Monday, March 29, 2010
Violent Militia’s, Violent Rhetoric, Breaking the Law and Extremism Are a Danger to the Cause of Freedom
Violent Militia’s, Violent Rhetoric, Breaking the Law and Extremism Are a Greater Danger to the Cause of Freedom and Judeo Christian Belief than Any External Enemy Could Ever Be.
By Paul McGuire
We are in a spiritual and ideological battle for the heart and soul for America. There are powerful globalists, many with close ties to the occult who are seeking to destroy America and bring in a one world dictatorship. These are not my words; you could read my book “The Day the Dollar Died” and read actual quotes from these men and groups who have discussed openly their dreams for a New World Order.
This is not paranoia, there are plenty of YouTube video’s on the Internet with men like Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush Sr., Biden and others calling for a New World Order. In addition, there are videos of some elite leaders openly participating in occult rituals such as the Bohemian Grove.
In my books and MP3’s I quote from occult leaders like Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, David Spangler who have openly guided world leaders, the elite and the United Nations. There is nothing more that the forces of totalitarianism would like, then to see people who believe in the American way of life, capitalism, Judeo Christian values and the Constitution be seduced by violence, extremism and breaking the law. Violence and extremism invite the expansion of a Police State.
Legally engaging the forces of globalism and Marxism, and engaging in non-violent spiritual warfare is effective. Beware of Republic politicians who seduce the people with speeches filled with violent rhetoric. The speeches are designed to exploit the anger of the American people who see their nations and freedom being stolen before their very eyes.
As Christians, there are two errors we can make. The first error is to support and follow leaders who have sold out years ago. To deny reality and justify cowardice! The second error is to engage in fasting and praying without accompanying action, or to go into action without fasting and prayer. The answer is to understand the multi-dimensional nature of the conflict. The conflict is spiritual and it is political, cultural and economic. True spirituality understands that Jesus is Lord of all of life.
We have been called for such a time of this. To speak and act wisely at the end of the age. Neither escapism nor fanaticism will do.
Please join, pray and support us as we speak truth to the church and our culture. Your lives and the lives of your children depend upon it.
By Paul McGuire
We are in a spiritual and ideological battle for the heart and soul for America. There are powerful globalists, many with close ties to the occult who are seeking to destroy America and bring in a one world dictatorship. These are not my words; you could read my book “The Day the Dollar Died” and read actual quotes from these men and groups who have discussed openly their dreams for a New World Order.
This is not paranoia, there are plenty of YouTube video’s on the Internet with men like Kissinger, Rockefeller, Bush Sr., Biden and others calling for a New World Order. In addition, there are videos of some elite leaders openly participating in occult rituals such as the Bohemian Grove.
In my books and MP3’s I quote from occult leaders like Madame Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Annie Besant, David Spangler who have openly guided world leaders, the elite and the United Nations. There is nothing more that the forces of totalitarianism would like, then to see people who believe in the American way of life, capitalism, Judeo Christian values and the Constitution be seduced by violence, extremism and breaking the law. Violence and extremism invite the expansion of a Police State.
Legally engaging the forces of globalism and Marxism, and engaging in non-violent spiritual warfare is effective. Beware of Republic politicians who seduce the people with speeches filled with violent rhetoric. The speeches are designed to exploit the anger of the American people who see their nations and freedom being stolen before their very eyes.
As Christians, there are two errors we can make. The first error is to support and follow leaders who have sold out years ago. To deny reality and justify cowardice! The second error is to engage in fasting and praying without accompanying action, or to go into action without fasting and prayer. The answer is to understand the multi-dimensional nature of the conflict. The conflict is spiritual and it is political, cultural and economic. True spirituality understands that Jesus is Lord of all of life.
We have been called for such a time of this. To speak and act wisely at the end of the age. Neither escapism nor fanaticism will do.
Please join, pray and support us as we speak truth to the church and our culture. Your lives and the lives of your children depend upon it.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
By Paul McGuire
There is a conflict going on in America and globally. Russian leader Putin labeled the U.S. conflict “American Communism.” Putin should not be underestimated. He is a brilliant and highly strategic leader whose words are designed to accomplish an intended result. The world press writes quite openly of the current Marxist / Socialist take-over of the U.S. But, the advance of Marxism in America cannot be blamed on President Obama.
It was George Bush along with his extremely naive, “Evangelical Attorney General John Ashcroft,” radically transformed America into a Police State with the Patriot Act long before Obama came on the scene.
I was watching Michael Moore’s movie on “Capitalism” and he attacked all the Federal Reserve “capitalists” who put Bush into power. But, Michael Moore, intellectually dishonest as he is, fails to comment that the exact same men he attacked Bush for associating with, like Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, Rubin, J.P. Morgan. Goldman and Sachs are the exact same men who control Obama, plus super-billionaire George Soros. Moore, the Progressives and the Radical Left remain silent about the fact that the same Federal Reserve continues to control Obama!
I was driving by Occidental College in Los Angeles, yesterday. I had read that Obama, then named Barry Sotero, attended Occidental and was allegedly recruited by the CIA to work in Pakistan and Afghanistan due to his fluency in multiple languages. Strange, I never hear that on CNN? The Republican and Democrat parties along with the Corporate media are controlled by Big Brother. But, let’s take it up a notch or two.
First, anyone who claims to be for the Constitution or freedom and breaks the law and commits violence is actually empowering totalitarianism. Number two, most people including most Christians, who stopped reading their Bible years ago, are not aware of the multi-dimensional nature of the conflict, along with its prophetic implications. We are witnessing the unfolding of Bible prophecy and a global master plan to create an occult world government. At the very highest levels of power, the hidden elite who control governments, media, banking and the media are led by men and women who are energized by Luciferian forces.
You don’t believe it? I suggest you actually read the writing of the Apostle Paul who told us, “We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers and the dark unseen forces of wickedness in heavenly places.” Perhaps a fresh reading of the Book of Daniel or Revelation would reveal to you the spiritual conspiracy that is at work and the soon return of the Messiah. Maybe listen to my MP3’s or read my book “The Day the Dollar Died.”
The American Church right now is the exact same place as the Evangelical German Church in Nazi, Germany as Hitler and the occult began to rise. However, the German Evangelical Church like most the American Evangelical Church could not see the danger because they were spiritually blind. They were blind because they were spiritually lukewarm and imbedded with humanistic sermons and messages. The disobedience of the American Evangelical Church will leads us down the exact same road as the disobedience of the German Evangelical Church – death camps and a holocaust.
I am going to say something that is going to disturb some of you. But, that is not the point. The point is, is what I am saying true?
God has been warning America for a long, long time. We are now turning our backs on Israel in a direct violation of the Abrahamic Covenant, “I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee.” If we continue to curse Israel, as we have been. There will soon come to America catastrophic events. At this moment, I will not go into to what those events could be.
Through the Bible God continually spoke to His people in prophetic symbols, situations and leaders. The Evangelical Community in America, which claims to be “Bible believing,” gathered under the umbrella of the National Association of Evangelicals. First the National Association of Evangelicals issued public statements stating that they would not support Israel. In addition, they allowed an apostasy to sweep our nation. Their leader Ted Haggard was soon discovered having a relationship with a homosexual prostitute while using meth or crack. I am not saying this to criticize Ted Haggard as a man. Restoration and forgiveness is available to anyone seeks forgiveness through the blood of Christ.
In the Old Testament, David lied, murdered and committed adultery and yet God restored him.
But, it is my personal belief that God was speaking very loudly to the evangelical leaders of America through what happened to Ted Haggard after the National Association of Evangelicals “cursed” Israel. I believe God spoke very loudly through Ted Haggard’s relationship with a male prostitute while on crack. (Not that I believe God wanted it to happen and I also believe God has forgiven Ted). But the act conducted by the “leader of the evangelical movement” was a revealing of how God views the theology and actions of the Evangelical Church.
Throughout the Bible human physical adultery is often used as a metaphor for spiritual adultery. Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots is a symbol of a church which is no longer faithful to its Husband Jesus Christ, but the so-called bride has become a whore.
That may be a difficult statement to process. But, it is said in love and not based on the judgment of a man’s individual sin, for we are all sinners saved by grace. But, this is the mission that God has called Paul McGuire Ministries to. To speak the prophetic truth of the Scripture in an hour of unprecedented crisis. The purpose is not to throw stones at an individual man, whether that man is in the White House or behind a pulpit. The purpose is declaring a prophetic warning so that souls are saved and catastrophic judgment is withheld from those who repent and humble themselves before God.
Without your prayers and support we cannot deliver the message that we have been commissioned to deliver.
By Paul McGuire
There is a conflict going on in America and globally. Russian leader Putin labeled the U.S. conflict “American Communism.” Putin should not be underestimated. He is a brilliant and highly strategic leader whose words are designed to accomplish an intended result. The world press writes quite openly of the current Marxist / Socialist take-over of the U.S. But, the advance of Marxism in America cannot be blamed on President Obama.
It was George Bush along with his extremely naive, “Evangelical Attorney General John Ashcroft,” radically transformed America into a Police State with the Patriot Act long before Obama came on the scene.
I was watching Michael Moore’s movie on “Capitalism” and he attacked all the Federal Reserve “capitalists” who put Bush into power. But, Michael Moore, intellectually dishonest as he is, fails to comment that the exact same men he attacked Bush for associating with, like Geithner, Paulson, Bernanke, Rubin, J.P. Morgan. Goldman and Sachs are the exact same men who control Obama, plus super-billionaire George Soros. Moore, the Progressives and the Radical Left remain silent about the fact that the same Federal Reserve continues to control Obama!
I was driving by Occidental College in Los Angeles, yesterday. I had read that Obama, then named Barry Sotero, attended Occidental and was allegedly recruited by the CIA to work in Pakistan and Afghanistan due to his fluency in multiple languages. Strange, I never hear that on CNN? The Republican and Democrat parties along with the Corporate media are controlled by Big Brother. But, let’s take it up a notch or two.
First, anyone who claims to be for the Constitution or freedom and breaks the law and commits violence is actually empowering totalitarianism. Number two, most people including most Christians, who stopped reading their Bible years ago, are not aware of the multi-dimensional nature of the conflict, along with its prophetic implications. We are witnessing the unfolding of Bible prophecy and a global master plan to create an occult world government. At the very highest levels of power, the hidden elite who control governments, media, banking and the media are led by men and women who are energized by Luciferian forces.
You don’t believe it? I suggest you actually read the writing of the Apostle Paul who told us, “We are not fighting against flesh and blood, but principalities, powers and the dark unseen forces of wickedness in heavenly places.” Perhaps a fresh reading of the Book of Daniel or Revelation would reveal to you the spiritual conspiracy that is at work and the soon return of the Messiah. Maybe listen to my MP3’s or read my book “The Day the Dollar Died.”
The American Church right now is the exact same place as the Evangelical German Church in Nazi, Germany as Hitler and the occult began to rise. However, the German Evangelical Church like most the American Evangelical Church could not see the danger because they were spiritually blind. They were blind because they were spiritually lukewarm and imbedded with humanistic sermons and messages. The disobedience of the American Evangelical Church will leads us down the exact same road as the disobedience of the German Evangelical Church – death camps and a holocaust.
I am going to say something that is going to disturb some of you. But, that is not the point. The point is, is what I am saying true?
God has been warning America for a long, long time. We are now turning our backs on Israel in a direct violation of the Abrahamic Covenant, “I will bless those that bless thee and curse those that curse thee.” If we continue to curse Israel, as we have been. There will soon come to America catastrophic events. At this moment, I will not go into to what those events could be.
Through the Bible God continually spoke to His people in prophetic symbols, situations and leaders. The Evangelical Community in America, which claims to be “Bible believing,” gathered under the umbrella of the National Association of Evangelicals. First the National Association of Evangelicals issued public statements stating that they would not support Israel. In addition, they allowed an apostasy to sweep our nation. Their leader Ted Haggard was soon discovered having a relationship with a homosexual prostitute while using meth or crack. I am not saying this to criticize Ted Haggard as a man. Restoration and forgiveness is available to anyone seeks forgiveness through the blood of Christ.
In the Old Testament, David lied, murdered and committed adultery and yet God restored him.
But, it is my personal belief that God was speaking very loudly to the evangelical leaders of America through what happened to Ted Haggard after the National Association of Evangelicals “cursed” Israel. I believe God spoke very loudly through Ted Haggard’s relationship with a male prostitute while on crack. (Not that I believe God wanted it to happen and I also believe God has forgiven Ted). But the act conducted by the “leader of the evangelical movement” was a revealing of how God views the theology and actions of the Evangelical Church.
Throughout the Bible human physical adultery is often used as a metaphor for spiritual adultery. Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots is a symbol of a church which is no longer faithful to its Husband Jesus Christ, but the so-called bride has become a whore.
That may be a difficult statement to process. But, it is said in love and not based on the judgment of a man’s individual sin, for we are all sinners saved by grace. But, this is the mission that God has called Paul McGuire Ministries to. To speak the prophetic truth of the Scripture in an hour of unprecedented crisis. The purpose is not to throw stones at an individual man, whether that man is in the White House or behind a pulpit. The purpose is declaring a prophetic warning so that souls are saved and catastrophic judgment is withheld from those who repent and humble themselves before God.
Without your prayers and support we cannot deliver the message that we have been commissioned to deliver.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

By Paul McGuire
Israel is God’s prophetic super-sign! All world events center on the modern nation of Israel. America is currently playing a very dangerous game with God by violating the Abrahamic Covenant and in effect, cursing Israel.
Economic meltdowns, unemployment, terrorism, the death of the dollar, immorality and a crisis in leadership is nothing for what lies for America, if it continues to “curse the nation of Israel.” Genesis 12:1-3 contains part of the Abrahamic Covenant which states, “I will bless those that bless thee, and curse those that curses thee.” Since America is a nation which has had tremendous exposure to the Old and New Testament, going to be held divinely accountable for the enormous light that it has received.
First, much of the Evangelical leadership and Evangelical Christians, who know the truth of God’s Word are “cursing” Israel by deserting her in her greatest time of need. Judgment begins in the house of the Lord. Secondly, Iran continues to develop nuclear weapons which are designed to murder millions of Jews in a nuclear holocaust.
Although, no American Administration has been perfect in its dealings with the nation of Israel, the present Administration seems to be following the globalist agenda and attacking Israel.
The Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton, Vice President Biden and George Mitchell are trying to force Israel to apologize for building 1600 homes on its own land. The Jews have been given Jerusalem and the West Bank by God and therefore cannot be guilty of “occupying it.” This is not a Democrat vs. Republican issue. George W. Bush and his father Bush, Sr. essentially had a partnership with Saudi Arabia which excluded Israel. The liberal media in America, which includes many secular Jews, portrays Israel as an evil aggressor. 78% of the Jews in America, which includes the very wealthy and heads of giant entertainment and media conglomerates reject the God of Israel, Isaac and Jacob.
America and its leaders like Bush, Obama and Clinton are inviting God’s judgment by attacking Israel. Unless America and its leaders repent quickly, America is going to experience a catastrophic event. That event could be economic, earthquakes, a terrorist nuclear attack or some other disaster. There is no question, that there has been a serious breach in American violating the Abrahamic Covenant. Unprecedented disaster looms on the horizon. The true Church of Jesus Christ must adopt the role of an intercessor and specifically repent of America’s treatment of Israel and urge believers to stand for Israel. The alternative is what the media increasingly label, “A catastrophe of truly Biblical proportions.”
We need you prayers and support to warn the church and the nation. Catastrophic judgment is at hand. A judgment more terrible then America has ever seen before! It will be a lesson to the nations of the world and it is possible, God could allow our very government to crumble. This is not an article; this is warning that I must deliver as a Watchman.
We are producing television programs, radio, conferences, meetings and books to get this message out! But, I must have people who will help me deliver the message the Lord has commanded me to give!
In addition, we are approaching the days of Zechariah 12:1-14
Zechariah 12:1-14
“The burden of the word of the LORD against Israel. Thus says the LORD, who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth, and forms the spirit of man within him: “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.”
In that day,” says the LORD, “I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness. And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, ‘The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the LORD of hosts, their God.’ In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a fire pan in the woodpile, and like a fiery torch in the sheaves; they shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place—Jerusalem.
“The LORD will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not become greater than that of Judah. In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them. It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.
“And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn. In that day there shall be a great mourning in Jerusalem, like the mourning at Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. And the land shall mourn, every family by itself: the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves; 13 the family of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of Shimei by itself, and their wives by themselves; all the families that remain, every family by itself, and their wives by themselves.”
Israel’s Messiah is about to return, will America, if it still exists join in with the other nations in attacking Jerusalem. As American Christians we talk a great deal about Russia and Iran attacking Israel in the last days. But, what if America is judged for its violation of the Abrahamic Covenant?
We are producing television programs that will the blow trumpet and call God’s people to stand in the gap for Israel. To repent of national violation of the Abrahamic Covenant, pray for our leaders, take practical stands for the nation of Israel and to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem."
I am doing everything I can to mobilize Christians and to have God’s people stand to standfor Israel. However to accomplish this, I need partners to stand with me. You can donate on line by pressing the donation button or by sending your check to the address below.
God said regarding Israel, "Those that bless thee, I will bless. Those that curse thee, I will curse." As never before, we need the blessing of God on our nation and our own lives.
Paul McGuire
Paradise Mountain Church International is a 501 c 3 religious corporation. As such, your gifts are tax deductible if you make your checks out to Paradise Mountain Church International.Paul McGuire and Paul McGuire Ministries minister from Paradise Mountain Church International. *At this time Paul McGuire takes no salary from the ministry. He works in a volunteer capacity.
Remember, be thankful in all things. God is still on the throne. The Messiah is returning and God answers prayer. You have been chosen for such a time as this!
You can make a secure donation electronically by pressing the Donate button and enter the amount you wich to donate, or you can write a check to the address below.
Paradise Mountain Church International 25876 The Old Road # 136, Stevenson Ranch, CA 91386
You can continue to partner with us. Please make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International 501 (C )( 3 )corporation.
I am enclosing my gift to Paul McGuire Ministries in the amount of
____$1,000 ___ $500____$25_____Other
Make your checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International
Mail To: Paul McGuire Ministries /Paradise Mountain Church International
25876 The Old Road # 136 , Stevenson Ranch CA 91381
Monday, March 8, 2010
Signs of the Times: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, The Planned Destruction of America, Global Government and World Currency and What God Expects You To Do!
We are moving at lightning speed towards the End of the Age. In Matthew 24-25, where Jesus predicts the Jewish Temple would e destroyed, He tells His Disciples about the earthquakes, famines, pestilences, wars and the loss of love even among believers. I believe these Signs of the Times will increase before the Tribulation Period. comes..
Yet most of the Christians in America and around the world are asleep to what is happening. God has called me to be a “Watchman On The Wall” and give a final prophetic warning to the Church. America is quickly becoming a radical Marxist totalitarian state where economic collapse in imminent and Christians will be violently persecuted. Even, the head of Russia Putin warned the world of the militant spread of “American Communism!”
Even though we are in prophetic times it is not the will of God for America and other nations to become anti-Christian and anti-Jew Police States. In His mercy God has given us one last window of opportunity. Will you heed the call of the Holy Spirit? Will you listen to the prophetic warning?
This very week we a producing television programs that will the blow trumpet and call God’s people to spiritual warfare. God will judge those believers who listen to false prophets who are falsely promising them peace and prosperity. The reality is that we are in a time of the greatest spiritual warfare – the End of the Age!
I am doing everything I can to mobilize Christians and to have God’s people stand for righteousness before a great darkness covers the earth. There is still time to preserve freedom and to spread the Gospel. However to accomplish and to win this spiritual war for souls, I need partners to stand with me. You can donate on line by pressing the donation button or by sending your check to the address below.
Jesus Christ said, “The fields are white with harvest, but the laborers are few.”
Your brother co-laborer Christ,
Paul McGuire
Paradise Mountain Church International is a 501 c 3 religious corporation. As such, your gifts are tax deductible if you make your checks out to Paradise Mountain Church International.Paul McGuire and Paul McGuire Ministries minister from Paradise Mountain Church International. *At this time Paul McGuire takes no salary from the ministry. He works in a volunteer capacity.
Remember, be thankful in all things. God is still on the throne. The Messiah is returning and God answers prayer. You have been chosen for such a time as this!
You can make a secure donation electronically by pressing the Donate button and enter the amount you wich to donate, or you can write a check to the address below.
Paradise Mountain Church International 25876 The Old Road # 136, Stevenson Ranch, CA 91386
You can continue to partner with us. Please make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International 501 (C )( 3 )corporation.
I am enclosing my gift to Paul McGuire Ministries in the amount of
____$1,000 ___ $500____$25_____Other
Make your checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International
Mail To: Paul McGuire Ministries /Paradise Mountain Church International
25876 The Old Road # 136 , Stevenson Ranch CA 91381
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

By Paul McGuire
Faced with social and economic chaos, nations who have rejected God are turning to man and government to be their Messiah. In Hanover, Germany --one in four Germans would be happy to have a microchip implanted in their body if they derived concrete benefits from it, a recent poll revealed.
The survey, was conducted by German Information Technology industry lobby group BITKOM, was intended to show how the division between real life and the virtual world is disappearing. This is one of the main topics of discussion at the CeBIT trade fair that kicks off this week.
The poll revealed, 23 percent of around 1,000 respondents in the survey said they would be prepared to have a chip inserted under their skin "for certain benefits."
Around one in six (16 percent) said they would wear an implant to allow emergency services to rescue them more quickly in the event of a fire or accident.
And five percent of people said they would be prepared to have an implant to make their shopping go more smoothly.
However, 72% would not take the chip under any circumstances! However, the high percentage of people willing to take a chip surprised the Information Technology industries. Prime Minister Brown called for collecting the DNA on every baby in England.
In the State of Virginia the House of Delegated opposed forced microchip implantation due to Biblical prophecies about the mark of the Beast and the Antichrist. States like California and Wisconsin have already passed similar laws.
Meanwhile the Bilderberg Group called for the microchip to be implanted on every person in the U.S. and the world. In 1974, a Dr. Jose Delgado, at a Congressional hearing, said, “We need a program of PSYCHOSURGERY for POLITICAL CONTROL of our society. The purpose is PHYSICAL CONTROL OF THE MIND. Everyone who deviates from the norm can be surgically mutilated.”
“Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain.”
Listen to Paul McGuire’s new MP3 series entitled “The Mark of the Beast.”
Monday, March 1, 2010

In An Article Entitled “I.M.F. Chief Suggests Look at New Reserve Currency” by Sewell Chan in the New York Times, the author contends that the chief of the International Monetary Fund said Friday that the organization should reorient itself to better detect systematic risks in the global economy.
Published: February 26, 2010
WASHINGTON — The chief of the International Monetary Fund said Friday that the organization should reorient itself to better detect systemic risks to the global economy and quickly step in with emergency loans when financial crises emerge.
The I.M.F. chief talked about better tools for financial surveillance and creating a new global reserve currency that would replace the dollar.
The I.M.F. leader, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, also floated the idea of creating a global reserve currency that could serve as an alternative to the dollar. When asked about Greece the European Union appeared able to resolve the crisis on its own through political force and controlling the Greek economy from the outside, forcing it to obey the New European Union Constitution.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn called for a “renewed vision” for the I.M.F., which was the first step in creating the global financial architecture created in Bretton Woods, N.H., in 1944, but which faced grave questions about its relevance and survival by the time Mr. Strauss-Kahn took over in 2007.
He called for the fund to improve its tools for financial surveillance and to “construct a global risk map” of nascent systemic risks. Mr. Strauss-Kahn also said it would be “intellectually healthy to explore” the creation of a new global reserve currency. If a new global currency is put in place it would basically destroy America’s fragile economy and force us into global government which is the plan.
The governor of China’s central bank made a similar proposal in March 2009, arguing that “special drawing rights” — baskets of currencies issued by the I.M.F. and made up of the euro, yen, pound and dollar that have served as reserve assets — would be more stable and viable than the dollar. China’s huge holdings of dollar reserves in the form of Treasury securities have become a concern for officials on both sides of the Pacific.
Mr. Strauss-Kahn said that a new reserve currency could limit dependence on the policies and conditions of a single, though dominant. The Treasury Department pointed to its most recent semiannual foreign exchange report, released in October. That report said that “as long as the United States maintains sound macroeconomic policies and deep, liquid, and open financial markets, the dollar will continue to be the major reserve currency.”But, America does not have “sound economic policies!” We are trillions of dollars in debt and are quickly becoming a Third World Economy rules by a socialist state.
Paul McGuire
Also, read Paul's book "The Warning!
We are now producing television programs, DVD,'s holding "McGuire Prophecy Meetings and are negotating for air time. Each week we get Mails from people who watched television program I was on or read a book I have written, and they turned back to the Lord. These E Mails are coming in from around the world. But, even though I was a nationlly syndicated radio talk show and was a regular commentator on the Fox News Network and CNN, we left to puruse the call of God.
Many people are coming to Christ and we are waking people us if the Lord is telling you to donate to us so we can reach more people tha will reach America and then the world. You can hit the donate now button here or at the Website. Please make sure to make all checks payable to PARADISE MOUNTAIN CHURCH INTERNAL where you will get a tax write off.
Paradise Mountain Church International
c/o Paul McGuire
Newhall, CA 91322-0667 USA
Paul McGuire
Also, read Paul's book "The Warning!
We are now producing television programs, DVD,'s holding "McGuire Prophecy Meetings and are negotating for air time. Each week we get Mails from people who watched television program I was on or read a book I have written, and they turned back to the Lord. These E Mails are coming in from around the world. But, even though I was a nationlly syndicated radio talk show and was a regular commentator on the Fox News Network and CNN, we left to puruse the call of God.
Many people are coming to Christ and we are waking people us if the Lord is telling you to donate to us so we can reach more people tha will reach America and then the world. You can hit the donate now button here or at the Website. Please make sure to make all checks payable to PARADISE MOUNTAIN CHURCH INTERNAL where you will get a tax write off.
Paradise Mountain Church International
c/o Paul McGuire
Newhall, CA 91322-0667 USA
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