Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I have been seeking the Lord and crying out to God to give me prophetic understanding and a word for His people in 2010. I share this in a message entitled, 2010 A Year of Spiritual Victory For You!
In this message I teach on how grace, the blood of the Lamb and the dunamis (dynamite) power of the Holy Spirit can help you gain victory over any problem. How God wants His Church not to be lukewarm, but divinely energized by Spirit of God which will make it possible to fulfill Jesus Christ's words "occupy until I come" in the last days. Download this MP3 now and be set free and filled with power of the Spirit for 2010.
First, I believe 2010 is going to be an incredible year of opportunity, blessing, and even the miraculous for God’s people who are seeking the Lord with all their hearts and being obedient to what God is asking them to do.
2010 is also going to be a year of prophetic fulfillment. Bible prophecy is exploding before our eyes and there is going to be great upheaval, turbulence, and change upon the Earth. We may see things that we have never seen before in this generation in terms of wars, economic, and social unrest.
Yet, I believe God is pouring out His Spirit upon his people in an extraordinary way. Those who are approaching the Lord with child-like hearts will find themselves walking in the peace and power of God like they have never known before. Those that are seeking guidance, wisdom, and direction will hear “the still small voice” with greater clarity. In other words, as the challenges around us rise, so will the level of God’s Spirit operating in our lives.
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.” John 14-19
This growing last days Church that are hungry for God, I will call the remnant. They are not just going through the motions, but they love God and are seeking Him with all their heart. The remnant is not blind, but they can see what is happening to our nation and world. They are renewing their minds with God’s Word and understand the prophetic scriptures. They understand that America and many other nations are in great danger of losing their freedoms and becoming slaves under a kind of global dictatorship. The remnants see this and are praying, fasting, blowing the trumpet, and getting involved. The blessing of God will be upon these individuals and ministers, both spiritually and financially, because they will be faithful with what God gives them.
The remnant are seeking God’s kingdom first. They are not just giving donations and tithes to Christian celebrities and big buildings. They are investing in the kingdom of God and the true spreading of the Gospel because they understand the urgency of the hour. Hundreds of millions of people are going to come to the Lord in a last day’s harvest before the Lord returns.
I have been seeking the Lord and crying out to God to give me prophetic understanding and a word for His people in 2010. I share this in a message entitled, 2010 A Year of Spiritual Victory For You!
In this message I teach on how grace, the blood of the Lamb and the dunamis (dynamite) power of the Holy Spirit can help you gain victory over any problem. How God wants His Church not to be lukewarm, but divinely energized by Spirit of God which will make it possible to fulfill Jesus Christ's words "occupy until I come" in the last days. Download this MP3 now and be set free and filled with power of the Spirit for 2010.
First, I believe 2010 is going to be an incredible year of opportunity, blessing, and even the miraculous for God’s people who are seeking the Lord with all their hearts and being obedient to what God is asking them to do.
2010 is also going to be a year of prophetic fulfillment. Bible prophecy is exploding before our eyes and there is going to be great upheaval, turbulence, and change upon the Earth. We may see things that we have never seen before in this generation in terms of wars, economic, and social unrest.
Yet, I believe God is pouring out His Spirit upon his people in an extraordinary way. Those who are approaching the Lord with child-like hearts will find themselves walking in the peace and power of God like they have never known before. Those that are seeking guidance, wisdom, and direction will hear “the still small voice” with greater clarity. In other words, as the challenges around us rise, so will the level of God’s Spirit operating in our lives.
“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you. I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you. Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.” John 14-19
This growing last days Church that are hungry for God, I will call the remnant. They are not just going through the motions, but they love God and are seeking Him with all their heart. The remnant is not blind, but they can see what is happening to our nation and world. They are renewing their minds with God’s Word and understand the prophetic scriptures. They understand that America and many other nations are in great danger of losing their freedoms and becoming slaves under a kind of global dictatorship. The remnants see this and are praying, fasting, blowing the trumpet, and getting involved. The blessing of God will be upon these individuals and ministers, both spiritually and financially, because they will be faithful with what God gives them.
The remnant are seeking God’s kingdom first. They are not just giving donations and tithes to Christian celebrities and big buildings. They are investing in the kingdom of God and the true spreading of the Gospel because they understand the urgency of the hour. Hundreds of millions of people are going to come to the Lord in a last day’s harvest before the Lord returns.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
*Paul was joining his wife on the cliffs above Malibu, at sunset, to share a prophetic message for 2010. It will be a series of prophetic messages that Paul will share live from Malibu, California. Paul will be on God TV starting today to share what he believes what is about to happen prophetically both in the U.S. and around the world. Watch the You Tube and read Paul’s message below. Please sure to pass the whole series on to others so that by God’s grace the Lord can use it to minister to them.
I was seeking the Lord in prayer about what I should share to people who watch our videos from around the world. People like a soldier and his fellow troops located deep in Afghanistan. When I share a message I just don’t talk. I do an incredible amount of research on the spiritual, prophetic, Biblical, economic, political, social, medical, military, governmental and geopolitical levels.
In addition to seeking the Lord and studying His Word, I consult privately with leaders at the very highest levels. Please view You Tube Video and pass it on to others. In fact, pass the entire series along to them. I deal with things like economics and social problems, but I also deal with Bible prophecy, the importance of walking in the Holy Spirit, the role of the Comforter in the last days, the miraculous, a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ, a prophetic understanding of your purpose and what is happening in our world and a personal invitation to be filled with the Spirit and accept Christ. In short, if you send the whole series, which is free, to believers and non-believers the Lord can use this to minister to them, uplift them, guide, release them from bondage and bring them to Him in salvation. Watch the message and pass it on!
The Spirit of God impressed upon my heart to give people real reasons for hope based on the promises of His Word and the power of His Spirit!
Your friend in Christ,
P.S. Go to and get our special discount on “Catch the McGuire Fire” T-shirts with the website printed on the back. These websites are deliberately designed to be non-religious and attract attention so that people will go to the website, come to the conferences and read the books. Every time you wear one, you provoke someone’s curiosity and it gives you a chance to talk about all kinds of things which will open the door for you to minister to them! Jesus said, “The fields are white for harvest but the laborers are few.” Many people are truly hungry for the Lord, but turned off to religion.
*Paul was joining his wife on the cliffs above Malibu, at sunset, to share a prophetic message for 2010. It will be a series of prophetic messages that Paul will share live from Malibu, California. Paul will be on God TV starting today to share what he believes what is about to happen prophetically both in the U.S. and around the world. Watch the You Tube and read Paul’s message below. Please sure to pass the whole series on to others so that by God’s grace the Lord can use it to minister to them.
I was seeking the Lord in prayer about what I should share to people who watch our videos from around the world. People like a soldier and his fellow troops located deep in Afghanistan. When I share a message I just don’t talk. I do an incredible amount of research on the spiritual, prophetic, Biblical, economic, political, social, medical, military, governmental and geopolitical levels.
In addition to seeking the Lord and studying His Word, I consult privately with leaders at the very highest levels. Please view You Tube Video and pass it on to others. In fact, pass the entire series along to them. I deal with things like economics and social problems, but I also deal with Bible prophecy, the importance of walking in the Holy Spirit, the role of the Comforter in the last days, the miraculous, a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ, a prophetic understanding of your purpose and what is happening in our world and a personal invitation to be filled with the Spirit and accept Christ. In short, if you send the whole series, which is free, to believers and non-believers the Lord can use this to minister to them, uplift them, guide, release them from bondage and bring them to Him in salvation. Watch the message and pass it on!
The Spirit of God impressed upon my heart to give people real reasons for hope based on the promises of His Word and the power of His Spirit!
Your friend in Christ,
P.S. Go to and get our special discount on “Catch the McGuire Fire” T-shirts with the website printed on the back. These websites are deliberately designed to be non-religious and attract attention so that people will go to the website, come to the conferences and read the books. Every time you wear one, you provoke someone’s curiosity and it gives you a chance to talk about all kinds of things which will open the door for you to minister to them! Jesus said, “The fields are white for harvest but the laborers are few.” Many people are truly hungry for the Lord, but turned off to religion.
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Paul's latest best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
Economic experts like Gerald Celente, who is one of the world's most respected financial analysts who advises the CEO's of Fortune 500 Companies and heads of State, are predicting social revolution, food riots, a possible civil war in the United States and a new Great Depression.
Let us look at some video footage which gives information about what could possibly happen in the U.S. alone. I give further information in my books "The Day The Dollar Died" and "Are You Ready?" I also give prophetic intelligence briefings and messages which you can see at on and click store.
I will never forget going on my nationally syndicated radio show after finishing my book “Are You Ready?” Some people were furious and nervous that I would dare to suggest that there was a plan to unify Canada, Mexico and the United States into a North American Union. I was the first author and radio talk show host to break the story.
I asked the former White House Press Secretary, at that time, Tony Show on the air if it was true. He denied it. However, today all of my critics are silent. In addition,
I followed up “Are You Ready?” with my new book “The Day The Dollar Died” which proves that there is deliberate plan to destroy the dollar by the Federal Reserve in order to bring in a world currency. After Copenhagen and both Russia and China demanding that the Federal Reserve stop printing money from nothing, once again all the skeptics are completely silent. In my book I show how both political parties are controlled by the same interests.
In what would have made George Orwell blush with pride, Time Magazine puts a picture of Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve on the cover of their magazine as “Man of the Year. Time writes, “The story of the year was a weak economy that could have been much, much weaker. How the mild-mannered man who runs the Federal Reserve prevented an economic catastrophe.”
The newest book by Paul McGuire. This book is available on Paul McGuire’s website. Totaling approximately 176 pages this book is a conspiracy theorists dream come true. Highlighting so many pieces of the globalist conspiracy and making so many amazing connections throughout history and in the bible, it was impossible for me to put down for more than a few hours.
I devoured this book in less than 2 days.
In this great book Paul outlines and ties together fascinating topics such as:
Mass Mind Control
The U.S. & U.K.'s support of Hitler and the Nazis and the American Hitler Youth movement
The roots of Communism - Karl Marx the Christian turned Satanist
A North American Union
Why John F. Kennedy was assassinated?
Project VULCAN
Israel, God's Clock
Project MK Ultra Monarch Slaves
President Obama's Socialist Agenda
The Hegelian Dialectic
Who Started Women's Liberation and why?
H.G. Wells the science fiction writer who helped create the New World Order.
The Bull/Moose Party
The Mark of the Beast
VeriChip Technology America the Next China
A Society Under Surveillance he Origins of the Rebel/Hippie Movement
The Stripping of Constitutional Rights
The Dumbing Down of America
The Failed American School System
By all means the list above is not complete.
Overall Paul McGuire has touched on so many amazing topics with such clarity and concise analysis it will leave your heart pounding and head spinning.
Written from a truly Christian perspective "The Day The Dollar Died" is a must read for Christians and conspiracy theorists. You are not going to be able to set it down. It will strengthen your walk.
*You can purchase "The Day The Dollar Died" or “Are You Ready?” at

The Day The Dollar Died is the newest book by Paul McGuire. This book is available on Paul McGuire’s website. Totaling approximately 176 pages this book is a conspiracy theorists dream come true. Highlighting so many pieces of the globalist conspiracy and making so many amazing connections throughout history and in the bible, it was impossible for me to put down for more than a few hours.
I devoured this book in less than 2 days.
In this great book Paul outlines and ties together fascinating topics such as:
Mass Mind Control
The U.S. & U.K.'s support of Hitler and the NazisAn American Hitler Youth movement
The roots of CommunismKarl Marx the Christian turned Satanist
A North American Union
Why John F. Kennedy was assassinated
Project VULCAN
Israel, God's Clock
Project MK UltraMonarch Slaves
President Obama's Socialist Agenda
The Hegelian Dialectic
Who Started Women's Liberation and why?
H.G. Wells, Aldous Huxley, Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
The Bull/Moose Party
The Mark of the Beast
VeriChip TechnologyAmerica the Next China
A Society Under SurveillanceThe Origins of the Rebel/Hippie Movement
The Stripping of Constitutional RightsThe Dumbing Down of AmericaThe Failed American School System
By all means the list above is not complete.
Overall Paul McGuire has touched on so many amazing topics with such clarity and concise analysis it will leave your heart pounding and head spinning.
Written from a truly Christian perspective "The Day The Dollar Died" is a must read for Christians and conspiracy theorists. You are not going to be able to set it down. It will strengthen your walk.

*You can purchase "The Day The Dollar Died" at via Paypal or check. Quantity discounts are available to those who want to help spread the message. The discounts are not available to those who want to make them up.
An RFID Chip has been reduced to the size of a molecule through nano technology. This potentially means that a vaccination for a virus could be a way of putting a RFID Chip into the human blood stream without people realizing it. Copenhagen did not stop the march to global government! As I warned in my books “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready?” global government is not coming…it is here! You can watch my on God TV starting December 27 being interviewed by on the End Time Series. Make sure you get the correct time zone! The listing you see does not mean that this is the time that is playing in your time zone.
We have a bunch of meetings coming in up in California this week! Check out the website and get on the E Blast.
Friday, December 25, 2009
By Paul McGuire
In my last Paul McGuire E Blast I asked you to pray for a soldier stationed in a dangerous place in Afghanistan and all the men and women serving our country around the world.
A few seconds ago I read a personal E Mail to me from that soldier deep in Afghanistan, in a secret location. I have changed his name and deleted certain pieces of information to protect him and his family. This is the soldier and his wife I asked you to pray for in my last E Blast. This solider is serving our country in a very dangerous place and contacted me a few moments ago on Christmas Eve!
About a week ago, I was praying for the soldier’s wife on the phone for her husband. She told me the last time she talked to him she could hear over the rocket blasts and fire from weapons. They are surrounded by Taliban forces.
Today, while you celebrating; I would like you to stop for a few minutes and think about this soldier, his fellow soldier’s and his wife and to pray for them.
Here is the E Mail he sent me:
To Paul from John:
merry christmas from -------- afghanistan! hello paul- i got my books the day the dollar died and are you ready? today & will start reading them tonight- thanks! also thanks for putting my wife & i on your prayer list. we are not your typical americans- we have managed our debt well without having made a lot of money in our lifetime, don’t owe anyone a dime {intend to stay that way} and have savings. i like the quote by henry ford about the banking system. "if the people knew". well i don’t know if they did it would help. the more people that you put together seems the stupider they become. it's the "there's safety in numbers" syndrome maybe. we are getting other people to "wake up" is frustrating. thanks again paul, ill write again when i finish the books.
This soldier and his fellow soldiers are in harm’s way. We need to hold up them and their families. This is not about politics. This is about doing the right thing! Yet, his deepest concern was that American’s and other people around the world would wake up to what is happening in our nation. Let us lift up in prayer all of our political leaders including President Obama.
Due to your prayers and support of Paul McGuire Ministries, we are receiving responses from ordinary men and women from around the world, as well as high-level political, military, and scientific officials who cannot speak out openly. They are being ministered to by the Lord Jesus Christ through our books and messages on prophecy. As many of you know, there is a giant hunger our there from people who want to really know what is going on the world and who the real God is. They are not interested in this fluffy and fake Christianity. They want the real message of Jesus Christ.
Together you and I are doing that. During this Christmas and Hanukkah Season let us pray for the people God has put in our lives and tell them the entire truth about the Gospel of Christ and the truth about what is happening in our nation and world.
By Paul McGuire
In my last Paul McGuire E Blast I asked you to pray for a soldier stationed in a dangerous place in Afghanistan and all the men and women serving our country around the world.
A few seconds ago I read a personal E Mail to me from that soldier deep in Afghanistan, in a secret location. I have changed his name and deleted certain pieces of information to protect him and his family. This is the soldier and his wife I asked you to pray for in my last E Blast. This solider is serving our country in a very dangerous place and contacted me a few moments ago on Christmas Eve!
About a week ago, I was praying for the soldier’s wife on the phone for her husband. She told me the last time she talked to him she could hear over the rocket blasts and fire from weapons. They are surrounded by Taliban forces.
Today, while you celebrating; I would like you to stop for a few minutes and think about this soldier, his fellow soldier’s and his wife and to pray for them.
Here is the E Mail he sent me:
To Paul from John:
merry christmas from -------- afghanistan! hello paul- i got my books the day the dollar died and are you ready? today & will start reading them tonight- thanks! also thanks for putting my wife & i on your prayer list. we are not your typical americans- we have managed our debt well without having made a lot of money in our lifetime, don’t owe anyone a dime {intend to stay that way} and have savings. i like the quote by henry ford about the banking system. "if the people knew". well i don’t know if they did it would help. the more people that you put together seems the stupider they become. it's the "there's safety in numbers" syndrome maybe. we are getting other people to "wake up" is frustrating. thanks again paul, ill write again when i finish the books.
This soldier and his fellow soldiers are in harm’s way. We need to hold up them and their families. This is not about politics. This is about doing the right thing! Yet, his deepest concern was that American’s and other people around the world would wake up to what is happening in our nation. Let us lift up in prayer all of our political leaders including President Obama.
Due to your prayers and support of Paul McGuire Ministries, we are receiving responses from ordinary men and women from around the world, as well as high-level political, military, and scientific officials who cannot speak out openly. They are being ministered to by the Lord Jesus Christ through our books and messages on prophecy. As many of you know, there is a giant hunger our there from people who want to really know what is going on the world and who the real God is. They are not interested in this fluffy and fake Christianity. They want the real message of Jesus Christ.
Together you and I are doing that. During this Christmas and Hanukkah Season let us pray for the people God has put in our lives and tell them the entire truth about the Gospel of Christ and the truth about what is happening in our nation and world.
Saturday, December 19, 2009

By Paul McGuire
God TV aired a message Paul gave at the Southern California Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with Pastor Jack Hibbs, a true leader in the last days.
Paul will be doing a series of interviews on God TV starting On Dec. 27th. You can check your satellite listings or watch it on on the Internet. Make sure you get the correct time zone!!! Pass it on to friends!
Please be sure to contact God TV and thank them for airing Paul's message a Southern California Prophecy Conference. Many thanks to our good friend Pastor Jack Hibb's of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills where the message was taped a number of months ago and allowed us to use the footage. If you are in that area Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with Pastor Hibbs is a great church to worship at! Cut and paste URL in address bar
Luke 2:1-7
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. (Similar to accepting the mark?)
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (World system)
Persecution is not coming to Christians in America and Western nations in the world, it is already here. The target is specific Bible believing Christians who believe and teach Bible prophecy. I go into this in detail in my MP3 which you can download and pass along to others entitled Martial Law: Internment Concentration Camps.
By Paul McGuire
God TV aired a message Paul gave at the Southern California Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with Pastor Jack Hibbs, a true leader in the last days.
Paul will be doing a series of interviews on God TV starting On Dec. 27th. You can check your satellite listings or watch it on on the Internet. Make sure you get the correct time zone!!! Pass it on to friends!
Please be sure to contact God TV and thank them for airing Paul's message a Southern California Prophecy Conference. Many thanks to our good friend Pastor Jack Hibb's of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills where the message was taped a number of months ago and allowed us to use the footage. If you are in that area Calvary Chapel Chino Hills with Pastor Hibbs is a great church to worship at! Cut and paste URL in address bar
Luke 2:1-7
In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world. This was the first census that took place while Quirinius was governor of Syria.) And everyone went to his own town to register. (Similar to accepting the mark?)
So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child. While they were there, the time came for the baby to be born, and she gave birth to her firstborn, a son. She wrapped him in cloths and placed him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (World system)
Persecution is not coming to Christians in America and Western nations in the world, it is already here. The target is specific Bible believing Christians who believe and teach Bible prophecy. I go into this in detail in my MP3 which you can download and pass along to others entitled Martial Law: Internment Concentration Camps.
Ironically, hours before I sat down to write this article I was walking around the largest retailer in the United States. A particular best-selling “Christian author’s books were prominently displayed. The reason his books were openly on display is because this author is a “friend of the world.” He gives a pseudo-Christian message that the world loves because it is a counterfeit Gospel.
However, for true believers in Jesus Christ who believe in the prophetic scriptures and Biblical truths like God’s plan for Israel, sin, the blood of Jesus Christ, the Second Coming, salvation, judgment and hell persecution is on the march.
According to an article in WorldNetDaily by Bob Unruh entitled ,” U.S. Army major: Lose evangelical Christian beliefs,” a research paper written by a U.S. Army Major calls for Americans to lose the evangelical belief of pre-millennialism because of the damage it does to the nation’s foreign interests.”
Personally, I believe this is Phase I in a Psychological Warfare Operation. Basically, this is code for American soldier’ must reject Biblical beliefs in things like Armageddon, Ezekiel 38, the Second Coming, the Anti-Christ, mark of the beast, one world religion, God’s covenant with Israel and how the EU, New World Order, UN, Copenhagen, cashless society, NAFTA, IMF, North American Union, European Union and Israel may play a role in “End Times Prophecy.” The Department of Homeland Security has already labeled American’s who believe in such things as potential terrorists.
Phase II will target all Americans, students, those seeking government jobs, government benefits, veteran’s etc. In other words, if you believe those things you will be persecuted and potentially arrested, imprisoned and killed for those beliefs. It sounds like the Book of Revelation where in order to participate in the economic system you have to reject Christ and his teachings in order to receive a mark where you can buy or sell. It is interesting that in China, as in Nazi Germany there are two churches, the true church and the State Church. In China, it is illegal for the church to teach and preach on Bible prophecy.
What we are already seeing in America is the State approved church with its humanistic Gospel and the persecuted Church which takes the Bible literally. Which kind of Church do you belong to? What we are seeing in America and around the world is the great apostasy starting to spread. One of the primary characteristics of this great apostasy is the self-deception that you are a true Christian and belong to a true Church, while holding to a doctrine which is no different than the world’s belief system. Many churches in America and around the world today have a theology that would fit quite comfortably with the theology of the coming one world religion and the False Prophet.
A world which not only rejected but killed, the Son of God, is getting ready to worship the Anti-Christ. The “Beast” economic and political system is being erected before our very eyes. The world had no room in the “inn” for the Son of God.” They rejected Christ, and as the Bible predicts they are being prepared to worship Anti-Christ. But, Jesus Christ comforted in His disciples by teaching them that in “My Father’s house there are many mansions.” God is a preparing a brand new world for those who love Him. Are You Ready?
# # #
Paul McGuire is the author of 16 books, including “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready?” Paul's MP3 messages.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
By Paul McGuire
Our new website will be up tomorrow! We have some great product discounts for you!
Click these short videos. Paul will be giving a special message on GodTV, December 20 & 21. Pay close attention to the time zone you live in. and (Pass this on to your friends). Starting December 27 God TV will be airing interviews with Paul on prophecy. Click
Watch Paul on Jewish Voice.
Click here:
Pray for Andy and his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan
Andy is stationed somewhere on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are in a very dangerous place and are being fired upon constantly. Below is an E Mail I sent Andy. I am asking you to pray for him and his fellow soldiers. This is where he will be during Christmas. We are thankful that our books are ministering to him and his fellow soldiers.
Dear Andy,
God Bless You brother! I had the opportunity to speak with your wife about a book order and pray with her.
I want you to know Andy that I am personally praying that God would protect you and your fellow soldiers and that the Lord would give your superiors wisdom in all their decisions.
I am asking that the angels of God surround you and supernaturally protect you, the other soldiers and officers and your wife and family.
Your friend in Christ,
Paul McGuire
P.S. I am asking my partners through my E Blast to pray for you.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a good holiday to all those who are serving with you.
I promise you that I will be praying for you and your wife especially on Christmas Day.
A Message From Paul
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Herod could not stop the birth of the Messiah and the world system could not stop Jesus Christ through crucifixion. During the Maccabean Revolt, Antiochus Epiphanes was driven from the Temple by a Jewish leader called the “Hammer.
The dream of an occult World Government goes all the way back to Nimrod and Babylon. What is happening in Copenhagen started in Babylon. It was predicted by Daniel and the Apostle John. It is a signal that Jesus Christ is returning to Planet Earth with the armies of heaven to rule and reign for a literal thousand year millennium. But, the dark satanic forces that have been operating secretly in our world are now fulfilling what Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Apostles and ancient Hebrew prophets warned about.
God’s super sign, Israel is ready to strike Iran and engage Russia in an Ezekiel 38 invasion. Tragically, so many of God’s people have become the Laodecian Church and are blinded to what is happening! We need to pray that the eye salve of the Holy Spirit opens their eyes so that they can see
Millions of Christians and non-believers are waking up as things like global warming are exposed as a fraud through recently released emails in what is called “Climate Gate.” The Corporate controlled media has been trying to hide this from the people, but people are finding out about this through information sources like our E-Blast. You know, I am very thankful for what Glenn Beck is saying on Fox News. However, I was saying this on the nationally syndicated Paul McGuire Show for over ten years! With your prayers and support we can continue to attract people’s attention with information that they can’t get anywhere else and then bring them to Christ.
A listener in Europe sent me an email where she said, “I read your books and listen to you messages. I don’t always understand everything you are talking about. But, all I know is, I saw you on God TV pray the power of God down and my room was flooded with the Presence of God!”
We are launching our radio and television studio, producing documentaries, books, MP3’s worldwide to communicate information that you will not hear anywhere else. In the next few days we will upload our brand new website on
Our special Christmas Appreciation Holiday items available: a book, MP3, MP4 and Catch the McGuire Fire T-Shirts and T-Shirt Packages for a limited time only at or sign up for our McGuire E-Blast on the website!
I have been seeking the Lord for wisdom for my family and your family. I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me what is going to happen and how to prepare God’s people for what is about to come. This is what Daniel and Joseph did. Although, I am not trying to compare myself to Daniel and Joseph, I believe that the Lord has shown me some things that will help you to prepare and take practical steps to preserve your freedoms and protect you and your loved ones. You need to take advantage of our resources. Knowledge is power!
Remember the real God, the personal living God of the Universe, wants to protect, guide, and save you and your loved ones, deliver you and answer your prayers. The God of the Universe, which the elite of this world do not believe in, is a deliverer. Think about miracles like Enoch, Noah, Lot, the prayers of Esther, the victory of King David and so many other examples in the Bible.
You see, you are not in this alone no matter what your situation! America can be taken back! There is hope in your nation. Jesus Christ is returning soon as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule and reign from Jerusalem, the new capitol of Earth. God is a God of miracles! In Christ, you will rise from the dead or meet the Lord in the air. God is mighty! “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” Do not give into despair! Resist the Devil and he will flee from thee. If you write me at the address below with your prayer request I will personally agree with you in prayer!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
New website being launched very soon and bio.
Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is host of the syndicated McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated "Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years which broadcast from Los Angeles M-F from 3-6PM. Paul McGuire is a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN. He is the author of 16 books including “The Day The Dollar Died," which deals with the planned destruction of the dollar in order to bring in a world currency.
Paul is the producer of two science fiction films and has written columns for WorldNetDaily and NewsMax. He is also a professor at Jack Hayford's The King's College and Seminary where he teaches a course entitled "Israel & Armageddon." Recently the History Channel did a special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.”
The Paul McGuire Show was a nationally syndicated radio talk show with a conservative point of view. Guests on McGuire's program included former President Jimmy Carter, Senator John McCain, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Oliver North, Rick Warren, Joel Rosenberg, Tim LaHaye, Dr. James Dobson, Ann Coulter as well as Secretaries of States and high ranking members of the Pentagon. Paul also interviewed PLO leaders and Generals in the Israeli Defense Forces.
In the last year Paul McGuire has spoken to over 24,000 people in person at various “Prophecy Conferences” along with Joel Rosenberg, leading Generals from the Pentagon, Tim LaHaye and Israeli General Shimon Erem.
Paul McGuire was one of the first radio talk show hosts in the nation to broadcast his shows in both English and Spanish, in order to reach a large and growing Latino audience in Southern California. Paul has also debated many of the nations leading economists on the Fox News Network.
Paul McGuire frequently had nationally known attorneys and legal defense guests on his show, including Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute, the Alliance Defense Fund, and John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute. In addition, Paul McGuire regularly had high level guests from the Defense Department, Department of State, and the White House on his program. In an effort to be balanced, Paul McGuire often had guests with opposing points of view on the show. Paul McGuire received the distinguished Excellence In Media Award from the Pacific Justice Institute at a ceremony that honored media personalities such as Paul McGuire and Fred Barnes of the Fox News Network.
Paul recently spoke along with Mike Huckabee at a large conference in Southern California. Paul was the first talk show host to break the story of the North American Union which was substantiated by the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, and the former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox.
Recorded for the Kings College, listen to the story of Paul McGuire's search for answers to some of life's deepest questions. Learn about his searching journey through Buddhism, Hinduism, altered states of consciousness, meditation, psychedelic drugs, cosmic consciousness, the "Great White Light," various guru's, and the New Age Movement. A supernatural adventure that ends with a powerful series of miracles hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri that changed Paul's life forever. (MP3 Download - $2.99)
By Paul McGuire
Our new website will be up tomorrow! We have some great product discounts for you!
Click these short videos. Paul will be giving a special message on GodTV, December 20 & 21. Pay close attention to the time zone you live in. and (Pass this on to your friends). Starting December 27 God TV will be airing interviews with Paul on prophecy. Click
Watch Paul on Jewish Voice.
Click here:
Pray for Andy and his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan
Andy is stationed somewhere on the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are in a very dangerous place and are being fired upon constantly. Below is an E Mail I sent Andy. I am asking you to pray for him and his fellow soldiers. This is where he will be during Christmas. We are thankful that our books are ministering to him and his fellow soldiers.
Dear Andy,
God Bless You brother! I had the opportunity to speak with your wife about a book order and pray with her.
I want you to know Andy that I am personally praying that God would protect you and your fellow soldiers and that the Lord would give your superiors wisdom in all their decisions.
I am asking that the angels of God surround you and supernaturally protect you, the other soldiers and officers and your wife and family.
Your friend in Christ,
Paul McGuire
P.S. I am asking my partners through my E Blast to pray for you.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a good holiday to all those who are serving with you.
I promise you that I will be praying for you and your wife especially on Christmas Day.
A Message From Paul
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Herod could not stop the birth of the Messiah and the world system could not stop Jesus Christ through crucifixion. During the Maccabean Revolt, Antiochus Epiphanes was driven from the Temple by a Jewish leader called the “Hammer.
The dream of an occult World Government goes all the way back to Nimrod and Babylon. What is happening in Copenhagen started in Babylon. It was predicted by Daniel and the Apostle John. It is a signal that Jesus Christ is returning to Planet Earth with the armies of heaven to rule and reign for a literal thousand year millennium. But, the dark satanic forces that have been operating secretly in our world are now fulfilling what Jesus Christ, the Bible, the Apostles and ancient Hebrew prophets warned about.
God’s super sign, Israel is ready to strike Iran and engage Russia in an Ezekiel 38 invasion. Tragically, so many of God’s people have become the Laodecian Church and are blinded to what is happening! We need to pray that the eye salve of the Holy Spirit opens their eyes so that they can see
Millions of Christians and non-believers are waking up as things like global warming are exposed as a fraud through recently released emails in what is called “Climate Gate.” The Corporate controlled media has been trying to hide this from the people, but people are finding out about this through information sources like our E-Blast. You know, I am very thankful for what Glenn Beck is saying on Fox News. However, I was saying this on the nationally syndicated Paul McGuire Show for over ten years! With your prayers and support we can continue to attract people’s attention with information that they can’t get anywhere else and then bring them to Christ.
A listener in Europe sent me an email where she said, “I read your books and listen to you messages. I don’t always understand everything you are talking about. But, all I know is, I saw you on God TV pray the power of God down and my room was flooded with the Presence of God!”
We are launching our radio and television studio, producing documentaries, books, MP3’s worldwide to communicate information that you will not hear anywhere else. In the next few days we will upload our brand new website on
Our special Christmas Appreciation Holiday items available: a book, MP3, MP4 and Catch the McGuire Fire T-Shirts and T-Shirt Packages for a limited time only at or sign up for our McGuire E-Blast on the website!
I have been seeking the Lord for wisdom for my family and your family. I have been asking the Lord to reveal to me what is going to happen and how to prepare God’s people for what is about to come. This is what Daniel and Joseph did. Although, I am not trying to compare myself to Daniel and Joseph, I believe that the Lord has shown me some things that will help you to prepare and take practical steps to preserve your freedoms and protect you and your loved ones. You need to take advantage of our resources. Knowledge is power!
Remember the real God, the personal living God of the Universe, wants to protect, guide, and save you and your loved ones, deliver you and answer your prayers. The God of the Universe, which the elite of this world do not believe in, is a deliverer. Think about miracles like Enoch, Noah, Lot, the prayers of Esther, the victory of King David and so many other examples in the Bible.
You see, you are not in this alone no matter what your situation! America can be taken back! There is hope in your nation. Jesus Christ is returning soon as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to rule and reign from Jerusalem, the new capitol of Earth. God is a God of miracles! In Christ, you will rise from the dead or meet the Lord in the air. God is mighty! “Call unto me and I will answer thee and show thee great and mighty things which thou knowest not.” Do not give into despair! Resist the Devil and he will flee from thee. If you write me at the address below with your prayer request I will personally agree with you in prayer!
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!
New website being launched very soon and bio.
Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is host of the syndicated McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated "Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years which broadcast from Los Angeles M-F from 3-6PM. Paul McGuire is a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN. He is the author of 16 books including “The Day The Dollar Died," which deals with the planned destruction of the dollar in order to bring in a world currency.
Paul is the producer of two science fiction films and has written columns for WorldNetDaily and NewsMax. He is also a professor at Jack Hayford's The King's College and Seminary where he teaches a course entitled "Israel & Armageddon." Recently the History Channel did a special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.”
The Paul McGuire Show was a nationally syndicated radio talk show with a conservative point of view. Guests on McGuire's program included former President Jimmy Carter, Senator John McCain, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, Oliver North, Rick Warren, Joel Rosenberg, Tim LaHaye, Dr. James Dobson, Ann Coulter as well as Secretaries of States and high ranking members of the Pentagon. Paul also interviewed PLO leaders and Generals in the Israeli Defense Forces.
In the last year Paul McGuire has spoken to over 24,000 people in person at various “Prophecy Conferences” along with Joel Rosenberg, leading Generals from the Pentagon, Tim LaHaye and Israeli General Shimon Erem.
Paul McGuire was one of the first radio talk show hosts in the nation to broadcast his shows in both English and Spanish, in order to reach a large and growing Latino audience in Southern California. Paul has also debated many of the nations leading economists on the Fox News Network.
Paul McGuire frequently had nationally known attorneys and legal defense guests on his show, including Brad Dacus of the Pacific Justice Institute, the Alliance Defense Fund, and John Whitehead of the Rutherford Institute. In addition, Paul McGuire regularly had high level guests from the Defense Department, Department of State, and the White House on his program. In an effort to be balanced, Paul McGuire often had guests with opposing points of view on the show. Paul McGuire received the distinguished Excellence In Media Award from the Pacific Justice Institute at a ceremony that honored media personalities such as Paul McGuire and Fred Barnes of the Fox News Network.
Paul recently spoke along with Mike Huckabee at a large conference in Southern California. Paul was the first talk show host to break the story of the North American Union which was substantiated by the Prime Minister of Canada, Paul Martin, and the former President of Mexico, Vicente Fox.
Recorded for the Kings College, listen to the story of Paul McGuire's search for answers to some of life's deepest questions. Learn about his searching journey through Buddhism, Hinduism, altered states of consciousness, meditation, psychedelic drugs, cosmic consciousness, the "Great White Light," various guru's, and the New Age Movement. A supernatural adventure that ends with a powerful series of miracles hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri that changed Paul's life forever. (MP3 Download - $2.99)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
By Paul McGuire
December 7-12th on Jewish Voice
Paul joins Jonathan Bernis on the national television show, Jewish Voice, which airs on God TV and many other Christian networks from 12/7 - 12/13. Below are the times that the show will air. You can also watch the show on their website under the television tab.
Cut and place URL in address bar:
Paul is on Jewish Voice this week on multiple networks Click here to watch on the Internet or television schedule.
Watch God TV promo with upcoming interview with Paul McGuire and Paul speaking at a prophecy conference on God TV.
Cut and place URL in address bar: End Times Promo
God TV promo End Times featuring upcoming interview with Paul McGuire God TV Schedule
Paul McGuire
Copenhagen's hidden agenda is a one world government and a sinister plan to divide Jerusalem. Twenty-seven foreign ministers of the European Union plan to recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian State.
The Copenhagen Climate Summit will consume more energy than 60 nations. Over 1,400 limos (nobody is driving hybrid cars!) 140 private jets. Over 1,400 prostitutes in the Copenhagen sex union are offering free sex to any elite and delegate to anyone with a climate conference badge. At least another 140 private jets, more limos, hundreds of additional prostitutes and mountains of caviar are expected for this Climate Control Orgy...excuse me, "Summit."
This is just a foreshadowing of what the world government will be like during the Tribulation.
At some point President Obama will attend the Climate Control meeting in Copenhagen. The vast majority of America, churches and people around the world will have no real idea that Copenhagen is really about Global Government. From the very beginning, the ecological and environmental movement has been about creating a Trojan horse to bring in a World Communist Government and the Revived Roman Empire predicted by Daniel and the Apostle John in Revelat
I remember when I was a radical in the counter culture in the late 1960s-70s. I was demonstrating with the radical activist, Abbie Hoffman when I was 15 years old and meeting Timothy Learly and Ken Kesey in Manhattan. I remember listening to the leaders of the Anti-War Movement say over and over again, that when the Viet Nam War was over, they were going to need a new cause to rally the people behind in order to bring in a World Communist Government. About 30 years ago, I heard the same constantly, that the new movement would be centered on ecology and environmentalism. That was 30 years ago!
What is Copenhagen really all about? It is about a stealth plan to surrender the national sovereignty of the United States under a United Nations World Government! There are rumors that over one million troops are being brought back into the U.S. to prevent riots when the people of the United States begin to understand what is going on.
Around 2002, Maurice Strong, Al Gore and Barack Obama were involved in the Chicago Climate Exchange which was heavily funded by Goldman Sachs, (A key player in the Federal Reserve) and an institution called the Joyce Foundation which also funded the John Ayer's Chicago School of Initiatives. John is the brother of former Weather Underground member, Bill Ayers. The purpose of the Chicago Climate Control Exchange was to stop global warming.
American's will soon lose their Constitution and Bill of Rights like the Europeans lost their constitutions when the European Union took control. The dollar, as I detail in my book, "The Day The Dollar Died, is deliberately being destroyed by the international bankers and the Federal Reserve, in order to bring in a world currency and a world government.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. First, we have the occult, New Age and coming one world religion as the driving force behind globalism and a one world currency. Many of the world's most powerful leaders are involved in the occult and New Age movement. Maurice Strong, the Canadian Billionaire, is heavily involved in the occult and New Age. He is a key player in environmentalism, population reduction, the World Bank, world government and the coming one world religion.
In 1992 the United Nations held a Rio Earth Summit in the same place Agenda 21 was conceived. The game plan was and is to force prosperous nations like America to pay reparations to Third World nations of $125 billion per year for decades. That figure was established in 1992. I would suspect America is now going to pay out trillions of dollars from the hard working Middle Class. The idea is to destroy the American Middle Class, and the Middle Class in nations around the world. This equalizes the playing field and you will then have two classes the serfs or lower class and the elite or upper class.
A computer hacker recently broke into the international scientific and political E Mail's. Thousands of internal E Mail's have been released proving global warming is a complete hoax in the words of the scientists and powerful political leaders themselves. But, the corporate controlled media in the U.S. is hiding the story from the American public in an event that is now called "Climategate."
But, we have just scratched the surface. A very powerful occult-elite in our world, which I name in "The Day The Dollar Died, is planning to reduce the world's population down to 400 million " trillions of dollars of wealth from the Middle Class into Third World Nations. That is why American's are being programmed to go "green," drive small cars, use very little energy and in short learn to accept a far lower standard of living.
In order to accomplish this, the elite are promoting a one world religion. In Melbourne, Australia, leaders of the world's different religions met to discuss this goal. In the United Nations building there is a Sri Chinmoy meditation room. Sri Chinmoy has been active in the World Parliament of Religions and said, "I fully agree that all religions lead to one truth, the Absolute truth. There is One truth. There is only one Goal, but there are various paths. Each religion is right in its own way."
We are witnessing Bible prophecy being fulfilled. There is a convergence of a one world government, a one world religion and a one world currency. But, we must remember, God has promised to take care of true believers in Jesus Christ and He has "not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." It was Hanukkah season when the Secular ruler, Antiochus IV destroyed Jerusalem and the Maccabean Revolt also spoke prophetically about our time. We will go into all this and more in the upcoming prophecy meetings, books and MP3's in greater detail
Hear Paul's powerful MP3 teaching on this entitled "President of Europe President of Revived Roman Empire." Go front page of on upper right hand side
Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope by telling us to visit our website(Brand new website up in a few days.
Paul McGuire Ministries
Paradise Mountain Church International
25876 The Old Road # 136
Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
December 7-12th on Jewish Voice
Paul joins Jonathan Bernis on the national television show Jewish Voice which airs God TV and many other Christian networks from 12/7 - 12/13. Below are the times that the show will air. You can also watch the show on their website under the television tab.
Watch God TV promo with upcoming interview with Paul McGuire and Paul speaking at a prophecy conference on God TV.
God TV promo End Times featuring upcoming interview with Paul McGuire.
*There will be no meeeting at the Lightthouse Community Church Dec.10th at 7PM:THE EVENT IS BEING RESCHEDULED
300 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa CA
Thursday, December 10th
Calvary Chapel Carlsbad January 13th at 7 PM
6355 Corte Del Abeto C-100
Carlsbad, California 92011 USA
*There are 2 Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. Make sure you come to the one with the address above with Pastor Roger Moyer.
Beth Ariel Meeting's for 2010at 7 PM:
22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park, CA
(2 blocks West of Topanga Cyn. Blvd. at Farralone Ave.)
The 3rd Thursday of Each Month at 7 PM:
Jan. 21
Feb. 18
March 18
April 22
May 20
June 17
July 15
Aug 19
Sept 16
Oct 21
Nov 18
Dec 16

Please see box below for our Christmas Special offer for a T-shirt and or book:
We are pleased to announce that we have Paul's Catch the McGuire Fire T-Shirts ready for purchase!
Shirts $18 each, Sizes listed below:
Men's Medium (fits average woman) Size 38 - 40
Men's Large
Men's Xtra Large
Men's XXL
Choose one of our Christmas Special offers above.
Please choose either one of our offers from now until Decenber 23.
T-SHIRT and BOOK OFFER 1 a T-Shirt and 1 Armageddon Book for only $24 plus $4.85 Priority Shipping.
The offer includes the following choices:
1) Paul's book, "Countdown to Armageddon" and a T-Shirt for $24 for both.
2) Or you may choose the Countdown book for $11.95
Shipping is $5.85 for any package / please indicate size (s) and send bank Check or Money order to Paradise Mountain Church International.
Send with your order to Paul McGuire Ministries, Paradise Mountain Church, Intl. 25876 Old Road #136 , Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
Be sure to specify size and your address with Total Book and shirt is $29.95
Paul McGuire's message "Part 2 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy. Paul shares how God has called you for such a time as this, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, being filled with the Spirit, and a how a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ will help you be an overcomer in the midst of chaos. How God can give you practical wisdom to help you survive and prosper! God wants to use you in a Third Great Awakening. Download this anointed message now!
Paul McGuire's message on the oil nations conspiracy to destroy the dollar, vaccinations, martial law, nano technology in the vaccine, coming show down between Israel and Iran, economic chaos. Listen to "Part 1 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy "- Download now.
By Paul McGuire
December 7-12th on Jewish Voice
Paul joins Jonathan Bernis on the national television show, Jewish Voice, which airs on God TV and many other Christian networks from 12/7 - 12/13. Below are the times that the show will air. You can also watch the show on their website under the television tab.
Cut and place URL in address bar:
Paul is on Jewish Voice this week on multiple networks Click here to watch on the Internet or television schedule.
Watch God TV promo with upcoming interview with Paul McGuire and Paul speaking at a prophecy conference on God TV.
Cut and place URL in address bar: End Times Promo
God TV promo End Times featuring upcoming interview with Paul McGuire God TV Schedule
Paul McGuire
Copenhagen's hidden agenda is a one world government and a sinister plan to divide Jerusalem. Twenty-seven foreign ministers of the European Union plan to recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of a new Palestinian State.
The Copenhagen Climate Summit will consume more energy than 60 nations. Over 1,400 limos (nobody is driving hybrid cars!) 140 private jets. Over 1,400 prostitutes in the Copenhagen sex union are offering free sex to any elite and delegate to anyone with a climate conference badge. At least another 140 private jets, more limos, hundreds of additional prostitutes and mountains of caviar are expected for this Climate Control Orgy...excuse me, "Summit."
This is just a foreshadowing of what the world government will be like during the Tribulation.
At some point President Obama will attend the Climate Control meeting in Copenhagen. The vast majority of America, churches and people around the world will have no real idea that Copenhagen is really about Global Government. From the very beginning, the ecological and environmental movement has been about creating a Trojan horse to bring in a World Communist Government and the Revived Roman Empire predicted by Daniel and the Apostle John in Revelat
I remember when I was a radical in the counter culture in the late 1960s-70s. I was demonstrating with the radical activist, Abbie Hoffman when I was 15 years old and meeting Timothy Learly and Ken Kesey in Manhattan. I remember listening to the leaders of the Anti-War Movement say over and over again, that when the Viet Nam War was over, they were going to need a new cause to rally the people behind in order to bring in a World Communist Government. About 30 years ago, I heard the same constantly, that the new movement would be centered on ecology and environmentalism. That was 30 years ago!
What is Copenhagen really all about? It is about a stealth plan to surrender the national sovereignty of the United States under a United Nations World Government! There are rumors that over one million troops are being brought back into the U.S. to prevent riots when the people of the United States begin to understand what is going on.
Around 2002, Maurice Strong, Al Gore and Barack Obama were involved in the Chicago Climate Exchange which was heavily funded by Goldman Sachs, (A key player in the Federal Reserve) and an institution called the Joyce Foundation which also funded the John Ayer's Chicago School of Initiatives. John is the brother of former Weather Underground member, Bill Ayers. The purpose of the Chicago Climate Control Exchange was to stop global warming.
American's will soon lose their Constitution and Bill of Rights like the Europeans lost their constitutions when the European Union took control. The dollar, as I detail in my book, "The Day The Dollar Died, is deliberately being destroyed by the international bankers and the Federal Reserve, in order to bring in a world currency and a world government.
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled. First, we have the occult, New Age and coming one world religion as the driving force behind globalism and a one world currency. Many of the world's most powerful leaders are involved in the occult and New Age movement. Maurice Strong, the Canadian Billionaire, is heavily involved in the occult and New Age. He is a key player in environmentalism, population reduction, the World Bank, world government and the coming one world religion.
In 1992 the United Nations held a Rio Earth Summit in the same place Agenda 21 was conceived. The game plan was and is to force prosperous nations like America to pay reparations to Third World nations of $125 billion per year for decades. That figure was established in 1992. I would suspect America is now going to pay out trillions of dollars from the hard working Middle Class. The idea is to destroy the American Middle Class, and the Middle Class in nations around the world. This equalizes the playing field and you will then have two classes the serfs or lower class and the elite or upper class.
A computer hacker recently broke into the international scientific and political E Mail's. Thousands of internal E Mail's have been released proving global warming is a complete hoax in the words of the scientists and powerful political leaders themselves. But, the corporate controlled media in the U.S. is hiding the story from the American public in an event that is now called "Climategate."
But, we have just scratched the surface. A very powerful occult-elite in our world, which I name in "The Day The Dollar Died, is planning to reduce the world's population down to 400 million " trillions of dollars of wealth from the Middle Class into Third World Nations. That is why American's are being programmed to go "green," drive small cars, use very little energy and in short learn to accept a far lower standard of living.
In order to accomplish this, the elite are promoting a one world religion. In Melbourne, Australia, leaders of the world's different religions met to discuss this goal. In the United Nations building there is a Sri Chinmoy meditation room. Sri Chinmoy has been active in the World Parliament of Religions and said, "I fully agree that all religions lead to one truth, the Absolute truth. There is One truth. There is only one Goal, but there are various paths. Each religion is right in its own way."
We are witnessing Bible prophecy being fulfilled. There is a convergence of a one world government, a one world religion and a one world currency. But, we must remember, God has promised to take care of true believers in Jesus Christ and He has "not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." It was Hanukkah season when the Secular ruler, Antiochus IV destroyed Jerusalem and the Maccabean Revolt also spoke prophetically about our time. We will go into all this and more in the upcoming prophecy meetings, books and MP3's in greater detail
Hear Paul's powerful MP3 teaching on this entitled "President of Europe President of Revived Roman Empire." Go front page of on upper right hand side
Help Us Spread this Message of Prophetic Truth and Hope by telling us to visit our website(Brand new website up in a few days.
Paul McGuire Ministries
Paradise Mountain Church International
25876 The Old Road # 136
Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
You are invited. You can bring friends and you can help us by sending this E Mail to friends and putting them on our McGuire Report E Mail List on the website only if they will want it! DO not send it to people who don not want to be on the list!
December 7-12th on Jewish Voice
Paul joins Jonathan Bernis on the national television show Jewish Voice which airs God TV and many other Christian networks from 12/7 - 12/13. Below are the times that the show will air. You can also watch the show on their website under the television tab.
Watch God TV promo with upcoming interview with Paul McGuire and Paul speaking at a prophecy conference on God TV.
God TV promo End Times featuring upcoming interview with Paul McGuire.
*There will be no meeeting at the Lightthouse Community Church Dec.10th at 7PM:THE EVENT IS BEING RESCHEDULED
300 Magnolia Street, Costa Mesa CA
Thursday, December 10th
Calvary Chapel Carlsbad January 13th at 7 PM
6355 Corte Del Abeto C-100
Carlsbad, California 92011 USA
*There are 2 Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. Make sure you come to the one with the address above with Pastor Roger Moyer.
Beth Ariel Meeting's for 2010at 7 PM:
22222 Saticoy Street, Canoga Park, CA
(2 blocks West of Topanga Cyn. Blvd. at Farralone Ave.)
The 3rd Thursday of Each Month at 7 PM:
Jan. 21
Feb. 18
March 18
April 22
May 20
June 17
July 15
Aug 19
Sept 16
Oct 21
Nov 18
Dec 16

Please see box below for our Christmas Special offer for a T-shirt and or book:
We are pleased to announce that we have Paul's Catch the McGuire Fire T-Shirts ready for purchase!
Shirts $18 each, Sizes listed below:
Men's Medium (fits average woman) Size 38 - 40
Men's Large
Men's Xtra Large
Men's XXL
Choose one of our Christmas Special offers above.
Please choose either one of our offers from now until Decenber 23.
T-SHIRT and BOOK OFFER 1 a T-Shirt and 1 Armageddon Book for only $24 plus $4.85 Priority Shipping.
The offer includes the following choices:
1) Paul's book, "Countdown to Armageddon" and a T-Shirt for $24 for both.
2) Or you may choose the Countdown book for $11.95
Shipping is $5.85 for any package / please indicate size (s) and send bank Check or Money order to Paradise Mountain Church International.
Send with your order to Paul McGuire Ministries, Paradise Mountain Church, Intl. 25876 Old Road #136 , Stevenson Ranch, CA 91381
Be sure to specify size and your address with Total Book and shirt is $29.95
Paul McGuire's message "Part 2 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy. Paul shares how God has called you for such a time as this, the power of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, being filled with the Spirit, and a how a supernatural relationship with Jesus Christ will help you be an overcomer in the midst of chaos. How God can give you practical wisdom to help you survive and prosper! God wants to use you in a Third Great Awakening. Download this anointed message now!
Paul McGuire's message on the oil nations conspiracy to destroy the dollar, vaccinations, martial law, nano technology in the vaccine, coming show down between Israel and Iran, economic chaos. Listen to "Part 1 Vaccination Dollar Israel Iran Prophecy "- Download now.
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