Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paul McGuire Prophetic Alert for Israel! PASS THE WORD FAST! Paul will be speaking with Hebrew Christian Witness Stand With Israel Night Thursday October 27th 7PM. The event will be at Grand Terrace Community Church 12354 Mount Vernon, Grand Terrace, CA 92313
Paul will gave the latest up to date information on Israel!
From LA or West - Take CA-60 E Pomona Freeway Sign may say Pomona/Riverside to I 215 North (exit 53b towards San Bernardino/Barstow (freeway signs may momentarily say 91 East - that's okay! From 215 North take Barton Rd. (exit 38) Make slight right to Barton Rd. proceed about 1/2 mile - 3/4 mile to Mount Vernon Ave. Turn right on Mt. Vernon - go through 2 signals. 2nd signal is De Berry and Mount Vernon. Go through this intersection and turn right onto first driveway. You are there! Church sits back from road. (909)422-1900
In the last days Jerusalem will be the center for world conflict. Zechariah 12:1-9 …The Apostle Paul said in Romans 11, “All Israel will be saved.”
“Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all the surrounding peoples, when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all peoples; all who would heave it away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it. In that day,” says the LORD, “I will strike every horse with confusion, and its rider with madness; I will open My eyes on the house of Judah, and will strike every horse of the peoples with blindness. And the governors of Judah shall say in their heart, ‘The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in the LORD of hosts, their God.’ In that day I will make the governors of Judah like a firepan in the woodpile, and like a fiery torch in the sheaves; they shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place—Jerusalem.
“The LORD will save the tents of Judah first, so that the glory of the house of David and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not become greater than that of Judah. In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them. It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. “
As the ancient Hebrew prophet, Zechariah predicted, Jerusalem is the center of global conflict. Currently, our government is pressuring Israel to make room for a Palestinian State which would threaten Israel’s very existence. Iran is rapidly building nuclear weapons and has openly threatened to destroy Israel. In addition, Russia and Iran supply the majority of oil for Europe through massive oil pipelines which come from Siberia and Iran. This oil is delivered to the Caspian Sea region, where it is shipped to Europe.
The US exit from Iraq at year's end, leaves in place 30,000 fighters of Iran's Revolutionary Elite Guard or Al Qods Brigades, who are trained in elite guerilla warfare, in Iraq. At least half are disguised as private security personnel for Iraqi ministers and politicians in Baghdad, providing Tehran with a strong lever of manipulation. America's Iraq war therefore draws to a close as thousands of Al Qods operatives take up positions in the Green Zone, the Baghdad enclave built at great cost for US headquarters in Iraq.
In addition, Saudi Arabia and the United States traded charges with Iran on Wednesday over an alleged plot to kill the Saudi ambassador to Washington, deepening divisions and sharpening a contest for power in the oil-rich Gulf.
The Saudis, long at odds with Tehran, said Iran would “pay the price” for an exotic plot described by US officials to assassinate their ambassador. The United States threatened further sanctions on Iran, while Tehran called the accusation a fabrication designed to sow discord in the region.
In anticipation of some kind of NATO, Israel or U.S. attack on Iran, Moscow has sold Iran the highly-advanced Avtobaza truck-mounted systems capable of jamming aircraft radar and the electronic guidance instruments of attacking missiles. The deal, announced in Moscow Tuesday, Oct. 25, substantially boosts Russian military assistance to the Islamic Republic, especially of defensive weaponry. The US and Israel suspect the Avotbaza jammers are only the first installment of the complete ELINT-electronic signals system for disabling planes and missiles over the entire Persian Gulf and the Caspian Sea. This deal also fulfills the prophecy in Ezekiel 38, where Russia, Iran and an alliance of Middle Easter nations attack Israel in what is called the War of Gog and Magog.
The Occupy Wall Street demonstrations also signal a rise of Anti-Semitism which endangers Israel. At OWS demonstrations across the United States are T-shirts and speeches praising such renowned Marxists as Che Guevara, Emiliano Zapata and Mao Zedong. The Nazi Party has also joined in on the demonstrations and verbal attacks are made on the Jews, Israel and the Jewish bankers. These exact same charges against the Jews and Jewish bankers were made during the Communist Revolution in Russia and in Nazi, Germany and at many “Occupy” events nationwide, where placards and chanted slogans denouncing the alleged conspiracies of “Jewish bankers” (and "Zionist Jews") fit in with OWS's relentless condemnations of “greedy Wall Street and Jewish bankers.” According to the American Nazi Party, which supports OWS, the movement is blow against an obscenely corrupt "Judeo-Capitalism" and global Zionist banking conspiracy.
One demonstrator was wearing a red Kafiya, or Arabic headscarf with a specific pattern that has come to symbolize so-called Palestinian "resistance" against Israel. That style of Kafiya was popularized by Yasser Arafat. History shows us that in times of economic crisis, the Jews were used as scapegoats. It is not hard to conceive a massive Neo Nazi Movement sweeping Europe, especially with Germany’s economic power and America. Combine this with secret funding coming from powerful Islamic groups and you have the makings of a new Holocaust! This is why it is so important for Christians to use discernment and understand what is going on, so that they can stand with Israel. When voting it is crucial to know where the candidates stand regarding Israel and where they get their money from.
For example, according to an article in the New American written by Daniel Sayani, October 20, 2011, “Rick Perry’s Islamist Connections,” the author writes, “Texas Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry is no stranger to controversy. Perry’s record as Governor is marred by numerous instances of increased taxation, lackluster job growth, and fiscal impropriety and outright corruption, all tied together by a common ethos of fiscal liberalism, Keynesian economics, and statism — a desire for increased governmental power. While Perry’s economic record and association with the Bilderberg Group ought to be of legitimate concern to true conservatives, another aspect of his record must also be scrutinized: his associations with the Islamist Aga Khan Foundation, which has been linked to incendiary anti-American and anti-Western rhetoric and has been identified as a source of funding to numerous terror groups.”
I am not trying to attack Perry, but he clearly has strong globalist connections. For example,his willingness to follow the Council on Foreign Relations Plan regarding Mexico. Sayani continues, “Texas Governor and Republican presidential hopeful Rick Perry is no stranger to controversy. Perry’s record as Governor is marred by numerous instances of increased taxation, lackluster job growth, and fiscal impropriety and outright corruption, all tied together by a common ethos of fiscal liberalism, Keynesian economics, and statism — a desire for increased governmental power. While Perry’s economic record and association with the Bilderberg Group ought to be of legitimate concern to true conservatives, another aspect of his record must also be scrutinized: his associations with the Islamist Aga Khan Foundation, which has been linked to incendiary anti-American and anti-Western rhetoric and has been identified as a source of funding to numerous terror groups.”
Perry like many other “Evangelical leaders,” does not understand Marxist use of the Hegelian Dialectic strategy. Parry buy’s into the Italian Communist, Antonio Gramsci’s “social justice” masquerade and allowed Islamic revisionism to be taught in the Texas Public Schools. Sayani continues, “The curriculum that Perry introduced into the Texas public schools copiously quotes from, the father of “Orientalism,” Edward Said, the belief that Western Christians relate to the Arab world with “Eurocentric bias” and are engaged in a de-legitimizing kulturkampf against the Islamic world, a belief rooted in methodologies adopted from Antonio Gramsci, the father of Eurocommunism.”
Many former members of Students for a Democratic Society and the Weather Underground are running the massive Soros and Shadow Government foundations and are involved in siding with the Palestinians. For example, “One Flag,” a campaign designed by Adbusters to promote global citizenship. Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF), financed by Soros and run by Marxist Kalle Lasn, has often condemned Israel for allegedly expropriating Palestinian land. In June 2009 article/photo montage critiquing Israel's embargo of the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, Adbusters magazine likened Gaza to the Warsaw ghetto of the WWII era—suggesting that contemporary Jews' treatment of the Palestinians resembled the manner in which the Nazis had treated Jews under Hitler. Kalle Lasn is the brainchild and organizer of “Occupy Wall Street.”
Geopolitical changes in the Middle East and mass demonstrations worldwide are dangerous for the Jews and the nation of Israel. Israel’s greatest friend is the Evangelical community. It is important to remember the words of the Abrahamic Covenant. “Those that bless thee (Israel) I will bless and those that curse thee (Israel) I will curse.” Anyone who believes that the Bible is the Word of God must stand for Israel.
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Friday, October 21, 2011
Wall Street Revolution One World Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
God has set a blazing fire in my heart and the words of a watchman.
There are spiritual forces energizing the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations across America and the EU. This is not just “blowing off steam” over the economic crisis! These same spiritual forces were behind the Illuminati-created French Revolution, the Communist Revolution in Russia, and occult-fueled rise to power of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis. The exact same spiritual, economic, and political forces are now converging in America! There is an antichrist spirit that is attempting to ignite a revolution that will attempt to overthrow the Constitution and usher in a EU based- global government. These have Biblical and prophetic applications, because they would be expressions of what Daniel referred to as the Fourth Beast.
Mikhail Gorbachev when commenting about the Wall Street demonstrations, said a few days ago, “The world needs goals that will bring people together.” Gorbachev remarked, “Some people in the United States were pushing the idea of creating a global American empire, and that was a mistake from the start. Other people in America are now giving thought to the future of their country. The big banks, the big corporations, are still paying the same big bonuses to their bosses. Was there ever a crisis for them? . . . I believe America needs its own perestroika.”
Gorbachev called for a “new world order” and a new system of “global governance,”
“Others, including myself, have spoken about a new world order, but we are still facing the problem of building such a world order…problems of the environment, of backwardness and poverty, food shortages…all because we do not have a system of global governance,” he said.
“We cannot leave things as they were before, when we are seeing that these protests are moving to even new countries, that almost all countries are now witnessing such protests, that the people want change,” he said. “As we are addressing these challenges, these problems raised by these protest movements, we will gradually find our way towards a new world order,” added Gorbachev. (Source
Many of the protesters themselves are calling for global government!
With the exception of a growing Remnant, we have a Laodician Church in America, which chooses to abdicate its God-given responsibility to be salt and light, minister the Gospel, make disciples and “occupy until I come.” The reality is we are seeing the beginnings of an orchestrated crisis that will radically transform America. The primary reasons for this are:
1. Much of the church no longer believes that the Bible is the inspired and inerrant Word of God. As such, they have put the philosophies of men on an equal or superior level to the Word of God. This opens the door wide for both spiritual deception and deception in every area of life.
2. Due to social engineering, the average person in America and across the world has no understanding of the lessons of history. What is happening now has happened before. But, as the expression goes, “Those that do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
God has called me to give a strong prophetic warning to His people regarding 2011-2012, based on extensive research, seeking the Lord, and reading His Word. At any moment, a “crisis,” may emerge which will radically change our nation. In addition, spiritual forces are pushing us towards a conflict between Israel and Iran which could set off an Ezekiel 38 scenario. Again, we cannot undo Bible prophecy, but out of His mercy and grace, God wants to restrain evil and provide His people around the world, with supernatural protection and provision!
God has given us clear answers from His Word about what He is calling His people to do in this hour, to drive back the powers of darkness. The Lord has guided me to teach powerful truths from His Word, as well as a Biblical strategy to equip His people, before it is too late. By partnering with me, we can use the Internet, prophetic church meetings, conferences, DVDs, CDs, television, and radio. Do not believe what you see and hear in the media. This is a winnable spiritual war! With your financial help and prayers, we will be able to communicate this message to millions of people and teach God’s people how they can use spiritual weapons to overcome the spirit of antichrist which seeks to destroy our nation and economy.
God has given His people supernatural power to engage the principalities and powers behind this and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This does not mean God has given us the power to undo Bible prophecy, but it does mean that, “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.” Isaiah 59:19
God wants to give you and your loved ones a hope and a future. Although, there are counterfeit revivals and apostasy, that does not mean that there cannot be a Biblical outpouring of the Holy Spirit described in Joel Chapter 2 and repeated by Peter in Acts Chapter 2. This last day’s outpouring of the Holy Spirit leads directly into Tribulation Period. The Lord talks about the moon turning into blood-red and the sun becoming black, before the great and awesome Day of the Lord. Scientists are telling us about things like the Comet Elenin, solar storms, and massive dark stars.
“ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days.” Acts 2:17-18
“God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power, and a sound mind!” With your prayers and financial support, we can see a Third Great Awakening, which will destroy the plans of the evil one and a massive soul harvest before the Tribulation Period. Nothing is impossible with God!
The passivity and spiritual dullness which is rampant in Evangelical-type churches in the U.S. and around the world is evidence of a church whose spiritual power and discernment have been eroded by apostasy. Here at Paul McGuire Ministries and Paradise Mountain Church, we are working and praying around the clock to teach God’s people the truth from His Word and ask that the Lord would send a Biblical revival!
However, God cannot send revival upon an apostate church which has embraced false teachers! Therefore the teaching of the Word of God is essential. If the church will turn back to God and His Word, the church will find grace and God will pour out His Spirit. It is very possible that He will give us a reprieve and hold the powers of darkness on a tight leash until the Return of Christ.
But, I write to you this day, these words, as a man God called by God to minister the truth and who will stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ for my actions or lack of actions. I do not say this lightly or with any sense of perverse pleasure, born from self-righteousness. I say this to you with a broken heart and under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. We live in a time where any government, no matter how powerful, can be toppled over night. The world’s economies are reeling like a drunken man. The fact, that at this moment, to one degree or another, things are holding together is due to the mercy of God.
At any hour we could see revolution; economic collapse and World War III erupt in the Middle East. A nuclear war could break out between Israel, Iran and Middle Easter nations any week. The massive armies of Russia along with a federation of Middle Eastern nations could make a mad dash to the South and the War of Gog and Magog could ignite. None of this is alarmism. Secular military and economic experts would agree.
Now is the time to rise in the power of the Holy Spirit and fulfill the Great Commission. Now is the time to obey Jesus Christ’s words and “”Occupy until I come.” There is no reason for you to fear, Psalm 91:1 states, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” What is this secret place? It is a secret to those who do not walk closely with Jesus Christ. But, to those that walk intimately with the Lord and serve Him, they know where the secret place is. Do you?
The reality is that Jesus Christ is coming sooner than you think. But, each one of us has been given a job to do! One day, in the twinkling of an eye, you will hear the words, “Well done thou good and faithful servant.”
You will be in a dimension outside of time, in another dimension called eternity and you will be celebrated with over a billion people what the Bible calls, “The Marriage Supper of the Lamb.”
Jesus Christ said, “Behold I am coming quickly!”
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!
Your servant in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire
Please make checks payable to Paradise Mountain Church International 501 ( C ) ( 3 ) corporation. Also, you may donate securely and electronically on-line at
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Mail To: Paul McGuire Ministries /Paradise Mountain Church International 25876 The Old Road # 136 , Stevenson Ranch CA 91381
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Manchurian Media Personality Part 1 Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
In my previous article on Manchurian Candidate’s for political office, I describe how sophisticated mind control technologies like MK ULTRA and social engineering, can be used to create politicians who have been programmed to carry out specific assignments. These same brainwashing technologies can be used to develop media personalities. Manchurian media personalities dominate radio, television and the Internet. Their personalities and perspectives were created in the mind control factories of our universities, business corporations, motivational seminars, ideological programming, consensus building and, in some cases, targeted mind control and brainwashing. Since John Dewey, the founder of modern public education, began using Soviet techniques of brainwashing in the 1920’s, the collective mindset of our culture has been moved strategically from a Judeo Christian one to an atheistic, humanistic and socialist worldview.
For the last century, the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives, have been used in the United States. Christian leaders who were called to be “watchmen on the wall,” neglected their duty before God and allowed America and its children to be transformed into an occult, immoral, godless and humanistic / socialist state, in spite of Jesus Christ’s clear warnings regarding allowing little children’s faith in God to be harmed in any way.
“It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” Luke 17:2
Despite the very clear warnings of Christ, Bible-believing Christians chose to deliberately ignore the fact that their children were being systematically brainwashed through the Hegelian Dialectic, focusing on facts and feelings, tolerance, communitarianism, collectivism, politically correct thinking, the rejection of absolutes, attacking the history of America and Judeo Christian values, breaking down traditional morality and the promotion of immorality.
Aldous Huxley, author of “Brave New World,” commented on the importance of breaking down all forms of sexual morality: “A new consensus that embraces the new immorality is accomplished through a felt crisis, and today's moral crisis -- created by trading moral boundaries for sensual freedom -- serves the purpose well. The proliferation of all kinds of pornography, aggressive sexual promiscuity of all forms and the absence of absolute boundaries leads to social chaos which, in turn, calls for social controls in areas outside of sex, which would have been unthinkable in a Judeo Christian culture. Pornography and the official promotion of every kind of what used to be called sexual perversions is the “new norm.” It serves a political purpose.”
"As political and economic freedom... diminishes, sexual freedom tends to compensate by increasing. And the dictator... will do well to encourage that freedom. In conjunction with the freedom to daydream under the influence of dope, movies and the radio, it will help to reconcile his subjects to the servitude."
The Manchurian Media personality often is involved in what have been considered immoral or perverted behaviors and actions a couple of generations ago. Not all Manchurian Media personalities openly engage in these lifestyles; some maintain traditional family values, but in many cases sexual excess is actually encouraged as a marketing tool. Angelina Jolie’s flirtation with S&M and other celebrities’ participation in group sex, threesomes, porn and an endless parade of sexual deviance was once unthinkable. The breaking down of all sexual morality has affected every level of our culture and makes people more vulnerable to mass brainwashing.
I am about to report a news story that you may find very offensive. Please do not read the next few sentences if you are offended. But, it is important to understand to the degree of just how far how sexual mores have changed in America. This kind of thing is not an isolated event. Our nation is inundated with what was once universally shunned as wrong and in comparison, this incident is relatively mild:
A highly regarded 44-year old female scientist at the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, along with her boyfriend, were fired over allegations of molestation with a six year old boy and bestiality. The female doctor with the CDC, is highly regarded among her peers and holds a doctoral degree in immunology and molecular pathogenesis. This same female CDC doctor allegedly had the six year old spank her and use an electronic sex toy on her. In addition, photographs were found of her performing lewd sex acts on two animals. Unfortunately, new generations of women have become very sexually aggressive, including the epidemic of young female teachers seducing young boys.
The point here is that research in Soviet brainwashing techniques reveals that by using social engineering to encourage immoral and sexually perverse behaviors breaks down any connection between traditional morality, God and patriotism, thus making it far easier to control people’s minds. I am not suggesting that every media personality is involved in this kind of behavior, but America as a society no longer has any real sexual boundaries, making it far easier to control people and media personalities.
On a separate note, William Colby, CIA director from 1973-1976, allegedly said, “The Central Intelligence Agency owns everyone of any significance in the major media.” Although, we have no way of measuring the accuracy of the statement, whether he actually ever made it or was is boasting after a couple of drinks, it is doubtful that the CIA controls in some monolithic manner, the entire the media. However, it is not hard to imagine how intelligence agencies, both foreign and domestic, have infiltrated the media. In addition, the media has been infiltrated by international bankers, multi-national corporations, religious groups, cults and political movements. It would be fair to say that we have a Corporate-controlled media which essentially presents a uniform message that represents the interests of its globalist masters and not the American people. If anything, what really controls the media is a monolithic world view of liberal socialism and secular humanism.
Powerful financial interests on the right or left can and do influence the content of the media. These media personalities, including radio talk show hosts, celebrities, television commentators and pop stars have developed their worldviews in the same educational, media, cultural and psychiatric institutions as the rest of the culture. The Tavistock Institute and other social laboratories and think tanks frame human consciousness and program individuals on a mass level. Their political, cultural and spiritual viewpoints are the result of advanced Orwellian technologies of social engineering. Whatever their race, sex or ethnicity, left or right, they can represent the many faces of Big Brother. Although, there are strong exceptions, the new cultural narrative demands that their reporting and commentary break down traditional family values, eradicate patriotism and destroy faith in God and promote Marxist ideas like globalism and collectivism. Just look at the messages being sent by sitcoms, television series, music and feature films into the home. There is great danger beneath the manufactured smiles, make-up, expensive clothing, Botox, plastic surgery, movie star haircuts and frosted hair. Many are Manchurian media personalities and are not even aware of it. They are deceived into thinking their thoughts are their own.
Many people respond by saying look at all the Christian, Jewish and conservative media personalities. Really? How many of them are there really? Listen carefully to what they are actually saying and not what you think they are saying! For example, how can you believe in national sovereignty and be affiliated with the Council on Foreign Relations? In many cases you do not make it to the top in media, unless you hhold and espouse the right views. Observe the group think at the Academy Awards.
It is true that there are some media personalities who manage to keep their integrity, communicate as best they can truth and love for America, traditional values and faith in God. But they have to be very careful, because real McCarthy-like witch hunts are being conducted by the likes of George Soros and the radical left, who will target, lie and do anything they can to bring down those who dare to tell the real truth to the American people. Glenn Beck was systematically targeted and ousted from FOX News by the powerful elite who control the media. Beck’s crime: he told too much of the truth. Michael Savage, who is one of the most talented radio talk show hosts in the nation, has been strategically demonized by a long term propaganda campaign designed to destroy him. He is a threat because he is one of the most powerful and persuasive radio talk show hosts in America. He is not a one dimensional radio personality and he understands the multi-dimensional and psychological war we are engaged in and how to disarm it. Savage instinctively understands that he is confronting the power of mass brainwashing and the subconscious. In the words of the former World Championship Heavyweight Boxer, Muhammad Ali, Savage knows how to, “dance like a butterfly and sting like a bee.”
Whether you like Alex Jones or not, Alex Jones definitely has something to say and he more than deserves a place at the table. The media and in particular, the conservative media, have attempted to marginalize him. But check the integrity of Jones’ content and it is apparent that he is very well read and understands history. The “dinosaurs” in the old media like NBC, CBS and ABC, are often in many cases intellectual pygmies in expensive suits.
Many conservatives do not realize that some of the media personalities and political candidates they adore, are being used to induce a state of psychological paralysis. They create the illusion that we are making progress, when in reality we are treading water and will soon drown. Be aware that there are plenty of Manchurian media personalities who masquerade as conservatives and are not at all what and who they appear to be.
David Rockefeller in an address to a Trilateral Commission meeting in June of 1991 openly admitted that the media was in on the conspiracy to create a one world socialist government:
"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected the promises of discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world-government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”
Rockefeller was thanking them for deceiving the American people concerning his plan to destroy America and create a one world government and his plan to destroy the dollar and create a world currency. He was praising the media for concealing the globalist agenda to bring the world into a World Socialist Government, where the American people would become serfs and lose their Constitutional freedoms to his New World Order. Rockefeller acknowledged that the media were his co-conspirators in hiding what the Federal Reserve was really all about and the fact that the CFR controls all the major media and the both the Republican and Democratic Parties.
For example, let’s look at who is really behind the “Occupy Wall Street” protests outside of Wall Street and that have now spread across the United States. Billionaire George Soros, operating operating behind numerous front groups, continues his goal of the radical transformation of America into some kind Marxist state. But the majority of the media deliberately conceal from the public this important information about the financing backing the protesters.
It is important that we develop our capacity for perception and spiritual discernment, so that we are not manipulated by words and symbols. In addition, we must teach our children and others how to analyze political, religious and cultural messages, that are presented by the mass media. In practical terms, this means spending time with our children and friends and teaching them how to think critically. The entire educational process has trained people, not to use their minds, but to be swayed with their emotions. We must teach people how to detach emotionally and think clearly about what is being presented to them.
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© 2011 Paul McGuire - All Rights Reserved
Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip? He is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Additionally, Paul hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. He is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.
Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” He has interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. He lives in Los Angeles, California.
At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and was made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying “Altered States of Consciousness” at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the area depicted in the movie “Field of Dreams.” Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist worldview and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Saturday, October 15, 2011
Wall Street Protests Fed Great Awakening McGuire 1
By Paul McGuire
The Occupy Wall Street and demonstrations across Europe are not just “blowing off steam.” History teaches us that they could be the beginning of a revolution that overthrows the present U.S. Constitutional Government and bring Europe into a globalist tyranny. Both of these have Biblical and prophetic applications because they would be expressions of what Daniel referred to as the Fourth Beast.
The plan for world government was created by the international bankers and their agents in America in the late 1800’s. Is it becoming the Revived Roman Empire or Fourth Beast, which Daniel predicted when interpreting King Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the four great and Gentile world empires of history? Hitler was a type of the coming Antichrist and he was financed by the international bankers in Europe and the U.S.
Lord Shelburne, who corresponded with Edward Gibbons, who wrote “The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” had emerged from the February 1763 "Peace of Paris" as a key figure in the "Seven Years War." Lord Shelburne represented the power of the British East India Company of his time. The British East India Company operated much like the multi-national corporations of our day. Under Shelburne's rule and the defeat of the Emperor Napoleon, which was a "New Roman Empire," the Revived Roman Empire continues to rise in the tradition of the Caesars.
The present British Empire and the international bankers in America are expanding their power through the banking cartels. Ironically, the protesters have been brainwashed into believing it is the individual banks and corporations that are the problem. The elite that are organizing them, are hiding the reality of the Federal Reserve System and the fact, that it is these international banking cartels that are financing “Occupy Wall Street,” just like J.P. Morgan, Rothschild, Rockefeller and others financed the Communist Revolution in Russia and Adolph Hitler. The lesson we should learn from history is that when little groups of Communists and Nazi’s are secretly financed by powerful banking families, protests can be transformed into major revolutions!
This transatlantic union between Britain and America, along with the EU and regional global governments, will eventually become the predicted, Revived Roman Empire of Daniel. The U.S. through the Federal Reserve, the transatlantic union and what some believe, are its agents, like George Soros, Al Gore, CFR, Bilderberg and current movements like population control, the environmental movement and the Occupy World Street movement, are potentially pushing us into the direction of this Revived Roman Empire.
Billionaire’s George Soros, who is allegedly, an agent for international banking interests, is a prime mover behind the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Occupy Wall Street Movement has spread to 147 cities in the U.S. and 28 cities overseas. OWS protests have been held in Manhattan, Boston, Chicago, Los Angeles, Denver, Seattle, Lexington, Tallahassee, Tampa, Gainesville, Washington DC, Houston, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Atlanta, Huntsville, Birmingham, Jersey City, Trenton, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, St. Louis, Kansas City, Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Wichita, New Orleans, Cleveland, Austin, Dallas, Phoenix, Indianapolis, Hartford, Madison, Colorado Springs, Tulsa, Chattanooga, Boise, Minneapolis, Sacramento, Nashville, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Dayton, and Portland (Oregon).
Theses protests are not spontaneous, but highly organized and paid for by the Soros-organization, the Tides Foundation, which is run by former members of the Students for a Democratic Society. Tides hired, The Adbusters Media Foundation (AMF) to create the national protests, which are against capitalism. The ultimate game plan is to create a New International Financial Order and world government, in part through mass demonstrations.
What that means to you and your families is a drastically reduced standard of living through wealth redistribution, loss of personal and religious freedoms and basically turning America into a Marxist State. One would think with so much at risk, Christians would begin to pray, think and act like the Christians of the First Great Awakening?
Instead, with the exception of a growing Remnant, we have a Laodician Church in America, which chooses to abdicate its God-given responsibility at stewardship of the culture. If you want evidence, just look at what the secular economists and analysts are saying about the future of our nation? The reality is we are seeing the beginnings of an orchestrated revolution that will radically transform America.
With one or two exceptions, we do not see true leadership emerging from the Presidential candidates and politicians from the Republic or Democratic parties. The Corporate controlled media is controlling the Corporate-controlled candidates, as well as the content of the debates and the television coverage, which borders on the edge of the mundane. The real issues are not even addressed. We are in desperate need of candidates who have the economic, political and philosophical depth of our Founding Fathers, true leaders who have passion and vision. Instead, the masses are occupied with trivial debates that do not acknowledge the true core of our problems or true solutions.
I do not mean to sound unkind, but intellectual hollowness of the Wall Street demonstrators, who have been dumbed down, are at the approximately the same level of critical thinking and historical knowledge of much of the Evangelical church, which has also been dumbed down. The difference is that God never intended for His people to be dumbed down, because they are created in His image. This is the product of social engineering, but more disturbingly it is the result of Bible teaching and preaching that is based on emotion, rather than the serious study of the Bible. Without exception, people who are true students of the Bible are perceptive, wise, discerning and intelligent!
Christianity is not fatalism and within the constraints of God’s prophetic timetable, it is possible to have a last day’s revival and massive soul harvest. It is true, there are counterfeit revivals, false teaching and apostasy, but that does not mean that there cannot be a Biblical outpouring of the Holy Spirit described in Joel Chapter 2 and repeated by Peter in Acts Chapter 2. This last day’s outpouring of the Holy Spirit leads directly into Tribulation Period events like the moon turning into blood-red and the sun becoming black, before the great and awesome Day of the Lord.
“But Peter, standing up with the eleven, raised his voice and said to them, “Men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem, let this be known to you, and heed my words. For these are not drunk, as you suppose, since it is only the third hour of the day. But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel:
‘ And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
And on My menservants and on My maidservants
I will pour out My Spirit in those days;
And they shall prophesy.
I will show wonders in heaven above
And signs in the earth beneath:
Blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
The sun shall be turned into darkness,
And the moon into blood,
Before the coming of the great and awesome day of the LORD.
And it shall come to pass
That whoever calls on the name of the LORD
Shall be saved.” Acts 2:14-21
Some Christians believe that this all happened during the First Century, but that does not explain the Tribulation signs, which will happen in the future. In addition, the outpouring of the Spirit, is not simply relegated to the First Century. The Reformation, The First Great Awakening, Second Great Awakening and the Jesus Movement of the 1960’s -1970’s, are evidences of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and Biblical revival after The Day of Pentecost.
The spirit of antichrist has invaded both Europe, nations around the world and America. Like the Illuminati-birthed French Revolution, we are seeing an explosion in the occult, sexual immorality, lawlessness, the debasing of the Word of God, false teaching and antichrist inspired political ideologies. True these are evidences of the last days. But, Jesus Christ told us to “Occupy until I come.” That means the true church is to be engaging the powers of darkness through the faithful teaching of the Word of God, intercessory prayer, evangelism, making disciples and being salt and light. These spiritual activities drive the forces of antichrist out of the church and out of nations!
The problem in America and other nations is that the church is in rebellion from God, which allows the spirit of antichrist to invade a nation. There can be a turning of the tide of spiritual warfare, when the individual Christians and churches repent and obey the Word of God! This does not conflict with God’s prophetic program, any more than standing for Israel, conflicts His prophetic program.
We have arrived at the spiritual crossroads in space-time and history. For us the time is now and there is no other time. For a brief time, the Lord in His grace has given us a window of opportunity. We will either seize this time in the Spirit or through disobedience, allow it to pass by. I don’t think the most Christians fully understand the complete implications of disobedience at this time. I would suggest simply reading what happening in Nazi, Germany, Communist Russia and Communist China to give you an idea of what is coming very soon, unless we choose to obey the Lord.
Given the present trajectory and socio-economic conditions, we are nano seconds from colliding with an absolutely hellish reality, which is beyond the scope of what most people can conceive. But, this collision can be averted and an alternative reality can be unfolded, which releases the power of God over nations and does not conflict with prophecy. Everything we do at this ministry is designed to teach God’s people what is at stake and the heavenly resources God has given us to deal with it!
Your see the reality we are seeing, with radical demonstrators, economic chaos and manufactured crisis is not fixed. When God’s people are in a right relationship with Him, the Bible says, “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against him.” To get an idea of what this is like, read the accounts of what happening during the First Great Awakening.
What are the historical and prophetic roots of the movement that is opposing the church? The British Empire, in partnership with the EU and the America, operates like a "fourth beast," which included the second: Byzantium Empire (the third Roman Empire) created by, the Venice-directed Norman Crusader who destroyed Charlemagne's influence. The Fourth Beast, which began as the modern British or Venetian Empire, designed the current financial and political system, which will become the Revived Roman Empire under the Antichrist and the one world currency, along with the one world economic system, led by the Second Beast or the False Prophet. The culmination of this global economic system, of which George Soros is attempting to create with his New International Financial Order, will be a cashless society under the False Prophet.
The United States and Europe, is in a state of disintegration, that only an authentic and Biblical Great Awakening can avert. The foundation of a truly Biblical Great Awakening is built on the foundation of the serious study of God’s Word. The Word of God is not front and center in most messages. It is either used as window dressing or plucked completely out of context. The people of God need to hear and read the teaching of God’s Word, line by line and precept upon precept. There is no substitute for the study of the Word of God. We have had enough, jokes, cute stories, so-called anointed messages and motivational sermons; they have produced what we see all around us. The ship must change course immediately, or crash into the icebergs like the Titanic. From Genesis to Revelation (no exclusions) we must read the Word and teach the Word. It is on this foundation and this foundation alone, that lives and nations will be changed.
Paul McGuire Ministries is dedicated to giving Biblical answers to world events. By God’s grace, we have discovered that by discussing a wide variety of subjects and explaining them and analyzing them through God’s inspired and inerrant Word, that souls are saved, disciples are made; backsliders return to Christ and authentic revival is spread.
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Monday, October 10, 2011
Manchurian Candidate From Paul McGuire 1
By Paul McGuire
In 1962, Singer Frank Sinatra starred in a movie called “The Manchurian Candidate.” A softer version of the film, starring Denzel Washington, came out a few years ago. In the original movie, it is clear that the political assassin was programmed by the Communists. For the first time on a mass level, the American people confronted the harsh realities of the science of brainwashing and mind control. What many people don’t know is that the science of mind control has grown exponentially, like computer technology and biotechnology. Individual mind control and mass brainwashing is an integral part of Presidential elections. The question is which candidate is the Manchurian Candidate?
The Democratic Party and Republican Party, along with their Presidential candidates are controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). What the American people get is the choice of voting for CFR Candidate A or CFR Candidate B, while being given the illusion of choice. The CFR agenda is to destroy America as a sovereign nation and force America to be under the control of a one world government. Presidential candidates are often selected at a young age. They are selected, groomed, and introduced to “handlers, “that guide and shape them. The methodology of brainwashing and programming is given in different degrees depending on the individual. For example, the President’s programming may have been developed by the modern educational system, mentoring by key people that were deliberately brought into their lives. They are invited into Bilderberg, CFR, Bohemian Grove, and other groups which expose them to the doorways of ultimate power and they are seduced.
Some politicians are easily led because their lust for position, power, fame, and sex. Their lust acts a control mechanism. Bill Clinton is an example of that kind of programming. His “handlers” allowed him to develop a strong sexual addiction and his ideology was developed as a Rhodes Scholar, founded by Cecil Rhodes who wanted to create a one world government. Clinton was also mentored by a number of men, including Professor Carroll Quigley. It is no accident that Bill and Hillary Clinton had a globalist/socialist worldview. Bill Clinton also visited Russia as a Rhodes Scholar. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were both disciples of the radical Communist organizer Saul Alinsky. He taught the Marxist strategy of manufactured crisis. The programming of presidents goes back a long time in American history. Col. Edward Mandell House was the handler for Woodrow Wilson starting before 1911. House was known for his ability to control minds and the mind of Woodrow Wilson. Col. House was a radical Marxist who wanted to see a violent Communist Revolution in the United States.
After World War II, the American intelligence agency, the OSS, which became the CIA, smuggled in large numbers of Nazi mind control scientists and put them in very high positions under Operation Paperclip. Soon afterwards the MK ULTRA brainwashing program was being used against U.S. citizens. It was trauma based programming, which used torture, LSD, and hypnosis to create Manchurian Candidate style programming. The Soviet Union also launched powerful mind control and brainwashing operations for the specific purpose of overthrowing nations like the United States and turning them into totalitarian Communist States.
I am not advocating the theology of Roy Masters, of the Foundation for Human Understanding, but he has done enormous research in this area through his analysis of the Russian book, “Brainwashing – A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitcs.” The original book was published in the 1930’s and it was used to teach Communist agents how to brainwash people and subvert entire populations. Pschopolitics is very real and it is currently being used as a weapon against the American people, especially in the area of politics. It is a mass brainwashing strategy.
Let’s look at some of the Presidential candidate. Rick Perry claims to be a conservative, but managed Al Gore’s campaign. He aggressively promoted the NAFTA Superhighway and is in favor of giving $100,000 subsidies to illegal immigrants. Millions of Middle Class American families have to take out massive loans, raid their retirement and both husbands and wives have to work more than one job to pay for their children’s college tuition. Perry basically says his motivation for giving out the American taxpayer’s money from a country that is essentially bankrupt is about love. First, that packaged answer was an attempt at brainwashing, but it backfired! Perry attempted to reframe the argument around love. But, what about all the Middle Class children that have no mother or father around because the mother and father are working, therefore, the kids and end up on drugs. Where’s the love for all the taxpaying American citizens who not only have to pay for the enormous financial cost, but because they are so busy working, they end up paying for it in divorce, serious problems with their children and raiding their retirement. In addition, there are growing numbers of women who can’t afford to stay at home and be a full time mother to their children.
Perry’s real goal is to please the elite who can put him in power, like the CFR. The NAFTA Superhighway will allow Chinese goods to come by trucks, operated by Mexican truck drivers, to come up through Mexico and travel on enhanced highways, drop off sealed cargo containers at the Kansas City Smart Port, and deliver throughout the U.S. and Canada. The whole plan of unifying Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. into one nation, transferring wealth from the American Middle Class into Mexico, open borders and paying for the education of illegals were created by the Council on Foreign Relations and the Marxist think tank, the Institute for Policy Studies (IPS). You can read about the plan in detail by reading the CFR 59 page document entitled, “Building a North American Community.” So who is controlling Perry? The CFR, using a Communist think tank! Did Perry undergo MK ULTRA? I doubt it. He can be controlled by his lust for power and position, plus a little programming. Newt Gingrich is a globalist who pretends to be a conservative. But, Gingrich has been the CFR’s point man for years promoting NAFTA, GATT, WTO and the North American Union. Gingrich, a bright man, has been indoctrinated into the “Third Way,” which is a subtle brainwashing technique that came out of the Tavistock Institute and the Frankfurt School which programs people to transition from Capitalism and a Constitutional Republic into one world socialism. We could go down the list of Republican candidates who essentially are promoting the game plan of the globalists behind the Federal Reserve and the CFR. Whether they acknowledge it or not, they are transitioning America from a Capitalist nation to a Socialist nation and eventually a Communist nation.
They have been indoctrinated into this “Third Way” ideology from the leaders they meet, the globalist organizations they network with, and their relationships with the Federal Reserve and the CFR. They have been subtly programmed by learning processes that were originally developed by the Soviet Union. Compare the thinking of Ayn Rand, author of “Atlas Shrugged,” who escaped Communist Russia as a young girl and actually witnessed what Communism was really all about. Unlike candidates like Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Herman Cain, Jon Huntsman, Gary Huntsman, and Tim Pawlenty. The Soviet Union developed extremely subtle, but effective forms of brainwashing such as collectivism and communitarianism.
The elite and globalists use Communism to gain total control over nations. That is why Rockefeller praised Chairman Mao, because it is a society under total control where the worker bees toil like slaves for the New World Order.
In 1985, the Republican President Reagan and Soviet President Gorbachev signed the U.S. - USSR Education Exchange Agreement. It put American technology into the hands of Communist strategists and, in return, gave us all the psycho-social strategies used in Communist nations to indoctrinate Soviet children with Communist ideology and to monitor compliance for the rest of their lives. Our modern education system operates with Soviet psychopolitics. Bush furthered the agenda by implementing Outcome Based Education (OBE) and funding UNESCO.
The Soviet writers of the book on brainwashing and psychopolitics said, “Psychopolitics is a solemn charge. With it you can erase our enemies as insects. You can cripple the efficiency of leaders by striking insanity into their families through the use of drugs. You can wipe them away with testimony as to their insanity. By our technologies you can even bring about insanity itself when the people seem too resistive.
You can change their loyalties by psychopolitics. Given a short time with a psychopolitician you can alter forever the loyalty of a soldier fallen into our hands or a statesman or a leader in his own country, or you can destroy his mind.”
The U.S has been under an all-attack of psychological warfare called pyschopolitics. President Obama and other Democratic and Republican candidates are under the influence of mind control. Both the media, government, and military are under the control of psychopolitics.
However, there a legal and peaceful way to destroy the effectiveness of psychopolitics and win our country back. The power of Truth is the most powerful force in the universe, whether it is economic, political, cultural or religious truth. That is why totalitarian nations seek to suppress truth and that is why there are attacks on the Internet, talk radio, cable television, and social media. Understand that you are fighting a spiritual war and you must learn to use spiritual weapons. You can break a hypnotic trance over people as well as mind control. You don’t attack people. You win them with love. Listen to the inner voice inside and you will hear the still small voice guiding you as you talk to individuals in politics, media, film, radio, writing, or privately. You must be supremely confident in the spiritual power of Truth and learn to use it as a spiritual sword. Never surrender to defeat and despair. Believe that it can done, and, with wisdom, move out offensively.
I deal with this in my books, “Are You Ready?” and “The Warning,” “The Day the Dollar Died,” “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” Also, in my brand new 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?”
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
By Paul McGuire
The revolutionary Marxist Van Jones, George Soros, the Tides Foundation, the Weathermen, SDS, Ford Foundation and other socialist groups are financing the demonstrations and organizing them. Although, Ron Paul supporter are attempting to steer the groups into understanding the real problem, radical socialists are attempting to mobilize the movement into a revolutionary force that will topple our government.
Many of the demonstrators are talking about the need for a new world order, wealth redistribution and a Marxist society. Remember the Communist and Nazi revolutions began with less than this.
If America goes into some kind of dictatorship from the right or left, remember you were warned. The only people who do not understand what I am talking about are those who have a very superficial understanding of history. We are watching history repeat itself. We will either have a Great Awakening spiritually, theologically and intellectually or we will live under dictatorship!
You and I are directly responsible for what happens. 2011 is the pivotal year. If you continue to play church, listen to sermons that are completely disconnected from reality, than you are a part of the problem. You must make serious changes about where you go to church, who you fellowship with, how you pray and where you give to God. You are in complete deception. if you believe God is going to bless you and protect you .Do not deceive yourself, if you are saying everything is okay and this is just a cycle, you are walking in complete disobedience, This is exactly what the Jews said, every time they were walking in disobedience. Many of your friends have chosen to believe a lie rather than the truth. If you are following your friends and not God, you are in great sin. This is not a game. This is reality and it is happening now. If you love your children and love God, you would obey the Lord and become part of the Great Awakening.
I do not mean to sound harsh, judgmental or critical! However, my conscience before the Lord demands that I now speak out more forcefully. If I lose friends and acceptance, then so be it. I have been called like you to pick up my Cross and follow Jesus. The Lord has put a prophetic fire in my bones for many years. But, now the fire in my bones has been turned up. In Christ I am a man on fire. In Christ I am a burning man.
The Lord has impressed a message in my heart and this is the essence of it.
Unless there is mass repentance in the church about playing church and listening to false teachers, America will live under a dictatorship. All your rights will be gone and pastors will be arrested and jailed by the thousands. God is not joking; judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
However, if God’s people by the millions, begin to genuinely repent of their spiritual lethargy and begin to fast, pray, intercede and stand up for righteousness in the public square, the Lord will hold back the powers of darkness and grant us a reprieve until His return. You and your children can have a future and the Lord will return for His Church. None of this interferes with God’s prophetic program.
Secondly, the Lord has placed a fire in my heart and I must speak these words or I will fail as a Watchman. The Lord is greatly displeased that many in His Church have stopped preaching and teaching directly from His Word. The Bible is God’s Word. Yet, His people preach and listen to messages which are humanistic, man-made and New Age. Globalist messages that are based on psychological motivation. This is an abomination to the Lord and He has been calling the His church for a long time to repent of this sin. It is the root of most of the problems in the church. The Lord is about to bring judgment on the apostate church and call those that are His out of it.
Yet, the Lord in His grace and goodness has given us a window to seek His face, repent of our false doctrine and apathy. He will send a Great Awakening and destroy the dark conspiracies that are now at work. There can be hope for a future.
But, the people of God are sleeping while their enemies circle them and grow in power and number. The Lord out of His great love us is giving us a choice. But, we need to solemnly hear the Word of the Lord. If we continue to play church, which is idolatrous worship and pretend that what is a happening is not happening, judgment is coming.
If we continue to ignore the voice of the Lord, we will soon live under total dictatorship.
I have said what I have been called to say.
Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
• Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
• How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
• Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
• What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
• Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
• How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
• Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
• Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
• Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
• Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
• Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
• Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
• Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
• Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
• Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
• It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
• If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
• Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
• Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
• Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
• Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
• Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
• Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
• Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?
By Paul McGuire
The revolutionary Marxist Van Jones, George Soros, the Tides Foundation, the Weathermen, SDS, Ford Foundation and other socialist groups are financing the demonstrations and organizing them. Although, Ron Paul supporter are attempting to steer the groups into understanding the real problem, radical socialists are attempting to mobilize the movement into a revolutionary force that will topple our government.
Many of the demonstrators are talking about the need for a new world order, wealth redistribution and a Marxist society. Remember the Communist and Nazi revolutions began with less than this.
If America goes into some kind of dictatorship from the right or left, remember you were warned. The only people who do not understand what I am talking about are those who have a very superficial understanding of history. We are watching history repeat itself. We will either have a Great Awakening spiritually, theologically and intellectually or we will live under dictatorship!
You and I are directly responsible for what happens. 2011 is the pivotal year. If you continue to play church, listen to sermons that are completely disconnected from reality, than you are a part of the problem. You must make serious changes about where you go to church, who you fellowship with, how you pray and where you give to God. You are in complete deception. if you believe God is going to bless you and protect you .Do not deceive yourself, if you are saying everything is okay and this is just a cycle, you are walking in complete disobedience, This is exactly what the Jews said, every time they were walking in disobedience. Many of your friends have chosen to believe a lie rather than the truth. If you are following your friends and not God, you are in great sin. This is not a game. This is reality and it is happening now. If you love your children and love God, you would obey the Lord and become part of the Great Awakening.
I do not mean to sound harsh, judgmental or critical! However, my conscience before the Lord demands that I now speak out more forcefully. If I lose friends and acceptance, then so be it. I have been called like you to pick up my Cross and follow Jesus. The Lord has put a prophetic fire in my bones for many years. But, now the fire in my bones has been turned up. In Christ I am a man on fire. In Christ I am a burning man.
The Lord has impressed a message in my heart and this is the essence of it.
Unless there is mass repentance in the church about playing church and listening to false teachers, America will live under a dictatorship. All your rights will be gone and pastors will be arrested and jailed by the thousands. God is not joking; judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
However, if God’s people by the millions, begin to genuinely repent of their spiritual lethargy and begin to fast, pray, intercede and stand up for righteousness in the public square, the Lord will hold back the powers of darkness and grant us a reprieve until His return. You and your children can have a future and the Lord will return for His Church. None of this interferes with God’s prophetic program.
Secondly, the Lord has placed a fire in my heart and I must speak these words or I will fail as a Watchman. The Lord is greatly displeased that many in His Church have stopped preaching and teaching directly from His Word. The Bible is God’s Word. Yet, His people preach and listen to messages which are humanistic, man-made and New Age. Globalist messages that are based on psychological motivation. This is an abomination to the Lord and He has been calling the His church for a long time to repent of this sin. It is the root of most of the problems in the church. The Lord is about to bring judgment on the apostate church and call those that are His out of it.
Yet, the Lord in His grace and goodness has given us a window to seek His face, repent of our false doctrine and apathy. He will send a Great Awakening and destroy the dark conspiracies that are now at work. There can be hope for a future.
But, the people of God are sleeping while their enemies circle them and grow in power and number. The Lord out of His great love us is giving us a choice. But, we need to solemnly hear the Word of the Lord. If we continue to play church, which is idolatrous worship and pretend that what is a happening is not happening, judgment is coming.
If we continue to ignore the voice of the Lord, we will soon live under total dictatorship.
I have said what I have been called to say.
Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
• Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
• How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
• Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
• What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
• Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
• How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
• Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
• Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
• Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
• Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
• Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
• Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
• Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
• Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
• Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
• It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
• If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
• Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
• Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
• Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
• Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
• Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
• Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
• Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Wall Street Demonstrations Federal Reserve Paul McGuire1
By Paul McGuire
“Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.
Give a serving to seven, and also to eight,
For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.” Ecclesiastes 11:1
Seven hundred demonstrators were arrested in the growing demonstrations out of Wall Street. The demonstrators seemed to understand the role of the Federal Reserve and international bankers in the deliberate collapsing of the U.S. economy and the European economy. It is not surprising that the media organizations who own the media would deliberately not cover it.
In addition, the question should always be asked, “who is behind this?” and “who stands to gains?” Remember the Illuminati’s phrase “order out of chaos.” Also, the Communist strategy is to produce radical change through crisis. I am not suggesting that the demonstrators were Communists.
God has called you and I for such a time as this! We have been called for leadership in our lost culture. Given the present course of events we are rapidly approaching economic collapse and dictatorship. The only people who do not understand that are those who do not know history!
However, God has given His people, the Remnant, a window of opportunity to change the direction of our nation, within the context of Bible prophecy. If we continue to hide in our churches and play church, destruction will be swift. It is only by the grace of God that such a window exists. Don’t you think the German people wish could go back in time and undo what was done with Hitler? If we make the right decision now, than we don’t have to go back in time.
“Cast your bread upon the waters,
For you will find it after many days.
Give a serving to seven, and also to eight,
For you do not know what evil will be on the earth.
If the clouds are full of rain,
They empty themselves upon the earth;
And if a tree falls to the south or the north,
In the place where the tree falls, there it shall lie.
He who observes the wind will not sow,
And he who regards the clouds will not reap.
As you do not know what is the way of the wind,
Or how the bones grow in the womb of her who is with child,
So you do not know the works of God who makes everything.
In the morning sow your seed,
And in the evening do not withhold your hand;
For you do not know which will prosper,
Either this or that,
Or whether both alike will be good.
Truly the light is sweet,
And it is pleasant for the eyes to behold the sun;
But if a man lives many years
And rejoices in them all,
Yet let him remember the days of darkness,
For they will be many.
All that is coming is vanity.” Ecclesiastes 11:1-8
The Bible tells us not to put our money into one thing. Instead, we are to diversify our portfolio among at least seven things. For example, gold is an excellent investment because it guards against the devaluing of the dollar. But we are not put all our trust in gold and silver, but God. We cannot see into the future.
In addition, we are to seek the wisdom of a multitude of Godly counselors. Not just people who say they are Christian, but people who really understand the Federal Reserve, world currency and what the plan is. I expose this plan in my new DVD series, “Are You Ready?”
Finally, pray always and listen to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit. If you have a check in your spirit, do not move until you sense the peace of the Lord guiding you.
Wall Street Demonstrations Federal Reserve Paul McGuire1 Who is behind the Wall Street demonstrators? Spontaneous uprising? 700 Arrested. Millions of people now know the international bankers and the Federal Reserve are destroying our currency and the Middle Class. Spiritual discernment and spiritual warfare for the world's economy we are up against principalities and powers. Truth and knowledge are power Paul McGuire
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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