Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Paul McGuire Prophetic Analysis 1
By Paul McGuire
“And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
Mark 16:15
2012 is going to be a year of seismic change in America and the nations of the earth. Men and women who previously had hard hearts towards the Gospel of Jesus, are now going to be open, listen to the Gospel message and receive Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ told us that “the fields are white for harvest, but the laborers are few. “ That would characterize out time. The global economic crisis, the threat of World War III and the seismic shaking that is coming to every area of society are being used by God to soften the hearts of men and women that are going to receive Jesus Christ around the world by the millions.
The Lord put it my heart to produce a fast-paced and documentary DVD series called, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, the Coming One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” It is a 3-DVD series each DVD is around an hour long. It deals with the subjects that non-Christians and Christians are interested in such as the planned destruction of the global economy, the signs of the times. World War III, transhumanism, the occult symbols on the dollar bill and what is going to happen in America and the world in the near future? I produced it so that people who are turned off by religion would want to watch this series! It is cutting edge and up the minute. In addition, Scripture verses are used in an exciting way, Bible prophecy and current events. Most of all, there is clear explanation of the signs of the times and a call to receive Jesus Christ.
Are You Ready? Gospel Challenge
By the grace of God, the Lord has opened the door for me to share with millions of people the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the avenue of Bible prophecy and current events. Every week at Paul McGuire Ministries we get reports somewhere in the world, about individual who watched one of my DVD’s, saw me on television, heard me on the radio, visited the Blog and websites, attended a church meeting or conference and read one of my books. They usually start by saying something like, “I was very turned off by the Christian religion or I used to be a Christian.” Then they explain that someone gave them one of my books, they began reading the articles on my website or watched a DVD because it talked about economics, prophecy and what is really happening in this world, which the media is not telling them. Finally, they tell me that they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or that they returned to the Lord after reading a book I have written or watched a DVD, because someone gave it to them! Someone like you!
I will never forget when our house almost collapsed during the Northridge Earthquake and all my unsaved neighborhoods camped out on our driveway in the dark and asked me questions like, “Paul are these the signs of the times Jesus Christ talked about? Is this the end of the world?”
People everywhere want to know why the economic system is collapsing. Are we approaching Armageddon and the mark of the beast? Where are America and other nations in Bible prophecy? Once you begin the discussion, they want to accept Christ into their lives.
I produced the 3-DVD series, “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” to prepare believers for what is coming and to answer the questions of non-believers, so that they would accept Christ. It was my prayer that it would be the kind of production that would have reached somebody like me and many of you, who were turned off by Christianity. Many years ago, before I was saved, Christianity would have been the last religion on earth that I would have considered! Yet, I believe if someone had invited me to watch the 3-DVD series “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” I would have been gripped and would have accepted Christ!
I am asking you to join us in a massive global evangelistic effort that uses “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” as an evangelistic and discussion resource. In the next few weeks, we will have material online that will explain how you can do just that. We also want to work with churches that want to use the 3-DVD series as an evangelistic tool and invite people to their churches for three days over a period of three weeks or better yet, three days in a row.
“ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” is fast moving and covers important current and prophetic events that fascinate believers and non-believers alike! A church or a couple of individuals can host a series of nights where they can show all 3 DVD’s, which are each about one hour long. Someone is needed to host and promote the event, even if it is in your house. We will publish a guideline that will show you that this can be a safe and effective way to reach the lost and you will discover that when they hear what the topics are, that they will come!
If you are hosting a three day series that is spread over three weeks or three days, people can watch a video each night. You could serve coffee, tea and snacks, because people are more open in a relaxed atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about being the expert because the DVD will do all the work for you. Then after the viewing you can pray and invite people to Christ in a very low key manner. Then open it up for a friendly discussion for about one hour. In our published material we will show you how to host an event and how you can prayerfully control it and keep it on track.
We want churches to use the 3-DVD series at their churches and then the pastor can give a short message and invitation to accept Christ. In addition, there should be a time of informal discussion. There should be no high-pressure and it is a powerful pre-evangelism tool that will plant seeds in the hearts of people by just discussing it. The key to success is to pray over the event and use wisdom in hosting it. Don’t be afraid to invite the people that God places on your heart.
Many people are writing to us from all over the world and want to do this! We will ask that you contact us by Email and let us know what you are planning to do and what the results were. Also, we are preparing a “HOW TO HOST A “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” DVD SERIES EVENT, that will help you do this in an enjoyable and low key way!
I want to ask you to pray and seek the Lord about hosting such an event. If the Lord prompts your spirit to do so, then simply obey Him and step out in faith. For pastors and church leaders, if the Lord is leading you to host this event then contact us. It is a great way to invite people to your church for something that is not “religious,” but does use Scripture.
Pray about joining us in fulfilling the Great Commission! Right now all over the world there are hundreds of millions of people ready to receive Christ! They just need to be reached in a way that they can relate to. The Lord has put it in my heart to help as many believers and churches as possible to effectively win people to Jesus Christ around the world.
Your servant in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Saturday, December 24, 2011
In the spirit of the real meaning of Christmas and not the pagan holiday. In honor of the true time of Christ’s birth, not December 25th, I write you this prophetic message concerning 2012. This message is based on over 30 years of intensive research, studying the Bible and seeking the Lord.
Many of you who have followed my ministry for years know that I have always been hesitant to jump on the alarmist bandwagon. For example, I declared that Y2K would be a non-event and it was. Obviously, for people who have no idea about what is going on and have done no home work at all, what I say could sound shocking. This is a time of evangelism and Biblical-high-level spiritual warfare. Economic collapse, World War III, crisis, a nuclear attack and Martial Law are on the table. The three most important things we can do is to pray, prepare and win people to Christ. In the next few months, the world situation is going to change and millions of people are going to be open to receive the Gospel. They are not going to be open to a religious-style message. They want real answers to what is going on and why? When they are given those answers they will come to the Lord. The Lord is impressed on my hear t to do everything we can to help God’s people to win people to Christ through, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?”
The Lord gave me a clear picture that those people who obey the voice of the Holy Spirit, are going to be used by God to win massive numbers of people to Christ throughout the world! God has a unique way of meeting the needs and providing for the people who have made reaching Christ their priority! These DVD’s need to get out to large numbers of people around the world, while the doors are still open! We do not make money on this; we simply sow back the funds that come in reach even more people. The day is coming quickly where we will not be able to use the Internet to reach you. As such, we need to have your name and complete mailing address to send you the free McGuire Prophetic Intelligence Report by mail. The reason we do not send it by mail now is because it would be very costly to do. But, if the Internet is “killed,” we will be able to reach those people by mail, if we have your name and address. That name and address is confidential and we do not share or sell our mailing list to anyone and we never will.
Are You Ready? Gospel Challenge
By the grace of God, the Lord has opened the door for me to share with millions of people the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the avenue of Bible prophecy and current events. Every week at Paul McGuire Ministries we get reports somewhere in the world, about individual who watched one of my DVD’s, saw me on television, heard me on the radio, visited the Blog and websites, attended a church meeting or conference and read one of my books. They usually start by saying something like, “I was very turned off by the Christian religion or I used to be a Christian.” Then they explain that someone gave them one of my books, they began reading the articles on my website or watched a DVD because it talked about economics, prophecy and what is really happening in this world, which the media is not telling them. Finally, they tell me that they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or that they returned to the Lord after reading a book I have written or watched a DVD, because someone gave it to them! Someone like you!
I will never forget when our house almost collapsed during the Northridge Earthquake and all my unsaved neighborhoods camped out on our driveway in the dark and asked me questions like, “Paul are these the signs of the times Jesus Christ talked about? Is this the end of the world?”
People everywhere want to know why the economic system is collapsing. Are we approaching Armageddon and the mark of the beast? Where are America and other nations in Bible prophecy? Once you begin the discussion, they want to accept Christ into their lives.
I produced the 3-DVD series, “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” to prepare believers for what is coming and to answer the questions of non-believers, so that they would accept Christ. It was my prayer that it would be the kind of production that would have reached somebody like me and many of you, who were turned off by Christianity. Many years ago, before I was saved, Christianity would have been the last religion on earth that I would have considered! Yet, I believe if someone had invited me to watch the 3-DVD series “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” I would have been gripped and would have accepted Christ!
I am asking you to join us in a massive global evangelistic effort that uses “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” as an evangelistic and discussion resource. In the next few weeks, we will have material online that will explain how you can do just that. We also want to work with churches that want to use the 3-DVD series as an evangelistic tool and invite people to their churches for three days over a period of three weeks or better yet, three days in a row.
“ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” is fast moving and covers important current and prophetic events that fascinate believers and non-believers alike! A church or a couple of individuals can host a series of nights where they can show all 3 DVD’s, which are each about one hour long. Someone is needed to host and promote the event, even if it is in your house. We will publish a guideline that will show you that this can be a safe and effective way to reach the lost and you will discover that when they hear what the topics are, that they will come!
If you are hosting a three day series that is spread over three weeks or three days, people can watch a video each night. You could serve coffee, tea and snacks, because people are more open in a relaxed atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about being the expert because the DVD will do all the work for you. Then after the viewing you can pray and invite people to Christ in a very low key manner. Then open it up for a friendly discussion for about one hour. In our published material we will show you how to host an event and how you can prayerfully control it and keep it on track.
We want churches to use the 3-DVD series at their churches and then the pastor can give a short message and invitation to accept Christ. In addition, there should be a time of informal discussion. There should be no high-pressure and it is a powerful pre-evangelism tool that will plant seeds in the hearts of people by just discussing it. The key to success is to pray over the event and use wisdom in hosting it. Don’t be afraid to invite the people that God places on your heart.
Many people are writing to us from all over the world and want to do this! We will ask that you contact us by Email and let us know what you are planning to do and what the results were. Also, we are preparing a “HOW TO HOST A “ARE YOU READY? FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” DVD SERIES EVENT, that will help you do this in an enjoyable and low key way!
I want to ask you to pray and seek the Lord about hosting such an event. If the Lord prompts your spirit to do so, then simply obey Him and step out in faith. For pastors and church leaders, if the Lord is leading you to host this event then contact us. It is a great way to invite people to your church for something that is not “religious,” but does use Scripture.
Pray about joining us in fulfilling the Great Commission! Right now all over the world there are hundreds of millions of people ready to receive Christ! They just need to be reached in a way that they can relate to. The Lord has put it in my heart to help as many believers and churches as possible to effectively win people to Jesus Christ around the world.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Paul McGuire
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Friday, December 23, 2011
Paul McGuire
How do you walk victoriously in the midst of chaos? How do you keep your joy? How do you utilize the supernatural power God gave you to face the problems of life. The same Holy Spirit that was poured on the early disciples is available to you now. When you received Jesus Christ, God placed the Holy Spirit or the Comforter, Counselor and Helper in your life. But many Christians are drowning in life’s problems because they make the mistake of trying to solve these problems on their own strength. You cannot battle life’s problems on your own strength! If you try to, you are going to crash and burn! If you feel burnt out, or like a truck ran over you, it is because you have been running the race in your own human strength.
All of us fall into that trap, including myself. However, God wants to heal and restore you. Jesus Christ wants to touch you with His power now. In fact, I believe that the Holy Spirit is speaking to you now. It’s almost like we can hear His voice saying, “Come unto Me, all you who are heavy laden (burdened down) and I will give you rest.” If the Holy Spirit is ministering to you with these words, then I am going to ask you to pray this simple prayer below out loud. I will be praying as I write these words, but the Lord has placed it upon my heart to ask you to pray this prayer out loud. Find a place where you can do this, and if you cannot do it out loud, than pray the prayer silently. God knows you heart.
The Prayer:
“Lord Jesus Christ I come to you right now, just like I am. Just like I was when I first invited you into my life. Lord I admit to you that I am burnt out, drained, depressed and at the end of myself. (Some of you have been considering suicide and you must admit this to the Lord and seek help from a Bible believing church if the feelings of suicide are that strong)
Lord I cry out to you now from the bottom of my heart. Abba, Father…Help me! God I just can’t go own the pain is too great. I am sorry that I have been trying to make it all happen by myself. Lord I come to you now in fresh surrender and lay these problems at your feet. (Name specifically the problems and feelings you have been dealing with at His feet)
God I come to you and ask for You for Your help. Help me Lord right now! Lord, I barely have a mustard seed of faith. Jesus I believe that You are touching me now with your power. Jesus I thank you that you have taken my problems and burdens. I praise You Lord by faith for what you are doing in my life at this very moment. God I thank you that you are pouring out your Spirit upon me in a fresh way. I thank you Lord that you have sent Your Presence into my life right now.
Thank you Lord for touching me. Thank you for ministering to me at this very moment. Lord thank you for revealing to me in my heart right now, through the Comforter, just how much you really love me. Lord I praise You that You love me. Thank you God! Thank you that I am your child and You have chosen me. Lord thank you that You are real and that you heard my prayer and sent Your Presence into my life at this very moment.
I praise You. In Jesus name Amen.
The Bible tells us, “He who wins souls is wise” and Jesus Christ said, “The fields are white for harvest.” My new 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” explains in up to the minute detail, the hidden agenda being pushed forward by the powers of darkness. People all over the world are receiving their copies and many of them are obeying the call of the Holy Spirit to use the DVD’s as an evangelistic tool in their homes and churches. They plan to invite people for coffee, snacks and to watch one DVD per evening or day, for three days. After watching the DVD, they are going to have an informal discussion and people will be given an opportunity to receive Christ. Based on the response, the 3-DVD series Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” attracts the interest of non-believers and people who are turned off by religion. There is still time to order you DVD set before this first release is sold out, than we will print a second release.
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Thursday, December 22, 2011
"Are You Ready?" 3-DVD Trailer
By Paul McGuire
“Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray you therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest.” Luke 10:2
As I have shared at Bible conferences many times, one of the reasons I teach on Bible prophecy and current events, is that the Lord has called me to be a fisher of men. We have shipped out the 3-DVD series, “ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” Our prayer is that people like you would catch the vision of using this 3-DVD series as a powerful resource to win people to Christ and plant the seeds of salvation in the heart’s of people who may be turned off by “religion.” God promises us:
“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, And he who wins souls is wise.” Proverbs 11:30
By the grace of God, the Lord has opened the door for me to share with millions of people the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the avenue of Bible prophecy and current events. Every week at Paul McGuire Ministries we get reports somewhere in the world, about individual who watched one of my DVD’s, saw me on television, heard me on the radio, visited the Blog and websites, attended a church meeting or conference and read one of my books. They usually start by saying something like, “I was very turned off by the Christian religion or I used to be a Christian.” Then they explain that someone gave them one of my books, they began reading the articles on my website or watched a DVD because it talked about economics, prophecy and what is really happening in this world, which the media is not telling them. Finally, they tell me that they accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or that they returned to the Lord after reading a book I have written or watched a DVD, because someone gave it to them! Someone like you!
I will never forget when our house almost collapsed during the Northridge Earthquake and all my unsaved neighborhoods camped out on our driveway in the dark and asked me questions like, “Paul are these the signs of the times Jesus Christ talked about? Is this the end of the world?”
People everywhere want to know why the economic system is collapsing. Are we approaching Armageddon and the mark of the beast? Where are America and other nations in Bible prophecy? Once you begin the discussion, they want to accept Christ into their lives.
I produced the 3-DVD series, “ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” to prepare believers for what is coming and to answer the questions of non-believers, so that they would accept Christ. It was my prayer that it would be the kind of production that would have reached somebody like me and many of you, who were turned off Christianity. Many years ago, before I was saved, Christianity would have been the last religion on earth that I would have considered! Yet, I believe if someone had invited me to watch the 3-DVD series, “ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?, ” I would have been gripped and would have accepted Christ!
I am asking you to join us in a massive global evangelistic effort that uses “ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” as a evangelistic and discussion resource. In the next few weeks, we will have material on-line that will explain how you can do that. We also want to work with churches that want to use the 3-DVD series as an evangelistic tool and invite people to their churches for three days over a period of three weeks or better yet, three days in a row.
“ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” is fast moving covers important current and prophetic events that fascinate believers and non-believers alike!
A church or a couple of individuals can host a series of nights where they can show all 3 DVD’s which are about one hour long each. Someone is needed to host and promote the event, even if it is in your house. We will publish a guideline that will show you that this can be a safe and effective way to reach the lost and you will discover that when they hear what the topics are, that they will come!
If you are hosting a three day series that is spread over three weeks or three days, people can watch a video each night. You could serve coffee, tea and snacks, because people are more open in a relaxed atmosphere. You don’t have to worry about being the expert because the DVD will do all the work for you. Then after the viewing you can pray and invite people to Christ in a very low key manner. Than open it up for a friendly discussion for about one hour. In our published material, we will show you how to host an event and how you can prayerfully control it and keep it on track.
We want churches to use the 3-DVD series at their churches and then the pastor can give a short message and invitation to accept Christ. In addition, there should be a time of informal discussion. There should be no high-pressure and it is a powerful pre-evangelism tool that will plant seeds in the hearts of people by just discussing it. The key to success is to pray over the event and use wisdom in hosting it. Don’t be afraid to invite the people that God places on your heart.
Many people are writing us from all over the world and want to do this! We will ask that you contact us by Email and let us know what you are planning to do and what the results were. Also, we are preparing a “HOW TO HOST A “ARE YOU READY FOR THE COMING ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT, ONE WORLD ECONOMIC SYSTEM AND ONE WORLD RELIGION?” DVD SERIES EVENT, that will help you do this in an enjoyable and low key way!
I want to ask you to pray and seek the Lord about hosting such an event. If the Lord prompts your spirit to do it, than simply obey him and step out on faith. For pastors and church leaders, if the Lord is leading you to host this event then contact us. It is a great way to invite people to your church for something that is not “religious,” but does use Scripture.
Pray about joining us in fulfilling the Great Commission! Right now, all over the world there are hundreds of millions of people ready to receive Christ! They just need to be reached in a way that they can relate to. The Lord has put it in my heart to help as many believers and churches as possible to effectively win people to Jesus Christ around the world.
Your servant in Christ,
Rev. Paul McGuire
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Defeat Pressures of Life Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
Economic collapse, World War III and the unending personal challenges, needs, temptations and spiritual battles that we all face, has increased the pressure of the world we live in. The only way you will be able to survive and overcome in the upcoming days is by learning how to appropriate the supernatural power of God through prayer.
Do you have financial needs, job needs, relational problems, marriage difficulties, health issues and other problems? Do you desire that God would bless your nation or your family? Are you asking God to provide the finances to save your house from foreclosure? Do you want God to provide you with the right mate or heal your marriage?
If you have learned the secret of abiding in Christ, nothing is impossible with God! Nothing! But, you are going to have to get out of the sandbox and start learning how to engage in what I term, “High Level Spiritual Warfare with Overwhelming Force.” This is not just praying. This is calling heaven down upon your problems, so that the supernatural force of God literally overwhelms the force of the enemy and the world system.
In all of life, you are in a spiritual battle! The Apostle Paul warns us in Ephesians Chapter 6, “That our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, the dark unseen forces of wickedness in heavenly places.” The conflicts that we see in our lives and our world have a spiritual root to them. That is not to say that everything that happens to us is a demonic attack, but it does mean that many times the adversary is attacking us through human situations in order to destroy our testimony.
If you do not fight back using spiritual weapons, you open the door in the invisible realm for the devil to destroy you. “Satan goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may destroy.” This means Satan cannot destroy everyone, only those whom he may destroy. That means believers who have stopped wearing their spiritual armor and have ceased resisting the devil.
When you received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit took up residence in your heart. The Holy Spirit is part of the Triune God or Trinity that God describes Himself as in the Bible. So once you are saved, God begins to live in you. Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Among other things, God has a spiritual plan for your life because He has given you the Great Commission which is to preach the Gospel to all nations and to disciple the nations. You can only begin to accomplish that by absolute reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit inside of you. When you develop absolute reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord is then able to send His power into every area of need in your life.
God is your Heavenly Father and He knows that you have real human needs such as a job, relationships, a place to live, money, clothing, etc. God is very concerned about meeting the real physical needs you have. For example, because of the economy, a lot of people are in danger of losing their jobs and the bank wants to seize their homes. This produces tremendous fear and anxiety in people’s live. Health needs money, jobs, relationships, marriage and many other things can cause tremendous blessing and distress. Believers in who have repented of their sins and are about their Father’s business, regularly receive the miraculous provision of God.
Many Christians ignore the God’s Word and cannot understand why their lives and this world are in great turmoil. These are the last days and everything is coming together as God said it would through His prophets thousands of years ago.
God’s will for your life is Paradise! Adam and Eve were the first managers of planet earth and they ruled Paradise. Genetically it was impossible for them to get sick, age or have any health problems. The environment was beautiful and perfect. There was no energy crisis or war. The food and water were pure. Adam and Eve lived in the intimate Presence of God.
However, both Even and Adam yielded to temptation and disobeyed the Word of God by eating from the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden. Instantly the death force entered the human race and after thousands of years, it is obvious they we are a long way from Paradise.
God has offered salvation from this fallen world through His Son Jesus Christ. Yet, sinful and fallen men, conspire to use their massive wealth to create a Luciferian new world order which the Apostle John described in Revelation. The coming one world economic system and the coming one world government are warning signs that Jesus Christ is about to return.
But, until Christ returns He gave you the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the Helper and the Counselor to give you the supernatural power to overcome in this life. But, many Christians, including those who claim to be Spirit-filled Christians have quenched the Spirit of God within in them. They are trying to run on empty, It is like their lives are like automobiles with no gas and they are furious that they cannot drive the car anywhere. They are in need, frustrated, tempted, sick and depressed. But, all they need to do is fill their gas tank with the Holy Spirit.
In the same way if you are running on empty in your Christian life, stop faking it and playing church. Jesus Christ did not use polite-little-plastic words when he dealt with this spiritual emptiness in the Laodecian Church. He said, “Since you are neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth.” When Christ used the word vomit it meant it exactly what it means, which is to barf, puke and so on! Get it! These are the words of Jesus!
God wants to supernaturally fill us with His Holy Spirit. We are to abide in Him and He is us, so that we can bear much fruit. The Apostle Paul told us to be “filled with the Spirit.” When we are walking supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit, we discover that God begins to supply our need, heal, give us wisdom, open doors, win souls, teach the Word and minister the Gospel with miraculous power.
It is only when we are filled with the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit that we can stand against the forces of totalitarian atheism and the spirit of this age. David, when he was under the anointing of the Holy Spirit and had to engage a giant on the battlefield named Goliath, shouted boldly to the giant and before all Israel, “How dare you defy the armies of the living God!” In the same today God call us to defeat our spiritual enemies, legally, through spiritual warfare!
The reason we have so many cowards in the pulpits and the pews, who are desperately trying to play it safe like the Jews did in Nazi, Germany, is because these men and women are not truly filled with the Holy Spirit. Instead, they are worshipping false gods of personal peace and prosperity!
But when you truly cry out to God in repentance and ask Him to fill you again with His Holy Spirit, a divine torch will come down from heaven! Your heart will be set ablaze by the power of God! The Spirit of God will fill you with supernatural boldness and you will become fearless! Instead of running from the spiritual battle, you will run into the spiritual battle. When your heart is truly filled with the Holy Spirit, you will cry out to God and He will hear you. He will supernaturally meet your needs, He will heal you, and He will give you guidance, jobs, provision and protection. It is here that you will know what it means to walk under the shadow of the Almighty in Psalms 91.
As your brother in the Lord, I want to ask you to stop right now (without getting into an accident) and get on your knees before the Lord, or if that is not possible bow your heart while you are sitting. First, repent to the Lord that you have missed it. Admit that you have been running on empty. Then ask Him in faith to fill you to overflowing with the Spirit of God. If there is sin in your life, ask God for forgiveness and for the power to break the sin. As you come to God in prayer right now. The hand of God is touching you! At this moment you are being set on fire by the Holy Spirit. It may be quiet and gentle or you may feel the surge of God’s power descend upon you with electrified particles causing you to be lit up with the presence of the Lord. Begin to worship Him and praise Him. As you do, yokes will be lifted, bondages broken and prayers will be answered. Then obey your Master Jesus Christ, pick up your cross and follow Jesus into victory,
You were called for more than just to survive. You were called to overcome and to fully use the natural and spiritual gifts that God has given you.
In addition, you were called to be a spiritual warrior. Each of us is the great spiritual battle of the last days. The question is, “Whose side are your own?” Before you answer with your words, such look at your life. What you are doing with your life will tells us everything we want to know about which side you are own. It’s not too late to change sides! There is still time for you to repent and change your heart and mind. Make a decision to make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life and not just your Savior. That is where the action is. That is where you will see the miracles of God in your life.
The ball is in your court. The choice is up to you. How long will you waiver between two opinions? Decades ago I surrendered to Jesus Christ as my Lord and not just may Savior. I have never regretted that decision. I am living on the cutting edge and where the action is!
Your brother in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Monday, December 19, 2011
America's Prophetic Warning Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
The following is a prophetic analysis of where America is going in the near future based on research and prayer. Any Christian walking in the Holy Spirit should have a deep heaviness in the Spirit about what is about to happen in our nation. I share the following prophetic events with you, not to create despair, but to strongly exhort the Body of Christ to engage in what I have termed, High Level Spiritual Warfare with Overwhelming Force, participate in the political process and legally stand for what is right.
Middle class Christians and returning veterans have now officially been profiled as the greatest threat in terms of domestic terrorism. In other words, if you are a Christian and you believe in the Bible, you are now in the group that is profiled as domestic terrorists! The handwriting is on the wall for anyone who wishes to read it. The recent passage of the National Defensive Authorization Act of 2012 gives the government the right to seize any U.S. citizen at any time and for any reason, and take them to a detention camp where they can be detained forever or killed!. Their family and friends have no legal right to know what has happened to them and there is no legal process upon which to appeal. For those among your friends who live in a state of denial about what is happening in our nation, let me quote you the words of Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead who will explain in legal terms what the passage of this bill means. John Whitehead is a personal friend and one of the most respected Constitutional Attorney’s in the nation. John White head writes in the Huffington Post on 12/16/2011 in an article entitled, “America the Battlefield: The End of the Rule of Law.”
“America has indeed become the new battleground in the war on terror. In light of this, you can rest assured that there will be no restoration of the civil liberties jeopardized by the USA Patriot Act and other equally subversive legislation. Instead, those in power will continue to sanction ongoing violations of our rights, relying on bureaucratic legalese to sidestep any concerns that might be raised. The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012, which was passed by the Senate with a vote of 93 - 7, is a perfect example of this. Contained within this massive defense bill is a provision crafted by Democrat Charles Levin and Republican John McCain which mandates that anyone suspected of terrorism against the United States be held in military custody indefinitely. This provision extends to American citizens on American territory. The bill also renews the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF) which was passed in 2001, shortly after the 9/11 attacks. In addition to renewing the AUMF, it extends its provisions to include military action against those who "substantially support" al Qaeda, the Taliban or "associated forces." And to cap it off, the bill enhances restrictions against transferring detainees being held in Guantanamo Bay to the continental United States.
Taken collectively, these provisions reorient our legal landscape in such a way as to ensure that martial law, rather than the rule of law -- our U.S. Constitution, becomes the map by which we navigate life in the United States. In short, this defense bill not only decimates the due process of law and habeas corpus for anyone perceived to be an enemy of the United States, but it radically expands the definition of who may be considered the legitimate target of military action. If signed into law by President Obama, this bill will not only ensure that we remain in a perpetual state of war -- with this being a war against the American people -- but it will also institute de facto martial law in the United States. Although the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act placed strong restrictions on how and when the U.S. military may be used on American soil, the language of this bill supersedes Posse Comitatus, empowering the president to unilaterally impose martial law at any time of his choosing. This legislation signals the end of the rule of law in America.
Again, put in its simplest terms this law means that for any reason (valid or not), any American can be seized and sent to an unknown detention camp without their families and friends ever knowing what happened to them or why. They can be sent to these camps throughout the U.S. forever and they can be killed at any time! To put it bluntly it moves America into a brutal Police State.
What should be of greatest concern is that the targets of the Police State are those who have been profiled as potential terrorists? If you read the numerous published reports of which these domestic terrorists might be, they are Middle Class Christians and returning veterans. We are not talking about people with criminal records. The terrorists are you, plain and simple. If you are skeptical read the DHS Reports on “Right Wing Extremism.”
In the past two weeks the Halliburton subsidiary, KBR is looking to hire sub-contractors to outfit “emergency environment” centers,” or detention camps. Kellog Brown & Root Services (KBR) is planning to activate camps built for FEMA across the United States.
As a “watchman,” the trumpet must be blown. It is time for God’s people to stop walking in spiritual deception and allow the Lord Jesus Christ to anoint the Laodecian Church with eye salve, so that they can see. Throughout the history of the Bible, God’s people have faced similar circumstances throughout history. It is time to stop playing church and to seek the Lord. As I have been seeking the Lord over this and other prophetic issues, I felt prompted by the Holy Spirit to specifically us the words, “stop playing church,” because that is what is going on in America and around the world, with the exception of the Remnant.
In addition, the Apostle Paul reminds us that we are no fighting flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers. Therefore the Holy Spirit is calling God’s people to engage in “High Level Spiritual Warfare with Overwhelming Force.” This simply means strategic, specific and prevailing prayer. Some Christian’s have a problem with the term “spiritual warfare,” because they read about some Christian going off the deep end with it or because they do not understand the full implications of what Paul was talking about in Ephesians 6.
The Word of God states, “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord raises a standard against him.” But, that standard comes when God’s people pray according to the Word of God. This kind of prayer drives back the forces of hell. We are living in the last days and we the spirit of antichrist has entered our nation, as it has other nations. The spirit of antichrist discussed by the Apostle John is different than the Antichrist who is a specific individual. I explain all of this in my new 3-DVD-series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Government?” that you can order now. I also deal with this in my prophetic books like “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” “The Day the Dollar Died,” “The Warning” and “Are You Ready?”
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Saturday, December 17, 2011
Paul McGuire Spaceship Earth Be Fruitful Multiply-Part 1
By Paul McGuire
Buckminister Fuller coined the term, “Spaceship Earth,” because he believed the earth was like some kind of spaceship traveling in orbit, with a limited amount of resources. Fuller, like many scientists, believed in the Malthusian idea that excessive population growth is the source of all of mankind’s problems. This belief system is in direct contradiction to God’s primary law of economic and social growth in Genesis 1:28, where God said, “Be fruitful and multiply.”
The term “God said,” has lost its meaning to the general culture and the church. The term “God said,” not only implies that there is a Personal Living God of the Universe, but that His Word and what He “said” are infallible and inerrant. These are not mere words! They are the Word of God and they are living words which upon which all of creation and the universe is framed. That is why in Genesis 1:1 where it says, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth,” we understand that this present world and the cosmos is not the result of a random “Big Bang,” but is the direct creation of a Living God. This God chooses to create all things through His Word. Therefore in Genesis 1:3 we read, “And God said, “let there be light,” and the term “God said” is used repeatedly throughout the Bible. In fact it is in the specific area of God’s Word, that Satan or the serpent of old, approaches Eve to tempt her and say’s, “Hath God said,” in Genesis 3:1. Satan’s primary attack, as it is today, is against what “God said” or the Word of God.
Many of the scientists and elite of our world have embraced the spiritual deception that there is no God and they are humanists. Since humanists basically believe in what they can perceive through their physical senses, they are cut off from the many dimensions of which our universe is composed. In addition, since they live in a fallen world, they believe in the fiction of a world of limited resources as a function the Law of Entropy where the Universe is in the process of decay or winding down. The so-called “scientific elite,” believe the only way they can save planet earth is reduce the population of planet earth by billions of people.
This present fallen universe and world is in the process of degeneration because it is fallen. However, this is not how it was originally created. In this fallen world both mankind and the creation itself is subject to the fall. That is why in Romans, Chapter 8:20-23, the Apostle Paul tells us that all of creation groans and travails in pain until a New Heaven and New Earth emerge, populated with men and women with glorified bodies and who are a part of God’s a new creation. On a cellular level, the resonating frequencies of man, nature and the cosmos literal groan in pain for God’s final act of redemption to set both nature and man free.
“For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
Because the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.
For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
And not only they, but ourselves also, which have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body. “
We are not talking about some kind of New Age, pagan or belief in Gaia where the earth is a living being, but the Creator-God, created His creation to worship Him. Both man and the sub-atomic particles worship Him. In the case of sub-atomic particles, it would be a non-personal worship, perhaps simply resonating or vibrating at the frequency of the New Earth and New Heaven. This could be one of the reasons that in modern String Theory, the Universe is held together in many dimensions that transcend time and space. These sub-atomic particles or strings appear to indicate that the universe is held together like music, which would imply harmony is produced by worship.
God gave Adam and Eve the responsibility to be rulers over planet earth. Prior to the fall, planet earth was a perfect eco-system with both beauty and endless energy.
“Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all[b] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea.” Genesis 1:26-28
In Paradise or Eden, economic and spiritual prosperity was generated by the principle, “Be fruitful and multiply.” Conversely, in today’s fallen world, we have a scarcity consciousness that falsely presumes we are running out of everything. But an infinite universe and an Infinite God, have an infinite capacity to provide. Scarcity and lack are part of a fear-based consciousness that is the product of a fallen mind and denies that God is the Infinite Creator of the Universe and that His supply of resources is infinite.
The current devaluation of our currency and the global economic crisis is the direct result of an inner circle of men who are manipulating the economic system for their own gain. In reality, there is no real economic crisis; this is simply a scheme to transfer money from the Middle Class to the elite and certain Third World nations. The crisis is illusory because the global economic system is illusory, but its ability to destroy people and nations is very real. It’s kind of like the movie, The Wizard of Oz and you have to learn how to see the man behind the curtain in order to understand the global economic system or Oz.
Paul Ehrlich author “The Population Bomb,” Growth,” population Czar John Holdren, Al Gore and Bill Gates share a perception of the universe that is faulty. The see the universe and the world as a place of limited resources. The earth has unlimited resources because there are countless ways to produce energy, food and life. Oil and war are two very primitive mechanisms for harvesting energy. God placed in His creation an infinite amount of energy generators, most which have not been discovered yet. I go into this in my new 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?”
The fundamental problem is that fallen man approaches the world from the false perspective of scarcity and lack. There is no shortage of food, water and energy. For example, near ANWR in Alaska, there is enough oil to supply the all the oil needs of America for the next 100 years. North and South Dakota have enormous oil supplies and our current food shortage is artificial! The problem is organizations of evil men, who monopolize, hoard, steal and kill which create artificial shortages that drive prices up. This is why when Jesus Christ comes back during the Millennium; He will access readily available sources that were always available to mankind through seeking Him. These resources are also available to you in your life when you start seeking Him.
It is important to understand that when you choose to seek God, your sources of supply are not simply contingent on the world system. God may choose to meet your need through the world system, but He cannot also open up gates of supply and wisdom that come from beyond this dimension which is the spiritual world, where God’s throne is.
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Thursday, December 15, 2011
"Are You Ready?" 3-DVD Trailer Paul McGuire
Join Paul McGuire tonite at he ministers in the power of the Holy Spirit and teaches on prophecy 7PM Beth Ariel (rear chapel) 22222 Saticoy Cangoa Park.
By Paul McGuire
I wanted to share with you a recent article I wrote, I Dreamed of the Future and I Woke Up Screaming which went viral on the Internet. However, I want you to remember that within the context of God’s Sovereignty and His prophetic program, the future is not fixed. Therefore Christians are not to be fatalistic! For example, David was not fatalistic before Goliath. Bible prophecy is going to come true. But, what I describe in my article, “I Dreamed of the Future and Woke Up Screaming,” does not have to happen tomorrow. However, I must warn you that unless there is an immediate change in trajectory it is going to happen. The question is when?
God is putting the ball in our court when He says:
“Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” 1Timothy 2:1-4
God is telling us very specifically that His will for us is, “that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life…” But this reality is based on our obedience in the area of “supplications, prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks for all men, kings and all who are in authority.” At the bottom of the article, I have a link to an article written by Constitutional Attorney John Whitehead. My article and his analysis show where America is going quickly. However, the future is not fixed. The above verse can be applied to what appears to be a certain future. But, it is not, because all things are possible with God.
In a recent article for News with Views, author Paul McGuire described what the future could be like if we stay on our current path as a nation….
Low flying helicopters flew above us, aiming surveillance devices at us. Everywhere I looked, people stared vacantly like soulless zombies. Very few people could think, most just walked about in a trance. The drugs in the water supply, vaccinations and the endless bombardment of EMF waves, along with hypnotic suggestions through the media kept people in a trance-like state. I, like a few others, managed to retain my mind, by forcing myself to think critically. I discovered early on that you could choose not to enter the trance-like state. But, you had to always maintain that dead and vacant look in your eyes. If somebody thought you were thinking, they would report you and you would disappear.
By Paul McGuire
I was walking down the street trying to discreetly look down, so as not to call attention to myself to the soldiers stopping people randomly in front of military hummers at the intersection of the street. If one solider looked at me for any reason, I could be taken away from my wife and children, never to be heard of again to some detention camp out past Palmdale in the blazing desert. There were rumors that millions of people were warehoused in these camps where they were put to force labor, tortured and killed. All done by men and women who said,, “I’m just doing my job.”
The supermarkets had been closed for over a year and if you were lucky you might get some beans, rice and water at a supply center. A soldier wearing a light blue helmet in fully military gear, like they wear in the Middle East motioned me over, my heart started to pound. He said nothing and arrogantly gestured that I walk over to a scanning device that would read the biochip implant in my forehead. I carefully hid my anger, not at the soldier, but at all the Christians who argued like idiots about the “mark of the beast.” Once upon a time, I was famous; the author of many books and many that covered the topic of Bible prophecy. I never talk about that now, because to believe in the Bible prophecy puts you on the terrorist watch list. But, where did these Christians come up with this weird idea that a Police State could not use a biochip or microchip implant without it being the mark of the beast?
The chip is just surveillance technology and unless it is accompanied by a willful act of worship to the Antichrist, it cannot be the “mark of the beast.” My internal thoughts were interrupted by the soldier who ordered me to move along. As I continued down the street both, men, women and children were shabbily dressed like refugees from some black and white World War II movies. This was once California, where men and women with lean bodies would jog up and down the street in brightly colored body-fitting exercise clothes and designer running shoes. I remembered all the greenery and the golden California sun. Now they were gone! We had to do our part to save the earth.
Southern California now looked like Iraq or some third world nation. Houses were falling apart, bullet holes were sprayed across the stucco, graphiti, barbed wire and people barricaded themselves inside their houses with bars over their windows and the stench of garbage and human waste was everywhere.
The economy collapsed about two years ago and we were told the government ran out of money. There was nothing left in our Social Security accounts and our pensions and retirement funds were raided. Like the movie Dr. Zhivago there was no more private home ownership and most people had to share their houses and bathrooms with the millions of people who had fled up through the Mexican border to escape the Chinese troops who came through the Panama Canal
I saw about two hundred school children around 9-11 yrs, old wearing what looked like a combination of boy scout and girl scout out fits, mixed with military garb. They were marching in military procession and some were chanting, “Come on now who must die?” and another group of marchers would chant back, “The individual must die! Without breaking stride, the other group would shout, “Why must they die?” and then in response, “The new day is has dawned and we that where once many are now One! The individual is the enemy of the One!” Then together they shouted with upraised fists, “The New Order is One!”
Low flying helicopters flew above us aiming surveillance devices at us. Everywhere I looked people stared vacantly and soulless like zombies. Very few people could think, they walked about in a trance. The drugs in the water supply, vaccinations and the endless bombardment of EMF waves along with the hypnotic suggestions kept people in a trance state. I like some others, managed to keep retain my mind and forced it think critically. I discovered early on that you could choose not to enter the trance state. But, you had to always maintain that dead and vacant look in your eyes. If somebody thought you were thinking they would report you and you would disappear.
The passivity was suffocating and in every social interaction (if you could call it that) you had to believe that you were part of the “One.” You had to really believe it or people could tell. But, as you believed it, you could learn to put your consciousness, memories, thoughts and feelings in an invisible box inside your mind. So if you were interrogated with drugs and torture, all they would find is the zombie-like consciousness of the “One.” For all practical purposes you had died. But, then at some point in the future, when it was safe again, the box would reappear in your mind and the real you would come back!
At every moment of the day you lived in a perpetual state of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the constant terror and torture you were endlessly subjected to. At any moment, armed troops wearing black face masks could smash down your door. If they sensed any resistance you would be taken away or shot. They would search your house trying to find guns, food, booze, drugs or anything they might use or sell. Usually, your wife or daughters were sadistically and violently gang raped in front of you. They made you watch as they tortured them and raped them over and over again.
They would watch your face very carefully and if you showed even the slightest emotion they would rape them again and shout, “the New Order Is One!” With everything in me I could not hold back the shedding of a single tear as it rolled down my cheek. A soldier noticed it and what happened next I cannot begin to describe.
I felt myself trying to scream out, but my voice seemed muzzled. The harder I tried to scream, the more desperate I became. I felt like I awoke from a nightmare and I was in that strange place between sleep and being awake. Finally, I awoke and my voice roared so loud the room began to shake and then I roared even louder and cracks appeared on the walls. Then with everything that was locked in my soul I stood up on the bed and shouted with a deafening noise the words, WAKE UP! THERE IS STILL TIME! and the thunder of my roar could not be contained. It was so deafening in its intensity that it shook my neighbors awake and they began to roar. The roaring traveled and no amount of sleeping pills and television could deafen it. It was the raw primal scream of survival. It was a roar that came from below the caverns of your guts! It was the roar of a soul on fire. It was a roar that split the earth. It was a roar that makes fearful men brave. It was roar born of love!
For you see I was not asleep! For some mysterious reason I actually did go into the future and this is what I have returned to say. “WAKE UP! THER IS STILL TIME!
God is Sovereign, but the future in its entirety is not fixed. True spirituality is not fatalism. We were made from the beginning to partner with Him in the Creation. Therefore you must create history within the borders of His divine plan. You cannot be a victim and a creator at the same time.
If you find yourself paralyzed by that dilemma, it is because your mind is finite and you live in time and space. There is a perspective outside of time and space where you look back from the future and understand that you must create! History is not fixed and it is time for you to wake up while there is still time.
Read Attorney John Whitehead’s article: America the Battlefield: The End of the Rule of Law
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Revelation Apocalypse Paul McGuire 1
JOIN PAUL THURSDAY 7PM December 15th at Beth Ariel Fellowship (rear chapel) 22222 Saticoy Canoga Park. Paul will teach on the Book of Relevation and Bible prophecy along with the latest intel on current events. Come fellowship with us and allow the Holy Spirit to give you hope and supernaturally lift you up. Learn how God can provide, deliver, guide, break bondages and fill you with the peace of God which surpasses all understanding as we study the World together! Bring a friend. Paul will minister in the power of the Holy Spirit and teach prophecy and explain current events. Many people who are turned off by Christianity are ministered to and receive Christ at these meetings because Paul communicates in a style that people who are turned off by religion can relate to.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
By Paul McGuire
Some analysts believe that there are approximately 50,000 Chinese troops in Mexico. Why?
In 1987, film director John Milius made a brilliant film, “Red Dawn,” about the dawn of World War III. In mid-western America, a group of teenager’s bands together to defend their town, and their country, from invading Soviet forces. I suspect, John Milius was a conservative and his conservative political views were not welcomed by Hollywood. A remake of the film is due to come out in November 2012. Originally the film was produced by MGM and it was about the Chinese invading America. However, Sony Pictures which is owned by China, had the invaders changed to North Koreans. This diluted the power of the movie.
It is sobering to understand that America and other nations are under a direct military threat by nations and groups who have WMD’s and nuclear weapons. Whatever your politics are, that is simply a reality. While some of the most powerful nations on earth have threatened us with nuclear war and are building up massive military machines, it is very dangerous to balance the budget by cutting military spending. There is no question America has critical financial needs, many which could be solved by unleashing the powerful economic engines of capitalism. This could put millions back to work over night. In addition, there have been real financial crimes committed by some of these “super-capitalists,” which must operate within the law. But, the root of the problem is spiritual because the economic problems are the result of greed, lust for power and selfishness.
It has been said, “that America will cease to be great when it ceases being good.” That works nationally and internationally. America’s greatest problem is sin and idolatry. God has given us much and we are accountable for much. That should make you tremble! In an evil world, there are powers that would not think twice about setting off multiple nukes in U.S. cities. I talk about this is in my novel “The Warning.” People who do not know history can be incredibly naïve. But, the reality is our military must have the finances it needs to defend our nation. The primary responsibility of government is to protect its people. It is my strong belief, based on research that America is in danger from nuclear, EMP and biological attacks. In addition, Chinese, Russian and Iranian troops, given the right circumstances, could invade our nation with troops! If multiple nukes go off in U.S, cities, the possibility of Chinese, Russian and Iranian troops invading America is not as unreal as it may seem.
In a globalist world where the U.S. media is partly owned by foreign interests, you no longer have a free media. Our news and entertainment is Corporate-controlled propaganda. The American public is unaware that China is now massively building up its military forces and a Chinese general threatened us with nuclear war, if the U.S. attacks Iran. The week before a Russian general threatened us with nuclear war if the U.S. strikes Iran. These are not small threats. Russia has the second most powerful military in the world and is the second largest oil importer in the world. China is on the rise to become the world’s most powerful economy. The elite super-bankers financed China’s rise to power and are destroying the dollar!
Israel could invade Iran now any day and the entire Middle East is bracing itself for what could come. The world is in a very serious situation as we face the prospect of the start of World War III. God will look after and provide for His people. A hurricane is about to hit this planet and many of those who have mocked God will cry out to Him for help. In the U.S. and around the world, millions of lukewarm Christians will soon fall to their knees in repentance as the global tsunami begins to sweep the earth. I have produced “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?,” to tell people the truth of what is really happening along with God’s prophetic program. We expect many thousands of people to accept Jesus Christ and come back to Christ after watching the DVD’s. Already churches and individuals are contacting us from all around the world about holding special meetings with the DVD series and we expect over hundred thousand people to come to Christ in the first phases! Pray for us!
There are people reading this that are capable or writing out a check to finance this evangelistic program and we would be able to supply these videos to churches and groups in the 125 nations where people connect daily with this ministry through the Internet.
By God’s grace, over the last 25 years of the ministry God has given us, over a half a million have come to Christ all across the world. That is an extremely conservative number because it is hard to track accurate numbers when you are dealing with television, radio, the Internet, books, DVD’s, conferences, etc. Due to God’s favor we have had massive exposure on Christian television networks, radio, programs like the History Channel and the Internet. We operate a series of websites some with my name on it and others where my name is not used.
As the following scenario begins to happen people’s hearts will be open to the Lord. The European economy is in meltdown and America is next. 2012 will bring food shortages in the U.S. There are powerful groups planning to block all food coming off ships at all major ports. That is an act of economic warfare designed to produce chaos, riots and violence. The game plan is to create class warfare, mass riots, bank closures and violence. This is classic Marxist strategy and it has been used in countless nations successfully. The goal is World Socialist Global Government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. I reveal this plan in my new 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?” that will be released in around a week. All of the people who have pre-ordered the series will receive their copy first in the mail. There is still time to order the series at paulmcguire.org But, the first production will sell out very quickly, due to the unprecedented response, a second production run is scheduled. All pre-orders already have your names and addresses on the package and as of today there is still time to order! In the last few weeks, numerous stories on “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and Coming One World Government?” have gone viral on the Internet, as many of the things I have been writing and speaking about are now coming true before the people’s eyes. You need to help spread this message while there is still time!
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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The Warning by Paul McGuire - EMP or nuke attack on U.S. WWW III
Do you understand the ramifications of all that is converging? I mean really man wake up! visit paulmcguire.org This is not an emergency drill this is the real thing!
Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. Paul's new 3-DVD set explains. Pre-Order your copy today!
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What is in store for America? How can we prepare? Paul's new 3-DVD set explains!
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Paul's latest book explains how a plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Order your copy today!
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Paul's best-selling book explains how the current financial meltdown is leading to a one world economic system, cashless society, the mark of the beast and a one world government.
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A best-selling book that put the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the United States front and center in the national debate. This book was read by the Prime Minister of Israel before the Israeli-Lebanon war.
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This is the book that predicted it all and gives the solution about what you can do to save America before it is too late! In this novel America, Canada and Mexico are merging into a North American Union. The American economy crashes, there is a WMD attack on America by a terrorist cell and Martial Law is declared.
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Sunday, December 4, 2011
The Warning by Paul McGuire - EMP or nuke attack on U.S. WWW III

By Paul McGuire
In my prophetic novel, “The Warning,” a dark and sinister occult conspiracy has been unleashed against America and the world. Mexico, Canada and the United States have merged into a North American Union. A powerful leader with supernatural powers is bringing in a one world government and a one world religion. The warnings of the ancient Hebrew prophets of Israel are coming to pass. Terrorists have a secret plan, a crisis that will change America forever.
Most of the American and European public have not been paying attention and those that believe in their countries, traditional morality and God have been profiled as dangerous terrorists.
Now that Martial Law has been declared in Britain, the EU, Australia, America and many other nations, the Western World has become a Police State like Big Brother in George Orwell’s novel “1984.” The governments now has the power to arrest anyone and at anytime for any reason. The authorities no longer have to get permission from a court and men and women are disappearing from their homes, streets, public transportation and restaurants. Their wives, husbands, families, church members, children and co-workers are not allowed to know where they have been taken or if they are still alive.
Rumors are circulating that massive detention camps that have been secretly built across the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Europe, Russia, Japan, South Korea, South America and South Africa are spreading, but it is illegal to talk about that. Supposedly, there are hundreds of millions of people in these camps for re-education worldwide. There are also rumors of over 75 million people who have been killed in these camps! Churches and media never talk about the disappearances. Many of those who have disappeared believed in the U.S. and other national constitutions. They rejected the new United Nations Constitution. Men and women who practiced and believed in traditional marriage, patriotism and who were caught reading Bibles and other forbidden religion were secretly abducted.
World War III has erupted and that is the reason for the Police State conditions. Hundreds of millions of people in many nations walk around in almost a trance state. In order to get food and work, they had to receive a biochip implant during a vaccination. These people cannot think clearly and they must show up daily at centers for their psychoactive drugs. Electro Magnetic Frequencies bathe the population in energy waves from their cell phones, laptops, smart meters, GPS, transmission towers and television sets. They produce an altered brain wave state which keeps people compliant and peaceful, especially as they interact with drugs.
Several times a week the population must attend, mandatory church services, which blend all the world’s religions together. The religious guides or are called “world servers,” teach the people that everything that is happening is part of a divine evolutionary plan, where human beings are being guided by highly evolved entities are guiding us into a new world order that will bring Paradise on earth. These entities teach that any individual who is trying to hold mankind’s evolution back by old fashioned ides on sexuality, belief in a Christian God, traditional morality or absolutes, must be removed from the planet in a great planetary cleansing which is soon to happen, when starships enter our dimension from another portal.
However, there are a growing number of individuals who are not going along with “The Plan.” They are being led by new media personality, who understands the real endgame and their movement is going viral across the planet. Strange signs are starting to happen in the sky, but the people are being told that these are signals that the starships are soon to arrive. paulmcguire.org click store then books. A number of Paul's books "The Day the Dollar Died, " "The Warning," "Are You Ready?, " "Are You Ready for the Microchip?," "Countdown to Armageddon," the 3-DVD series "American Dictatorship" and the new 3-DVD series "Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and Coming One World Religion" have accurately predicted major future events before they have happened.
For example, Paul predicted in his books and DVD's before it happened, such things as a major Al Qaeda attack, the Twin Towers, WMD's, Iraq, Iran and EMP's, the current weapons buildup in the Middle East, the collapse of the U.S. dollar, the distribution of the microchip implant via vaccinations, martial law and detention centers, the current economic crisis and other events. Paul predicted the coming merger of Canada, Mexico and the U.S. ten years before it was talked about openly and explained why Perry and other candidates have to go along with the CFR plans. Paul's books, conferences, television appearances and DVD series, which include a 2-hour special with the History Channel entitled "Seven Signs of the Apocalypse" have earned Paul the respect, as a highly credible international researcher, futurist and expert on Bible prophecy. Paulmcguire.org
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