Sunday, November 29, 2009

PAUL MCGUIRE is an expert in the field of Bible Prophecy and the ancient prophets. Thursday, Paul will discuss the new non-elected President of Europe, Herman Van Rompuy, Prime Minister of Belgium and his introduction 1n 2009 to the global governance and how this ties into Bible prophecy. Paul will explain how the Climate Control Treaty, in Copenhagen, that may be signed by the Administration will surrender America under a World Communist Government. Paul will also speak on the Revived Roman Empire and the celebration of Hanukkah. Please come and bring friends to hear this important message. There is no fee for attendance!
Paul McGuire is the author of 16 books including "Are You Ready?", and also is a professor at the Kings College where he teaches a course entitled "Israel, Iraq & Armageddon." Paul McGuire has been interviewed by The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, UPI, Hollywood Reporter, Daily Variety and numerous national and international publications. He has been seen and heard by over 45 million people on international television and radio and has been a guest on several radio and TV stations including recent episodes featured on GodTV and Jewish Voice with Jonathan Bernis.
Paul McGuire has interviewed U.S. Presidents, Heads of State and New York Times best-selling authors like Anne Rice, Tim LaHaye, and Jimmy Carter on his syndicated radio show. Mr. McGuire has produced two feature films.
Come Join Paul at Beth Ariel Fellowship: 22222 Saticoy St., Canoga Park Thursday, 12/3 at 7 PM!
Cut and paste the URL below and E Mail to friends who want to know the truth about Universal Health Care.
Paul McGuire
In recent weeks, confidential Emails between scientists and high level government officials around the world have been released. The Emails prove that governments and scientists knew that "global warming" was a hoax used to create a global government and reduce the standard of living of the American, European Union and Middle Class around the world. As I state in my book "The Day The Dollar Died," the goal is and has always been a World Communist Government.
With the Climate Control treaty and Copenhagen just days away, it will be interesting to see how world leader surrender their independence to a global government in order to fight the completely fictitious enemy they call "global warming."
As many of you know, I am a former radical from the counter culture. I remember hearing the leaders of the counter culture say that, "We used the Viet Nam War Movement as a tool for organizing the masses. Now, we will use the environment as the new tool to accomplish our world revolution!" I heard that in the mid-seventies.
Ecology and environmentalism are the new Trojan Horse which will bring down the U.S. as a sovereign nation and transfer trillions of dollars in Middle Class wealth to Third World nations. Why? because this is a about COMMUNISM and the global redistribution of wealth. The the UN and the EU have the common goall of a World Communist Government. The North American Union will be a regional global government.
However, there is one large problem and that is the nation of Israel. Israel is not going to go along with the New World Order program of extinction. Jerusalem is going to be a "cup of trembling for the nations." Hanukka is a memorial to the goodness of God towards Israel. Israel will strike Iran in order to survive! We are moving very quickly to an Ezekiel 38 scenario.
Cuba is doing military exercises preparing for a U.S. invasion. Why would the U.S. want to invade Cuba? CUba now has Russian submarines with nukes and their navy in Cuba with nukes! Cuba, Venzuela and Russia have ties to Iran.
We need to pray for our leaders!
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men." 1 Timothy 2:1
A council of powerful European Union nations has appointed a non-elected President of Europe, Herman Van Rompuy. Already, Herman van Rompuy, Prime Minister of Belgium, has declared, "2009 as the first year of global governance." On the official "European Union @ United Nations Partnership In Action" website there is a summary of his remarks entitled, "Intervention of H.E. Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, New President of EU Council: Summary: 19 November 2009, Brussels - Intervention of H.E. Mr. Herman Van Rompuy following his appointment as President of the Council of the European Union"
In the full body of his remarks, Rompuy stated on November 19th that, "2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet."
Last month he told experts in the Second Committee Panel Discussion of the UN General Assembly that "a new regime of governance was under way in the global financial system." The same is being said about global climate measures, global resource management and global development,"
Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was recently speaking at an event at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Lord Monckton warned America that signing a 'global climate treaty' at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December will end up surrendering U.S. sovereignty to a World Government.
Herman van Rompuy is a key player in the establishment of this world government. He was picked by the Bilderberg Group over Britain's Tony Blair, in what has been called a major undemocratic development. Only 12% of Europeans have heard of Prime Minister van Rompuy.
Americans need to pay very close attention to the fact that this new leader, who will rule over a half a billion Europeans, was not elected by popular vote. He was chosen for the people, unanimously by an elite council of European leaders which include members of the Bilderberg Group.
This appointment of a President of Europe, comes after the passage of the Lisbon Treaty, which will eventually make Europe a monolithic super state. The Council on Foreign Relations that controls the Obama Administration, as well as previous Republican and Democratic administrations, is seeking to replicate the European Union with a North American Union. This North American Union will have its own Constitution and like Europe, will seek to appoint non-elected leaders. Essential to this transformation is the legalization of over 30 million illegal immigrants shortly before or after the 2010 election.
This mass legalization will destroy the U.S. election process by overwhelming the nation with millions of voters who will vote for Big Government, socialism and the merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States into what is called the North American Union. This is why on Council on Foreign Relations documents, such as "Building a North American Community," (North American Union) the projected date is 2010.
The Old Testament prophet Daniel predicted the future of Europe and the world, when he interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. In this dream, Daniel saw a terrifying metallic image. The image described the future course of world empires, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and a final Revived Roman Empire. This "Fourth Beast" is portrayed as having feet of iron and clay with ten toes which could represent ten European Nations or ten regional global governments united by the Antichrist as head of a global government with a world currency. Many Bible scholars believe this is the EU.
The President of Europe, Herman van Rompuy, has a reputation of being an authoritarian and ruthless political leader who operates from the shadows. His appointment along with plans for globalization from the UN will threaten freedom around the world, America and Israel. Van Rompuy has opposed Turkey from becoming part of the EU. This may push Turkey to move from being an ally of NATO, to an ally of Iran, Syria and Russia. This alliance was predicted by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel Chapter 38. Ezekiel refers to a last day's invasion of Israel by an alliance of nations. Iran, Russia, Syria, Turkey are key players in this invasion. Magog refers to Russia and nations of the former Soviet Union. Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Togarmah refer to specific areas of Turkey and other nations. Persia is modern Iran and other nations will include Syria. As the ancient Hebrew prophets predicted these events will lead up to an invasion of Israel.
Hear Paul's powerful MP3 teaching on this entitled "President of Europe President of Revived Roman Empire." Go front page of on upper right hand side!
Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope. You Can Make Donations On Line At: The donate button is in the blue column on the left hand upper side on the website. If you like, send a check or money order. Make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International and mail to:
Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
Join Paul Thursday, December 3rd at Beth Ariel Fellowship, 22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park at 7PM. Be sure to bring friends to these events and help spread the message. There is no
charge if you pre-register or register at the door.
Important Paul will Paul will be speaking Thursday December 10th at 7 PM at:
Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa
301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Paul will not be speaking on November 19th. But, Paul willl be speaking at Lighthouse Community Church Thursday December 10th at 7PM
Paul McGuire's message "Part 2 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy. Paul shares how God has called you for such a time as this, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, being filled with the Spirit, and a how a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ will help you be an overcomer in the midst of chaos. How God can give you practical wisdom to help you survive and prosper! God wants to use you in a Third Great Awakening. Download this anointed message now!
Paul McGuire's message on the oil nations conspiracy to destroy the dollar, vaccinations, martial law, nano technology in the vaccine, coming show down between Israel and Iran, economic chaos. Listen to "Part 1 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy "- Download now.
Saturday, November 28, 2009

Paul McGuire
"Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men." 1 Timothy 2:1
A council of powerful European Union nations has appointed a non-elected President of Europe, Herman Van Rompuy. Already, Herman van Rompuy, Prime Minister of Belgium, has declared, "2009 as the first year of global governance." On the official "European Union @ United Nations Partnership In Action" website there is a summary of his remarks entitled, "Intervention of H.E. Mr. Herman Van Rompuy, New President of EU Council: Summary: 19 November 2009, Brussels - Intervention of H.E. Mr. Herman Van Rompuy following his appointment as President of the Council of the European Union"
In the full body of his remarks, Rompuy stated on November 19th that, "2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet."
Last month he told experts in the Second Committee Panel Discussion of the UN General Assembly that "a new regime of governance was under way in the global financial system." The same is being said about global climate measures, global resource management and global development,"
Lord Christopher Monckton, former science adviser to British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, was recently speaking at an event at Bethel University in St. Paul, Minnesota. Lord Monckton warned America that signing a 'global climate treaty' at the climate change conference in Copenhagen in December will end up surrendering U.S. sovereignty to a World Government.
Herman van Rompuy is a key player in the establishment of this world government. He was picked by the Bilderberg Group over Britain's Tony Blair, in what has been called a major undemocratic development. Only 12% of Europeans have heard of Prime Minister van Rompuy.
Americans need to pay very close attention to the fact that this new leader, who will rule over a half a billion Europeans, was not elected by popular vote. He was chosen for the people, unanimously by an elite council of European leaders which include members of the Bilderberg Group.
This appointment of a President of Europe, comes after the passage of the Lisbon Treaty, which will eventually make Europe a monolithic super state. The Council on Foreign Relations that controls the Obama Administration, as well as previous Republican and Democratic administrations, is seeking to replicate the European Union with a North American Union. This North American Union will have its own Constitution and like Europe, will seek to appoint non-elected leaders. Essential to this transformation is the legalization of over 30 million illegal immigrants shortly before or after the 2010 election. * This commment is not made to disparage our precious Hispanic brothers and sisters in Christ. But, the reality is that powerful political forces seek to use them for their own agendas.
This mass legalization will destroy the U.S. election process by overwhelming the nation with millions of voters who will vote for Big Government, socialism and the merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States into what is called the North American Union. This is why on Council on Foreign Relations documents, such as "Building a North American Community," (North American Union) the projected date is 2010.
The Old Testament prophet Daniel predicted the future of Europe and the world, when he interpreted King Nebuchadnezzar's dream. In this dream, Daniel saw a terrifying metallic image. The image described the future course of world empires, Babylon, Media-Persia, Greece and a final Revived Roman Empire. This "Fourth Beast" is portrayed as having feet of iron and clay with ten toes which could represent ten European Nations or ten regional global governments united by the Antichrist as head of a global government with a world currency. Many Bible scholars believe this is the EU.
The President of Europe, Herman van Rompuy, has a reputation of being an authoritarian and ruthless political leader who operates from the shadows. His appointment along with plans for globalization from the UN will threaten freedom around the world, America and Israel. Van Rompuy has opposed Turkey from becoming part of the EU. This may push Turkey to move from being an ally of NATO, to an ally of Iran, Syria and Russia. This alliance was predicted by the prophet Ezekiel in Ezekiel Chapter 38. Ezekiel refers to a last day's invasion of Israel by an alliance of nations. Iran, Russia, Syria, Turkey are key players in this invasion. Magog refers to Russia and nations of the former Soviet Union. Meshech, Tubal, Gomer, Togarmah refer to specific areas of Turkey and other nations. Persia is modern Iran and other nations will include Syria. As the ancient Hebrew prophets predicted these events will lead up to an invasion of Israel.
Here Paul's powerful MP3 teaching on this entitled "President of Europe President of Revived Roman Empire." Go front page of on upper right hand side!
This is the end of the year and there is still time to make a tax deductible gift.Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope. You Can Make Donations On Line At: The donate button is in the blue column on the left hand upper side on the website. If you like, send a check or money order. Make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International and mail to:
Paul McGuire Ministries
Paradise Mountain Church International
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
There are many speaking dates being scheduled for 2010. Make sure you sign up for the McGuire E Blast to get the scedule.
Join Paul Thursday, December 3rd at Beth Ariel Fellowship, 22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park at 7PM. Be sure to bring friends to these events and help spread the message. There is no
charge if you pre-register or register at the door.
Important Paul will Paul will be speaking Thursday December 10th at 7 PM at:
Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa
301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Paul will not be speaking on November 19th. But, Paul willl be speaking at Lighthouse Community Church Thursday December 10th at 7PM
Cut and paste the URL below and E Mail to friends who want to know the truth about Universal Health Care.
Paul McGuire is a commentator on the Fox News Network, CNN and the host of a nationally syndicated radio show. He is the author of 16 books and a professor at the King's College & Seminary. Paul is a frequent conference speaker and the History Channel did a special with him, entitled "Seven Signs of the Apocalypse." Prior to this Paul produced major motion pictures in Hollywood. He lives in Los Angeles.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Paul McGuire
You cannot understand abortion, the breakdown of the family and Universal Health Care, unless you understand the Eugenics Movement and Hitler's T 4 Program. Abortion, genocide, war, diseases, contraception, the environmental movement have been used by the Eugenics Movement to reduce the population of Planet Earth by billions of people. Remember the so-called "scientific elite" which rule our world have embraced the Malthusian concept that all of mankind's problems can be solved by reducing population growth.
However, the plot is far more sinister than that. The Eugenics Movement which was embraced by Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood and Adolph deliberately targeted specific races for extinction. Hitler openly called for an Aryan Master Race which he hoped to produce through selective breeding and mass killing.
Although, I am not accusing President Obama of embracing the ideas of the Eugenics Movement, there are powerful people behind the throne, who have a hidden agenda. I have read figures from radical environmentalists that they hope to reduce the population of the Planet from around 6 billion to 500,000. "This is our moment," President Obama announced this weekend, shortly after the House passed H.R. 3962, a 1,990-page version of the health care reform that has become the president's chief policy goal. A document that has been read by very few of our "elected" representatives. Why do President Obama, Billionaire George Soros and the Democratic Party want desperately the pass Universal Health Care?
First of all, it is a key part of the strategy of turning America into a Marxist totalitarian state. It gives the government the ability to seize control of over a third of America's industries, labor and budget. It makes the people totally dependent upon government and it is all about "wealth redistribution."
America is a long way down the road of being totally transformed into a Marxist totalitarian state, which will soon become part of a World Communist Dictatorship under the guise of a Climate Control treaty that maybe signed in Copenhagen. As I said in my book, "The Day The Dollar Died," a world currency will soon replace the dollar and then comes World Government.
The fact, that we are in the middle of a Marxist take over with the goal of surrendering U.S. sovereignty to a Global Government should be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills, a knowledge of history and most of all the Christian church.
Yet, in America, the Christian Church has become the Laodecian Church and it has become blind to the obvious. Most American Christians and their pastors do not understand what is really happening in our nation. The Christian Church in America is in the exact same place the Evangelical Church in Nazi, Germany was right before Hitler took over.
The Universal Health Care Plan is based on the Eugenics Movement and Adolph Hitler's Universal Health Care Program called T4. Remember, the basis for Hitler's T4 program was producing a master race which meant killing millions of people. Adolph Hitler turned health care into a profit making industry by reducing the sacred value of each human life to a dollar value. This U.S. medical industry began sliding into a T4 model, under a Republican, Richard Nixon who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. It was called "managed health care."
Under this system, money determines life or death, and the quality of care. Hitler called these people, "lives not worthy to be lived." Under Obama's Universal Health Care, computer guidelines and bureaucrats will determine who lives and who dies.
Out of curiosity, let us say hypothetically there are two elderly women in their late seventies with the same costly disease. Let us say one woman is a lesbian activist and one woman is a grandmother and Bible believing Christian. Who lives and who dies?
In 1939, Adolph Hitler wrote a secret order in his own handwriting entitled, "The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life." The order was given to Dr. Brandt (you can see his video trial at Nuremberg where he was convicted of war crimes - specifically Euthanasia) An ever expanding list of patients who needed "mercy death" was compiled and they were killed. This saved billions of dollars in costs to the government. Hundreds of thousand with psychiatric problems, serious diseases and the elderly were now denied treatment and sent to killing centers. Their families were given fake dearth certificates. After this Hitler sent 6 million Jews and 4 million non-Jews to the ovens and gas chambers for death.
Do you think for a moment that a generation that killed over 50 million babies in abortion will not accept mass euthanasia? Using Orwellian words they will not call it death or Euthanasia, but they will give it a pleasant word like "pro-choice." If the Lord tarries, you will live to see the day when 60-70 million elderly and infirmed are euthanized. Many of those people may be you! Will the American Church speak out?
The churches that have remained silent during the abortion holocaust will continue to remain silent during mass euthanasia. For those of us who know Christ, there is nothing to fear. To be absent from the body is to be present in the Lord. Before we close our eyes we will be in heaven and there is a the very real possibility that the Lord will return. Either way we win! The Lord is and will pour out His Spirit supernaturally upon His people. There is strengthening and infilling by the Spirit of God that is preparing His remnant for what is ahead.
This should not be a time of fear for those who are walking with the Lord! Israel is God's prophetic time clock. We are approaching the return of the Lord and the Tribulation. But, I believe that there is going to be a massive soul harvest before the return of Christ. God is going to use men and women to bring in the harvest. He will supply the resources and guidance that His people need. God has not abandoned you in this hour. He has called you for such a time as this. You have a purpose and destiny to fulfill."
Darkness will spread across the Earth, but the light in God's people will grow brighter. The Lord of Hosts will open doors for His people to proclaim His Gospel throughout the earth. Do not give into a spirit of fear! Do not fear for your children! Do not retreat, but advance! Do not turn back, but go forward! Do not run from Goliath, but move towards him in the faith of David and shout, "How dare you defy the armies of the living God!"
Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope. You Can Make Donations On Line At: The donate button is in the blue column on the left hand upper side on the website. If you like, send a check or money order. Make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International and mail to:
Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
Join Paul Thursday, December 3rd at Beth Ariel Fellowship, 22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park at 7PM. Be sure to bring friends to these events and help spread the message. There is no
charge if you pre-register or register at the door.
Important Paul will NOT be speaking on Thursday November 19th. Paul will be speaking Thursday December 10th at 7 PM at:
Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa
301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Paul will not be speaking on November 19th. But, Paul willl be speaking at Lighthouse Community Church Thursday December 10th at 7PM
December 2nd at 7PM Paul will be speaking at the Calvary Chapel Carlsbad. Remember there are 2 Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. Paul will be speaking at Pastor Roger Moore's Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad. Make sure you attend the correct church!
Paul McGuire's message "Part 2 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy. Paul shares how God has called you for such a time as this, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, being filled with the Spirit, and a how a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ will help you be an overcomer in the midst of chaos. How God can give you practical wisdom to help you survive and prosper! God wants to use you in a Third Great Awakening. Download this anointed message now!
Paul McGuire's message on the oil nations conspiracy to destroy the dollar, vaccinations, martial law, nano technology in the vaccine, coming show down between Israel and Iran, economic chaos. Listen to "Part 1 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy "- Download now.
Paul McGuire
You cannot understand abortion, the breakdown of the family and Universal Health Care, unless you understand the Eugenics Movement and Hitler's T 4 Program. Abortion, genocide, war, diseases, contraception, the environmental movement have been used by the Eugenics Movement to reduce the population of Planet Earth by billions of people. Remember the so-called "scientific elite" which rule our world have embraced the Malthusian concept that all of mankind's problems can be solved by reducing population growth.
However, the plot is far more sinister than that. The Eugenics Movement which was embraced by Margaret Sanger, the Founder of Planned Parenthood and Adolph deliberately targeted specific races for extinction. Hitler openly called for an Aryan Master Race which he hoped to produce through selective breeding and mass killing.
Although, I am not accusing President Obama of embracing the ideas of the Eugenics Movement, there are powerful people behind the throne, who have a hidden agenda. I have read figures from radical environmentalists that they hope to reduce the population of the Planet from around 6 billion to 500,000. "This is our moment," President Obama announced this weekend, shortly after the House passed H.R. 3962, a 1,990-page version of the health care reform that has become the president's chief policy goal. A document that has been read by very few of our "elected" representatives. Why do President Obama, Billionaire George Soros and the Democratic Party want desperately the pass Universal Health Care?
First of all, it is a key part of the strategy of turning America into a Marxist totalitarian state. It gives the government the ability to seize control of over a third of America's industries, labor and budget. It makes the people totally dependent upon government and it is all about "wealth redistribution."
America is a long way down the road of being totally transformed into a Marxist totalitarian state, which will soon become part of a World Communist Dictatorship under the guise of a Climate Control treaty that maybe signed in Copenhagen. As I said in my book, "The Day The Dollar Died," a world currency will soon replace the dollar and then comes World Government.
The fact, that we are in the middle of a Marxist take over with the goal of surrendering U.S. sovereignty to a Global Government should be obvious to anyone with critical thinking skills, a knowledge of history and most of all the Christian church.
Yet, in America, the Christian Church has become the Laodecian Church and it has become blind to the obvious. Most American Christians and their pastors do not understand what is really happening in our nation. The Christian Church in America is in the exact same place the Evangelical Church in Nazi, Germany was right before Hitler took over.
The Universal Health Care Plan is based on the Eugenics Movement and Adolph Hitler's Universal Health Care Program called T4. Remember, the basis for Hitler's T4 program was producing a master race which meant killing millions of people. Adolph Hitler turned health care into a profit making industry by reducing the sacred value of each human life to a dollar value. This U.S. medical industry began sliding into a T4 model, under a Republican, Richard Nixon who was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. It was called "managed health care."
Under this system, money determines life or death, and the quality of care. Hitler called these people, "lives not worthy to be lived." Under Obama's Universal Health Care, computer guidelines and bureaucrats will determine who lives and who dies.
Out of curiosity, let us say hypothetically there are two elderly women in their late seventies with the same costly disease. Let us say one woman is a lesbian activist and one woman is a grandmother and Bible believing Christian. Who lives and who dies?
In 1939, Adolph Hitler wrote a secret order in his own handwriting entitled, "The Destruction of Lives Unworthy of Life." The order was given to Dr. Brandt (you can see his video trial at Nuremberg where he was convicted of war crimes - specifically Euthanasia) An ever expanding list of patients who needed "mercy death" was compiled and they were killed. This saved billions of dollars in costs to the government. Hundreds of thousand with psychiatric problems, serious diseases and the elderly were now denied treatment and sent to killing centers. Their families were given fake dearth certificates. After this Hitler sent 6 million Jews and 4 million non-Jews to the ovens and gas chambers for death.
Do you think for a moment that a generation that killed over 50 million babies in abortion will not accept mass euthanasia? Using Orwellian words they will not call it death or Euthanasia, but they will give it a pleasant word like "pro-choice." If the Lord tarries, you will live to see the day when 60-70 million elderly and infirmed are euthanized. Many of those people may be you! Will the American Church speak out?
The churches that have remained silent during the abortion holocaust will continue to remain silent during mass euthanasia. For those of us who know Christ, there is nothing to fear. To be absent from the body is to be present in the Lord. Before we close our eyes we will be in heaven and there is a the very real possibility that the Lord will return. Either way we win! The Lord is and will pour out His Spirit supernaturally upon His people. There is strengthening and infilling by the Spirit of God that is preparing His remnant for what is ahead.
This should not be a time of fear for those who are walking with the Lord! Israel is God's prophetic time clock. We are approaching the return of the Lord and the Tribulation. But, I believe that there is going to be a massive soul harvest before the return of Christ. God is going to use men and women to bring in the harvest. He will supply the resources and guidance that His people need. God has not abandoned you in this hour. He has called you for such a time as this. You have a purpose and destiny to fulfill."
Darkness will spread across the Earth, but the light in God's people will grow brighter. The Lord of Hosts will open doors for His people to proclaim His Gospel throughout the earth. Do not give into a spirit of fear! Do not fear for your children! Do not retreat, but advance! Do not turn back, but go forward! Do not run from Goliath, but move towards him in the faith of David and shout, "How dare you defy the armies of the living God!"
Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope. You Can Make Donations On Line At: The donate button is in the blue column on the left hand upper side on the website. If you like, send a check or money order. Make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International and mail to:
Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA 91322-0567
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
Join Paul Thursday, December 3rd at Beth Ariel Fellowship, 22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park at 7PM. Be sure to bring friends to these events and help spread the message. There is no
charge if you pre-register or register at the door.
Important Paul will NOT be speaking on Thursday November 19th. Paul will be speaking Thursday December 10th at 7 PM at:
Lighthouse Community Church in Costa Mesa
301 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Paul will not be speaking on November 19th. But, Paul willl be speaking at Lighthouse Community Church Thursday December 10th at 7PM
December 2nd at 7PM Paul will be speaking at the Calvary Chapel Carlsbad. Remember there are 2 Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. Paul will be speaking at Pastor Roger Moore's Calvary Chapel in Carlsbad. Make sure you attend the correct church!
Paul McGuire's message "Part 2 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy. Paul shares how God has called you for such a time as this, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, being filled with the Spirit, and a how a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ will help you be an overcomer in the midst of chaos. How God can give you practical wisdom to help you survive and prosper! God wants to use you in a Third Great Awakening. Download this anointed message now!
Paul McGuire's message on the oil nations conspiracy to destroy the dollar, vaccinations, martial law, nano technology in the vaccine, coming show down between Israel and Iran, economic chaos. Listen to "Part 1 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy "- Download now.
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