Sunday, March 27, 2011
By Paul McGuire
Like the German church in pre-Nazi Germany, much of the Evangelical churches in Europe and around the world have rejected Biblical truth for humanistic psychology and New Age mysticism. This has caused the church to be unaware of the intensity of the spiritual attack it has been under, especially in the last one hundred years as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy has accelerated, God warns us to be sober, but we have been drunk on the spiritual battlefield.
In making an accurate analysis of the Evangelical church and its infiltration by the coming one world religion, it would be a mistake to exclusively focus on a select number of leaders. What is important is what powers both earthly and spiritual are the driving force for a global government and a world currency?
Although there is a growing Remnant of spiritually alive churches, the average American, European and Australian church has no comprehension that their churches, nations, world and culture have been planned for complete destruction in order that the anti-Christian new world order that Daniel described as the Fourth Beast or the Revived Roman Empire can replace it.
The Fabian Socialists, the CFR and men like Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian Huxley (first director of UNESCO) have been building a world grid of consciousness, government and religion. Tony Blair and his work with Bill Clinton and most recently Rick Warren, represent only the latest attempt to create a single world culture by creating a one world religion. The purpose of the single world culture is to use the Hegelian dialectic to create a “third way” beyond capitalism and communism. That was also the goal of the Frankfurt School which produced men like Peter Drucker, who influenced business gurus like Ken Blanchard, whose management theories created the Seeker Friendly movement and the Emerging Church movement.
I doubt that Rick Warren and many Christian leaders like him fully understand that they are being used like pawns in a global chess game. In most cases, with exception of key leaders in the Emerging Church, I believe these Christian leaders are convinced that they are being effective for Christ in a changing world and in many ways they are. But, the question I am going to raise in this report is at what cost are they being effective? Do these leaders and the wider Evangelical movement understand that they are being subtly recruited into a globalist agenda that they really know nothing about?
These church growth movements are not the products of the move of the Holy Spirit, New Testament teaching and of the Book of Acts. They are the product of secular management theory based on a Hegelian synthesis of Marxism and Capitalism. The end result would be called Communitarianism. In Communitarianism the individual is subordinate to the whole. In God’s world the individual is of utmost importance. The philosophy of Communitarianism was bitterly fought by the author Ayn Rand who wrote books like Atlas Shrugged. Rand grew up during the Communist Revolution in Russia and escaped to the United States. She witnessed firsthand, the horrors of Communism and when individual creativity is crushed by Communitarianism.
Most people do not understand that the massive changes going on in our world are part of a plan to create a new world order. There may be some vague recognition among some that the world is going in the wrong direction, but in most cases there is little or no understanding of the global military, legal, cultural, spiritual, scientific, economic and sociological precision of the invasion. Neither is there awareness that this is primarily a covert operation. The reason for the ignorance is, is that as a nation and global culture we are in the midst of a Psy Ops war.
The technological and spiritual dimensions of this warfare are so enormous and so beyond the reach of so-called normal thinking, that the enemy has succeeded in separating our consciousness from the recognition of its existence. It is like the “Matrix” movies. This is what Psychologist William James termed normal reality or normal consciousness, which was in contrast to a different consciousness outside of our normal senses.
Aldous Huxley who wrote many novels such as “Brave New World” and “Island” which were produced by Hollywood as feature films, made predictions of what future societies might look like warned of how science could be use to control the masses. Huxley, also wrote the book, “The Doors of Perception,” about his experiments with mescaline, which the rock’n’roll group took for its name. Huxley like many of the Fabian Socialists who mapped out a plan to bring us into a “Brave New World,” combined drugs, Eastern mysticism and technology to create a new world order.
“The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists.” FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover
In 1959, Aldous Huxley gave one of his last public speeches called “The Final Revolution” at Tavistock Group UC Medical School, where he stated: “There will be in the next generation or so a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude and producing dictators without tears, so to speak. Producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods: and this seems to be the final revolution.”
The reason so many people, including Christians are unaware of how dangerously the world around them is being transformed is because they have been brainwashed and they do not know it. In a letter to George Orwell on 21 October 1949, Huxley wrote to George Orwell, author of Nineteen Eighty-Four, the famous novel which features Big Brother, congratulating Orwell. In the letter, Huxley predicted,
“Within the next generation I believe that the world's leaders will discover that infant conditioning and narco-hypnosis are more efficient, as instruments of government, than clubs and prisons, and that the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience.”
The mere bringing up of such possibilities among people who are basically unaware of such technologies is a daunting task. For example, the technology alluded to in the movie “Inception” starring Leonardo DiCaprio is based on real scientific discoveries; it is not purely science fiction.
In the last decades there have been countless movies that deal with the CIA’s MKULTRA program which brainwashed people through torture and LSD and turned them into Manchurian Candidates. But, what many people do not know, is that the Nazi mind control scientists recruited by John Dulles of the CIA, and were practicing Satanists because the historical and documented evidence shows that the Third Reich, Hitler and the S.S. were deeply involved in the occult and Satanism. Yet, the Nazi’s took their occult practices one step further. They began to merge demons with technology.
In fact, one high level and highly respected American military scientist, who developed the psychic remote viewing programs for our intelligence agencies, which gave them ESP-like powers, is an open Satanist. Many of the top people in science, industry, economics. politics and the military are involved with the occult and Eastern mysticism. On the corporate, scientific, military and economic fronts they have developed applications now in use that most people think are in the realm of science fiction.
Going back 30 years ago there was all sorts of research about satellites controlling people on earth through microchip and biochip technology. Obviously, the early experimentation did not involve chips but electrodes. This technology is now in use. Scientists and soldiers are personally using cognitive enhancing smart drugs to increase their intelligence and the Pentagon is deploying cyborg-solidiers who can tap into almost superhuman powers through specially designed helmets that emit ultrasound waves that can dramatically enhance human awareness, allow soldiers to operate for numerous without sleep, not allow them to feel extreme pain, stop bleeding, go on little or no food and run for miles without stopping.
Electro Magnetic Field Technology can control the behavior and psychology of an individual, community or nation. There is a vast array of mass mind control that uses both media, social media, drugs, EMF, subliminal messages and social engineering to control entire populations. This technology can cause people to hear voices, see visions and in short have religious experiences. In terms of spiritual deception if a million people saw God or a UFO coming down from the sky, think of the aftershocks.
Yet, it must be understood by Christians who take their Bible’s seriously that these social engineering technologies can be used against evangelism, Christians influencing culture, Bible study and church growth. Simple programming such as a subconscious association of being a Bible believing Christian with traditional values, makes you a right-wing extremist nut, is a powerful form of mind control.
This is scary territory for the hundreds of millions of people who live in an artificial and programmed consciousness. Their perceptions have been intentionally altered and they cannot see the take-over happening right in front of them. They are like the mental patients in the mental hospital run by the Big Nurse in Ken Kesey’s “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Ultimately, their consciousness has been programmed by the principalities and powers that control this present world system. However, if they were renewing their minds with the Word of God, they would have the spiritual discernment to see the truth, but because they have rejected the truth they have become blind. That is why the Apostle Paul uses terms like, “who bewitched you?” This simply means who cast a spell on you?
“O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?” Galatians 3:1
In Revelation 18:23 we read, “…the light of a lamp will not shine in you (the great city Babylon) any longer; and the voice of the bridegroom and bride will not be heard in you any longer; for your merchants were the great men of the earth, because all the nations (ethnos) were deceived by your sorcery (pharmakeia).” Revelation describes that during the Tribulation and in the last days sorcery and pharmakeia will increase and become part of the total control of the coming one world religion.
Due to technology, science and the science or consciousness and mind control we need to vastly expand what those terms mean without deviating from the Biblical meaning, Sorcery involves magic, incantations, communication with demons or spirit guides, reaching higher levels of consciousness, rituals, mystical practices and invoking supernatural power.
When we are talking about pharmakeia, this involves the personal use and corporate use of a wide variety of mind altering or psychedelic drugs. These drugs can be legal and acquired with a prescription. Please understand I am not saying that using all prescription drugs fits into the category of sorcery and pharmakeia. Many people have biochemical disorders which are managed with all kinds of medication.
This may include sleeping medications, soldiers suffering from PTSD, people who have lived through trauma or abuse, including ritual abuse where the human personality can be broken down to create multiple personalities to hide the abuse from police authorities and law enforcement.
Both cults and the military around the world can break down the walls of a personality through shock, drugs, torture, sleep deprivation and traumatic experiences like ritual abuse. Although Satanic and other cults have perfected the effectiveness of these rituals through the centuries, the introduction of highly sophisticated scientific techniques, specific drugs, hypnosis, programming, electronic brain stimulation, certain audio frequencies, EMF and chip implants, demonic contact, spirit guides, meditation and guided imagery can amplify the effects of sorcery and pharmakeia.
The coming one world religion has the financial support of the world’s most powerful elite and international bankers such as the Rockefellers, the Bilderberg Group and the CFR. I certainly can relate to anyone reading the above statement and dismissing it as just another conspiracy theory. If I had heard someone say that a number of decades ago, I would have quickly dismissed them as someone suffering from paranoid schizophrenia.
Directed by powerful occult forces in the form of spirit guides communicating with occult teachers like Madame Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Blavatsky and Bailey have a tremendous influence on world leaders, international financiers and the United Nations. Those that do not take their Bible literally are spiritually deceived from the reality that a significant percentage of the leaders in the educational establishment, the apostate Church, the New Age and occultism, or the military industrial complex need a social and spiritual evolution in order to bring about the new world order. Julian Huxley (brother of Aldous) was the First Director General of the United Nations Educational, Science, and Culture Organization (UNESCO). Julian Huxley’s goal was the creation of a global “single world culture.”
Again, I realize that the reality of a comprehensive global plan and global information grid is an extremely difficult reality to grasp. Personally, in the research and writing of over 22 books dealing with these subjects, I initially rejected every major conspiratorial claim that I came across. However, a number of years ago, for the sake of intellectual honesty, I decided to conduct my own research. After decades of examining first hand governmental and scientific reports, interviewing world leaders and some of the leading experts in their fields, historical documents, original source material, intelligence reports, film, videos, audio and out of print books, I realized that much of what I rejected due to my bias, was indeed accurate. That is not to say, that there is not an enormous body of information out there that is false, made-up, counterfeited and produced for the purposes of disinformation. They key is spending the enormous amount of time necessary and when possible, learning how to reject the false from the truth.
Much of this information is no longer hidden. It is available for anyone to view and read on the Internet. In a recent video interview with Billionaire George Soros, Soros openly describes the plan to devalue the dollar, transfer trillions of dollars from the American Middle Class to Third World nations and to artificially raise up China as the world’s leader and economic super-power. Soros must have used the term new world order over 10 times during the interview with the BBC in Paris. Soros explained that they are devaluing the dollar through inflation so that the dollar will no longer be the world’s currency. According to Soros, the purpose of this is to redistribute the wealth globally and equalize the playing field. The goal would be for the world to accept a new international financial order and a one world currency. This new world currency would consist of a banking instrument called SDR’s or Special Drawing Rights, which would be a basket of competing currencies.
The choice of China as the role model for the U.S. and other nations of the world is that it is a totalitarian government ruled by an elite who control the masses like slaves for the purpose of producing wealth for the elite. This is their plan for the America and other nations of the world. There are current U.N. reports available to the public that substantiate what Soros is claiming. This information, along with many other items is available to anyone who is willing to invest an hour of their time surfing the Internet.
The secondary implications of this plan reveal a spiritual darkness so deep, that it is hard to imagine. Finally, I discovered enormous evidence that the Bible has supernatural authorship and that its predictive prophecies give us a complete outline of world history in advance along with a detailed analysis of what Jesus Christ referred to as the “signs of the times.” The numerous Old Testament prophets, the apostles and Christ Himself, predict with crystal clear clarity, the sociological, biological, environmental, genetic, theological, economic, governmental and military conditions of what the Bible calls the last days.
In predicting history in advance the Bible describes not only our time, but what will happen in the very near future as it applies to the emergence of what is termed the “Fourth Beast” or Revived Roman Empire. The ancient prophets predicted the rebirth of Israel in 1948, the coming one world economic system, the coming one world religion and a world charismatic leader called the First Beast or the Antichrist. The head of a global and cashless economic system is called the Second Beast or False Prophet. The False Prophet heads up the coming one world religion. Ezekiel 38 or the War of Gog and Magog describes the rise of Russia and Iran as two nations that will lead an alliance of militant Islamic nations that will invade Israel in the last days. The reports of Russia’s advanced military and its sale of WMD’s, nukes, ships, tanks, missiles and military technology to Iran and other nations, perfectly describes the geopolitical environment that would give rise to an Ezekiel 38 invasion. At this very moment revolutions are happening simultaneously in and around 10 Islamic nations like Egypt and Libya.
Maurice Strong, billionaire and Canadian businessman with connections to Rockefeller and Rothschild is a New Age, occultist. Strong is a mover and shaker in the New World Order. Strong currently lives in Shanghai, China because the global elite and international bankers have decided that it will be China and not the U.S. which will be the most powerful economy in the world.
Strong has been a director of the Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, the organizer of the first World Conference on the Environment in 1992. Strong, who led the Earth Summit, has asserted that "the United States is clearly the greatest risk to the world's ecological health," and wrote in an UNCED report in August, 1991 that:
"It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns the affluent middle-class, involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, ownership of motor vehicles, small electric appliances, home and work place air-conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable...A shift if necessary toward life-styles less geared to environmental damaging consumption patterns."
Strong along with other globalists are using their power to force a new economic order based on the redistribution of the developed world's industries and a transfer of wealth to the Third World. Strong is not only involved in the occult, but is a true believer in Marxist theory. Ironically, many Christians who do not read Bible prophecy and have been sold on the U.N. vision of social justice, believe that is the Christian thing to do, is allowing the U.N. to transfer trillions of dollars of wealth from the American Middle Class and the Middle Class of other nations to Third World countries.
As such, the creation of a new world religion such as the one promoted by Tony Blair is setting the stage for a spiritual reason to destroy the Middle Class and allow American and Europeans to be transformed into Third World nations with massive unemployment, poverty, no health care, mothers and daughters becoming prostitutes to feed their families. It is important to understand that the global elite will continue to live lives of incredible affluence and no sacrifice will be asked for from them.
In this new world order and coming one world religion, the elite plan is to transform the U.S. into the Communist Chinese model. Remember the pyramid on the dollar bill. On the bottom of the pyramid it says” Novus Ordo Seclorum” or New Order of the Ages. The base of the pyramid represents the masses or worker bees of the new world order. In the middle of the Pyramid we have the occult symbol of the all-seeing eye of Lucifer or the Illumined ones – the Illuminati. Those that have been enlightened by Lucifer are at the top of the pyramid. They are the rulers or the scientific elite who have total control, just like in Communist China.
Despite what you have been told, the worker bees will have no civil rights or U.S.-style Constitution built on a Biblical worldview. If you deviate from the program you will be sent to a re-education camp or killed. This is why Soros. Rockefeller, Kissinger, Strong, Brzezinski like China. It represents a new world order where they will have total control! Remember, these men see themselves like “gods,” to them you are a useless eater. Many of you will consider my words, “sent to a re-education camps or killed,” an extreme statement. You may be tempted to mentally disconnect from what I am telling you. However, before you do that, consider these words and facts:
Brzezinski former National Security Advisor to President Carter, co-founder of the Trilateral Commission with Rockefeller and a top advisor with President Obama reveals the goals of the elite and how they intend to accomplish them. Please do not gloss over his words, he means exactly what he says, as Adolph Hitler did when he wrote Mein Kampf.
Listen to what Brzezinski is calling for in his book, Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Era, New York: Viking Press (1970)
"... Society dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedly superior scientific know-how. Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values (founding liberal values like freedom), this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control."
To put it simply Brzezinski is revealing the strategy and mindset of the elite. It is important to understand that they are not Christians. They have no belief in God or right and wrong. Like Hitler, Mao and Lenin they fully believe that the ends justify the means. Contemporary Christians and especially those that are “Seeker Friendly” are fatally naïve about the real intentions of the elite globalists and those who run the U.N.
When Brzezinski says’s, to you, “Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values.” He is telling you that “the ends justify the means” and they will do anything, no matter how sick, barbaric or cruel to accomplish their plan. They are godless and they will do anything to achieve their end!
In their pride, these “gods” who have committed the sin of Satan, believe that they are entitled to dominate the world with dictatorial control because they possess the knowledge (the Illumined ones) and they are the scientific elite. Thus in their view, they are completely justified in achieving their political ends by using the “latest modern techniques” of surveillance and mind control. If you want to have just a glimpse of what that awful power implies than read the Nazi and CIA MK ULTRA testimonies from the mind control victims that were brutalized.
Originating in the concentration camps by Nazi scientists, many who were practicing Satanists, totally controlled the personalities of babies and young boys and girls who were completely broken down through unspeakable sadistic abuse, rape and torture. Using drugs, isolation, ritual abuse, EMF, the breaking of bones and other methods of completely destroying the human personality, they rebuilt them as mind control slaves in Monarch Programming and other programs where they were held captive for years, programmed to carry special assignments and then killed and left to die.
This process was touched on in movies like The Manchurian Candidate and The Bourne Identity. Senator Ted Kennedy questioned the CIA about these programs in a Congressional hearing and a growing number of victims and psychiatrists have come forward through the courts demanding answers.
Christians who are in a state of denial about such realities are not renewing their minds with God’s Word and they do not possess the spiritual discernment to protect their children and wives. Like Hitler, Brzezinski is telling you precisely what they plan to do. There is nothing hidden. He is communicating to you perfect clarity!
In addition, we have the lessons of history. Tragically, the Jews and Christians were spiritually deceived about Hitler. He told them exactly what his plan was before he did it. But, the Jews and Christians did not want to believe it! They steadfastly convinced themselves they were going to the showers, when in reality they were going to their deaths. Look at the history books and look at the huge piles of naked bodies outside the concentration camps and remember what the Jews said, “Never again!”
Ramesh Thakur the author of a military employed by the Obama administration to justify the recent airstrikes targeting the regime of Moammar Gadhafi in Libya recently advocated for a "global rebalancing" and "international redistribution" to create a "New World Order." Thakur who is backed by George Soros is calling for international wealth redistribution which will be promoted by the coming one world religion as “social justice.”
The author, Ramesh Thakur, is a fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation, which is in partnership with an economic institute founded by philanthropist billionaire George Soros. Thakur is also closely tied with other Soros-funded initiatives.
President Pinera of Chile while visiting President Obama said, “And in America, we are much behind that. In America, 20 years ago, President Bush, father, raised the idea of a free trade area from Alaska to “Fire Land” (Tierra del Fuego) generating a lot of enthusiasm in the region, but it never came true, never materialized. [...] And in our view, that will call for a new international order that will replace that which emerged in Bretton Woods after the Second World War, and to be appropriate and adaptive to the needs and challenges of the 21st century, where the only constant thing we have is change.
Both of these significant news stories about creating unifying the North and South America and creating a Marxist New World Order were basically concealed by the Corporate-controlled media. But, what is absolutely vital to understand is that what Tony Blair and others are doing in creating their one world religion,is creating the mind control glue which will cause American and European Christians to give accept a far lower standard of living and loss of their freedoms, while wearing a big smile on their face. This is the new Evangelical theology.
American and Christians around the world are in grave danger! They do not believe the Word of God. God’s Word very clearly teaches us that sinful man is fallen and capable of committing any atrocity! That is reality. In addition, God’s Word teaches us that there is real personal evil in the universe. There is a being called Lucifer and he leads an army of fallen angels and Lucifer can influence and possess men through his demons.
There is no evil that they are not fully willing to commit! That is what God’s Word teaches us about the nature of our present fallen world. But, if you reject God’s Word, God cannot protect you! You are opening yourself, your families, your children and your nation to evil forces that are beyond your comprehension.
This is why the Watchman must blow the trumpet.
This is why the prophet has fire in his bones! With everything in him he sees what is going to happen soon. It is not blurry! He can hear the screams from the future and his eyes the evil that is to come. The prophet knows that God weeps and does not want His people to perish or the suffering to occur.
The prophet is so consumed by the love of God and for the love of God’s people that he willing to sacrifice his life. No matter what the cost, the people must be warned and instructed. The burden is unbearable upon his shoulders, his eyes scream for what he has seen. But, that is not enough!
Risking all reputation and willing to be stoned for not being “loving,” he must go into the gates of the city and confront in love the false prophecy, false teaching and spiritual deception which is blinding God’s people. He knows that there is a King in heaven and if the people will cry out to the King, they will see the raw display of His power to deliver them. Unlike anything they have seen before or imagined, the earth will shake violently and deliverance will come when God’s people call on His name.
The question might be asked, what does this have to do with a coming one world religion and the promotion of a new kind of globalist Christianity. If you fail to understand depravity of man and the total evilness of Lucifer, than you cannot comprehend the full implications of what is happening.
The Luciferian new world order is not a completely open system. If you like there are layers and levels to its organizational structure. At the lower levels of this new world order, there is the masquerade that much of this is good, loving, kind and compassionate.
The Apostle Paul writes in II Corinthians 11:2-15
“For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ.
But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.
For I suppose I was not a whit behind the very chiefest apostles.
But though I be rude in speech, yet not in knowledge; but we have been throughly made manifest among you in all things.
Have I committed an offence in abasing myself that ye might be exalted, because I have preached to you the gospel of God freely?
I robbed other churches, taking wages of them, to do you service.
And when I was present with you, and wanted, I was chargeable to no man: for that which was lacking to me the brethren which came from Macedonia supplied: and in all things I have kept myself from being burdensome unto you, and so will I keep myself.
As the truth of Christ is in me, no man shall stop me of this boasting in the regions of Achaia.
Wherefore? because I love you not? God knoweth.
But what I do, that I will do, that I may cut off occasion from them which desire occasion; that wherein they glory, they may be found even as we.
For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”
For a complete and more comprehensive understanding of what is happening locally and globally in relationship to the coming one world religion, the new world order, spiritual warfare and the fulfillment of Bible prophecy, order Paul's 3 DVD set "American Dictatorship - The Coming Event That Will Change Everything" at Also, "The Day The Dollar Died" and "Are You Ready for the Microchip?"
We are recieving reports from people around the world who are using these DVD's and books for home group meetings, Bible studies, get togethers and church Bible studies! Many people are coming to these meetings who are turned off by Christianity and religion! They are interested in finding out the truth about the one world economic system, one world government, microchip, what is going to happen to the economy and why so many things are happening at once in the world?
When people invite them to these meetings for coffee, tea and discussion many of them receive Christ or return to Christ! The key is being prayed up and inviting the people the Lord has put on your heart. Depending on who is coming to the group you may want to make it more secular or more religious. The key is that all of these are resource tools for you and people are coming to Christ all around the world in private homes, meeting places, prisons, clubs and churches.
Paul McGuire Ministries is committed to winning millions of Christ world wide by relying on the Holy Spirit and answering peoples questions. By not being "religious," people feel safe to come!
Ultimately, we are fishers of men and by God's grace many are coming to Christ through your obedience, prayers, financial support and willingness to reach out to the lost! We don't want to boast in and of ourselves, but the Lord is doing a mighty thing and the numbers of people coming to Christ are staggering! Praise be to God.
Also, we are launching our daily Internet TV and radio show which you can watch on your computer, IPod or cell phone and most importantly pass along to a friend.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Coming One World Religion, Tony Blair, Rick Warren and Modern Evangelicalism Part 1
The Coming One World Religion, Tony Blair, Rick Warren and Modern Evangelicalism Part 1
By Paul McGuire
Last month, at the Global Peace Forum at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, which featured Rick Warren and special guest, former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair. Rick Warren spoke about his global P.E.A.C.E. and Tony Blair spoke about the inter-faith Tony Blair Foundation.
Tony Blair is preparing to launch a “faith offensive” across the United States over the next year, after building up relationships with a network of influential religious leaders and faith organizations.” Rick Warren joined the advisory board of Blair’s foundation. The important question to you is “Will your church, pastor and denomination join that effort? If they do I want to clearly explain the serious Biblical implications of such an alliance.
First, of all before I go on any further, I want to explain my relationship to Rick Warren, Saddleback and Kay Warren. I hosted a nationally syndication drive time radio show from Los Angeles across the U.S. 3 hours per day. By God’s grace, the program transcended “Christian talk” and I became a regular commentator on Fox News Network, CNN and debated world leaders and leading economists. I have had Kay Warren on my show a number to times and Rick Warren called in the show spontaneously while driving on the freeways of Southern California and announced that he was a regular listener of the program.
On all occasions where I have interacted with Warren, the content was Biblical. In addition, I have heard Rick speak at some dinners for Seminaries in Southern California and had the opportunity to talk with him. Again, the messages were Biblical in content and he is an extremely gifted communicator of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Despite the questions I am raising, it would be dishonest to suggest that the Lord has not used him globally to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and I have met countless people whose lives have been turned around through Rick Warren’s message. In addition, the commentary I am raising is my own and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of any ministries, companies and individuals I have worked for or with.
When I watched Rick Warren on Larry King, I was relieved because he did not allow himself to be marginalized by being put in a box. I had hosted a number of national Bible prophecy conferences with Pat Robertson at CBN over the years. I have enormous respect for Pat Robertson, but I felt that Robertson limited his credibility with the global culture by making comments about the judgment of God and unintentionally playing the stereotypical role of an “angry” Christian. I did not have a problem with Robertson making such strong comments. I believe Robertson was being obedient to the Lord and speaking directly in a politically correct age. Personally, I feel this manner of delivery is more Christian than side-stepping every issue and trying to play both sides of the fence.
In relationship to Rick Warren, I have talked with a number of well know Christian leaders, who do not necessarily share his methodology, but believe him to be a genuine brother in Christ. Unless, proven differently, I believe Rick Warren is a brother in Christ and that God is using him. However, I would also suggest, that Rick Warren may not realize the extent that he is being exploited by very sinister globalist forces to further their one world agenda.
However, even though Warren has the most visible name, it would be dishonest to ignore the fact, that the globalist agenda is very busy infiltrating the church, Evangelical leaders, seminaries, denominations and churches. This pervasive lack of understanding among some in Christian leadership that they are being used reflects a dangerous ignorance and lack of understanding about who are the very powerful groups and individuals who control our world. To dismiss this as a conspiracy theory in light of the enormous body of credible documentation from mainstream and accurate sources, borders on idiocy.
It is because Rick Warren is influential, I would love the opportunity to listen to his point of view and share with him facts. It would be my hope, that this would cause him to re-think his position about his involvement with the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations. Being open and accountable is part of being a Christian leader. That not only goes for Warren, but myself, and any other Christian leader. Among other markets across the U.S., I literally broadcasted in Warren’s backyard and had a very large number of the people who attended Saddleback listen to my show on a regular basis.
In addition, I would often meet people who came back to Christ at Saddleback or grew in Christ there. In many instances that would also hold true of evangelicals who have signed on to the globalist agenda. It is not that God approves of a one world government, because as it states in account of the Tower of Babel and the global government in Revelation, it is clear that He does not.
In the past, Blair and Warren also mentioned they have been partnering with the President of Rwanda in an effort to develop a Purpose Driven country as an initial step to establishing a Purpose Driven world. In 2005, Rick Warren announced his global P.E.A.C.E. Plan to his congregation. In 2003, he said management guru; Ken Blanchard had “signed on to help with the Peace Plan. Rick Warren still sits on Blanchard’s Board of Advisors with a number of New Ager leaders. Blanchard has been promoting New Age mystical teachers for many years and even today sits on the Board of the New Age Hoffman Institute. In 2007, Blanchard wrote the foreword to a book that was “inspired by Hindu swami Paramahansa Yogananada.
But, Blanchard cannot be dismissed easily! In the corporate world, he has enormous influence in shaping corporate cultures and is author of the best-selling book, “The One Minute Manager.”
I would like to write a note of caution here. When any Christian moves beyond what I call the “Christian ghetto,” you are going to associate with business leaders, politicians and media people who will not share all the evangelical beliefs you have.. As long as you are not promoting those ideas, you can be used as salt and light in the culture.
For example, Nancy Reagan was very much into astrology and influenced her husband Ronal Reagan a famous Evangelical President. Does Nancy invalidate Ronald Reagan? As someone who has produced feature films in Hollywood, you are going to work alongside with Scientologists and those in many different kinds of Eastern mystical religions. It does not mean you are going to have embrace or promote those beliefs, but you will be working in partnership with them. That would be true of any secular business in the world.
Former UK Prime Minister, Tony Blair created the Tony Blair Faith Foundation to unify the world’s religions. Blair is especially interested in promoting the benefits of globalization to Christian churches. There are a number of prominent American ministers who have endorsed his Tony Blair Faith Foundation with its emphasis on globalization or global government. However, in Revelation we read about this coming one world religion and the False Prophet who unites the world’s religions in order to bring peace to Planet Earth under the rule of Antichrist.
Rick Warren has been influenced by management gurus like Peter Drucker. Drucker developed his management ideas at the Frankfurt School.
The Frankfurt School in Germany was a school of neo-Marxist social theory. Dissatisfied with Marxist and Capitalist societies, the Frankfurt School explored the possibility of an alternative path of humanistic social development. Berit Kjos in her article “Rockefeller & Global Mind Control”“1996 (December ). "A Symposium organized by The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management, sponsored by The Rockefeller Brothers Fund.
The Drucker Foundation believes that a healthy society requires three vital sectors: a public sector of effective governments; a private sector of effective businesses; and a social sector of effective community organizations [the focus is on large churches]. The mission of the social sector and its organizations is to change lives. It accomplishes this mission by addressing the needs of the spirit, the mind and the body--of individual, the community, and society. While on the air I was approached by the Drucker Foundation as ministry they were interested in donating to. As I recall, they were located in Orange County and were able to hear my beliefs for several hours a day.
The pastor or the mega-church leader becomes a change agent, used by the operant conditioning of the globalists. They transition, the Christian population from a Bible based-community in the historical Biblical sense, through use of Hegel’s dialectic. By introducing synthesis and antithesis in a mega church congregation, opposite populations live together. There are those Christians who are liberal in their theological education and perhaps not even saved in the strictest definition of the word. Their belief system could be categorized as a kind of New Age-Christian belief system. The other population would be composed of liberal/moderate/evangelicals. The two groups would synthesize into a hybrid of a New Age/globalist/Christian. Thus transition is manufactured through the dialectic of synthesis.
It is interesting that one of the primary focuses of the Tony Blair Faith Foundation is not only to unify the different religions, but to specifically promote the benefits of globalism or global government to evangelicals. A number of well known evangelical leaders have signed on board. Tony Blair writes in his article seeking to Understand Faith and Globalization that “at a certain point each (religion) is in communion with each other.” So one would have to ask the question what is the communion between militant Islam, Judaism and Christianity? Suicide bombers? The often stated theology from militant Islam is death to Jews and Christians. So where is the communion?
This series from Paul McGuire is to be continued as Paul goes into the plan of George Soros to destroy the dollar, promote China and bring in world government. How a CFR- coming one world religion is essential to the process of globalism. Madame Blavatsky, the occult and the United Nations new world order. Adolph Hitler and how the science of eugenics is being used by the elite today. How Rockefeller has spent billions of dollars financing a one world religion and infiltrating the Evangelical Movement. How Evangelical Christians are being directed by the CFR and the UN to create one world religion and a one world government. The importance of understanding Bible prophecy literally in decoding the actions of the U.N. The Federal Reserve, the death of the dollar and a new world currency. The influence of the occult among the elite and in the U.N. In addition, in the following series, Paul will relate all of this to the coming one world religion in an effort to educate Christians concerning the hidden agenda that is about to radically change our world.

By Paul McGuire
In 1994 the Northridge Earthquake Richter Scale 6.7 Richter hi at 4:31 AM. Caltech reported the earthquake at 7.0. At the time I was living under on one of the dual epicenters of the earthquake.
Unexpectedly and without any notice, the Northridge earthquake changed everything. Our house was at the end of the street with a large driveway. All of our neighbors gathered together in the cold and wrapped in blankets. It was pitch black and there were no lights anywhere.
Without me saying a word, for the first time all of my neighbors asked me the question, “Paul are these the Signs of the Times that Jesus Christ talked about?” Many knew that I had written a number of books on Bible prophecy and had seen me on the Fox News Network, but they had never come up to me and asked those questions before.
On September 11, 2001, again early in the morning, I was waiting at a train station waiting for a train that would take me on a 180 mile commute where I would broadcast a live 4-hour syndicated radio show from Los Angeles, where I talked a lot about Bible Prophecy. I remember people talking to their friends on their cell phones about the Twin Trade Towers crashing down. Everyone was in total shock. When I go to my office at the radio station I watched the jets crash into the World Train Center and the Trade Center tower’s crashing down.
In August 2008 just a few weeks after I was speaking at a David Hocking Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills the U.S. Stock Exchange was collapsing and a global economic collapse was about to occur. I write about how and why this really happened in my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” and “The Day the Dollar Died.”
I was awakened minutes before the Northridge Earthquake in California. There was a deafening roar and I thought a nuke had hit in Los Angeles. The house began to shake so violently that I thought it would collapse at any second. It was the Northridge Earthquake. Beginning after 911the Lord began to call to me to seek His face through constant prayer about what was about to happen in America and around the world.
Although I have spent a lifetime researching such diverse subjects as science, biology. The Old and New Testament, New Age and occult religions, philosophy, economics, history, culture, psychology, the Federal Reserve, banking, population, environmentalism and religion to name a few. This intensive seeking the face of God worked hand in hand with my research. In fact, countless times I would sense the Holy Spirit leading me to research specific areas that I had no real interest in.
For example, the Lord directed me to do an intensive study on Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich in relationship to the occult, eugenics, economics, mind control, the weakening of the Church and globalism.
Many times, after I thought I had fulfilled my assignment in the this area the Lord would lead me back again and again, telling me that I had only scratched the surface and there was much more there, that dealt with world political control, human cloning, brainwashing, interspecies breeding, mental telepathy, healthcare and interspecies breeding, the manipulation of DN to produce a Master Race, cloning and the ultimate, but highly secretive goal of the transhumant agenda.
Only later after obeying the Holy Spirit did I see the convergence of the Nazi occult, mind control technology, eugenics, invisible government and his hatred to the Jews. Today, the National Archives released an enormous amount of documented evidence of the vast number of scientists who the OSS, now called CIA brought in after World War II into the highest scientific positions via Operation Paperclip. The full extent of this has just been released through the Freedom of Information Act and yet the Lord revealed it to me years early. I discovered the Nazi connection to the IMF or World Bank and its relationship to the Military Industrial Complex and Interpol.
President Obama just gave Interpol free reign in the U.S. They are accountable to no one, they can operate like a Gestapo and Interpol was founded by the Nazi’s. Also, many terrorist Muslim nations, leaders and groups were the creations of Nazi Psy Ops and the occult.
In May 21, 2010 Rand Paul wrote in an article, “Hitler Coming to Power.”
“If we get economic calamity even worse than we have now, you will lose your rights. And we have to be vigilant and watch.
What happened in Germany, when the Weimar Republic printed up so much money and you carry it around in wheelbarrows? There was a collapse, and they actually voted in a Hitler. You could get something like that in our country if we're not careful and vigilant.”
A number of years ago, the Lord commanded me to begin investigating the Nazi’s, Adolph Hitler and occult societies. The Lord strongly impressed upon my heart that the Nazi mind control scientists were still deeply involved in the occult when our newly formed CIA implemented Operation Paperclip which imported thousands of Nazi scientists who were given very high positions in government, science, education, politics, the military and biotech.
The full extent of this Nazi operation was made public just a few weeks ago under the Freedom of Information Act and is now available for public viewing free through the National Archives “Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence and the Cold War.” However, the Lord led me to specific areas to research, through His the Holy Spirit. “I write about some of this in my books “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready?”
These papers are just the tip of the iceberg and the Lord has revealed to me what is coming soon through these men and their descendants.
The Lord began to call me to seek His face with all my heart immediately after 911. I specifically came to the Lord and waited upon Him to to give God’s people information and knowledge to help you, your family and God’s people. I asked God to show me what is to come and show me what God’s people are supposed to do?
I deal with all of this the powerful 3 DVD package entitled “American Dictatorship – The Coming Event That Will Change Everything.” For years the Lord has impressed in my heart over and over again the things that are coming and what God expects His people to do both spiritually and practically. The future is not fixed! We are not talking about attempting to change Bible prophecy which is impossible to do anyway. I believe that God is calling His people to repent of their sins and seek His face! God is waiting to pour out an authentic and Biblical revival along with a Third Great Awakening and a massive last day’s harvest of souls.
But his cannot happen without exposing false teaching, such as the Church has replaced Israel and other false doctrines that have penetrated the Church from within. Many Churches are now using the term “social justice.” But, what do they mean by the term “social justice?” Some mean it from a Biblical sense. But, the vast majority of Churches using the term “social justice” are using it in the sense that it was originally created which is Marxist or Communist! I go into this in “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?”
In 1919, Gramsci, together with Angelo Tasca, Umberto Terracini and Togliatti, founded L'Ordine Nuovo: Rassegna Settimanale di Cultura Socialista (The New Order: Around 1921, the Italian Communist leader Antonio Gramsci created the term “social justice.” It must be understood that from it very beginning the term “social justice” is a Communist and not a Biblical term. Many American preachers and Christians are using it because they have been dumbed down. When Antonio Gramsci attempted to launch a Communist take-over of Italy, the same year, the Communists took over Russia, he ran into great difficulty.
Gramsci realized that a militant Communist Revolution could not happen in Italy because of the Italians resistance. Gramsci did not advocate armed revolution, but subtle supervision from within.
1. Gramsci wanted to demonstrate how “social justice could occur as a Marxist Government would take care of the poor. The problem he encountered was the fact that he Church because it was already taking care of the poor on an extensive level. However, Gramsci used change agents in churches and seminaries who taught that only through Marxism or redistributing the wealth could true social justice be achieved.
2. Gramsci understood that the tradition family was a massive opposition to Communism because children were being taught about God, Christian values. Patriotism and moral values in the traditional value. The family because the family transferred patriotism and the Christian faith to its children. Gramsci set about to destroy the Christian family by promoting sexual immorality and labeling it as a normal in society. Teenagers and adults began to reject their home-based patriotism, belief and family and sexual morality.
Gramsci waged a quite but effective war against the traditional family. He encouraged sexual promiscuity and perversion of every time. Gramsci promoted divorce and began to use role models in society to demonstrate the virtues of not being a family. The breaking of the family, private ownership and traditional morality were attacked through indoctrination in the school system and psychologically breaking up the family unit by creating government as your family.
All of this indoctrination occurs inside of schools in role playing, guiding such free thinking discussions were guided to reach a pre-determined outcome which is Marxism. The cherry on tope is that the Father of Modern Education is John Dewey who went over to Russia to receive his training as an advanced social change agent in charge of America’s schools.
Unfortunately, the majority of the Evangelical Christian Church in America hit the “snooze button.” This is why we see so many radicalized graduates from college embracing the same globalist view, involved in environmentalism. Without their knowing it Evangelical school children and upper school change agents that created a stealth curriculum where millions of kids from Christian homes graduate as happy bees of the new world order.
The Bilderberg Group, which consists of some of the most powerful men and women in the world are part of a secretive elite which seeks to bring America under the authority of World Government. That includes the distribution of the microchip implant in the U.S. and the 1.2 billion men and women who will receive some kind of RFID transmitter in their bodies or ID cards.
This secretive group like the CFR controls much of the laws and governments in the world. The elite has members such as like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, heads of state, prominent senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, and top media figures.
Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank (bankrolled with Nazi money), Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King. This is just the tip of the Shadow Government which controls the U.S. though banking, mass media and both the Republican Democratic parties.
They hated competition and relentlessly strove to eliminate it – for David on a global scale through a New World Order.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Trilateralists and CFR members collaborated on the latter’s “1980 Project,” the largest ever CFR initiative to steer world events “toward a particular desirable future outcome (involving) the utter disintegration of the economy.” Why so is the question?
Starting in the 1950s and 1960s, manufacturing began to accelerate in nations like Germany, Japan, China, South Korea and other nations Many of these nations such as China were artificially built up the super-capitalists of the CFR. In America as well beginning in the 1980s. The result has been a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, shrinkage of the middle class, and plan for its eventual demise.
The North American Union (NAU)
In the 1980’s David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul Volker told the president that Canada and America could be politically and economically merged over the next 15,this was the beginning of the North American Union which will eventually include Mexico.
There are numerous reports circulating that Canada and the U.S. are secretly negotiating a security and trade deal which could be signed as early as January 2011. The proposed agreement would establish a security perimeter as a means to better secure North America and stimulate trade. The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), along with other U.S.-Canada initiatives have allowed the two countries to incrementally move towards creating a common security perimeter.
The DHS is involved in this and the goal is unify Mexico, Canada and the United States. The problem with the plan is that it establishes a regional global government and redistributes the wealth.
Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. Elite Objectives
The goal of the elite and their organizations is for “a One World Government with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their goals include:
– A world identity with one international identifies (observing) one set of universal values.
– Centralized control or World Brain that would control world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion. Microchip technology, EMF, drugs, behavioral conditioning and other technologies will soon control world opinion.
– A New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy. The pyramid on the back of the dollar bill symbolizes this.
– A zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers. Like Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” people will be bred through a sophisticated eugenics program to stay in a certain class. On a psychological testing level, we see giant retailers producing the happy, unquestioning and underpaid worker.
– Manufactured crises and perpetual wars. This was a term developed by Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells of the Fabian socialists coined the term “perpetual war and perpetual peace as a means of social control. Constant crisis whether military, terrorism, disease pandemics, natural disaster or economic collapse provide the justification for Martial Law.
– Absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles. The purpose of all this testing in the public school system has nothing to do with getting a superior education. It is a subtle mechanism for slotting people at an early age into different careers. Big Brother will choose your sons and daughters careers.
– United Nations International Law will replace the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will be replaced by centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies.” In short, Global Dictatorship.
– The UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens.”
– Expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;
– Making NATO a world military and a global police force. These NATO soldiers, know nothing of our U.S. Bill of Rights and would fire and kill a U.S. Citizen without the blinking of an eye.
A global dictatorship with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt’s “brain trust.” In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.” The elite will establish their world government through brute force.
In 1992 at a Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:
“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.” Kissinger was advocating Martial Law to manage the chaos.
This means that the Shadow Government who really control America is prepared to use martial law, a Police States, concentration or re-education camps. Microchip implants or whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
It is precisely because I care for your children and your children that I must fulfill the prophetic calling of this ministry and by acting as a watchman on the wall. As I have discussed earlier by research consists of studying original source documents, actual quotes, thank tank papers and economic research.
However, I am praying constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, seeking God for His strength and wisdom. The Holy Spirit actually leads me in our research and where to research. God also arranges for me to meet everyone from ordinary people, scientists, bankers, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Bible scholars, historical and economic experts, etc.
In light of the above, I feel compelled to share why the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to pray for your nation, leaders and a deliver a message that is burning in my bones!
That is the purpose of our ministry, which is to educate God’s people on a worldwide level before the soon return of the Lord. I want to be very precise here and be careful not to puff myself up and I am very aware of the serious abuses done by people who have falsely claimed to have heard from the Lord.
Let me share this as simply as I can. I believe that America and many nations of the world are on the very precipice an American Dictatorship and a dictatorship in your nation that will have its roots in a Global Dictatorship.
The Bible predicts all of this in Daniel’s vision of the Fourth Beast, the Abomination of Desolation in the words of Jesus Christ, the Abomination of Desolation warned of by Daniel and the global government and a one world financial system spoken of by the Apostle John. John’s vision in Revelation warns us of an Antichrist and False Prophet. The Antichrist will unite the world through a peace treaty by Israel and the False Prophet who heads up the world financial system where people cannot buy or sell without a microchip or biochip.
The False Prophet also heads up a coming one world religion which appears to have a link to UFO’s.
I believe that we are on the verge of a great crisis both nationally or internationally, which will usher in a global totalitarian state. There are no words I can use to stress the seriousness of such an event or its implications.
I do know that God’s people must be educated and that the Lord is calling His people into spiritual warfare. This spiritual warfare entails fully understanding what is happening and why? Fasting, intercessory prayer, evangelism, the faithful teaching of the Word of God, repentance and God’s people crying out to Him for deliverance.
Soberly, except for the Remnant we do not see that in the Body of Christ. This must change immediately if we are to see God move with power in our land.
It is my prayer that this 3 DVD package entitled “American Dictatorship- The Coming Event and How It Will Change everything,” will equip you to make a difference. The hour is late, but God is good.
I outline this burden that the Lord has given me in a 3 DVD Package called:
1. “American Dictatorship – The Coming Event That Will Change Everything,”
Click the link below to find out more about ordering the 3 DVD Package:
Monday, March 14, 2011
By Paul McGuire
We are all watching the enormous devastation that happened to Japan as three of their nuclear reactors prepare to go into nuclear meltdown. I am encouraging everyone to pray for the people of Japan and America as well. What has happened in Japan could easily happen in the U.S. We may not be as reliant on nuclear reactors, but we are very vulnerable to earthquakes.
In Japan they have now estimated the earthquake to be 9.1. It not only unleashed a massive tsunami which moved the entire nation of Japan by 8 feet, but it shifted the earth on its axis.
In America we are in grave danger! We have the majority of the Christian church asleep and an even greater number of Christians who know nothing about God’s plan for Israel in the last days and the Abrahamic Covenant. The reason that so many Christians know so little about the Abrahamic Covenant is because in direct disobedience to the Word of God many denominations, churches, ministers and seminaries do not allow literal teaching on the Word of God when it comes to Israel, Bible prophecy and Revelation.
In fact, it is the policy of many churches not to teach on Bible prophecy or to actually twist the Word of God and oppose Israel.
This is the exact kind of disobedience that God warns about over and over again in Deuteronomy 28, I and II Kings, Chronicles, Nehemiah, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joel and Isaiah. Every single time God’s people refused to obey and teach His Word, judgment and captivity came.
God made an everlasting covenant with Abraham to give the physical descendant of Abraham the land of Israel in the last days. In addition, God plainly states what will happen to the nation or individual who “curses” Israel.
“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
America forced Israel to remove 8,000 Israeli's from their homes in Gaza, and then came Katrina, where America lost 800,000 houses in Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Japan demanded that Israel not build 1,600 housing units in east Jerusalem. After the 9.0 earthquake Japan may have to rebuild 1.6 million homes.
Behind the scenes America is pressuring Israel to divide up the land. This places America in direct violation of the Abrahamic Covenant. If you take the Word of God literally and at its plain meaning, this would mean God will curse America for cursing Israel. Will God supernaturally divide up our land? In New Madrid, Missouri there is a potentially cataclysmic earthquake which would literally split American in half and submerge entire states completely underwater, so that there would be a great lake or ocean dividing our nation. FEMA is well aware of the New Madrid earthquake and has spent over $600,000.000 preparing for it. In recent days, according to scientific studies there have been all kinds of minor earthquakes going off surrounding the New Madrid region which includes many surrounding states.
We do not know the exact nature of how God’s “curse” would be played out in the U.S. It could come many other ways such as a WMD or EMP attack. Our currency could collapse overnight leading to food riots and Martial Law. There are many potential scenarios.
The White House, media, Congress, the Department of Defense and Wall Street probably know very little about the Abrahamic Covenant. How could they? For the most part they don’t believe in the Bible and the Christian leaders they have met do not take the Bible literally and tell them erroneously that God is finished with Israel.
The Bible says that “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” You and I are called to stand for God’s Word and the things of God. That includes confronting in love, those ministers who are spiritually deceiving the people. It is impossible to understand what is going on without reading Bible prophecy and understanding the role of Israel in the last days.
We must enter spiritual warfare for our nation, Israel and the church. Like Nehemiah we must begin by repenting for our sins and the sins of the nation. There can be no spiritual warfare without repentance and getting ourselves aligned with His Word. Than we must cry out to God, fast and pray. We are to pray for our leaders and we are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. We must take a public stand for Israel.
It is my personal belief that if the America and the American church does not stop cursing Israel, that we are going to see a horrific judgment on the level or much great than what happened in Japan. God is warning us, but we must heed His warnings. It will happen suddenly and unexpectedly without warning. It will be a judgment of Biblical proportions. The reason that so many in the church cannot perceive this, is that they have been spiritually deceived into thinking that Israel and prophecy is about allegory and symbolism. Again, we must take God’s Word literally and at its plain meaning.
When we do this, we will realize that judgment is coming quickly to America, unless there is serious repentance. A repentance that leads us to demand from elected officials and the so-called invisible government that the “cursing” of Israel, by placing it in danger and dividing the land must stop instantly!
One final warning, if you are a member of a church that does not teach Bible prophecy and does not actively support Israel or even opposes it, in the name of some kind of global agenda. You and your church are already under the judgment of God. The Bible says that “judgment begins in the house of God.” As your brother in Christ, I warn you to repent and leave as fast as Lot left Sodom. Let us remember, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” and when Jesus Christ returns, He will return as King of Kings to Israel at Armageddon.
Paul will be teaching on Israel, prophecy and high level spiritual warfare for our nation, your life and Israel. Join Paul this Thursday March 17th at Beth Ariel 22222 Saticoy, Canoga Park at 7PM. Paul will lead in a time of spiritual warfare beginning by leading in prayer for your life, home, family, jobs, money, health and other challenges you be facing. In this time we will ask God to move supernaturally in your life. We will then pray for those in Japan, the U.S. and Israel.
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Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books including The Day The Dollar Died and Are You Ready for the Microchip? He speaks at many Israel and Bible prophecy conferences. You can reach Paul at
Saturday, March 12, 2011
By Paul McGuire
Japan was hit by an 8.9 earthquake and a nuclear reactor blew up near Tokyo. The shocks, chaos and number of dead continue. As I said to you at before 2011 began, that the Lord had put it on my heart that many things of a very serious nature were coming upon America and the world in 2011. God directed me to exhort the Remnant to enter high level spiritual warfare.
Unfortunately, there is much more to come in 2011. There will be other earthquakes and a global shaking in the economic and political realm. Something very intense is coming toward America and the Remnant must rise in repentance and high level spiritual warfare as a pre-emptive strike in the invisible realm.
Matthew 24:1-15
1And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple.
2And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
3And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?
4And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
5For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.
6And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.
7For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.
8All these are the beginning of sorrows.
9Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake.
10And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another.
11And many false prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many.
12And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
13But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
14And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
15When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Remember most of the church in America is now walking in deep spiritual deception and they cannot see what is coming even though much of it has been publicly announced and out in the open by the global media. The American church and many of the churches around the world have become the Laodecian church that Jesus Christ warned about.
Why do you think the “Evangelical church” in pre-Nazi Germany could not see the powerful forces of spiritual darkness take over their nation through the openly occult Nazi Party? The church did not have the spiritual discernment to see that Adolph Hitler was demon possessed and energized by Satan. In fact, the church worshipped him and helped him get into power.
Except for the Remnant, the American church is in the exact same condition as the German church. The Word of God contains thousands of warnings and historical records of what always happens to the people of God when they begin to ignore His Word and worship idols. The American church is no exception!
A very well known American church leader located in Southern California held a conference with Tony Blair at his church last week. In fact, about a year ago I wrote an article about Tony Blair and the Tony Blair Foundation, which is a promoter of the coming one world religion that the Apostle John warned about. I will have that article available to you in less than 24 hours along with a video message I gave on it.
Tony Blair is a promoter of unifying all the world’s religions, no matter what they believe, into the prophesied coming one world religion warned about in the Book of Revelation. The False Prophet heads up the coming one world religion distributes the mark of the Beast and spiritually deceives the world into worshipping the Antichrist. Why would many prominent American church leaders sign up with Tony Blair?
1 Timothy 4
1Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; (apostasy)
2Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;
What Blair is promoting is the very apostasy warned of by the Apostle Paul. The apostasy has swept across America like a tsunami. By God’s grace we have partners with Paul McGuire Ministries holding meetings at their homes and facilities where they use the contents of one of my books like “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” for a Bible study and discussion. Others are using the 3 DVD series entitled “American Dictatorship-The Coming Event That Will Change Everything. At these meetings they expose spiritual deception.
The books, DVD’s and topics are powerful evangelistic tools. Many people are interested in coming to a home meeting or study where answers are given about what is really happing in our world? We have numerous reports from people all over the world who have come to Christ because someone shared the information from our ministry. At first they were interested in the economic, political and signs of the times analysis. But, after seeing how God predicted all this in His Word, they accepted or returned to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior!
A revolution is occurring in the Middle East and if oil goes up, the prices of food and other things will go up. It would not be a bad idea to have 6 months to a year of food stored.
The other day, George Soros openly came on European television and openly spoke of the “new world order.” He said, the plan was to make China the world’s leading economy and nations like America and the U.K. would deliberately be forced behind. Soros used the term “new world order” over and over again. Soros is the billionaire who put Obama in office.
Soros commented that the goal was to incrementally weaken the dollar so a new global currency that would consist of a banking instrument called Special Drawing Rights or a basket of currencies would replace the dollar as the world currency. Soros used the term incremental, but also did not leave out room that it could happen suddenly. He described how the standard of living for the American Middle Class and other nations would be deliberately lowered and transferred to Third World nations.
This information is right out in the open for anyone to see. As such I am surprised when we are accused of making this up or lying?
At a certain point, you have to ask these people, “Are you hiding out in a cave with Osama bin Laden?” Even Council on Foreign Relations leader Brzezinski remarked because of the Internet the whole world knows what their plan is.
However, you are not helpless and there is hope. It is possible to change history with prayer and fasting. That is why I have been teaching on high level spiritual warfare. These men strut around the earth as if they were “gods.” But, we can go directly to the throne room of God and ask the true God to overrule their plans!
This works in your personal level also. God can give you supernatural guidance; protect your house, funds, food, etc. But, this may also mean obeying the Lord and getting wisdom and taking action.

By Paul McGuire
In 1994 the Northridge Earthquake Richter Scale 6.7 Richter hi at 4:31 AM. Caltech reported the earthquake at 7.0. At the time I was living under on one of the dual epicenters of the earthquake.
Unexpectedly and without any notice, the Northridge earthquake changed everything. Our house was at the end of the street with a large driveway. All of our neighbors gathered together in the cold and wrapped in blankets. It was pitch black and there were no lights anywhere.
Without me saying a word, for the first time all of my neighbors asked me the question, “Paul are these the Signs of the Times that Jesus Christ talked about?” Many knew that I had written a number of books on Bible prophecy and had seen me on the Fox News Network, but they had never come up to me and asked those questions before.
On September 11, 2001, again early in the morning, I was waiting at a train station waiting for a train that would take me on a 180 mile commute where I would broadcast a live 4-hour syndicated radio show from Los Angeles, where I talked a lot about Bible Prophecy. I remember people talking to their friends on their cell phones about the Twin Trade Towers crashing down. Everyone was in total shock. When I go to my office at the radio station I watched the jets crash into the World Train Center and the Trade Center tower’s crashing down.
In August 2008 just a few weeks after I was speaking at a David Hocking Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills the U.S. Stock Exchange was collapsing and a global economic collapse was about to occur. I write about how and why this really happened in my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” and “The Day the Dollar Died.”
I was awakened minutes before the Northridge Earthquake in California. There was a deafening roar and I thought a nuke had hit in Los Angeles. The house began to shake so violently that I thought it would collapse at any second. It was the Northridge Earthquake. Beginning after 911the Lord began to call to me to seek His face through constant prayer about what was about to happen in America and around the world.
Although I have spent a lifetime researching such diverse subjects as science, biology. The Old and New Testament, New Age and occult religions, philosophy, economics, history, culture, psychology, the Federal Reserve, banking, population, environmentalism and religion to name a few. This intensive seeking the face of God worked hand in hand with my research. In fact, countless times I would sense the Holy Spirit leading me to research specific areas that I had no real interest in.
For example, the Lord directed me to do an intensive study on Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich in relationship to the occult, eugenics, economics, mind control, the weakening of the Church and globalism.
Many times, after I thought I had fulfilled my assignment in the this area the Lord would lead me back again and again, telling me that I had only scratched the surface and there was much more there, that dealt with world political control, human cloning, brainwashing, interspecies breeding, mental telepathy, healthcare and interspecies breeding, the manipulation of DN to produce a Master Race, cloning and the ultimate, but highly secretive goal of the transhumant agenda.
Only later after obeying the Holy Spirit did I see the convergence of the Nazi occult, mind control technology, eugenics, invisible government and his hatred to the Jews. Today, the National Archives released an enormous amount of documented evidence of the vast number of scientists who the OSS, now called CIA brought in after World War II into the highest scientific positions via Operation Paperclip. The full extent of this has just been released through the Freedom of Information Act and yet the Lord revealed it to me years early. I discovered the Nazi connection to the IMF or World Bank and its relationship to the Military Industrial Complex and Interpol.
President Obama just gave Interpol free reign in the U.S. They are accountable to no one, they can operate like a Gestapo and Interpol was founded by the Nazi’s. Also, many terrorist Muslim nations, leaders and groups were the creations of Nazi Psy Ops and the occult.
In May 21, 2010 Rand Paul wrote in an article, “Hitler Coming to Power.”
“If we get economic calamity even worse than we have now, you will lose your rights. And we have to be vigilant and watch.
What happened in Germany, when the Weimar Republic printed up so much money and you carry it around in wheelbarrows? There was a collapse, and they actually voted in a Hitler. You could get something like that in our country if we're not careful and vigilant.”
A number of years ago, the Lord commanded me to begin investigating the Nazi’s, Adolph Hitler and occult societies. The Lord strongly impressed upon my heart that the Nazi mind control scientists were still deeply involved in the occult when our newly formed CIA implemented Operation Paperclip which imported thousands of Nazi scientists who were given very high positions in government, science, education, politics, the military and biotech.
The full extent of this Nazi operation was made public just a few weeks ago under the Freedom of Information Act and is now available for public viewing free through the National Archives “Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence and the Cold War.” However, the Lord led me to specific areas to research, through His the Holy Spirit. “I write about some of this in my books “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready?”
These papers are just the tip of the iceberg and the Lord has revealed to me what is coming soon through these men and their descendants.
The Lord began to call me to seek His face with all my heart immediately after 911. I specifically came to the Lord and waited upon Him to to give God’s people information and knowledge to help you, your family and God’s people. I asked God to show me what is to come and show me what God’s people are supposed to do?
I deal with all of this the powerful 3 DVD package entitled “American Dictatorship – The Coming Event That Will Change Everything.” For years the Lord has impressed in my heart over and over again the things that are coming and what God expects His people to do both spiritually and practically. The future is not fixed! We are not talking about attempting to change Bible prophecy which is impossible to do anyway. I believe that God is calling His people to repent of their sins and seek His face! God is waiting to pour out an authentic and Biblical revival along with a Third Great Awakening and a massive last day’s harvest of souls.
But his cannot happen without exposing false teaching, such as the Church has replaced Israel and other false doctrines that have penetrated the Church from within. Many Churches are now using the term “social justice.” But, what do they mean by the term “social justice?” Some mean it from a Biblical sense. But, the vast majority of Churches using the term “social justice” are using it in the sense that it was originally created which is Marxist or Communist! I go into this in “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?”
In 1919, Gramsci, together with Angelo Tasca, Umberto Terracini and Togliatti, founded L'Ordine Nuovo: Rassegna Settimanale di Cultura Socialista (The New Order: Around 1921, the Italian Communist leader Antonio Gramsci created the term “social justice.” It must be understood that from it very beginning the term “social justice” is a Communist and not a Biblical term. Many American preachers and Christians are using it because they have been dumbed down. When Antonio Gramsci attempted to launch a Communist take-over of Italy, the same year, the Communists took over Russia, he ran into great difficulty.
Gramsci realized that a militant Communist Revolution could not happen in Italy because of the Italians resistance. Gramsci did not advocate armed revolution, but subtle supervision from within.
1. Gramsci wanted to demonstrate how “social justice could occur as a Marxist Government would take care of the poor. The problem he encountered was the fact that he Church because it was already taking care of the poor on an extensive level. However, Gramsci used change agents in churches and seminaries who taught that only through Marxism or redistributing the wealth could true social justice be achieved.
2. Gramsci understood that the tradition family was a massive opposition to Communism because children were being taught about God, Christian values. Patriotism and moral values in the traditional value. The family because the family transferred patriotism and the Christian faith to its children. Gramsci set about to destroy the Christian family by promoting sexual immorality and labeling it as a normal in society. Teenagers and adults began to reject their home-based patriotism, belief and family and sexual morality.
Gramsci waged a quite but effective war against the traditional family. He encouraged sexual promiscuity and perversion of every time. Gramsci promoted divorce and began to use role models in society to demonstrate the virtues of not being a family. The breaking of the family, private ownership and traditional morality were attacked through indoctrination in the school system and psychologically breaking up the family unit by creating government as your family.
All of this indoctrination occurs inside of schools in role playing, guiding such free thinking discussions were guided to reach a pre-determined outcome which is Marxism. The cherry on tope is that the Father of Modern Education is John Dewey who went over to Russia to receive his training as an advanced social change agent in charge of America’s schools.
Unfortunately, the majority of the Evangelical Christian Church in America hit the “snooze button.” This is why we see so many radicalized graduates from college embracing the same globalist view, involved in environmentalism. Without their knowing it Evangelical school children and upper school change agents that created a stealth curriculum where millions of kids from Christian homes graduate as happy bees of the new world order.
The Bilderberg Group, which consists of some of the most powerful men and women in the world are part of a secretive elite which seeks to bring America under the authority of World Government. That includes the distribution of the microchip implant in the U.S. and the 1.2 billion men and women who will receive some kind of RFID transmitter in their bodies or ID cards.
This secretive group like the CFR controls much of the laws and governments in the world. The elite has members such as like David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, Tim Geithner, Lloyd Blankfein, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Rupert Murdoch, heads of state, prominent senators, congressmen and parliamentarians, Pentagon and NATO brass, members of European royalty, and top media figures.
Always well represented are top figures from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), IMF, World Bank (bankrolled with Nazi money), Trilateral Commission, EU, and powerful central bankers from the Federal Reserve, the ECB’s Jean-Claude Trichet, and Bank of England’s Mervyn King. This is just the tip of the Shadow Government which controls the U.S. though banking, mass media and both the Republican Democratic parties.
They hated competition and relentlessly strove to eliminate it – for David on a global scale through a New World Order.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Trilateralists and CFR members collaborated on the latter’s “1980 Project,” the largest ever CFR initiative to steer world events “toward a particular desirable future outcome (involving) the utter disintegration of the economy.” Why so is the question?
Starting in the 1950s and 1960s, manufacturing began to accelerate in nations like Germany, Japan, China, South Korea and other nations Many of these nations such as China were artificially built up the super-capitalists of the CFR. In America as well beginning in the 1980s. The result has been a transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich, shrinkage of the middle class, and plan for its eventual demise.
The North American Union (NAU)
In the 1980’s David Rockefeller, George Schultz and Paul Volker told the president that Canada and America could be politically and economically merged over the next 15,this was the beginning of the North American Union which will eventually include Mexico.
There are numerous reports circulating that Canada and the U.S. are secretly negotiating a security and trade deal which could be signed as early as January 2011. The proposed agreement would establish a security perimeter as a means to better secure North America and stimulate trade. The Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP), along with other U.S.-Canada initiatives have allowed the two countries to incrementally move towards creating a common security perimeter.
The DHS is involved in this and the goal is unify Mexico, Canada and the United States. The problem with the plan is that it establishes a regional global government and redistributes the wealth.
Bilderberg, CFR, U.N. Elite Objectives
The goal of the elite and their organizations is for “a One World Government with a single, global marketplace, policed by one world army, and financially regulated by one ‘World (Central) Bank’ using one global currency.” Their goals include:
– A world identity with one international identifies (observing) one set of universal values.
– Centralized control or World Brain that would control world populations by “mind control;” in other words, controlling world public opinion. Microchip technology, EMF, drugs, behavioral conditioning and other technologies will soon control world opinion.
– A New World Order with no middle class, only “rulers and servants (serfs),” and, of course, no democracy. The pyramid on the back of the dollar bill symbolizes this.
– A zero-growth society” without prosperity or progress, only greater wealth and power for the rulers. Like Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World,” people will be bred through a sophisticated eugenics program to stay in a certain class. On a psychological testing level, we see giant retailers producing the happy, unquestioning and underpaid worker.
– Manufactured crises and perpetual wars. This was a term developed by Bertrand Russell and H.G. Wells of the Fabian socialists coined the term “perpetual war and perpetual peace as a means of social control. Constant crisis whether military, terrorism, disease pandemics, natural disaster or economic collapse provide the justification for Martial Law.
– Absolute control of education to program the public mind and train those chosen for various roles. The purpose of all this testing in the public school system has nothing to do with getting a superior education. It is a subtle mechanism for slotting people at an early age into different careers. Big Brother will choose your sons and daughters careers.
– United Nations International Law will replace the Constitution and Bill of Rights. It will be replaced by centralized control of all foreign and domestic policies.” In short, Global Dictatorship.
– The UN as a de facto world government imposing a UN tax on “world citizens.”
– Expanding NAFTA and WTO globally;
– Making NATO a world military and a global police force. These NATO soldiers, know nothing of our U.S. Bill of Rights and would fire and kill a U.S. Citizen without the blinking of an eye.
A global dictatorship with America and other nations sacrificing their sovereignty to a central power. CFR founder Paul Warburg was a member of Roosevelt’s “brain trust.” In 1950, his son, James, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee: “We shall have world government whether or not you like it – by conquest or consent.” The elite will establish their world government through brute force.
In 1992 at a Bilderberg Group meeting, Henry Kissinger said:
“Today, Americans would be outraged if UN troops entered Los Angeles to restore order; tomorrow, they will be grateful. This is especially true if they were told there was an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all people of the world will plead with world leaders to deliver them from this evil….individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by their world government.” Kissinger was advocating Martial Law to manage the chaos.
This means that the Shadow Government who really control America is prepared to use martial law, a Police States, concentration or re-education camps. Microchip implants or whatever it takes to accomplish their goals.
It is precisely because I care for your children and your children that I must fulfill the prophetic calling of this ministry and by acting as a watchman on the wall. As I have discussed earlier by research consists of studying original source documents, actual quotes, thank tank papers and economic research.
However, I am praying constantly, sometimes for hours at a time, seeking God for His strength and wisdom. The Holy Spirit actually leads me in our research and where to research. God also arranges for me to meet everyone from ordinary people, scientists, bankers, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Bible scholars, historical and economic experts, etc.
In light of the above, I feel compelled to share why the Lord has placed a burden on my heart to pray for your nation, leaders and a deliver a message that is burning in my bones!
That is the purpose of our ministry, which is to educate God’s people on a worldwide level before the soon return of the Lord. I want to be very precise here and be careful not to puff myself up and I am very aware of the serious abuses done by people who have falsely claimed to have heard from the Lord.
Let me share this as simply as I can. I believe that America and many nations of the world are on the very precipice an American Dictatorship and a dictatorship in your nation that will have its roots in a Global Dictatorship.
The Bible predicts all of this in Daniel’s vision of the Fourth Beast, the Abomination of Desolation in the words of Jesus Christ, the Abomination of Desolation warned of by Daniel and the global government and a one world financial system spoken of by the Apostle John. John’s vision in Revelation warns us of an Antichrist and False Prophet. The Antichrist will unite the world through a peace treaty by Israel and the False Prophet who heads up the world financial system where people cannot buy or sell without a microchip or biochip.
The False Prophet also heads up a coming one world religion which appears to have a link to UFO’s.
I believe that we are on the verge of a great crisis both nationally or internationally, which will usher in a global totalitarian state. There are no words I can use to stress the seriousness of such an event or its implications.
I do know that God’s people must be educated and that the Lord is calling His people into spiritual warfare. This spiritual warfare entails fully understanding what is happening and why? Fasting, intercessory prayer, evangelism, the faithful teaching of the Word of God, repentance and God’s people crying out to Him for deliverance.
Soberly, except for the Remnant we do not see that in the Body of Christ. This must change immediately if we are to see God move with power in our land.
It is my prayer that this 3 DVD package entitled “American Dictatorship- The Coming Event and How It Will Change everything,” will equip you to make a difference. The hour is late, but God is good.
I outline this burden that the Lord has given me in a 3 DVD Package called:
1. “American Dictatorship – The Coming Event That Will Change Everything,”
Click the link below to find out more about ordering the 3 DVD Package:
Remember, “With God all things are possible!” and “You have not because you ask not.”
Come out to my Prophecy Meeting at Beth Ariel Thursday March 17th at 22222 Saticoy Avenue, Canoga Park at 7PM. I will be giving a prophetic update and teach one high level spiritual warfare. Expect the Lord to move powerfully! I will pray for each person briefly and we have seen God move in people’s in answer to these prayers. Bring a friend. Those that are desperate for God get God! Expect a move of God in your life!
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