Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Paul McGuire You Are Made In The Image of God You Are Not A Cyborg!

One World World Government?
One World Economy?
One World Religion?
Paul McGuire
Price: $59.95 (Pre-Orders Now Being Accepted)
Format: DVD (3-DVD-Set)
By Paul McGuire
You are made in the image of God and you are not a number. Society seeks to dehumanize you. They give you a number and the time will come, for those that are here, they will give you a microchip or biochip implant. Your life has no meaning either on a philosophical basis, or on a societal basis. You are taught that you are here by random chance, in a fictional process called evolution.
Essentially you are told the lie that your life is meaningless. But, your life has meaning, because you were created by the Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe. He knows every hair on your head and He knows you personally. He gave you everything you have and He has the power to supply all your need. No matter whom you are or what you are going through, He is there to help you if you call on His name. He defines Himself as love. God is love.
Do not ever listen to a voice inside your head that tells you, your life is meaningless or that your situation is hopeless. God sent His Son, Jesus Christ into this earth to be your Savior. However, in order for Him to save you, you must call upon Him by name. You do not determine the rules. God determines the rules. Our society seems to have forgotten that Jesus is Lord. Planet Earth is His creation and He is returning soon to transform it back into Paradise, There is nothing mankind can do individually or collectively to prevent the return of the King of Kings. Although, no one knows the date, He is coming sooner than you think.
The question is, “Are You Ready?”
“So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” Genesis 1:27-28
Adam and Eve had the DNA of God. After the Fall, that DNA was corrupted. However, in Christ we have the DNA of Jesus Christ. With God’s DNA we will have glorified bodies and will live in the New Heaven and New Earth.
Scientists in secret laboratories are merging the DNA of animal and man in an attempt to evolve man into a transhumanist being. However, in Christ we have transcended transhumanism with DNA of God and Paradise awaits us!
Computer designed DNA enhanced with robot bodies can offer you a future as a Cyborg. However, we have an eternal future as priests and kings with God!
"Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
One World World Government?
One World Economy?
One World Religion?
Paul McGuire
Price: $59.95 (Pre-Orders Now Being Accepted)
Format: DVD (3-DVD-Set)
"Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
•Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
•How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
•Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
•What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
•Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
•How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
•Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
•Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
•Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
•Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
•Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
•Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
•Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
•Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
•Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
•It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
•If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
•Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
•Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
•Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
•Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
•Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
•Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
•Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?
What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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082711-D.C. Earthquake How to Increase Your Intelligence 2011-Part 2

One World World Government?
One World Economy?
One World Religion?
Paul McGuire
Price: $59.95 (Pre-Orders Now Being Accepted)
Format: DVD (3-DVD-Set)
"Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
•Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
•How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
•Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
•What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
•Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
•How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
•Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
•Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
•Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
•Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
•Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
•Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
•Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
•Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
•Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
•It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
•If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
•Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
•Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
•Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
•Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
•Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
•Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
•Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?
What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

By Paul McGuire
A 5.9 earthquake hit Washington D.C. and the Capitol, Pentagon, and other federal buildings are being evacuated. This earthquake happened a day after a 5.3 magnitude earthquake hit Colorado which was the largest earthquake in Colorado in four decades.
We are in the final stages of editing “Are You Ready For The One World Government? One World Economic System? One World Religion?” By, God’s grace, I believe the truth in this DVD series will shake nations and transform millions of people around the world. We are moving towards a global launch of the DVD as a pre-emptive spiritual strike against the coming crisis which is about to change everything!
The Federal Reserve is meeting Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Council on Foreign Relations President, Richard Haass has called for NATO occupation of Libya. Allegedly, Al Qaida and other operatives have taken part in action against Libya. Another global change involving oil companies like BP, Exxon, Chevron and Russian / Chinese oil companies.
China is warning of the “Black Death,” of the euro leaving the euro zone, moving into China and affecting the global economy.
America’s economic downgrading is symptomatic of America’s spiritual downgrading and the dilution of the value of Biblical truth is being preached from our pulpits! Standard and Poor’s downgrading of the U.S. credit rating from AAA to AA continues to produce seismic shocks to the U.S. and global economy. Food prices continue to rise. Youth riots erupt in across the nation. China and the UN are demanding a world currency and World War III looms in the Middle East. However, the greatest crisis is where the Lord warns us, “My people perish for lack of vision or knowledge.” Paul McGuire Ministries is moving forward to launch an “Are You Ready?” DVD series that will help provide that vision and knowledge.
As I write you these words, the Lord is stirring in my heart the promise of a Third Great Awakening in America and other nations in the world. Before there can be an “awakening,” there must be a spiritual confrontation with spiritual deception and the spirit of this age!
There are demonically energized strongholds which are thoughts, beliefs, ideologies, and ideas which are more than human thoughts! These so-called human thoughts are far deeper than the ideas of a fallen man and his or her sinful human nature. They are the result the communication of demons with human beings. As such, they may contain supernatural power and access to information from the spiritual world!
Whenever men and women step out from underneath the protection of God’s Word, they become vulnerable to demonic influence. Remember in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were given dominion over Paradise or Eden. The only thing God required was that they obeyed His Word and not eat from the tree in the middle of the Garden which was the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The “serpent of old,” or Lucifer seduced Adam and Eve into disobeying God’s Word and they ate from the tree. The result was the death force entered the human race and creation. Adam and Eve quickly discovered they were dying. The presence of God had grown distant and Eden was morphing into a lower world.
From the very beginning, God provided a way of salvation for the human race which was built on the foundation of the blood sacrifice of a lamb. This pointed the way to the ultimate sacrifice where the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ died on a Cross for the sins of the world. God instructed the human race that salvation is available by faith to anyone who would receive God’s free gift of salvation in Jesus Christ!
Economic problems are always a symptom of spiritual problems. When America or any other nation rebels from God’s Word, they become prey to economic problems that are usually rooted into weather, food, cultural and sin problems. Our Founding Fathers understood this and the blessing on America and its government was the result of obeying the Word of God.
Jesus Christ told us to “Occupy until I come,” “preach the Gospel,” and “make disciples of all nations.” Most of God’s people in America and around the world have no knowledge about what is coming. They have Biblical vision because no one has told them the Truth. They do not understand the reality of the demonic forces behind the French Revolution, Communist Revolution and in Nazi, Germany. They are not being taught that “ideas have consequences!” The humanistic and occult ideas that are being promoted in the U.S. and EU will unleash the army of demonic powers that the Prophet Joel warned about!
The challenge before each of us as Christians living in the last day’s is stay on course by rightly dividing the Word of God and avoiding spiritual deception by knowing the Word of God. This is the primary spiritual battlefield! On every continent, spiritual darkness can only prevail to the degree that the truth of God’s Word is confined!
Yet, we are to “occupy until He comes,” with the knowledge of a Biblical worldview. The Lord has called us to expose the hidden works of spiritual darkness around the world through meeting’s, DVD’s, television, social media, the Internet, books and other media.
We are thankful to you as financial and prayer partners that have allowed us to move aggressively in God’s timing! Obviously, those people who pre-ordered the 3-set DVD series will receive theirs first. The goal is to get this DVD series into the hands of as many people as we can around the world, as fast as we can! The Lord has opened a door, but that door will only be open for a season.
Check out for “McGuire Prophecy Meetings” and conferences in your area. Paradise Mountain Church International is a 501 c 3 religious corporation. As such, your gifts are tax deductible if you make your checks out to Paradise Mountain Church International. Paul McGuire and Paul McGuire Ministries minister from Paradise Mountain Church International.
Remember, be thankful in all things. God is still on the throne. The Messiah is returning and God answers prayer. You have been chosen for such a time as this!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
•Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
•How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
•Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
•What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
•Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
•How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
•Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
•Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
•Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
•Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
•Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
•Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
•Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
•Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
•Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
•It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
•If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
•Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
•Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
•Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
•Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
•Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
•Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
•Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
By Paul McGuire
Paul will not be speaking at Beth Ariel this Thursday August 18 ...Instead Join Paul at Beth Ariel 22222 Saticoy Cangoa Park 7PM Thursday August 25. Go to the back Chapel and enter from the side ...we are there! Paul will minister from the Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Bring friends and family! You will be supernaturally strengthened! We are getting so many dramatic testimonies of lives that have been changed through these meetings!
For thousands of years, the Old Testament prophets and the Apostle’s have warned us to get ready for the end of the age. There have been more prophetic signs in our lifetime, than any other in the history of the human race. Although, there have been some who have made prophetic predictions that have not come true, that does not mean that Bible prophecy will not be fulfilled exactly as our Lord said it would! Nothing is going to stop the coming of the magnificent Kingdom of Heaven!
The entire world senses that we are on the edge of something bigger than has ever happened before. In addition, the Bible warns us of supernatural evil that will rise up in the last days to deceive many. World War III could erupt in the Middle East, a one world economic system is being put in place and a global government is rising before our very eyes.
Tragically, there are some in the most powerful elite circles of our world who are openly defying God and are planning to implement Malthusian strategies to reduce the world’s population by 7 trillion people through various forms of mass genocide. This along with millions of abortions and euthanasia is a direct rebellion of God’s mandate to mankind to “be fruitful and multiply.”
Jesus Christ warned us of the Signs of the Times. Earthquakes, pestilences, famine, war and other signs are the birth pangs of a brand new world. Yet, as I reveal in my books “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” There are secretive and occult groups mobilizing under their master Lucifer. Their goal is to build a Satanic New World Order, where no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. There is an occult pyramid on the back of a U.S. dollar bill and the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. The Illuminati plan to use biochip or microchip implants to track and enslave mankind.
After 25 years of research, into these subjects and my own direct personal experiences in the New Age Movement, where I saw the “great white light,” communicated with spirit guides and left my body in astral projection. I discovered that the spiritual world is more real, than the world we can see with our physical senses. When I majored in the brand new field of psychology called “Altered States of Consciousness” and filmmaking at the University of Missouri, I realized that there was a global conspiracy to create a Luciferian one world order in rebellion from God. I document these details in my books.
For example, when I was a radical activist in the counter culture and participating in one of the first Earth Day demonstrations in Manhattan with the Abbie Hoffman, I was gathered with some of the most influential leaders in the “peace movement.” They said, “Now that the Viet Nam War is over, we are going to need something else that will mobilize the people to bring about a social revolution. Environmentalism will become the new cause that will rally the people into the New World Order!”
At the time I heard those words, I did not believe that Jesus Christ was Lord. A few years afterwards, God would reach down from heaven and miraculously save me hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri, on a back road near the corn fields, like in the movie, “A Field of Dreams.” Now decades later, I write books, produce feature films and debate on national television from a Christian perspective. Many times the people I debate hold the same hostility I used to have towards the things of God. Yet, the Lord poured out His Holy Spirit on me in a miraculous way and I am a transformed man. In the Book of Acts 2:1-21 it say’s:
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.” So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?”
Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.”
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
‘ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.”
God poured out His Spirit on me as He has done to millions of others in the last days. Even though, we are approaching the End of the Age, God is a merciful! There is a Remnant of true believers all over this nation and world who are fasting, praying and seeking the Lord! In the Old Testament, before God judged Sodom and Gomorrah, God had a dialogue with Abraham about how many righteous people there would have to be in Sodom, in order for God to spare it judgment. We learn that many times, God chooses to work in partnership with His chosen one’s before judgment is poured out, because God does not want anyone to perish!
At the founding of America, there was a great last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit called the Great Awakening. During this Great Awakening, the Lord revealed to people the true nature of their sinful condition and gave them an opportunity to repent. The thirteen colonies, the government and the nation were set on fire by the flames of genuine revival! The impact of this revival was so powerful that it actually created our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and the unique checks and balances in our form of government.
What made the American Revolution totally unique was that it was built on a Biblical foundation. That is why it says’s in our Declaration of Independence that:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
There are powerful truths contained here! First, our Founding Fathers, profoundly affected by the First Great Awakening, wrote that men and women were “created equal” from a Biblical God and not the product of evolution in which some people are superior to others!
Secondly, our Founding Fathers made it very clear that all men and women have been given by their Creator “certain unalienable rights” or natural and self-evident rights! These are rights of “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” are given to us by God and not by any government. As such, no government has the right to take them away!
The Founding Fathers, who were set aflame with the fires of revival, told us that God wanted to bless us when we followed His laws. This is completely different than the humanistic totalitarian states where a government illegally assumes the authority to give or take away a person’s inalienable rights. Hundreds of millions of people were killed, tortured and imprisoned by humanistic governments in Communist Russia, Communist China, Nazi, Germany and only time will tell what will happen under the humanistic government of the United Nations? If the UN or some other world government body rises to power as the Bible predicts, than we know that Satan plans to behead millions who reject his mark of the beast.
But, I believe that God in His grace and mercy is giving the human race one last chance before the Return of the Lord. Without contradicting Bible prophecy, I believe God is going to answer the prayers of the Remnant and there will be a great last days revival based on the Bible and a massive last days soul harvest, where millions will be brought into the Kingdom of God.
As I discuss in my books “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” the coming one world government or New World Order, is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of Heaven, the New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem! The Bridegroom is coming to gather the Bride (the true Body of Christ) to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where God will end all pain and wipe away every tear, except for the tears of rejoicing.
When Adam and Eve lost Paradise in Eden, God promised to restore Paradise with a New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem. Just read the descriptions of Heaven in the Book of Revelation. They are so magnificently beautiful that human words are inadequate to describe them! The glory of the Lord will light up the New Jerusalem and there will be no more need of sun or moon. Radiant precious and supernatural jewels will light up the Heavenly City! Streets of translucent gold and an actual river of life or living water will be coming up from under the throne of God with leaves for the healing of the nations.
In Heaven we will be completely one and each of us will have a perfect glorified body. Once a person called a national radio show I was hosting and asked me, “Will heaven be eternal monotony?” My reply was that Heaven will be eternal ecstasy where everything will just keep getting better and better …forever!
On final thing! Since God is pouring out His grace before His return and because He loves people and loves you so much. Don’t you think you should open your heart with childlike faith and receive that grace and don’t keep it to yourself! That’s why it’s called the “Good News!” Share it with everyone you can. You and I were called to be “fishers of men” and the Lord say’s, “He who wins souls is wise!” You and I have been called for such a time as this! He knew us, before the foundation of the world and we have been placed here for a reason.
# # #
Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books such as “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” Paul hosted the nationally syndicated Paul McGuire Show from Los Angeles for 10 years M-F from 3pm-6pm where he interviewed Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul regularly speaks at conferences of over 5,000 people across the world. Paul is a professor at the King’s College and Seminary and is a regular commentator on the Fox News Network. The History Channel recently did a 2-hour special with Paul entitled, “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” Paul produced two feature science fiction films in Hollywood and can be contacted at
Paul's new 3 DVD set "Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?" This is different from the message you saw on TV, this a new DVD available for pre-order that contains brand videos, pictures and the newest prophetic updates. You can get more information or pre-order now!
By Paul McGuire
Paul will not be speaking at Beth Ariel this Thursday August 18 ...Instead Join Paul at Beth Ariel 22222 Saticoy Cangoa Park 7PM Thursday August 25. Go to the back Chapel and enter from the side ...we are there! Paul will minister from the Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Bring friends and family! You will be supernaturally strengthened! We are getting so many dramatic testimonies of lives that have been changed through these meetings!
For thousands of years, the Old Testament prophets and the Apostle’s have warned us to get ready for the end of the age. There have been more prophetic signs in our lifetime, than any other in the history of the human race. Although, there have been some who have made prophetic predictions that have not come true, that does not mean that Bible prophecy will not be fulfilled exactly as our Lord said it would! Nothing is going to stop the coming of the magnificent Kingdom of Heaven!
The entire world senses that we are on the edge of something bigger than has ever happened before. In addition, the Bible warns us of supernatural evil that will rise up in the last days to deceive many. World War III could erupt in the Middle East, a one world economic system is being put in place and a global government is rising before our very eyes.
Tragically, there are some in the most powerful elite circles of our world who are openly defying God and are planning to implement Malthusian strategies to reduce the world’s population by 7 trillion people through various forms of mass genocide. This along with millions of abortions and euthanasia is a direct rebellion of God’s mandate to mankind to “be fruitful and multiply.”
Jesus Christ warned us of the Signs of the Times. Earthquakes, pestilences, famine, war and other signs are the birth pangs of a brand new world. Yet, as I reveal in my books “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” There are secretive and occult groups mobilizing under their master Lucifer. Their goal is to build a Satanic New World Order, where no one can buy or sell without the mark of the beast. There is an occult pyramid on the back of a U.S. dollar bill and the all-seeing eye of the Illuminati. The Illuminati plan to use biochip or microchip implants to track and enslave mankind.
After 25 years of research, into these subjects and my own direct personal experiences in the New Age Movement, where I saw the “great white light,” communicated with spirit guides and left my body in astral projection. I discovered that the spiritual world is more real, than the world we can see with our physical senses. When I majored in the brand new field of psychology called “Altered States of Consciousness” and filmmaking at the University of Missouri, I realized that there was a global conspiracy to create a Luciferian one world order in rebellion from God. I document these details in my books.
For example, when I was a radical activist in the counter culture and participating in one of the first Earth Day demonstrations in Manhattan with the Abbie Hoffman, I was gathered with some of the most influential leaders in the “peace movement.” They said, “Now that the Viet Nam War is over, we are going to need something else that will mobilize the people to bring about a social revolution. Environmentalism will become the new cause that will rally the people into the New World Order!”
At the time I heard those words, I did not believe that Jesus Christ was Lord. A few years afterwards, God would reach down from heaven and miraculously save me hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri, on a back road near the corn fields, like in the movie, “A Field of Dreams.” Now decades later, I write books, produce feature films and debate on national television from a Christian perspective. Many times the people I debate hold the same hostility I used to have towards the things of God. Yet, the Lord poured out His Holy Spirit on me in a miraculous way and I am a transformed man. In the Book of Acts 2:1-21 it say’s:
“When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews, devout men, from every nation under heaven. And when this sound occurred, the multitude came together, and were confused, because everyone heard them speak in his own language. Then they were all amazed and marveled, saying to one another, “Look, are not all these who speak Galileans? And how is it that we hear, each in our own language in which we were born? Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, Cretans and Arabs—we hear them speaking in our own tongues the wonderful works of God.” So they were all amazed and perplexed, saying to one another, “Whatever could this mean?”
Others mocking said, “They are full of new wine.”
But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
‘ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.”
God poured out His Spirit on me as He has done to millions of others in the last days. Even though, we are approaching the End of the Age, God is a merciful! There is a Remnant of true believers all over this nation and world who are fasting, praying and seeking the Lord! In the Old Testament, before God judged Sodom and Gomorrah, God had a dialogue with Abraham about how many righteous people there would have to be in Sodom, in order for God to spare it judgment. We learn that many times, God chooses to work in partnership with His chosen one’s before judgment is poured out, because God does not want anyone to perish!
At the founding of America, there was a great last days outpouring of the Holy Spirit called the Great Awakening. During this Great Awakening, the Lord revealed to people the true nature of their sinful condition and gave them an opportunity to repent. The thirteen colonies, the government and the nation were set on fire by the flames of genuine revival! The impact of this revival was so powerful that it actually created our Declaration of Independence, Constitution and the unique checks and balances in our form of government.
What made the American Revolution totally unique was that it was built on a Biblical foundation. That is why it says’s in our Declaration of Independence that:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…”
There are powerful truths contained here! First, our Founding Fathers, profoundly affected by the First Great Awakening, wrote that men and women were “created equal” from a Biblical God and not the product of evolution in which some people are superior to others!
Secondly, our Founding Fathers made it very clear that all men and women have been given by their Creator “certain unalienable rights” or natural and self-evident rights! These are rights of “Life, Liberty and pursuit of Happiness” are given to us by God and not by any government. As such, no government has the right to take them away!
The Founding Fathers, who were set aflame with the fires of revival, told us that God wanted to bless us when we followed His laws. This is completely different than the humanistic totalitarian states where a government illegally assumes the authority to give or take away a person’s inalienable rights. Hundreds of millions of people were killed, tortured and imprisoned by humanistic governments in Communist Russia, Communist China, Nazi, Germany and only time will tell what will happen under the humanistic government of the United Nations? If the UN or some other world government body rises to power as the Bible predicts, than we know that Satan plans to behead millions who reject his mark of the beast.
But, I believe that God in His grace and mercy is giving the human race one last chance before the Return of the Lord. Without contradicting Bible prophecy, I believe God is going to answer the prayers of the Remnant and there will be a great last days revival based on the Bible and a massive last days soul harvest, where millions will be brought into the Kingdom of God.
As I discuss in my books “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” the coming one world government or New World Order, is a counterfeit of the Kingdom of Heaven, the New Heaven, the New Earth and the New Jerusalem! The Bridegroom is coming to gather the Bride (the true Body of Christ) to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, where God will end all pain and wipe away every tear, except for the tears of rejoicing.
When Adam and Eve lost Paradise in Eden, God promised to restore Paradise with a New Heaven, New Earth and New Jerusalem. Just read the descriptions of Heaven in the Book of Revelation. They are so magnificently beautiful that human words are inadequate to describe them! The glory of the Lord will light up the New Jerusalem and there will be no more need of sun or moon. Radiant precious and supernatural jewels will light up the Heavenly City! Streets of translucent gold and an actual river of life or living water will be coming up from under the throne of God with leaves for the healing of the nations.
In Heaven we will be completely one and each of us will have a perfect glorified body. Once a person called a national radio show I was hosting and asked me, “Will heaven be eternal monotony?” My reply was that Heaven will be eternal ecstasy where everything will just keep getting better and better …forever!
On final thing! Since God is pouring out His grace before His return and because He loves people and loves you so much. Don’t you think you should open your heart with childlike faith and receive that grace and don’t keep it to yourself! That’s why it’s called the “Good News!” Share it with everyone you can. You and I were called to be “fishers of men” and the Lord say’s, “He who wins souls is wise!” You and I have been called for such a time as this! He knew us, before the foundation of the world and we have been placed here for a reason.
# # #
Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books such as “The Day The Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” Paul hosted the nationally syndicated Paul McGuire Show from Los Angeles for 10 years M-F from 3pm-6pm where he interviewed Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul regularly speaks at conferences of over 5,000 people across the world. Paul is a professor at the King’s College and Seminary and is a regular commentator on the Fox News Network. The History Channel recently did a 2-hour special with Paul entitled, “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” Paul produced two feature science fiction films in Hollywood and can be contacted at

Paul's new 3 DVD set "Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?" This is different from the message you saw on TV, this a new DVD available for pre-order that contains brand videos, pictures and the newest prophetic updates. You can get more information or pre-order now!
What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Monday, August 15, 2011
Microchip Implant Tattoo New Global Currency 2 Paul McGuire
Microchip Implant Tattoo New Global Currency 2
Paul McGuire
Standard & Poor’s downgrade of the U.S. dollar from AAA to AA, has caused shockwaves around the world! The United Nations, China and other nations are calling very loudly for a new global currency. If there is a financial collapse in America this transition to a new world currency could happen immediately. Most likely, it will happen incrementally.
The largest bank in Saudi Arabia, National Commercial Bank issued the following statement, “The size of the U.S. economy and its treasury market and the dollars status as a reserve currency make it impossible to find a historical parallel for the current situation. However, being, the U.S the world’s reserve currency, the U.S. dollar now appears inconsistent with an AA+ rating.”
Microchip Implant Tattoo New Global Currency 2 Paul McGuire United Nations, China, Saudi Arabian Bank calling for dollar to be replaced by new global currency "The UN World Economic Social Survey 2010 Enhancing International Monetary Stability SDR Fulfillment Bible prophecy one world currency, False Prophet, microchip or biochip implant...the last days! Paul McGuire author of Are You Ready for the Microchip?

Paul's new 3 DVD set "Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?" This is different from the message you saw on TV, this a new DVD available for pre-order that contains brand videos, pictures and the newest prophetic updates. You can get more information or pre-order now!
What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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