education, prudent investment, building ministries or starting businesses. “The diligent shall bear rule the slothful shall be under tribute.” This is not a time for retreat, but for advance!
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