Saturday, August 28, 2010
California Students Get RFID Tracking Devices
By Paul McGuire
Please share this
California government officials are outfitting preschoolers in Contra Costa County with RFID tracking devices. The system was introduced Tuesday. While attending school every student will wear a school jersey that has a small RFID tag that will send out what is called a Radio Frequency ID that identifies and tracks the student everywhere she or he goes. The RFID tag will transmit signals will be able to monitor attendance and whether or not they have eaten lunch.
Contra Costa County school officials are highly enthusiastic about the RFID tags because it will free up teachers and administrators from writing paper files.
This program will spread across the country to thousands of school districts. It is only the beginning of a comprehensive and detailed plan that starts with RFID tags and moves quickly to microchip implants. I go into this in great detail in my brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
The public has no idea of how far advanced this secretive microchip implant technology has advanced. In my book, I quote from scientific research papers going back to the 1960’s which outline the details of how human beings with a microchip implant can be controlled and tracked by satellites. In addition, Electro Magnetic Frequency signals can be generated by the microchip implants from an external source and produce psychological states of anxiety, suicidal thoughts, confusion, passivity, sexual arousal, compliance, etc.
However, as I explain in Are You Ready for the Microchip? Microchips can now be created through microscopic biological computers that use things like Enzyme Technology, macromolecules, proteins and DNA.
These biochips can be inserted into the human body through vaccines, food, nasal mists, the transmission of viruses and many other mechanisms. These new microchips run on Nano technology using DNA becomes a massive information storage molecule. In the near future DNA may be mounted on microchips because of its capacity to store massive amounts of information. Scientific research reveals that just 1,000 DNA molecules can solve complex computer problems in months that would take a computer over a century to solve.
The population of Planet Earth is experiencing a global manufactured crisis that will radically transform religion, the family, sexuality, law, money, government, science, the environment and dramatically reduce the earth’s population by approximately 6 billion people. The goal is for a scientific elite to control a global government and a one world economic system that will culminate with the Antichrist and False Prophet.
Genesis, Daniel, Matthew, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Revelation are to be understood literally and not as a symbol or metaphor, unless indicated otherwise by the text. When read these books, we understand that we moving in hyper-speed towards the Tribulation Period and we understand the signs of the times.
Since the Corporate controlled media censors the Biblical implications of where we are going, we must do everything in our power to do and end run around the “controlled media” and communicate the Truth through books, DVD’s, television, Paul McGuire Prophecy Meeting’s, radio and books.
By God’s grace, Are You Ready for the Microchip? is a very powerful book that grabs people’s attention and also communicates the saving message of Jesus Christ. We are receiving E Mails from people all over the world saying they could not put the book down and many are coming to Jesus Christ!
You can help! There is something you can do. We are in an information war and the only way we can win is by educating people to what is happening. That is why I wrote Are You Ready for the Microchip? God has given each one of you the power to reach friends, family, co-workers, church members, politicians, business people, doctors, lawyers, key people in the media, working men and women, professionals and anyone else God places on your heart.
Our goal is to get 30 million copies into the hands of the people before this window of opportunity is shut. The reality is we could lose the freedom to publish and use the Internet over night! By reaching this many people we can make a change and win many people to Jesus Christ or Yeshua.
I did not right this book for personal fame of fortune. I know that when I die, I will have to give an account of everything I did in this life. To be blunt, I fear the Lord and I am obeying what He has called me to do.
I have written this book as a tool and because I love God, you and your children. I do not want to see what happened in Nazi, Germany happen here, but the reality is that is the direction we are going. I believe in the Rapture of the Church, but the question is, “What do we do until the Lord returns?” Jesus Christ said, “Occupy until I come” and preach the Gospel.
I want to ask you to be faithful and obedient to the Lord. Are You Ready for the Microchip? is a tool you can use to reach people. In order to help you do that, we will make the book available to you at bulk quantity discounts. Listed below are the quantity discounts and you can begin today by making the decision to reach people. If you wish to distribute larger quantities than E Mail me.
Paul McGuire
P.S. Please make sure your complete name, title of book, date of purchase and complete mailing address is included! If you have already purchased and think that vital information is missing just E Mail me at
By Paul McGuire
Please share this
California government officials are outfitting preschoolers in Contra Costa County with RFID tracking devices. The system was introduced Tuesday. While attending school every student will wear a school jersey that has a small RFID tag that will send out what is called a Radio Frequency ID that identifies and tracks the student everywhere she or he goes. The RFID tag will transmit signals will be able to monitor attendance and whether or not they have eaten lunch.
Contra Costa County school officials are highly enthusiastic about the RFID tags because it will free up teachers and administrators from writing paper files.
This program will spread across the country to thousands of school districts. It is only the beginning of a comprehensive and detailed plan that starts with RFID tags and moves quickly to microchip implants. I go into this in great detail in my brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
The public has no idea of how far advanced this secretive microchip implant technology has advanced. In my book, I quote from scientific research papers going back to the 1960’s which outline the details of how human beings with a microchip implant can be controlled and tracked by satellites. In addition, Electro Magnetic Frequency signals can be generated by the microchip implants from an external source and produce psychological states of anxiety, suicidal thoughts, confusion, passivity, sexual arousal, compliance, etc.
However, as I explain in Are You Ready for the Microchip? Microchips can now be created through microscopic biological computers that use things like Enzyme Technology, macromolecules, proteins and DNA.
These biochips can be inserted into the human body through vaccines, food, nasal mists, the transmission of viruses and many other mechanisms. These new microchips run on Nano technology using DNA becomes a massive information storage molecule. In the near future DNA may be mounted on microchips because of its capacity to store massive amounts of information. Scientific research reveals that just 1,000 DNA molecules can solve complex computer problems in months that would take a computer over a century to solve.
The population of Planet Earth is experiencing a global manufactured crisis that will radically transform religion, the family, sexuality, law, money, government, science, the environment and dramatically reduce the earth’s population by approximately 6 billion people. The goal is for a scientific elite to control a global government and a one world economic system that will culminate with the Antichrist and False Prophet.
Genesis, Daniel, Matthew, 1 & 2 Thessalonians and Revelation are to be understood literally and not as a symbol or metaphor, unless indicated otherwise by the text. When read these books, we understand that we moving in hyper-speed towards the Tribulation Period and we understand the signs of the times.
Since the Corporate controlled media censors the Biblical implications of where we are going, we must do everything in our power to do and end run around the “controlled media” and communicate the Truth through books, DVD’s, television, Paul McGuire Prophecy Meeting’s, radio and books.
By God’s grace, Are You Ready for the Microchip? is a very powerful book that grabs people’s attention and also communicates the saving message of Jesus Christ. We are receiving E Mails from people all over the world saying they could not put the book down and many are coming to Jesus Christ!
You can help! There is something you can do. We are in an information war and the only way we can win is by educating people to what is happening. That is why I wrote Are You Ready for the Microchip? God has given each one of you the power to reach friends, family, co-workers, church members, politicians, business people, doctors, lawyers, key people in the media, working men and women, professionals and anyone else God places on your heart.
Our goal is to get 30 million copies into the hands of the people before this window of opportunity is shut. The reality is we could lose the freedom to publish and use the Internet over night! By reaching this many people we can make a change and win many people to Jesus Christ or Yeshua.
I did not right this book for personal fame of fortune. I know that when I die, I will have to give an account of everything I did in this life. To be blunt, I fear the Lord and I am obeying what He has called me to do.
I have written this book as a tool and because I love God, you and your children. I do not want to see what happened in Nazi, Germany happen here, but the reality is that is the direction we are going. I believe in the Rapture of the Church, but the question is, “What do we do until the Lord returns?” Jesus Christ said, “Occupy until I come” and preach the Gospel.
I want to ask you to be faithful and obedient to the Lord. Are You Ready for the Microchip? is a tool you can use to reach people. In order to help you do that, we will make the book available to you at bulk quantity discounts. Listed below are the quantity discounts and you can begin today by making the decision to reach people. If you wish to distribute larger quantities than E Mail me.
Paul McGuire
P.S. Please make sure your complete name, title of book, date of purchase and complete mailing address is included! If you have already purchased and think that vital information is missing just E Mail me at
Thursday, August 26, 2010
By Paul McGuire
According to an article in Time Magazine, entitled “The Government Can Use GPS to Track Your Moves,” by Adam Cohen, “government agents can sneak onto your property in the middle of the night, put a GPS device on the bottom of your car and keep track of you wherever you go.”
The government states that this doesn’t violate your Fourth Amendment rights, because “you do not have any reasonable expectation of privacy in your own driveway and that acc0rding to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit Court, “you have no reasonable expectation that the government is not tracking your movements.”
According to Cohen, “It is a dangerous decision — one that, as the dissenting judges warned, could turn America into the sort of totalitarian state imagined by George Orwell. It is particularly offensive because the judges added insult to injury with some shocking class bias: the little personal privacy that still exists, the court suggested, should belong mainly to the rich.”
This is just the tip of the iceberg. There is an entire high tech and biotech arsenal where live viruses can be sprayed, injected and spread through human population to act as cognitive enhancers, make people passive, dumb people down, increase or decrease sexual desire or lobotomize the masses. These “brain eating” viruses can be used to establish a scientific dictatorship described by Aldous Huxley and George Orwell.
In the movie “Minority Report” starring Tom Cruise people could be arrested for a crime they did not yet commit. However, our intelligence agencies are already implementing” According to a report by ABC News, however, the latest version, to be implemented in Washington D.C., can predict other future crimes as well.
From a prophetic perspective, you see the Beast government described by Daniel in Daniel Chapter 9. Obviously the next logical step is the microchip implant, which I believe will be distributed in the near future. As we approach the Tribulation Period, it is essential that is order for this beast government to arise that the Apostle Paul talked about:
2 Thessalonians 2:3
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition...”
This is vitally important to us living at the end time! Notice what Paul writes in II Thessalonians 2:9-12 about this:
“The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this reason God will send them strong delusion that they should believe the lie that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”
The Evangelical culture has been infiltrated by the great apostasy. The reason we know this is that much of the Bible teaching flows in step with the culture. In addition, many false teachers have been welcomed and even promoted by the Church. The Remnant will overcome until the Rapture, through the power of the Holy Spirit and by renewing their minds with the entire Word of God – Genesis to Revelation.
Most of all, God has a job for you to do. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, of love and of a sound mind.” We are to use spiritual weapons to overcome the strongholds or ideologies and mind control of the evil one. If you obey these basic spiritual disciplines you can be effective in the last days!
1. Read and meditate in the entire Word of God.
2. Recognize apostasy is rampant even in some “Evangelical denominations,” find a true Bible believing church that is centered on the Word and open to the Spirit.
3. Be on your guard against so-called Bible believing Christians who are “clue less” about what is going on. Try to educate them, but if they will not receive it, wipe the dust off your feet.
4. In the power of the Holy Spirit live holy and pure lives and don’t get caught up in the “everybody else is doing it” mentality.
5. Worship the Lord in singing and with music. Fellowship with true believers. The Remnant is growing stronger, but so is the false church.
6. Develop a network of like-minded believers that you can rely on in case of catastrophic attack. Take care of the practicals such as food, water and defense.
7. Do everything you can to educate people through books, discussions, DVD’s, giving out websites like ours or invite them to meetings. If you E Mail me I have made cases of my books significantly discounted so people can distribute them. I have doctors who have my book “The Day The Dollar Died” on display in their waiting rooms, engineers in high tech companies who have bought case loads to distribute. One Christian business man bought hundreds of copies of The Day The Dollar Died to distribute to all his clients. All over the world people are buying bulk quantities of “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” which I have heavily discounted to help you get the word because the time is late!
Sunday, August 22, 2010

By Paul McGuire
Join Paul on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 2010
10350 Ellis Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA
The Prophet Daniel, the Apostle John and the Lord Jesus Christ established that the nation of Israel is God’s prophetic time clock and the key to understanding Bible prophecy in the last days. David in Psalm 83 outlines how God would defend Israel against a future attack.
This week was a historic week which could dramatically affect the balance of power in the Middle East the world. The Obama administration and Netanyahu government down played the start-up of Iran's first nuclear reactor at Bushehr. This nuclear reactor is heavily backed by Russian financial, technological and military interests. Al-Qaida is ready to exploit a war "by the Jews against Iran," the Sunni group's second-in-command in Yemen, Saeed al-Shehri, said in an audio message this month, according to the Daily Beast.
The mostly Shi'ite nation of Iran is an enemy to Al-Qaida, and al-Shehri predicted that after Israel attacked Iranian nuclear installations, Iran would blame Saudi Arabia - which reports say may let Israel fly through its airspace to attack Iran - and use the opportunity to seize the holy cities of Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia.
The world pretended not to look as Russian technicians began loading 162 rods of 82 tons of fuel into Iran's nuclear reactor.
The State Department claimed that Iran's Bushehr nuclear plant has "no proliferation threat,’ which is utter nonsense! The reality is that the Kremlin and the State Department have a secret deal where Russia votes for UN Security Council sanctions against Iran in exchange for the U.S. saying nothing about Russia’s activation of the Iranian nuclear reactor at Bushehr. Israel and the U.S. appear to have been fooled by the Russian chess game of pretending that there was no imminent threat.
Apparently, ignoring the news of the Bushehr reactor, Prime Minister Netanyahu announced that Israel's security would be a major part of the deal with the Palestinians. One would assume that Israel or the U.S. will strike Bushehr before next spring. In a deal Netanyahu demanded the demilitarization of territory handed to the Palestinians - only side arms for police; Israel would retain control of the Jordan Rift Valley bordering the Kingdom of Jordan and the mountain ridges forming the spine of the West Bank, they are key to defending Jerusalem and Israel's coastal plain.
Prime Minister Netanyahu previously stated, “That a nuclear-armed Iran would pose an existential threat to Israel.”
Iran believes preparations for an imminent attack on Iran's nuclear facilities are being made by the U.S. and Israel.’ Lawrence Eagleburger, former US Secretary of State, had this to say about the activation of Iran's first reactor at Bushehr Saturday, Aug. 21: "The world's going to war over this. If Iran gets the weapon it's going to use it." He urged an attack on Iran before it obtained a bomb, Benjamin Netanyahu, has just ordered roughly one hundred F-15Es, F-16Is, F-16Cs, and other aircraft of the Israeli air force to fly east toward Iran—possibly by crossing Saudi Arabia, possibly by threading the border between Syria and Turkey.
Not only do we need to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we must recognize the potential nuclear, biological and chemical threat to the United States and other nations of the world. We must also pray for God’s protection over our individual nations!
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled before our very eyes. It is time to take the Great Commission seriously, teach the Word of faithfully and stand for righteousness by participating in the political process. Our problems can never be solved politically, but in addition to preaching the Gospel, we are called stand for the things of God.
Psalm 83
“Keep not thou silence, O God: hold not thy peace, and be not still, O God.
For, lo, thine enemies make a tumult: and they that hate thee have lifted up the head.
They have taken crafty counsel against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones.
They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.
For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against thee:
The tabernacles of Edom, and the Ishmaelites; of Moab, and the Hagarenes;
Gebal, and Ammon, and Amalek; the Philistines with the inhabitants of Tyre;
Assur also is joined with them: they have helped the children of Lot. Selah.
Do unto them as unto the Midianites; as to Sisera, as to Jabin, at the brook of Kison:
Which perished at Endor: they became as dung for the earth.
Make their nobles like Oreb, and like Zeeb: yea, all their princes as Zebah, and as Zalmunna:
Who said, Let us take to ourselves the houses of God in possession.
O my God, make them like a wheel; as the stubble before the wind.
As the fire burneth a wood, and as the flame setteth the mountains on fire;
So persecute them with thy tempest, and make them afraid with thy storm.
Fill their faces with shame; that they may seek thy name, O LORD.
Let them be confounded and troubled for ever; yea, let them be put to shame, and perish:
That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth."
I am requesting that all of our partners and supporters pray for my family and ministry and engage in spiritual warfare on our behalf. I will explain further in this E Blast.
As such we will have to cancel our meeting, this Thursday August 19th at Beth Ariel Fellowship. Please spread the word!
On August 5th I appeared on TBN to give my testimony of how God saved me from the New Age. I was allowed to give a non-seeker friendly version .
of my testimony which emphasized the Cross, sin, the blood of Jesus Christ, repentance and that there is only one way to heaven and that is Jesus Christ! I invited people to pray the sinners pray with me and thousands of people from around the world accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I was invited on TBN to talk about my new book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” But, I felt strongly led to talk only about my testimony and invite people to Christ. The host Phil Munsey and TBN graciously allowed me to give share Christ with no restrictions about declaring that Jesus Christ said, “I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME.”
If you are ministered by what you saw on TBN, you might contact them and let them know how much you appreciated it and I believe you can send it to friends. The host of show called the program a soul winning machine. Contact them by clicking here and writing your comments in the comment box provided. Please be polite with your remarks.
Also, that man is sinful and unless we accept God’s free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ, we are destined for hell. There are many so-called “Evangelical” churches’s that would not have allowed me to be so bold. You can click here and watch the show on TBN. I am on the last 20 minutes of the show. Please share it with others!
Click Thursday Aug 05, 2010
Phil Munsey hosts Pastor Ron Hill, Paul McGuire, Denise Matthews, Kristen Jane Anderson, Jerome Broomfield in Costa Mesa, CA.
Many of you know that, although I talk about current events and prophecy, I am an evangelist and Bible teacher. I simply choose not to use that label because by calling myself and author, radio talk show host and television commentator, doors open for me to share Christ through very large secular media outlets.
The following two days, I was privileged to speak on “Spiritual Deception in Government” and “Spiritual Deception in the Economy” at David Hockings powerful Israel and Prophecy Conference held at our good friend Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel at Chino Hills. The Lord moved in a powerful way at Dr. Hockings conference.
Thank you for your prayers and the prayers for the families who were hurt or died in the 3 Van and car crash on Highway 395. As you know , my daughter who was on the Cal Baptist Track Team was on the way to Mammoth, California, late at night, in 3 vans going up Highway 395. Many of you have heard about this in the news media in California and round the world. An SUV flipped over in the oncoming lane, exploded into fire and jumped in front of the 3 vans. My daughter was in the first van which the SUV slammed into in a head on collision. My daughter was sitting in the second row of seats in the van. The van was being driven by a 30 year old mother with three children. She died shortly after impact. There were six fatalities and the van was crushed beyond recognition.
By God’s grace and your prayers, my daughter’s life was miraculously spared and she was able to climb out the window. Other people in the van could not get out until the “jaws of life” which is a machine which can cut through metal and opened the van up to rescue other people.
Many of the survivors were rushed to hospitals, and in one case, rushed by helicopter to a hospital. Please pray for all the students and the families whose loved ones died. Also, pray for my daughter who is suffering from serious PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and the other students and families,
Miraculously, when we left our daughter getting into the vans earlier that day, my wife Kristina prayed a prophetic prayer over our daughter. Kris looked into Jennifer’s eyes and said, “Jennifer God is going to be with you and watch over you during this trip. Jennifer the angels of God are going to go with you and protect you.” Little did we know the power of the prophetic prayer Kris spoke over our daughter.
Although there were atalities, many lives were spared and things could have been far worse. A Highway Patrol officer just happened to be there with the “jaws of life,” and many lives were spared.
There have been a number of other spiritual attacks against my family and ministry that I will not go into at the moment, but your prayers are importan! Ironcially, all of this happened after a world wide outreach for souls.
With the release of my new book, “Are You Ready for the Microchip?,” many people are writing us and saying that they cannot put it down and getting copies for their friends who are saved and unsaved.
For those of you who have pre-ordered or ordered books or “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” They are being shipped out. However, for whatever reason we have received a number of book orders that are missing the names of the books purchased, the complete name of the buyer and a complete mailing address. Please review your order to make sure that vital information is included. If is not, then E Mail me immediately at with that information and your order will be shipped ASAP! We will not ask for any of your private financial information, such as credit card numbers, etc.
Also, my wife Kris has personally contacted a number of you through her E mail about your order and it is going into spam filters. You will know that the E Mail is from Kris only if she gives information that only we would know about the order, Do not give away personal information to a stranger. You can respond by E Mailing me at please give me your name, the date of your order, mailing address, book titles and complete name. We will not ask for any financial information!
Visit our new website at:
You can more information on Are You Ready for the Microchip?
Thursday Aug 05, 2010
Phil Munsey hosts Pastor Ron Hill, Paul McGuire, Denise Matthews, Kristen Jane Anderson, Jerome Broomfield in Costa Mesa, CA.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Paul is holding the complete Health Care Bill which Nancy Pelosi shamefully said, "You can read it if you sign it first." Both Republicans and Democrats went for it. Clearly, we are no no longer a government of "We the people." Many prominent legal analysts belive the Health Care Bill mandates a Med-Chip or Microchp Implant. Every baby in the U.S. will receive a microchip implant at birth by 2013, if everything goes to plan. I expose and provide full documentation of the secret plan to microchip every American in my book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
I am requesting that all of our partners and supporters pray for my family and ministry and engage in spiritual warfare on our behalf. I will explain further in this E Blast.
As such we will have to cancel our meeting, this Thursday August 19th at Beth Ariel Fellowship. Please spread the word!
On August 5th I appeared on TBN to give my testimony of how God saved me from the New Age. I was allowed to give a non-seeker friendly version .
of my testimony which emphasized the Cross, sin, the blood of Jesus Christ, repentance and that there is only one way to heaven and that is Jesus Christ! I invited people to pray the sinners pray with me and thousands of people from around the world accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
I was invited on TBN to talk about my new book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” But, I felt strongly led to talk only about my testimony and invite people to Christ. The host Phil Munsey and TBN graciously allowed me to give share Christ with no restrictions about declaring that Jesus Christ said, “I AM THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT THROUGH ME.”
If you are ministered by what you saw on TBN, you might contact them and let them know how much you appreciated it and I believe you can send it to friends. The host of show called the program a soul winning machine. Contact them by clicking here and writing your comments in the comment box provided. Please be polite with your remarks.
Also, that man is sinful and unless we accept God’s free offer of salvation in Jesus Christ, we are destined for hell. There are many so-called “Evangelical” churches’s that would not have allowed me to be so bold. You can click here and watch the show on TBN. I am on the last 20 minutes of the show. Please share it with others!
Click Thursday Aug 05, 2010
Phil Munsey hosts Pastor Ron Hill, Paul McGuire, Denise Matthews, Kristen Jane Anderson, Jerome Broomfield in Costa Mesa, CA.
Many of you know that, although I talk about current events and prophecy, I am an evangelist and Bible teacher. I simply choose not to use that label because by calling myself and author, radio talk show host and television commentator, doors open for me to share Christ through very large secular media outlets.
The following two days, I was privileged to speak on “Spiritual Deception in Government” and “Spiritual Deception in the Economy” at David Hockings powerful Israel and Prophecy Conference held at our good friend Pastor Jack Hibbs, Calvary Chapel at Chino Hills. The Lord moved in a powerful way at Dr. Hockings conference.
Then a series of spiritual attacks came against my family and ministry. My daughter who was on the Cal Baptist Track Team was on the Mammoth, California, late at night, in 3 vans going up Highway 395. Many of you have heard about this in the news media in California and round the world. An SUV flipped over in the oncoming lane, exploded into fire and jumped in front of the 3 vans. My daughter was in the first van which the SUV slammed into in a head on collision. My daughter was sitting in the second row of seats in the van. The van was being driven by a 30 year old mother with three children. She died shortly after impact. There were six fatalities and the van was crushed beyond recognition.
By God’s grace and your prayers, my daughter’s life was miraculously spared and she was able to climb out the window. Other people in the van could not get out until the “jaws of life” which is a machine which can cut through metal and opened the van up to rescue other people.
Many of the survivors were rushed to hospitals, and in one case, rushed by helicopter to a hospital. Please pray for all the students and the families whose loved ones died. Also, pray for my daughter who is suffering from serious PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder).
Miraculously, when we left our daughter getting into the vans earlier that day, my wife Kristina prayed a prophetic prayer over our daughter. Kris looked into Jennifer’s eyes and said, “Jennifer God is going to be with you and watch over you during this trip. Jennifer the angels of God are going to go with you and protect you.” Little did we know the power of the prophetic prayer Kris spoke over our daughter.
The tragedy and fatalities, many lives were spared and things could have been far worse. A Highway Patrol officer just happened to be there with the “jaws of life,” and many lives were spared. Again, please pray for my daughter, the other students and families.
There were a number of other spiritual attacks that I will not go into at the moment, but your prayers are important
With the release of my new book, “Are You Ready for the Microchip?,” many people are writing us and saying that they cannot put it down and getting copies for their friends who are saved and unsaved.
For those of you who have pre-ordered or ordered books or “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” They are being shipped out. However, for whatever reason we have received a number of book orders that are missing the names of the books purchased, the complete name of the buyer and a complete mailing address. Please review your order to make sure that vital information is included. If is not, then E Mail me immediately at with that information and your order will be shipped ASAP! We will not ask for any of your private financial information, such as credit card numbers, etc.
Also, my wife Kris has personally contacted a number of you through her E mail about your order and it is going into spam filters. You will know that the E Mail is from Kris only if she gives information that only we would know about the order, Do not give away personal information to a stranger. You can respond by E Mailing me at please give me your name, the date of your order, mailing address, book titles and complete name. We will not ask for any financial information!
Visit our new website at:
You can more information on Are You Ready for the Microchip?
Thursday Aug 05, 2010
Phil Munsey hosts Pastor Ron Hill, Paul McGuire, Denise Matthews, Kristen Jane Anderson, Jerome Broomfield in Costa Mesa, CA.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
By Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire speaking Thursday August 6th at 10:13AM and Saturday August 7th at 8Am at David Hocking's Prophecy Conferece.
Preparations for mass distribution of a microchip implant have been underway for at least 40 years. The microchip implant has been inserted into people as far back as 1847. In the 1970’s microchip implants were designed to receive directions from satellites to specific individuals. Through (EMF) electromagnetic frequency, mental and emotional states can be manipulated. The chip can generate suicidal thoughts, mental confusion, depression, violence, passivity, anxiety or sexual arousal. In addition it can generate voices and hallucinations. I document this in my book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
In January of 1997, U.S. Senator John Glenn, the former astronaut, held hearing’s about beaming Electromagnetic Fields at civilian populations. Targeting people’s brain functions with electromagnetic fields and beams (from helicopters and airplanes, satellites, from parked vans, neighboring houses, telephone poles, electrical appliances, mobile phones, TV, radio, etc Nothing was done about it and secret legislation was proposed to make it illegal to remove a microchip implant.
The reason this technology has remained secret is because of the psychiatric Diagnostic Statistical Manual IV produced by the U.S. American Psychiatric Association (APA) and printed in 18 languages. Some psychiatrists working for U.S. intelligence agencies appeared to have participating in writing and revising this manual. This psychiatric manual does not even admit the possibility of the development of a microchip by labeling some of their effects as symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia. So if a person is not crazy and suspects that what they are experiencing maybe the result of a microchip or related technology, they are immediately labeled crazy because the microchip and other mind control technologies officially don’t exist.
Most people realize that certain events were caused by “Manchurian Candidates” who were not actually crazy, but made crazy in a laboratory. In understanding the role of the False Prophet during the Tribulation, who forces people to accept the mark of the best, we need to understand the Biblical definition of Pharmakeia or sorcery. Most people who define those words are using descriptions from 60 years ago. That gives a false understanding of the Biblical terms. The science and technology of mind control has grown exponentially like computer technology and biotechnology. The problem is that most people are unaware of it.
Beginning with the Dulles brothers following orders from international bankers like Rockefeller, 9,000 Nazi scientists were smuggled into the U.S. after World War II. They were rocket scientist liker Werner von Braun, who some say was a brutal member of the SS and mind control scientists. The mind control scientist were brought into our intelligence agencies and given prominent research positions in laboratories and universities across the United States. They were given new name and new identities. Simultaneously, with importation of Nazi mind control scientists coming into America, the CIA began to experiment with sophisticated mind control operations like MK ULTRA where many American boys and girls disappeared across the nation or with their parent’s permission to be programmed in what was called Monarch Programming. Monarch Programming involved brutal child abuse, torture, molestation and drugs. The purpose was to break down the personality, rebuild and program it. Thus, the Manchurian Candidate.
Harvard psychologist Dr. Timothy Leary promoted the use of LSD and many people speculate the 190’s counter culture was an MK ULTRA operation. Serious question arise when we examine the radical personality and indoctrination of the members of the Weather Underground. The personality transformations are similar to what happen to Patty Hearst and the Symbionese Liberation Army, The mass suicide of the People’s Temple where they drank the Kool-Aid and other unsuspected mind control operations. The sophistication of these programs is hidden from the general public.
The microchip implant can perform a wide array of functions far beyond simple data storage and tracking. In the future it will have the power to terminate a human life. In terms of the great apostasy, there are ministries and movements in some parts of the Christian culture which appear to indicate infiltration by change agents. There is an historical precedent for this going back to 1919 and later when the Dulles brothers, using Rockefeller money changed the theology of many churches, seminaries and ministries in order to have them accept the globalist agenda. There is readily available published evidence to support this Essentially what we have is entire theological system in the Evangelical community designed by atheists, humanists and people involved the New Age. The root cause is a departure from the authority of Scripture and they have become like ships floating in a sea of psychological mysticism because they never put down their anchors.
When we attempt to understand what the Bible means when it talks about Pharmakeia and sorcery in the last days, we need to understand how developed the science of mind control and technology has become. In addition, this science is rooted in occult because the Nazi’s were an occult party first and a political party second. The Nazi scientists brought over were deeply involved in the occult and Satanism. This is crucial to understanding the coming one world religion, the False Prophet and the Antichrist.
Apostasy, delusion, spiritual deception and other devices of Satan can be produced by a combination of the occult, science, technology, microchip implants, social engineering and drugs. In order to expose apostasy and fight the spiritual war the Apostle Paul called us to; we must have a basic understanding of what the church is now up against. The good news is that God knew this was going to happen before the world began and He has given us to weapons that will always defeat the works of darkness, such as the faithful teaching of the Word of God. Christians and Churches become weak, when they neglect the solid teaching and preaching of God’s Word. This present world, which is under the control of the evil one is deceived into believing the Biblical God, does not exist. He exists and He is returning. The victory has already been won! But, we must remember in order to walk under the power of the Holy Spirit; our walk must always synchronize with the Word of God. Ministry and teaching which claims to be under the “power of God,” and is divorced from the solid Word, opens the door to deception, error, delusion and apostasy.
In Revelation 19:11-113 we read Jesus Christ at His return described as “the Word of God.”
“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself. And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.”
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or in the near future What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
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