Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Moon into Blood - The DVD that explains what is happening from a prophetc viewpoint

By Paul McGuire
OCCULT SYMBOLS IN OLYMPIC CEREMONY By Paul McGuire There are very powerful people in this world who are disciples of the occult and who are being guided by spirit guides and other dark supernatural forces to bring in the one world government, one world economic system and one world religion predicted in the Bible. “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers…” The destruction of the U.S. dollar and world economies, social chaos, sexual immorality, rise in the occult and the potential of thermonuclear war is all series of planned events or manufactured crisis to bring in their New World Order, that the Antichrist and False Prophet will rule. Until that time, God has given us a window of opportunity to evangelize with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to pray and fast in order to break satanic strongholds and see revival.
The snake across the Olympic stadium.
The artists conception of the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel Painting.
This is not a game, for those of you who understand Bible prophecy, you understand that we are in the last days and we are about to see the greatest paradigm shift the world has ever known! During the Olympic ceremonies, the occult plan was being communicated to millions of people. Everything the Bible said would happen is now happening as Daniel, Ezekiel, Jeremiah, Joel, the Apostle Paul, the Apostle John and Jesus Christ predicted. The signs of the times are all around us and accelerating with quantum speed. But, God has made a promise to His people to supernaturally protect them and provide for them, which I will explain in this article. The most powerful means of programming people or an entire planet is subliminally, or through the subconscious. Before you shout,”That sounds like a conspiracy theory,” you need to consider the facts. First, the advertising industry has used subliminal messages for decades and you can study the techniques in any college class on advertising. Politicians, cults and movements have used subliminal messages for years. You can call it persuasion, brainwashing, or social engineering, the principles are similar and they work! Again, as Biblical Christians we must take the Word of God seriously! We are fighting invisible demonic forces that are working through men to carry out Satan’s end time plan. Bible prophecy teaches us that in the last days there will be a one world government under Antichrist and a one world economic system, along with a one world religion directed by the False Prophet. For centuries these satanic groups have largely worked in the shadow, but now they are becoming bolder and are coming out in the open, because much of the church has become weak. These occult symbols that are being used at the Olympics and other are a signal that we are at the end of the age and Bible prophecy is coming to pass. This is also a signal that the true church of Jesus Christ must rise in the power of the Holy Spirit, with prayer and fasting, to reach the lost! Scientific studies have shown that intelligent people are just as vulnerable to brainwashing as uneducated people. There are a lot of bright people in cults. During the Olympic ceremonies there were a lot of subliminal, subconscious and occult messages being presented to a massive global audience. Although, you may not consciously be aware of these messages, your subconscious mind gets them and can believe them. The Apostle Paul teaches us in numerous places that we are in a spiritual battle and that the primary battlefield is in our mind. That is why Paul uses terms like, “Be renewed in the spirit of your mind” and “put on the mind of Christ.” In addition, we are warned about “strongholds” or demonically energized belief and though patterns.
The Bible also warns us not to accept the ideas and behaviors of the world system, which is under the temporary rule of Satan. This is the fire that God has set aflame in my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit! It is my prayer that this ministry would be used to spread that flame! By God’s grace and your prayers, we are reaching people in many nations with blogs, E Blast’s, numerous websites (many which do not contain my name,” church services and Bible studies, television, MP3’s, articles that are going viral, DVD’s and a full spectrum of social media. Right now, I am working with a team of Hollywood producers, who are producing a movie with me that will reach millions people around the world with a message of Bible prophecy and a message of hope. Due to the nature of this project, I ask that you put me, my family and the producers on your prayer chain lists, as many prayer groups as you can and personally intercede for me. As many of you know when you are on the front lines and millions of people are going to be effectively reached for Jesus Christ, you experience very heavy spiritual attack. Since the day I committed to the film project, we had two car accidents within a week and numerous other strange things happen. As your brother in Christ, I need as many prayer warriors as I can get to pray for everything I mentioned above! Join me in reaching the lost in this end time’s ministry!
Your brother in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire's web.

By Paul McGuire
OCCULT SYMBOLS IN OLYMPIC CEREMONY By Paul McGuire There are very powerful people in this world who are disciples of the occult and who are being guided by spirit guides and other dark supernatural forces to bring in the one world government, one world economic system and one world religion predicted in the Bible. “For our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers…” The destruction of the U.S. dollar and world economies, social chaos, sexual immorality, rise in the occult and the potential of thermonuclear war is all series of planned events or manufactured crisis to bring in their New World Order, that the Antichrist and False Prophet will rule. Until that time, God has given us a window of opportunity to evangelize with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to pray and fast in order to break satanic strongholds and see revival.
The snake across the Olympic stadium.

The artists conception of the Tower of Babel. The Tower of Babel Painting.

The Bible also warns us not to accept the ideas and behaviors of the world system, which is under the temporary rule of Satan. This is the fire that God has set aflame in my heart by the power of the Holy Spirit! It is my prayer that this ministry would be used to spread that flame! By God’s grace and your prayers, we are reaching people in many nations with blogs, E Blast’s, numerous websites (many which do not contain my name,” church services and Bible studies, television, MP3’s, articles that are going viral, DVD’s and a full spectrum of social media. Right now, I am working with a team of Hollywood producers, who are producing a movie with me that will reach millions people around the world with a message of Bible prophecy and a message of hope. Due to the nature of this project, I ask that you put me, my family and the producers on your prayer chain lists, as many prayer groups as you can and personally intercede for me. As many of you know when you are on the front lines and millions of people are going to be effectively reached for Jesus Christ, you experience very heavy spiritual attack. Since the day I committed to the film project, we had two car accidents within a week and numerous other strange things happen. As your brother in Christ, I need as many prayer warriors as I can get to pray for everything I mentioned above! Join me in reaching the lost in this end time’s ministry!
Your brother in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire's web.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Check out Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
First, I want to make it clear that although a microchip implant is in the Obama Health Care Bill, it was not Obama, but a Republican who pushed for the microchip under President Bush. Tommy Thompson, the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, supported the Verichip as a “useful tool in sharing medical information.” Thompson sat on the board of directors of Verichip’s parent company Applied Digital Solutions, which is now PositiveID. The American Medical Association declared that “implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) devices may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care, and may be used to enable secure access to patient clinical information.”
After writing my article on, “Will Americans Receive a Microchip Implant in 2013 Per Obamacare? A lot of people E mailed me asking for documentation. You have to have your mind erased in Philip K. Dick’s, “Total Recall, “ in order to not know that it was written in
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pgs. 100-1007, paragraph 1.
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pgs. 100-1007, paragraph 1.
However, I want to emphasize that the plan to microchip the American population goes back a lot longer that President Obama and his Health Care Bill. It is important to understand that Obama is not the real problem. The plan to microchip the U.S. population began to really take off after 911, under Republican President George Bush.
Admittedly it can get confusing, because there are a number of bills which essentially say the same thing under different names. For example, H.R.3590 America thought it was free of a ‘Healthcare System’ that would create a national medical registry and the population to be tagged with implantable RFID chips. But a second heath care related bill called “The Reconciliation Act of 2010” (2300 pages) was passed by the Senate on March 25th after being passed by the House on March 21st. In the text of the 2300 page bill, which are elected representatives, both Republican and Democrat’s did not read, in section 2521, the creation of a National Medical Device Registry is enacted. This is portrayed as a registry to collect safety data on medical devices such as pacemakers and to put the safety data in a publicly accessible national electronic database. However, that is somewhat misleading.
In 2010, my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” was released, and I asked the question “Is the microchip implant hidden in the Healthcare Bill? Are newborn children starting in 2013 going to receive a microchip shortly after birth?” Then in the book, I wrote, “ In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”
The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.
In order to understand this you have to understand that you are going to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Transponder. (RFID Chip) Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transmit data from a microchip, biochip or a microscopic technology called a nano-chip, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. The nano-chip is so small, you could be given one during a vaccination and never know it! They require no battery and are powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. Some chips can use a local power source or even the electricity in your body and can broadcast radio waves (electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies. A microchip implant can be triggered inside your body from EMF waves, such as a satellite. These EMF waves can powerfully alter your mood and emotional state.
This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information (political beliefs, religious beliefs) and can track you like GPS. It will also be linked to your bank account. Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads and this is a quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have the RFID chip implanted in our bodies and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.
In Revelation 13:16-18,” it talks about the False Prophet working with the Antichrist. “And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? As you saw earlier, it is the device approved by the FDA in 2004. Here is the name and definition of the Act:
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act:
A class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
Going back to what we just looked at, the creation of the national medical device registry in section 2521, page 1002 line 5:
“In developing the registry, the secretary shall…”
And the law continues on with a laundry list of items that the secretary must do in the process of creating this registry. In this laundry list of items to do, Line 17, subparagraph B: “validating methods for analyzing patient safety and outcomes data from multiple sources and for linking such data with the information included in the registry as described in subparagraph (A)”
Going back to subparagraph A [right above subparagraph B], it says: “including in the registry, in a manner consistent with subsection (f), appropriate information to identify each device described in paragraph (1) by type, model, and serial number or other unique identifier;”
Don’t be confused by all the smoke mirrors. This law first creates the national device registry and then immediately list the entire task the secretary of health and human services will have do in the process of creating this registry.
The very first two items in the list mandates that the secretary first gives a unique identification to each of the items listed in paragraph 1 which is:
‘‘A class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable.”
Then, the very next thing the secretary is to do is to create the process by which “patient safety and outcomes data from multiple sources”, which is electronic medical records, that are linked to these newly and uniquely identified items from paragraph 1 which are the class III and class II implantable devices.
Class III devises are items such as breast implants, pacemakers, heart valves, etc. A Class II device that is implantable is, as you seen from the FDA, an implantable radio frequency transponder, RFID chip. From breast implants, to pacemakers, to RFID chips which one is the only possible one that can used for the stated purpose in section B which is, “for linking such data with the information included in the registry”? As we know from subsection A, the information in the registry is the name of a device. We are plainly being told that our electronic medical records are going to be linked to a class II implantable device!
What we already have already seen in just the creation of this registry, is the device that will serve as the link, which is an RFID microchip that is categorized as a Class II implantable device, as well as what it will be the link for which is your electronic medical records.
In case the law wasn’t clear enough on that point, still in the laundry list of things to do a few more lines down on the next page, page 1005
“The Secretary to protect the public health; shall establish procedures to permit linkage of information submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A, remember subparagraph A is the class 2 implantable device reference) with patient safety and outcomes data obtained under paragraph (3, which is electronic medical records); and to permit analyses of linked data;”
Continuing on to page 1007, in the STANDARDS, IMPLEMENTATION CRITERIA, AND CERTIFICATION CRITERIA section, the secretary of health and human services is given full power to intact all mandates from the laundry list of to-do items in the creation process of the registry as well as dictate how the devises listed in the National Medical Device Registry (Data Base) are to be used and implemented.
Now on Page 503, section E Lines 13-17 and I quote: “encourage, as appropriate, the development and use of clinical registries and the development of clinical effectiveness research data networks from electronic health records, post marketing drug and medical device surveillance efforts”. Now let’s look at section 163 of HR3200, which gives the government a direct electronic access to your bank account which will work in conjunction with an implanted chip.
What does this mean? It means that the government will give everybody a health ID card that contains a machine readable device (magnetic strip or RFID chip) similar to a credit card. Embedded in this chip or strip is your Health Identification Number. When you visit a medical provider, the medical claims will be processed while you are still in the office. The medical providers will be paid in real time. The portion that you owe will be deducted from your bank account, in real time, according to HR 3200.
As I wrote in my book, “Are You Ready for the Microchip? And “The Day the Dollar Died,” this is part of a global totalitarian government. Most people do not grasp how it will seriously impact every part of their lives! In my 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the One World Economic System?” the soon-to-be-released, “Moon into Blood,” I unveil the master to plan to use microchip technology to erase people’s memories, implant new memories. The microchip can send neuroimpulses into the brain, such as smell, sights and the voices of the implanted person. These neuroimpulses can be stored in an external hard drive and then they can be projected back into a person’s brain and re-experienced. Using (RMS) a Remote Monitoring System technician can send encoded signals into a normal person’s brain and cause them to hear voices, experience hallucinations. The (RMS) can be sent via satellite, cell phone and social media. EMF waves can produce powerful feelings of euphoria, energy, fear, sexual arousal, anxiety, suicide and violence.
This gives an elite total control over mass populations, creates a nation of robots and electronic mind control. This is just the beginning of the brave new world of microchip technology. The science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick wrote many movies that deal with these subjects like “Minority Report,” “Total Recall,” “Blade Runner, “Adjustment Bureau,” and a “Scanner Darkly.” The microchip is the world of science fiction and prophecy and now live in the world of science fiction and prophecy.
Join Paul for a special prophecy meeting at Beth Ariel on Thursday July 26th and not July 19th. That's Jult 26th at Beth Ariel 22222 Saticoy Canoga Park, California at 7PM (rear chapel) This is an important meeting to help you understand what is coming economically and how you can prepare and prosper! In 2008, most American's lost about 50% of their net worth. If a second wave hits, people could lose even more of their money. A war is looming in the Middle East with Israel, Syria and other players. In order to truly understand what is going on, you have to understand the big picture prophetically. Come and seek the Lord with us as we look to Him to provide, guide and protect! You will be ministered to in the Holy Spirit and lifted up! Bring a friend.
By Paul McGuire
First, I want to make it clear that although a microchip implant is in the Obama Health Care Bill, it was not Obama, but a Republican who pushed for the microchip under President Bush. Tommy Thompson, the former Secretary of Health and Human Services, supported the Verichip as a “useful tool in sharing medical information.” Thompson sat on the board of directors of Verichip’s parent company Applied Digital Solutions, which is now PositiveID. The American Medical Association declared that “implantable radio frequency identification (RFID) devices may help to identify patients, thereby improving the safety and efficiency of patient care, and may be used to enable secure access to patient clinical information.”
After writing my article on, “Will Americans Receive a Microchip Implant in 2013 Per Obamacare? A lot of people E mailed me asking for documentation. You have to have your mind erased in Philip K. Dick’s, “Total Recall, “ in order to not know that it was written in
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pgs. 100-1007, paragraph 1.
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pgs. 100-1007, paragraph 1.
However, I want to emphasize that the plan to microchip the American population goes back a lot longer that President Obama and his Health Care Bill. It is important to understand that Obama is not the real problem. The plan to microchip the U.S. population began to really take off after 911, under Republican President George Bush.
Admittedly it can get confusing, because there are a number of bills which essentially say the same thing under different names. For example, H.R.3590 America thought it was free of a ‘Healthcare System’ that would create a national medical registry and the population to be tagged with implantable RFID chips. But a second heath care related bill called “The Reconciliation Act of 2010” (2300 pages) was passed by the Senate on March 25th after being passed by the House on March 21st. In the text of the 2300 page bill, which are elected representatives, both Republican and Democrat’s did not read, in section 2521, the creation of a National Medical Device Registry is enacted. This is portrayed as a registry to collect safety data on medical devices such as pacemakers and to put the safety data in a publicly accessible national electronic database. However, that is somewhat misleading.
In 2010, my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” was released, and I asked the question “Is the microchip implant hidden in the Healthcare Bill? Are newborn children starting in 2013 going to receive a microchip shortly after birth?” Then in the book, I wrote, “ In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 – National Medical Device Registry which states:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”
The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.
In order to understand this you have to understand that you are going to be implanted with a Radio Frequency Transponder. (RFID Chip) Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transmit data from a microchip, biochip or a microscopic technology called a nano-chip, for the purposes of automatic identification and tracking. The nano-chip is so small, you could be given one during a vaccination and never know it! They require no battery and are powered by the electromagnetic fields used to read them. Some chips can use a local power source or even the electricity in your body and can broadcast radio waves (electromagnetic radiation at radio frequencies. A microchip implant can be triggered inside your body from EMF waves, such as a satellite. These EMF waves can powerfully alter your mood and emotional state.
This new law requires an RFID chip implanted in all of us. This chip will not only contain your personal information (political beliefs, religious beliefs) and can track you like GPS. It will also be linked to your bank account. Page 1004 of the new law (dictating the timing of this chip), reads and this is a quote: “Not later than 36 months after the date of the enactment”. It is now the law of the land that by March 23rd 2013 we will all be required to have the RFID chip implanted in our bodies and this chip will be link to our bank accounts as well as have our personal records and tracking capability built into it.
In Revelation 13:16-18,” it talks about the False Prophet working with the Antichrist. “And he caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”
H.R. 3200 section 2521, Pg. 1001, paragraph 1.
The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that— ‘‘is or has been used in or on a patient; ‘‘and is— ‘‘a class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable, life-supporting, or life-sustaining.”
What exactly is a class II device that is implantable? As you saw earlier, it is the device approved by the FDA in 2004. Here is the name and definition of the Act:
Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act:
A class II implantable device is an “implantable radio frequency transponder system for patient identification and health information.” The purpose of a class II device is to collect data in medical patients such as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the Secretary.”
Going back to what we just looked at, the creation of the national medical device registry in section 2521, page 1002 line 5:
“In developing the registry, the secretary shall…”
And the law continues on with a laundry list of items that the secretary must do in the process of creating this registry. In this laundry list of items to do, Line 17, subparagraph B: “validating methods for analyzing patient safety and outcomes data from multiple sources and for linking such data with the information included in the registry as described in subparagraph (A)”
Going back to subparagraph A [right above subparagraph B], it says: “including in the registry, in a manner consistent with subsection (f), appropriate information to identify each device described in paragraph (1) by type, model, and serial number or other unique identifier;”
Don’t be confused by all the smoke mirrors. This law first creates the national device registry and then immediately list the entire task the secretary of health and human services will have do in the process of creating this registry.
The very first two items in the list mandates that the secretary first gives a unique identification to each of the items listed in paragraph 1 which is:
‘‘A class III device; or ‘‘a class II device that is implantable.”
Then, the very next thing the secretary is to do is to create the process by which “patient safety and outcomes data from multiple sources”, which is electronic medical records, that are linked to these newly and uniquely identified items from paragraph 1 which are the class III and class II implantable devices.
Class III devises are items such as breast implants, pacemakers, heart valves, etc. A Class II device that is implantable is, as you seen from the FDA, an implantable radio frequency transponder, RFID chip. From breast implants, to pacemakers, to RFID chips which one is the only possible one that can used for the stated purpose in section B which is, “for linking such data with the information included in the registry”? As we know from subsection A, the information in the registry is the name of a device. We are plainly being told that our electronic medical records are going to be linked to a class II implantable device!
What we already have already seen in just the creation of this registry, is the device that will serve as the link, which is an RFID microchip that is categorized as a Class II implantable device, as well as what it will be the link for which is your electronic medical records.
In case the law wasn’t clear enough on that point, still in the laundry list of things to do a few more lines down on the next page, page 1005
“The Secretary to protect the public health; shall establish procedures to permit linkage of information submitted pursuant to subparagraph (A, remember subparagraph A is the class 2 implantable device reference) with patient safety and outcomes data obtained under paragraph (3, which is electronic medical records); and to permit analyses of linked data;”
Continuing on to page 1007, in the STANDARDS, IMPLEMENTATION CRITERIA, AND CERTIFICATION CRITERIA section, the secretary of health and human services is given full power to intact all mandates from the laundry list of to-do items in the creation process of the registry as well as dictate how the devises listed in the National Medical Device Registry (Data Base) are to be used and implemented.
Now on Page 503, section E Lines 13-17 and I quote: “encourage, as appropriate, the development and use of clinical registries and the development of clinical effectiveness research data networks from electronic health records, post marketing drug and medical device surveillance efforts”. Now let’s look at section 163 of HR3200, which gives the government a direct electronic access to your bank account which will work in conjunction with an implanted chip.
What does this mean? It means that the government will give everybody a health ID card that contains a machine readable device (magnetic strip or RFID chip) similar to a credit card. Embedded in this chip or strip is your Health Identification Number. When you visit a medical provider, the medical claims will be processed while you are still in the office. The medical providers will be paid in real time. The portion that you owe will be deducted from your bank account, in real time, according to HR 3200.
As I wrote in my book, “Are You Ready for the Microchip? And “The Day the Dollar Died,” this is part of a global totalitarian government. Most people do not grasp how it will seriously impact every part of their lives! In my 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the One World Economic System?” the soon-to-be-released, “Moon into Blood,” I unveil the master to plan to use microchip technology to erase people’s memories, implant new memories. The microchip can send neuroimpulses into the brain, such as smell, sights and the voices of the implanted person. These neuroimpulses can be stored in an external hard drive and then they can be projected back into a person’s brain and re-experienced. Using (RMS) a Remote Monitoring System technician can send encoded signals into a normal person’s brain and cause them to hear voices, experience hallucinations. The (RMS) can be sent via satellite, cell phone and social media. EMF waves can produce powerful feelings of euphoria, energy, fear, sexual arousal, anxiety, suicide and violence.
This gives an elite total control over mass populations, creates a nation of robots and electronic mind control. This is just the beginning of the brave new world of microchip technology. The science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick wrote many movies that deal with these subjects like “Minority Report,” “Total Recall,” “Blade Runner, “Adjustment Bureau,” and a “Scanner Darkly.” The microchip is the world of science fiction and prophecy and now live in the world of science fiction and prophecy.
Monday, July 23, 2012
By Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
It is critical for your survival that you understand the big economic / prophetic picture and how it is going to affect you directly. In 2008, Most American’s lost about 50% of their real estate value, pensions, retirement and investments. Like their European counterparts, they had no clue what was about to happen. God wants to protect and prosper His people, before the second wave of destruction moves in. It has never been the will of God for His people to be slaves to the world system. The story of the Israelites serving as slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt is a lesson of what happens when God’s people reject His Word and follow after other god’s. In both America and Europe, the church has become Laodicea and apostate. With the exception of the Remnant, most Christians are worshipping the idols of personal peace and prosperity. We have followed after other god’s and are reaping the consequences. Many Christians do not really trust in God, they trust in the world system and political Messiah’s. However, for those who understand Bible prophecy, which is the big picture, we are beginning to move into the Tribulation Period, with increased acceleration. There is no way you can plan or react to economically or socially, without understanding the realities of that fact.
Before we get into the planned global financial meltdown, which I predicted in my books and DVD’s, let’s review some economic facts, that have already hit you like a tsunami:
Forty-six million Americans (one in seven) are on food stamps.
One in seven is unemployed or underemployed.
The percentage of those out of work defined as long-term unemployed is the highest (42%) since the Great Depression.
54% of college graduates younger than 25 are unemployed or underemployed.
47% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.
Employment-to-population ratio for 25- to 54-year-olds is now 75.7%, lower than when the recession “ended” in June 2009.
There are 7.7 million fewer full-time workers now than before the recession, and 3.3 million more part-time workers.
Eight million people have left the labor force since the recession “ended” — adding those back in would put the unemployment rate at 12% instead of 8.2%.
The number of unemployed looking for work for at least 27 weeks jumped 310,000 in May, the sharpest increase in a year.
Over 7.5 million homes have been foreclosed upon by the Wall Street bankers since 2008.
The National Debt has increased by $5.7 trillion (57% increase) since September 2008, while real GDP has risen by $305 billion (2.3% increase) since the 3rd quarter of 2008.
Interest income paid to senior citizens and savers has declined by $400 billion (29% decline) since September of 2008 due to Ben Bernanke’s ZIRP.
Government transfer payments have risen by $500 billion (32% increase) since September 2008, while private industry wages have risen by $200 billion (4.7% increase).
The price of a gallon of gas has risen from $1.70 in December 2008 to $3.53 today.
Food prices have risen by 7% to 10% since late 2008, even using the falsified BLS data. A true assessment by anyone who actually goes to a grocery store (not Bernanke – his maid does the shopping) would be a 10% to 20% increase.
Source: Global Research June 23, 2012, “Who Destroyed America's Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth?
Part II”
This is just the beginning and for those of you in America and other nations, if you think the government is going to save you, you have made government your god. A lot of American Christians are looking for a political leader to be the Messiah. That is in direct violation of the Scripture and you have removed yourself from under the covering of God. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28, both the blessings and the curses!
What is known as “Liborgate,” and the London-based center of the world financial system is finally being understood by American’s and Europeans. On July 7, the famous economist, Robert Reich, wrote in a column, entitled "The Wall Street Scandal of All Scandals," where he talked about LIBOR. Reich issued a very grave warning:
"This is insider trading on a gigantic scale. It makes the bankers winners and the rest of us—whose money they've used for to make their bets—losers and chumps.” Reich was warning that unless there are immediate and emergency actions, the global economic system is about to blow! We could enter a new Great Depression. As I have stated repeatedly in my books, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” – there is an engineered plan to destroy the dollar, slash the remaining wealth of the middle class and bring in the One World Economic System and One World Government predicted by Daniel and by the Apostle John in Revelation Chapter 13. This is why we are thankful to thousands of people who showed our 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the One World Economic System?” Are You Ready for the One World Government?” and “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion? - To large numbers of people across the world. In addition, to evangelism, we were preparing people for what is coming soon. Again, unless you understand the big picture and the totality of what is about to happen, you cannot prepare, protect and accomplish God’s will! Our new DVD, “Moon into Blood,” will continue to show what is coming and how you can prepare.
If you are looking at things individually, nothing is going to make sense. But, if you look at the world system through Bible prophecy, a clear pattern emerges. I spoke to 5.1 million people on Coast to Coast with George Noory on Convergence and Bible Prophecy. Let’s look at a few trends:
1. The dollar is being destroyed along with sovereign economies to pave the way for a one world economic system and world government, all predicted in the Bible.
2. World governments are preparing for mass chaos, riots, protests and food shortages by bringing the military, including foreign troops onto U.S. soil and in other nations that will enforce Martial Law to manage the chaos.
3. High-tech surveillance including mandatory microchip implants are planned for U.S. citizens and other nations by 2013, in order to control and track citizens. Revelation 13 warns of a coming mark of the beast technology. Drones, the Internet, GPS, cell phones, enhanced drivers licenses and other technology will increase surveillance on citizen populations.
4. The plan is to remove guns from the population as soon as possible.
5. Agenda 21, the United Nations and other globalist institutions are being used to redistribute wealth and condition people to accept a far lower standard of living.
6. A so-called scientific elite will manage a global totalitarian state. All those who resist the coming one world government will be sent to re-education camps. If they do not go along with the program they will be killed.
7. A major war is about to break out in the Middle East that fulfill Bible prophecy.
8. Those who understand specific Biblical prophecies will know what is happening and why.
9. God wants to supernaturally protect, deliver and provide for His people. However, God will not bless ignorance and disobedience. Christians must seek the Lord and hear the counsel of the Lord. A lot of Christians are either in denial or they are making dangerous mistakes with their money, real estate and retirement. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing devouring the people of God and this is not His will.
10. This is not a time for fear! God is still on the Throne and prayer does change things. The time has come for Christians to understand that the God they say they serve is capable of supernaturally delivering, providing and guiding His people. The Bible is not just a bunch of cute and mythological stories. Many will soon see that God is real and they will experience the miracles of God, in ways they have never conceived of!
11. Remember even as God was supernaturally delivering the Israelites, through Moses, they were complaining and filled with unbelief. The same thing is happening in the Body of Christ today.
12. For those people who are truly seeking the Lord and recognize God is their Source, not government or a political Messiah, they are going to see miracles at the level of the Red Sea parting, as God shapes world and national events to protect His people.
The Bible say’s “get wisdom, even though it cost you all you have.” This is why I wrote, “The Day the Dollar Died,” “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” and the 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” – Along with the pre-order of “Moon into Blood.” God is going to miraculously pour out His Holy Spirit on His people and supernaturally provide. But, again God does not bless ignorance and laziness. It is crucial that you understand the big picture!
Forty-six million Americans (one in seven) are on food stamps.
One in seven is unemployed or underemployed.
The percentage of those out of work defined as long-term unemployed is the highest (42%) since the Great Depression.
54% of college graduates younger than 25 are unemployed or underemployed.
47% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.
Employment-to-population ratio for 25- to 54-year-olds is now 75.7%, lower than when the recession “ended” in June 2009.
There are 7.7 million fewer full-time workers now than before the recession, and 3.3 million more part-time workers.
Eight million people have left the labor force since the recession “ended” — adding those back in would put the unemployment rate at 12% instead of 8.2%.
The number of unemployed looking for work for at least 27 weeks jumped 310,000 in May, the sharpest increase in a year.
Over 7.5 million homes have been foreclosed upon by the Wall Street bankers since 2008.
The National Debt has increased by $5.7 trillion (57% increase) since September 2008, while real GDP has risen by $305 billion (2.3% increase) since the 3rd quarter of 2008.
Interest income paid to senior citizens and savers has declined by $400 billion (29% decline) since September of 2008 due to Ben Bernanke’s ZIRP.
Government transfer payments have risen by $500 billion (32% increase) since September 2008, while private industry wages have risen by $200 billion (4.7% increase).
The price of a gallon of gas has risen from $1.70 in December 2008 to $3.53 today.
Food prices have risen by 7% to 10% since late 2008, even using the falsified BLS data. A true assessment by anyone who actually goes to a grocery store (not Bernanke – his maid does the shopping) would be a 10% to 20% increase.
Source: Global Research June 23, 2012
Who Destroyed America's Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth?
Part II
Paul McGuire
Price: $18.95
Format: Paperback
"The Day The Dollar Died is my 16th book. It is my prayer that it will open your eyes to what is really going on in the United States and the world. The factual events I describe in this book will happen in the very near future. We are seeing the emergence of the one world economic system and cashless society described in Daniel and Revelation 13. It is no longer out there in the future... it is here now. When you read "The Day The Dollar Died" you will understand that the present financial crisis is a planned event." –Paul McGuire
"President Obama is coming into office at a moment when there is upheaval in many parts of the world simultaneously. "You have India, Pakistan; you have the Jihadist movement. So he can't really say there is one problem, that it's the most important one. But he can give new impetus to American foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis." –Henry Kissinger at the New York Stock Exchange, January 2009
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." –David Rockefeller
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." –James R. Warburg , Council On Foreign Relations
THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED is being called the most important book on Bible prophecy since "The Late Great Planet Earth." Learn about the hidden agenda behind the financial meltdown. Find out why the financial crisis is not an accident but an intentional plan to bring in a one world economic system and world government. Read about how the Council on Foreign Relations had a rehearsal for a global financial meltdown in the year 2000. Right now people are meeting to re-write the Constitution of the United States. Why? Because in order for a United Nations, European Union or North American Union Constitution to be implemented the original U.S. Constitution must go. Our Founding Fathers understood that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were inalienable rights that came from the Creator. In the new global constitution, rights will come from the World Government. We will no longer be "one nation under God," but "one world under man!" But there are practical things you can do to save our nation and change our world.
All of a sudden the real state bubble began to burst. Consumers who bought homes they could not afford through "tricky loans" could not continue to make higher payments when their Adjustable Rate Mortgages went up. The real estate bubble exploded as hedge fund investors began to lose billions of dollars. A global financial meltdown is underway. For the first time in history, a Republican President and the U.S. government, as well as governments around the world began to buy up or nationalize banks, insurance companies and corporations in a frenzied effort to keep the world financial system from collapsing. In Paul's new ground breaking book, "The Day The Dollar Died,' he exposes the truth about what is really happening. None of the financial analysts with the international banks and investment firms, with their sophisticated computer analysis and projections knew this was coming. Do you really believe that?
Paul answers the question about whether or not this was a planned event and for what purpose. World leaders are crying out for a new global regulatory system and a one world currency. "The Day The Dollar Died" uncovers the truth about a one world economic system, a cashless society and a microchip implant. Paul traces the history of what really happened in the The Great Depression of 1929. Our Founding Father's warned us about the creation of what was called a Central Bank that would control our money supply. In 1918 we mysteriously got a Central Bank under the name of the Federal Reserve System. Who was behind the creation of the Federal Reserve System and how are those same forces at work today?
Did the international bankers really finance the Communist Revolution, Adolph Hitler, and the Chinese Communist Revolution? Why did these same groups finance America, France and England as well? What is the Hegelian Dialectic and how is it at work today transforming our nation and world? George Bush, Sr. talked about the creation of a "new world order." It became taboo to use that word in the media for over a decade. But Henry Kissinger recently said that President Barack Obama can now bring about this "new world order."
Why were the same financial interests that put George W. Bush into power also the same interests that put President Obama into power? Who really controls America and the world? Why does the media say almost nothing about the most powerful organization in America - The Council On Foreign Relations? Why is the goal of the Communist Party, the Humanist Manifesto and the United Nations the same? Their goal is a world socialist government and one world economic system and to microchip the population.
What will this one world economic system and one world government mean to your Constitutional freedoms such as "Freedom of Speech," "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom of the Press?" Why is their an aggressive plan underway to radically change our Constitution and bring in a new North American Union Constitution or World Government Constitution?
China will become the most powerful economy in the world in less than ten years. Did that just happen by accident or did it start with secret visits from former President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger? Why do powerful political leaders keep saying openly that the ideal government would be a "synthesis" of the Communist Chinese Government and the U.S. Government?
The League of Nations failed to bring about world government in 1919. The men and organizations behind this move towards world government learned that they could not bring in global government without the help of the Christians in America. Certain wealthy men and organizations began to pour millions of dollars into churches, ministers and denominations in order to create a new "social gospel" that could be used to bring in a United Nations government. These men met with over 30 denominations and infiltrated churches, denominations and ministers who would transform the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a a humanistic social gospel. Are those powerful groups still operating today and are they funding certain denominations, churches and ministers?
In the late 1800's a group of British intellectuals called the Fabian Socialists developed a comprehensive plan to usher in a world socialist government. The science fiction writer H.G. Wells wrote "War of the Worlds" and "The Invisible Man." But Wells also wrote books like "The Shape of Things to Come" and "New World Order." These books talked about the importance of using "crisis" and "perpetual war" to persuade people to accept a world socialist government. In the same way computer technology and biotechnology have made incredible progress in the last two decades. There is also another technology that has made incredible advancements. These technologies have been hinted at in popular movies like "The Bourne Identity" and "The Manchurian Candidate." It is now possible to program entire nations like in the "Manchurian Candidate" without the masses recognizing that their belief systems have been programmed. This is just the tip of the iceberg! "The Day The Dollar Died" uncovers an "Open Conspiracy" to transform the world and America in a radical way in the next few years. These radical changes are going to affect every aspect of your life! The standard of living for the American Middle Class, your Constitutional freedoms, the opportunities you and your children will have, and the American dream. We are very close to entering a period of what Paul call's "total lockdown." You have been given one last chance to change your fate and the fate of America!
Paul McGuire
Price: $18.95
Format: Paperback
Are there plans for a microchip implant buried in the Health Care Bill? Some highly respected legal think tanks believer there is. The plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Both political parties are pushing for a Biometric National ID Card, with an RFID Chip, that will track your every move. Daniel's vision of a Revived Roman Empire is rising before our very eyes. The Mark of the Beast that the Apostle John saw in the Book of Revelation appears to be on the horizon. Paul exposes the truth of a global conspiracy ruled by a secret elite with deep connections to a Luciferian occult in his new book, "Are You Ready for the Microchip?"
By Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
It is critical for your survival that you understand the big economic / prophetic picture and how it is going to affect you directly. In 2008, Most American’s lost about 50% of their real estate value, pensions, retirement and investments. Like their European counterparts, they had no clue what was about to happen. God wants to protect and prosper His people, before the second wave of destruction moves in. It has never been the will of God for His people to be slaves to the world system. The story of the Israelites serving as slaves to Pharaoh in Egypt is a lesson of what happens when God’s people reject His Word and follow after other god’s. In both America and Europe, the church has become Laodicea and apostate. With the exception of the Remnant, most Christians are worshipping the idols of personal peace and prosperity. We have followed after other god’s and are reaping the consequences. Many Christians do not really trust in God, they trust in the world system and political Messiah’s. However, for those who understand Bible prophecy, which is the big picture, we are beginning to move into the Tribulation Period, with increased acceleration. There is no way you can plan or react to economically or socially, without understanding the realities of that fact.
Before we get into the planned global financial meltdown, which I predicted in my books and DVD’s, let’s review some economic facts, that have already hit you like a tsunami:
Forty-six million Americans (one in seven) are on food stamps.
One in seven is unemployed or underemployed.
The percentage of those out of work defined as long-term unemployed is the highest (42%) since the Great Depression.
54% of college graduates younger than 25 are unemployed or underemployed.
47% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.
Employment-to-population ratio for 25- to 54-year-olds is now 75.7%, lower than when the recession “ended” in June 2009.
There are 7.7 million fewer full-time workers now than before the recession, and 3.3 million more part-time workers.
Eight million people have left the labor force since the recession “ended” — adding those back in would put the unemployment rate at 12% instead of 8.2%.
The number of unemployed looking for work for at least 27 weeks jumped 310,000 in May, the sharpest increase in a year.
Over 7.5 million homes have been foreclosed upon by the Wall Street bankers since 2008.
The National Debt has increased by $5.7 trillion (57% increase) since September 2008, while real GDP has risen by $305 billion (2.3% increase) since the 3rd quarter of 2008.
Interest income paid to senior citizens and savers has declined by $400 billion (29% decline) since September of 2008 due to Ben Bernanke’s ZIRP.
Government transfer payments have risen by $500 billion (32% increase) since September 2008, while private industry wages have risen by $200 billion (4.7% increase).
The price of a gallon of gas has risen from $1.70 in December 2008 to $3.53 today.
Food prices have risen by 7% to 10% since late 2008, even using the falsified BLS data. A true assessment by anyone who actually goes to a grocery store (not Bernanke – his maid does the shopping) would be a 10% to 20% increase.
Source: Global Research June 23, 2012, “Who Destroyed America's Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth?
Part II”
This is just the beginning and for those of you in America and other nations, if you think the government is going to save you, you have made government your god. A lot of American Christians are looking for a political leader to be the Messiah. That is in direct violation of the Scripture and you have removed yourself from under the covering of God. Read Deuteronomy Chapter 28, both the blessings and the curses!
What is known as “Liborgate,” and the London-based center of the world financial system is finally being understood by American’s and Europeans. On July 7, the famous economist, Robert Reich, wrote in a column, entitled "The Wall Street Scandal of All Scandals," where he talked about LIBOR. Reich issued a very grave warning:
"This is insider trading on a gigantic scale. It makes the bankers winners and the rest of us—whose money they've used for to make their bets—losers and chumps.” Reich was warning that unless there are immediate and emergency actions, the global economic system is about to blow! We could enter a new Great Depression. As I have stated repeatedly in my books, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” – there is an engineered plan to destroy the dollar, slash the remaining wealth of the middle class and bring in the One World Economic System and One World Government predicted by Daniel and by the Apostle John in Revelation Chapter 13. This is why we are thankful to thousands of people who showed our 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the One World Economic System?” Are You Ready for the One World Government?” and “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion? - To large numbers of people across the world. In addition, to evangelism, we were preparing people for what is coming soon. Again, unless you understand the big picture and the totality of what is about to happen, you cannot prepare, protect and accomplish God’s will! Our new DVD, “Moon into Blood,” will continue to show what is coming and how you can prepare.
If you are looking at things individually, nothing is going to make sense. But, if you look at the world system through Bible prophecy, a clear pattern emerges. I spoke to 5.1 million people on Coast to Coast with George Noory on Convergence and Bible Prophecy. Let’s look at a few trends:
1. The dollar is being destroyed along with sovereign economies to pave the way for a one world economic system and world government, all predicted in the Bible.
2. World governments are preparing for mass chaos, riots, protests and food shortages by bringing the military, including foreign troops onto U.S. soil and in other nations that will enforce Martial Law to manage the chaos.
3. High-tech surveillance including mandatory microchip implants are planned for U.S. citizens and other nations by 2013, in order to control and track citizens. Revelation 13 warns of a coming mark of the beast technology. Drones, the Internet, GPS, cell phones, enhanced drivers licenses and other technology will increase surveillance on citizen populations.
4. The plan is to remove guns from the population as soon as possible.
5. Agenda 21, the United Nations and other globalist institutions are being used to redistribute wealth and condition people to accept a far lower standard of living.
6. A so-called scientific elite will manage a global totalitarian state. All those who resist the coming one world government will be sent to re-education camps. If they do not go along with the program they will be killed.
7. A major war is about to break out in the Middle East that fulfill Bible prophecy.
8. Those who understand specific Biblical prophecies will know what is happening and why.
9. God wants to supernaturally protect, deliver and provide for His people. However, God will not bless ignorance and disobedience. Christians must seek the Lord and hear the counsel of the Lord. A lot of Christians are either in denial or they are making dangerous mistakes with their money, real estate and retirement. There are wolves in sheep’s clothing devouring the people of God and this is not His will.
10. This is not a time for fear! God is still on the Throne and prayer does change things. The time has come for Christians to understand that the God they say they serve is capable of supernaturally delivering, providing and guiding His people. The Bible is not just a bunch of cute and mythological stories. Many will soon see that God is real and they will experience the miracles of God, in ways they have never conceived of!
11. Remember even as God was supernaturally delivering the Israelites, through Moses, they were complaining and filled with unbelief. The same thing is happening in the Body of Christ today.
12. For those people who are truly seeking the Lord and recognize God is their Source, not government or a political Messiah, they are going to see miracles at the level of the Red Sea parting, as God shapes world and national events to protect His people.
The Bible say’s “get wisdom, even though it cost you all you have.” This is why I wrote, “The Day the Dollar Died,” “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” and the 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and the Coming One World Religion?” – Along with the pre-order of “Moon into Blood.” God is going to miraculously pour out His Holy Spirit on His people and supernaturally provide. But, again God does not bless ignorance and laziness. It is crucial that you understand the big picture!
Forty-six million Americans (one in seven) are on food stamps.
One in seven is unemployed or underemployed.
The percentage of those out of work defined as long-term unemployed is the highest (42%) since the Great Depression.
54% of college graduates younger than 25 are unemployed or underemployed.
47% of Americans receive some form of government assistance.
Employment-to-population ratio for 25- to 54-year-olds is now 75.7%, lower than when the recession “ended” in June 2009.
There are 7.7 million fewer full-time workers now than before the recession, and 3.3 million more part-time workers.
Eight million people have left the labor force since the recession “ended” — adding those back in would put the unemployment rate at 12% instead of 8.2%.
The number of unemployed looking for work for at least 27 weeks jumped 310,000 in May, the sharpest increase in a year.
Over 7.5 million homes have been foreclosed upon by the Wall Street bankers since 2008.
The National Debt has increased by $5.7 trillion (57% increase) since September 2008, while real GDP has risen by $305 billion (2.3% increase) since the 3rd quarter of 2008.
Interest income paid to senior citizens and savers has declined by $400 billion (29% decline) since September of 2008 due to Ben Bernanke’s ZIRP.
Government transfer payments have risen by $500 billion (32% increase) since September 2008, while private industry wages have risen by $200 billion (4.7% increase).
The price of a gallon of gas has risen from $1.70 in December 2008 to $3.53 today.
Food prices have risen by 7% to 10% since late 2008, even using the falsified BLS data. A true assessment by anyone who actually goes to a grocery store (not Bernanke – his maid does the shopping) would be a 10% to 20% increase.
Source: Global Research June 23, 2012
Who Destroyed America's Middle Class? Dude, Who Stole My Net Worth?
Part II
Paul McGuire
Price: $18.95
Format: Paperback
"The Day The Dollar Died is my 16th book. It is my prayer that it will open your eyes to what is really going on in the United States and the world. The factual events I describe in this book will happen in the very near future. We are seeing the emergence of the one world economic system and cashless society described in Daniel and Revelation 13. It is no longer out there in the future... it is here now. When you read "The Day The Dollar Died" you will understand that the present financial crisis is a planned event." –Paul McGuire
"President Obama is coming into office at a moment when there is upheaval in many parts of the world simultaneously. "You have India, Pakistan; you have the Jihadist movement. So he can't really say there is one problem, that it's the most important one. But he can give new impetus to American foreign policy partly because the reception of him is so extraordinary around the world. His task will be to develop an overall strategy for America in this period when, really, a new world order can be created. It's a great opportunity, it isn't just a crisis." –Henry Kissinger at the New York Stock Exchange, January 2009
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." –David Rockefeller
"We shall have world government, whether or not we like it. The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest." –James R. Warburg , Council On Foreign Relations
THE DAY THE DOLLAR DIED is being called the most important book on Bible prophecy since "The Late Great Planet Earth." Learn about the hidden agenda behind the financial meltdown. Find out why the financial crisis is not an accident but an intentional plan to bring in a one world economic system and world government. Read about how the Council on Foreign Relations had a rehearsal for a global financial meltdown in the year 2000. Right now people are meeting to re-write the Constitution of the United States. Why? Because in order for a United Nations, European Union or North American Union Constitution to be implemented the original U.S. Constitution must go. Our Founding Fathers understood that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness were inalienable rights that came from the Creator. In the new global constitution, rights will come from the World Government. We will no longer be "one nation under God," but "one world under man!" But there are practical things you can do to save our nation and change our world.
All of a sudden the real state bubble began to burst. Consumers who bought homes they could not afford through "tricky loans" could not continue to make higher payments when their Adjustable Rate Mortgages went up. The real estate bubble exploded as hedge fund investors began to lose billions of dollars. A global financial meltdown is underway. For the first time in history, a Republican President and the U.S. government, as well as governments around the world began to buy up or nationalize banks, insurance companies and corporations in a frenzied effort to keep the world financial system from collapsing. In Paul's new ground breaking book, "The Day The Dollar Died,' he exposes the truth about what is really happening. None of the financial analysts with the international banks and investment firms, with their sophisticated computer analysis and projections knew this was coming. Do you really believe that?
Paul answers the question about whether or not this was a planned event and for what purpose. World leaders are crying out for a new global regulatory system and a one world currency. "The Day The Dollar Died" uncovers the truth about a one world economic system, a cashless society and a microchip implant. Paul traces the history of what really happened in the The Great Depression of 1929. Our Founding Father's warned us about the creation of what was called a Central Bank that would control our money supply. In 1918 we mysteriously got a Central Bank under the name of the Federal Reserve System. Who was behind the creation of the Federal Reserve System and how are those same forces at work today?
Did the international bankers really finance the Communist Revolution, Adolph Hitler, and the Chinese Communist Revolution? Why did these same groups finance America, France and England as well? What is the Hegelian Dialectic and how is it at work today transforming our nation and world? George Bush, Sr. talked about the creation of a "new world order." It became taboo to use that word in the media for over a decade. But Henry Kissinger recently said that President Barack Obama can now bring about this "new world order."
Why were the same financial interests that put George W. Bush into power also the same interests that put President Obama into power? Who really controls America and the world? Why does the media say almost nothing about the most powerful organization in America - The Council On Foreign Relations? Why is the goal of the Communist Party, the Humanist Manifesto and the United Nations the same? Their goal is a world socialist government and one world economic system and to microchip the population.
What will this one world economic system and one world government mean to your Constitutional freedoms such as "Freedom of Speech," "Freedom of Religion" and "Freedom of the Press?" Why is their an aggressive plan underway to radically change our Constitution and bring in a new North American Union Constitution or World Government Constitution?
China will become the most powerful economy in the world in less than ten years. Did that just happen by accident or did it start with secret visits from former President Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger? Why do powerful political leaders keep saying openly that the ideal government would be a "synthesis" of the Communist Chinese Government and the U.S. Government?
The League of Nations failed to bring about world government in 1919. The men and organizations behind this move towards world government learned that they could not bring in global government without the help of the Christians in America. Certain wealthy men and organizations began to pour millions of dollars into churches, ministers and denominations in order to create a new "social gospel" that could be used to bring in a United Nations government. These men met with over 30 denominations and infiltrated churches, denominations and ministers who would transform the Gospel of Jesus Christ into a a humanistic social gospel. Are those powerful groups still operating today and are they funding certain denominations, churches and ministers?
In the late 1800's a group of British intellectuals called the Fabian Socialists developed a comprehensive plan to usher in a world socialist government. The science fiction writer H.G. Wells wrote "War of the Worlds" and "The Invisible Man." But Wells also wrote books like "The Shape of Things to Come" and "New World Order." These books talked about the importance of using "crisis" and "perpetual war" to persuade people to accept a world socialist government. In the same way computer technology and biotechnology have made incredible progress in the last two decades. There is also another technology that has made incredible advancements. These technologies have been hinted at in popular movies like "The Bourne Identity" and "The Manchurian Candidate." It is now possible to program entire nations like in the "Manchurian Candidate" without the masses recognizing that their belief systems have been programmed. This is just the tip of the iceberg! "The Day The Dollar Died" uncovers an "Open Conspiracy" to transform the world and America in a radical way in the next few years. These radical changes are going to affect every aspect of your life! The standard of living for the American Middle Class, your Constitutional freedoms, the opportunities you and your children will have, and the American dream. We are very close to entering a period of what Paul call's "total lockdown." You have been given one last chance to change your fate and the fate of America!
Paul McGuire
Price: $18.95
Format: Paperback
Are there plans for a microchip implant buried in the Health Care Bill? Some highly respected legal think tanks believer there is. The plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Both political parties are pushing for a Biometric National ID Card, with an RFID Chip, that will track your every move. Daniel's vision of a Revived Roman Empire is rising before our very eyes. The Mark of the Beast that the Apostle John saw in the Book of Revelation appears to be on the horizon. Paul exposes the truth of a global conspiracy ruled by a secret elite with deep connections to a Luciferian occult in his new book, "Are You Ready for the Microchip?"
Sunday, July 22, 2012
By Paul McGuire
Important Israel Update:
MP3 Paul McGuire Israel Prophetic Update Part 1 & MP3 Paul McGuire Israel Prophetic Living in the Supernatural Update Part 2
A second economic storm is about to hit and God’s people are not prepared! They need wisdom and they need to know how to seek His face! Most people have placed their trust in the world system. God is your Source! But, you must really understand the big picture!
France's late President Mitterrand, threatened all-out war against Germany, should Germany not submit to the status of becoming a puppet of what would become known as a "Euro" system under the control of globalists operating through the London banks. Germany was forced to join the “Euro System,” by Mitterrand, Britain's Margaret Thatcher, and President George H.W. Bush. The current economic chaos is Europe and America began with the move to the “Euro System.” The ultimate plan of the trans-Atlantic Union between the EU and America is the engineered destruction of the U.S. dollar and the creation of a one world economic system.
This is the formation of the Revived Roman Empire that Daniel predicted. In my book, “The Day the Dollar Died” and the 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?” – I outline the master plan.
It is important for you to understand what is about to happen so you can be pro-active and survive. Since 2008, the average network of the Middle Class has been cut by 50%! This means your pensions, retirement. Housing value, investments and other things have now been cut in half. If the second wave of this planned destruction of the currency happens, what little you have left will be in cut in half again. God’s Word says, “My people perish for lack of wisdom or vision.” A lot of people are making very foolish decisions right now because they do not understand the big picture. For example, all the people who bought Iraqi currency and the people who are buying gold from dishonest companies!
Again, you need to understand the big picture! There is a reason why the microchip implant will be mandatory in March of 2013, if the provision in the Health Care Bill is enforced. I explain this in, “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” which I wrote in 2010.
There are serious economic events on the horizon, surrounding, "The LIBOR rate." LIBOR rate has the capacity to destroy the U.S. dollar. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are fixing interest rates at historic lows in order to hide insolvency of the banking systems. The debt bubble could burst causing an economic situation worse than the Great Depression.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are agreeing to settle their trade between themselves in their own currencies and are abandoning the use of the dollar. According to reports, China and Japan have reached agreement to settle their trade between themselves in their own currencies.
The dollar is no longer the currency of international transactions or de facto world currency. The Federal Reserve cannot print enough money to bail out the FDIC-insured depositors of JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo. Are you prepared for US Treasury prices to collapse, wiping out bond funds and the remaining wealth of the middle class in the US and further crashing the values of real estate. Some people are calling this scenario economic Armageddon.
It is impossible to prepare for and understand what is happening unless you really understand the big picture! By God’s grace, we have been able to help large numbers of people understand what is happening through the “Are You Ready for the Microchip? and “The Day the Dollar Died,” books. Also, the 3-DVD series “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?” and the soon-to-b-release “Moon into Blood,” shows the big picture!
The Lord has put a burning message in my heart for God’s people. I believe the Lord is telling His people, “Get wisdom, though it cost you all you have.” Unless you understand Bible prophecy, you cannot understand economics! The Lord is telling His people to stop looking to the world system to save them. For many the world system is an idol. God’s people are actually looking to politicians to be their Messiah! This is a horrible sin in the eyes of God and it will lead to horrible slavery! God is telling His people to repent and to seek His face. God is speaking to His people and telling them, that He alone is their Source! God is your Source! But, in addition you must really understand the complete picture! I do not want to be rude, but God does not bless stupidity! The Word of the Lord to His people is that He is your Source and He will lead you, guide you and deliver you, through Godly wisdom.
God’s people and from the pulpits of America have scoffed at Bible prophecy and Bible prophecy is coming true before your eyes. God’s Word says, “Wisdom is more precious than gold!” Get the wisdom of God! Hear the voice of the Lord! Seek His face! Do what God tells you to do, AFTER you get wisdom.
More information: http://www.paulmcguire.org/
By Paul McGuire
Important Israel Update:
MP3 Paul McGuire Israel Prophetic Update Part 1 & MP3 Paul McGuire Israel Prophetic Living in the Supernatural Update Part 2
A second economic storm is about to hit and God’s people are not prepared! They need wisdom and they need to know how to seek His face! Most people have placed their trust in the world system. God is your Source! But, you must really understand the big picture!
France's late President Mitterrand, threatened all-out war against Germany, should Germany not submit to the status of becoming a puppet of what would become known as a "Euro" system under the control of globalists operating through the London banks. Germany was forced to join the “Euro System,” by Mitterrand, Britain's Margaret Thatcher, and President George H.W. Bush. The current economic chaos is Europe and America began with the move to the “Euro System.” The ultimate plan of the trans-Atlantic Union between the EU and America is the engineered destruction of the U.S. dollar and the creation of a one world economic system.
This is the formation of the Revived Roman Empire that Daniel predicted. In my book, “The Day the Dollar Died” and the 3-DVD series, “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?” – I outline the master plan.
It is important for you to understand what is about to happen so you can be pro-active and survive. Since 2008, the average network of the Middle Class has been cut by 50%! This means your pensions, retirement. Housing value, investments and other things have now been cut in half. If the second wave of this planned destruction of the currency happens, what little you have left will be in cut in half again. God’s Word says, “My people perish for lack of wisdom or vision.” A lot of people are making very foolish decisions right now because they do not understand the big picture. For example, all the people who bought Iraqi currency and the people who are buying gold from dishonest companies!
Again, you need to understand the big picture! There is a reason why the microchip implant will be mandatory in March of 2013, if the provision in the Health Care Bill is enforced. I explain this in, “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” which I wrote in 2010.
There are serious economic events on the horizon, surrounding, "The LIBOR rate." LIBOR rate has the capacity to destroy the U.S. dollar. The Federal Reserve and the Bank of England are fixing interest rates at historic lows in order to hide insolvency of the banking systems. The debt bubble could burst causing an economic situation worse than the Great Depression.
Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are agreeing to settle their trade between themselves in their own currencies and are abandoning the use of the dollar. According to reports, China and Japan have reached agreement to settle their trade between themselves in their own currencies.
The dollar is no longer the currency of international transactions or de facto world currency. The Federal Reserve cannot print enough money to bail out the FDIC-insured depositors of JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citibank and Wells Fargo. Are you prepared for US Treasury prices to collapse, wiping out bond funds and the remaining wealth of the middle class in the US and further crashing the values of real estate. Some people are calling this scenario economic Armageddon.
It is impossible to prepare for and understand what is happening unless you really understand the big picture! By God’s grace, we have been able to help large numbers of people understand what is happening through the “Are You Ready for the Microchip? and “The Day the Dollar Died,” books. Also, the 3-DVD series “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?” and the soon-to-b-release “Moon into Blood,” shows the big picture!
The Lord has put a burning message in my heart for God’s people. I believe the Lord is telling His people, “Get wisdom, though it cost you all you have.” Unless you understand Bible prophecy, you cannot understand economics! The Lord is telling His people to stop looking to the world system to save them. For many the world system is an idol. God’s people are actually looking to politicians to be their Messiah! This is a horrible sin in the eyes of God and it will lead to horrible slavery! God is telling His people to repent and to seek His face. God is speaking to His people and telling them, that He alone is their Source! God is your Source! But, in addition you must really understand the complete picture! I do not want to be rude, but God does not bless stupidity! The Word of the Lord to His people is that He is your Source and He will lead you, guide you and deliver you, through Godly wisdom.
God’s people and from the pulpits of America have scoffed at Bible prophecy and Bible prophecy is coming true before your eyes. God’s Word says, “Wisdom is more precious than gold!” Get the wisdom of God! Hear the voice of the Lord! Seek His face! Do what God tells you to do, AFTER you get wisdom.
More information: http://www.paulmcguire.org/
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010
By Paul McGuire
A major news story broke on AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets that the Obama Health Care Bill will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or Medchip by March 23, 2013. Whether or not the microchip requirement in the bill is implemented by 2013, remains to be seen.
In 2010, my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip? was released, and I asked the question, “Is the microchip implant hidden in the Healthcare Bill? Are newborn children starting in 2013 going to receive a microchip shortly after birth?” Then in the book, I wrote, “ In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 –National Medical Device Registry which states:
“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”
The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted in them a radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.
A number of states like Virginia, have passed “stop the mark of the beast legislation” in an effort to stop this.
As with numerous other things that I have written and spoken about based on solid documentation, I am regularly challenged by some and especially those in the Christian community who are clueless about what is going on. Their criticism has never prevented me from presenting the facts, because I never take a poll about what I write or speak on. A Christian is called to speak the truth in love, whether or not it is accepted. I am not trying to t disparage any ministry, but I don’t determine what I say based on whether or not it is “Seeker Friendly,” or popular. The only issue is, is it true and is it wise to communicate it at that particular time. There are many things that I could say, but don’t, because after seeking the Lord, I do not believe it would wise to communicate it
The microchip implant moves closer day by day ,along with the “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration and the problems of states like Arizona are creating an environment where Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are moving legislation forward that would require all U.S. workers, citizen’s and resident alike, to obtain and carry a National Biometric ID Card in order to work within the United States. It does not matter where you stand on the issue of amnesty or immigration, everyone is going to have to have a National Biometric ID Card that will eventually contain an RFID transmitter would allow Big Brother electronic data bases to track all of your personal information. It is a simply a national ID card under another name.
All of this which is out to happen very soon is just the tip of the iceberg.
President Ronald Reagan refused to pass what he called this “Mark of the Beast” legislation. But, now we are on the verge of something so big both globally and nationally that this world and nation will never be the same.
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
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Are You Ready for the Microchip? and the Are You Ready DVD series are available now.
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