Saturday, September 29, 2012
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
By Paul McGuire
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For many Bible scholars, the world’s prophetic super sign, Israel, is the center of the cyclone. There is a strong possibility that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear production facilities in the immediate future. When this happens, there will be serious repercussions throughout the Middle East and the world. The greatest danger is the escalation of regional thermonuclear war into global thermonuclear war. Regional thermonuclear war could send economic shockwaves across the world, Europe and the U.S. This economic crisis could create martial law, severe food shortages and governmental collapse around the world. If the Iranian Navy, along with the help of nations like Russia, can block the Strait of Hormuz, Iran has the power to crash the world’s economy, by withholding oil!
According to Charles Krauthammer, in an article entitled, “The Abandonment,” “Not since its birth has Israel been so cast adrift by its closest ally.” The consequences of abandoning Israel by America or any other nation is clearly spelled out in the Abrahamic Covenant that God made to Abraham and his physical descendants, giving them the physical land of Israel. The land is not given on the basis of their righteousness or goodness. In the Abrahamic Covenant, God say’s, “I will bless those that bless thee (Israel) and curse those that curse thee (Israel).” America is on the verge of economic collapse and totalitarianism to manage the chaos, either from the left or right. To put it bluntly, if America is cursed by God, I don’t believe America will survive as a nation.

All across the Middle East there have been attacks on the U.S. A third US aircraft carrier, USS Stennis, is moving into place for leading 25 nations in a 12-day naval exercise off Iran’s Gulf coast. A large-scale mine-sweeping drill will simulate the prevention of Iranian efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz. There is an armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. In addition, we are in a kind of cosmic convergence of geopolitical and spiritual factors. Israel has a brief window of opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear production facilities, before Israel could be nuked. The importance of this window is amplified by the U.S. Presidential election.
There are many people who believe that the Israel of the Bible is not the same as the genetic line of the people who live in Israel today. In addition, they point out that that due to the secular nature of modern Israel, and the Rothschild connection to giving Israel the land, that it no longer has a right to the land. However, they do not understand the basis of the Covenant, God made with the physical descendants of Abraham, to give them the physical land of Israel.
The Covenant that God made with Abraham and his physical descendant, to give them the physical land of Israel, is an “Everlasting Covenant.” That means it is without end. Secondly, the Abrahamic Covenant is not contingent upon the performance of the Jews or the nation of Israel. To illustrate that, God “cut,” the Covenant, while Abraham was passed out, or in a trance on the ground. God passed the torches over Abraham’s body. The purpose of this action was to clearly demonstrate, the unilateral nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. In other words, it was given to Abraham, without his direct participation.
This is not to say that the Jews and Israel are not accountable to God for their sins. The history of the children of Israel, is the history of God giving the Jews, not because they were in anyway better than any other people, His laws, so that they would be a light to the world. They have failed God countless times and have been punished by God by going into captivity and being driven from the land of Israel. For example, the Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenant, show the cycle of Israel’s disobedience to God and their restoration.
When Israel’s Messiah came to the Jewish people, in the form of Christ, Israel as well as the Romans and other Gentile nations, rejected Christ. Jesus Christ prophetically told His disciples, while sitting on the Mount of Olives, with Herod’s Temple, behind them, that both Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed. In A.D. 70, the Roman General Titus, invaded Israel, and burned down Jerusalem and the Temple. Titus also sold the Jews into slavery and they were dispersed into all the nations of the world for over 2,000 years.
This is why the Jews did not have a homeland or Temple for over 2,000 years. However, numerous Old Testament prophets predicted that in the last days, the Jews would return to Israel. This happened in 1948, when Israel was reformed as a nation. But, the ancient prophets like Zechariah, Ezekiel and others predicted that in the last days, the Jews would be a “cup of trembling,” and hated, along with being invaded in the last days. Everything we see on the news regarding Israel, Iran, Russia and other nations are these ancient prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. In fact, in Ezekiel 38, we read about an alliance of Middle Eastern nations, led by Russian and Iran, invading Israel in the last days.
These prophecies as problematic for a lot of people because current and past economic alliances that Israel has made. I am aware of those problematic questions and have answers for them.
I have been researching, writing and speaking on this for over 30 years. As such a few Hollywood producers have met with me and are in the process of producing a film called “Chaos Reaction – Human Extinction,” based on my writing and have asked me to be on the on-camera prophecy expert. In this film, I am going to not only look at the Biblical prophets, but also look at the convergence of prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the Mayan Calendar, the Fatima visions, the Time Wave Zero Theory developed by Terrance McKenna and his studies on the I Ching. Massive monolithic monuments, many from Pre-flood and highly advanced civilizations built technological structures that served as star gate’s, such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids and the ancient Mayan and Incan ruins. There is an amazing statistical similarity from many ancient cultures, that all point to the general time period of 2012 and beyond. Even the former Confederate General and Freemason, Albert Pike predicted a World War III, in the Middle East, along with the science fiction writer H.G. Wells, who was the former head of British Intelligence, during World War I.
The world has now entered a period of massive acceleration, much of it engineered by powerful unseen influences, who are manipulating world events in order to bring in their New World Order. We must remember that when Nimrod built the Tower of Babel, he was creating the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. Babylon is being rebuilt in our lifetime. If you read the book of Revelation, the entire Babylonian system is going to come down in ruins. It is called “Mystery Babylon,” the Mother of Harlots.” Babylon is the city of man and Jerusalem is the city of God. Despite what you think about Israel or the Jews, there is something far larger going on. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is returning to Planet Earth. But, He is returning specifically to Jerusalem, from where He will rule Planet Earth. At His Second Coming, all the nation’s armies will attempt to attack Him, even to the extent of firing nuclear missiles at Him, because they may believe it is an alien invasion. The final battle in mankind’s history will be Armageddon, in Israel. This is not an accident!
All of life and human activity must be conducted in the light of the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem and the final conflict at Armageddon. Clearly, no one can claim to know the particular date. But, we do know based on events with Israel and the Middle East that the hour is drawing closer.
By Paul McGuire
Visit Paul's website's and
For many Bible scholars, the world’s prophetic super sign, Israel, is the center of the cyclone. There is a strong possibility that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear production facilities in the immediate future. When this happens, there will be serious repercussions throughout the Middle East and the world. The greatest danger is the escalation of regional thermonuclear war into global thermonuclear war. Regional thermonuclear war could send economic shockwaves across the world, Europe and the U.S. This economic crisis could create martial law, severe food shortages and governmental collapse around the world. If the Iranian Navy, along with the help of nations like Russia, can block the Strait of Hormuz, Iran has the power to crash the world’s economy, by withholding oil!
According to Charles Krauthammer, in an article entitled, “The Abandonment,” “Not since its birth has Israel been so cast adrift by its closest ally.” The consequences of abandoning Israel by America or any other nation is clearly spelled out in the Abrahamic Covenant that God made to Abraham and his physical descendants, giving them the physical land of Israel. The land is not given on the basis of their righteousness or goodness. In the Abrahamic Covenant, God say’s, “I will bless those that bless thee (Israel) and curse those that curse thee (Israel).” America is on the verge of economic collapse and totalitarianism to manage the chaos, either from the left or right. To put it bluntly, if America is cursed by God, I don’t believe America will survive as a nation.

All across the Middle East there have been attacks on the U.S. A third US aircraft carrier, USS Stennis, is moving into place for leading 25 nations in a 12-day naval exercise off Iran’s Gulf coast. A large-scale mine-sweeping drill will simulate the prevention of Iranian efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz. There is an armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. In addition, we are in a kind of cosmic convergence of geopolitical and spiritual factors. Israel has a brief window of opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear production facilities, before Israel could be nuked. The importance of this window is amplified by the U.S. Presidential election.
There are many people who believe that the Israel of the Bible is not the same as the genetic line of the people who live in Israel today. In addition, they point out that that due to the secular nature of modern Israel, and the Rothschild connection to giving Israel the land, that it no longer has a right to the land. However, they do not understand the basis of the Covenant, God made with the physical descendants of Abraham, to give them the physical land of Israel.
The Covenant that God made with Abraham and his physical descendant, to give them the physical land of Israel, is an “Everlasting Covenant.” That means it is without end. Secondly, the Abrahamic Covenant is not contingent upon the performance of the Jews or the nation of Israel. To illustrate that, God “cut,” the Covenant, while Abraham was passed out, or in a trance on the ground. God passed the torches over Abraham’s body. The purpose of this action was to clearly demonstrate, the unilateral nature of the Abrahamic Covenant. In other words, it was given to Abraham, without his direct participation.
This is not to say that the Jews and Israel are not accountable to God for their sins. The history of the children of Israel, is the history of God giving the Jews, not because they were in anyway better than any other people, His laws, so that they would be a light to the world. They have failed God countless times and have been punished by God by going into captivity and being driven from the land of Israel. For example, the Mosaic and Abrahamic Covenant, show the cycle of Israel’s disobedience to God and their restoration.
When Israel’s Messiah came to the Jewish people, in the form of Christ, Israel as well as the Romans and other Gentile nations, rejected Christ. Jesus Christ prophetically told His disciples, while sitting on the Mount of Olives, with Herod’s Temple, behind them, that both Jerusalem and the Temple would be destroyed. In A.D. 70, the Roman General Titus, invaded Israel, and burned down Jerusalem and the Temple. Titus also sold the Jews into slavery and they were dispersed into all the nations of the world for over 2,000 years.
This is why the Jews did not have a homeland or Temple for over 2,000 years. However, numerous Old Testament prophets predicted that in the last days, the Jews would return to Israel. This happened in 1948, when Israel was reformed as a nation. But, the ancient prophets like Zechariah, Ezekiel and others predicted that in the last days, the Jews would be a “cup of trembling,” and hated, along with being invaded in the last days. Everything we see on the news regarding Israel, Iran, Russia and other nations are these ancient prophecies being fulfilled before our very eyes. In fact, in Ezekiel 38, we read about an alliance of Middle Eastern nations, led by Russian and Iran, invading Israel in the last days.
These prophecies as problematic for a lot of people because current and past economic alliances that Israel has made. I am aware of those problematic questions and have answers for them.
I have been researching, writing and speaking on this for over 30 years. As such a few Hollywood producers have met with me and are in the process of producing a film called “Chaos Reaction – Human Extinction,” based on my writing and have asked me to be on the on-camera prophecy expert. In this film, I am going to not only look at the Biblical prophets, but also look at the convergence of prophecies from Nostradamus, Edgar Cayce, the Mayan Calendar, the Fatima visions, the Time Wave Zero Theory developed by Terrance McKenna and his studies on the I Ching. Massive monolithic monuments, many from Pre-flood and highly advanced civilizations built technological structures that served as star gate’s, such as Stonehenge, the Pyramids and the ancient Mayan and Incan ruins. There is an amazing statistical similarity from many ancient cultures, that all point to the general time period of 2012 and beyond. Even the former Confederate General and Freemason, Albert Pike predicted a World War III, in the Middle East, along with the science fiction writer H.G. Wells, who was the former head of British Intelligence, during World War I.
The world has now entered a period of massive acceleration, much of it engineered by powerful unseen influences, who are manipulating world events in order to bring in their New World Order. We must remember that when Nimrod built the Tower of Babel, he was creating the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. Babylon is being rebuilt in our lifetime. If you read the book of Revelation, the entire Babylonian system is going to come down in ruins. It is called “Mystery Babylon,” the Mother of Harlots.” Babylon is the city of man and Jerusalem is the city of God. Despite what you think about Israel or the Jews, there is something far larger going on. Jesus Christ, the Messiah is returning to Planet Earth. But, He is returning specifically to Jerusalem, from where He will rule Planet Earth. At His Second Coming, all the nation’s armies will attempt to attack Him, even to the extent of firing nuclear missiles at Him, because they may believe it is an alien invasion. The final battle in mankind’s history will be Armageddon, in Israel. This is not an accident!
All of life and human activity must be conducted in the light of the return of the Messiah to Jerusalem and the final conflict at Armageddon. Clearly, no one can claim to know the particular date. But, we do know based on events with Israel and the Middle East that the hour is drawing closer.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Coming Israel & Iraq Showdown Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
Israel, is the center of the cyclone. There is a strong possibility that Israel will strike Iran’s nuclear production facilities in the immediate future. When this happens, there will be serious repercussions throughout the Middle East and the world. The greatest danger is the escalation of regional thermonuclear war into global thermonuclear war. Regional thermonuclear war could send economic shockwaves across the world, Europe and the U.S. Economic crisis, martial law, severe food shortages and governmental collapse will happen quickly, The Iranian Navy, along with the help of nations like Russia, can block the Strait of Hormuz, Iran has the power to crash the world’s economy, withholding oil!
Having said all the above, I want to emphasize this is a possibility among a number of scenarios, and although very real, it is not necessarily the one that will play out.
In an interview in the American Spectator, John Griffing interviewed Lord Monckton:
Question: “U.S. financial policies of quantitative easing, loose money, easy credit, and historically low interest rates have plunged the UK and much of the Western world into fiscal chaos, requiring the Federal Reserve to bail out not only American banks, but also many British and continental banks. At 100 percent of its GDP, U.S. debt is running out of buyers. What future for the Western world do you predict if these issues are not corrected, and more importantly, can these issues be corrected?”
It is important to remember that the global economic system is controlled by international bankers and the international bankers of the Federal Reserve System, who have been set-up by the Illuminati. The current economic crisis and military and oil crisis in the Middle East have been designed to bring America and other nations to their needs in order to establish their one world government , one world economic system and one world religion. Globalist institutions like the United Nations with their Agenda 21, Bilderberg Group, Davos, Club of Rome, Council of Foreign Relations, are just a few of their operating groups.
Continuing on with the interview with Lord Monkton in the American Spectator:
Lord Monckton: “…One of the few defects in your Constitution is that it did not envision the expansion of predatory governmental bureaucracies every one of whose members was and is on the take…The gravy-train has now tipped into the gulch. The cash for such criminal indulgences has run out. It is now time for governments everywhere to get a grip on the costs inflicted upon taxpayers… Unless this is done, and very soon, the West will fail.”
Food shortages, economic chaos in the U.S. and the world is literally at the door.
What appears to be random chaos to the average person, is really the operating system for a world revolution that will establish a New World Order that will be ruled by the elite. This is an Illuminati strategy and they have used it many times in history such as during the French Revolution, the Communist Revolution in Russia and China, and now the U.S. The Illuminati motto is, “Order Out of Chaos,” which means, problem-reaction-solution.
A few Hollywood producers approached me about doing a film entitled, “Chaos Reaction –Basic Extinction.” Among other things in that film, we are going to look at how chaos works in the physical structure of the universe, human systems of society, economics and prophetic systems of predicting the future. It is through accurately predicting the future, that “Basic Extinction,” can be avoided. By seeing into the future accurately, including the Middle East, there are ways to access intelligence, energy, technology, power and solutions that can cause the rebirth of nations and individuals. But in order access that power, an individual or society must come into divine synchronization, with some far more powerful that chaos!
Unfortunately, the global financial system is in the hands of people, who essestially embrace a power structure that is symbolized on the back of the U.S. dollar. On the back of the dollar you see a pyramid, that is the organizational structure of the present ruling elite. They are guided by policies that emanate from the belief system of pyramid, which is an Illuminati, or occult based government. Higher up on the pyramid, you seeing the symbol of the all-seeing eye of Lucifer, this is the god they worship. The so-called scientific elite or elite, rule the masses like god-men, like Pharoah, because they are the Illuminated ones. That is why the name of the occult group that secretly rules the world is the Illuminati. In other words, at some they have received technology, politics, science and the Plan for a New World Order. That is why on the base of the dollar it says the words in Latin, “Novus Odo Seclorum,” o which means, New Order of the Ages, or New World Order. The New World Order is simply a counterfeit of the Kingdom of God on Earth.
These occult beliefs and advanced technologies go back to ancient Babylon, built by Nimrod. The Tower of Babel, was the world’s first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. In what the Bible calls the last days, Babylon and the Babylonian system will be reborn. We are seeing that now. Babylon represents the world system apart from God and Babylon is the city of men. Conversely, Jerusalem is the city of God.
Babylon is the source of all the occult mystery religions throughout history, including the Illuminati. In Revelation, God judges Babylon. The Queen of Heaven, or the Mother Goddess by the Star Seed regenerates the Divine Son, aka Horus (Ho-Rus or Horse of god). The eye of Horus is also known as the “Eye of Lucifer.” Tammuz, the son of Semiramis, who was the wife of Nimrod, give birth to Tammuz, through an illicit relationship. (Tam=Purify; Muz=Fire) or Mot (Death). Oil comes from the word, “Yes,” in Old French. WWIII is the Strait of Hormuz (Horus + Tammuz).
What is happening in the Middle East between Israel, Iran and the other nations is a mirror of a larger war that is occurring in a parallel universe. The reason American soldiers raced into the ancient City of Babylon which Saddam Hussein n was rebuilding, was to seize control of ancient manuscripts, DNA, advanced technology that went back to ancient Babylon/ Many Bible scholars believe Babylon will be rebuilt in the last days in Iraq. Today, American soldiers are guarding Babylon, as it is being rebuilt technologically, with the one of the most advanced internet systems in the world. The goal is to re-build Babylon and make it a center of the world system. Conversely, Jerusalem is the City of God on Earth and that is why the Prophet Zechariah calls it a “cup of trembling in the last days.” The armies of the world system will attempt to invade Israel in the last days through battles like Ezekiel 38 and Armageddon. The world system or Babylon, will invade Jerusalem, the world’s most charismatic leader, will attempt to set himself up in the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem and be worshipped as God.
According to Charles Krauthammer, in an article entitled, “The Abandonment,” “Not since its birth has Israel been so cast adrift by its closest ally.”
The consequences of abandoning Israel by America or any other nation is clearly spelled out in the Abrahamic Covenant that God made to Abraham and his physical descendants, giving them the physical land of Israel. The land is not given on the basis of their righteousness or goodness. In the Abrahamic Covenant, God say’s, “I will bless those that bless thee (Israel) and curse those that curse thee (Israel).” America is on the verge of economic collapse and totalitarianism to manage the chaos, either from the left or right. To put it bluntly, if America is cursed by God, I don’t believe America will survive as a nation.
All across the Middle East there have been attacks on the U.S. A third US aircraft carrier, USS Stennis, is moving into place for leading 25 nations in a 12-day naval exercise off Iran’s Gulf coast. A large-scale mine-sweeping drill will simulate the prevention of Iranian efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz. There is an armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. In addition, we are in a kind of cosmic convergence of geopolitical and spiritual factors. Israel has a brief window of opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear production facilities, before Israel could be nuked. The importance of this window is amplified by the U.S. Presidential election. Also, from a historical and prophetic basis, countless times in history major events have revolved around the Jewish Feasts.
Allow me to digress for a moment:
I believe that is was by divine design, that a few Hollywood producers met with me a number of months before all this and asked me to do a film with them called “Chaos-Reaction – Basic Extinction.” The Hollywood producers were familiar with my books, articles and prophetic message, which have been communicated around the world and has been received by a mass secular audience that is turned off by religion. When we first met, I knew that this present conflict with Israel was coming. Yet now, in recent weeks, events with Israel and Iran, have reached a State of Emergency, and millions of people in America and around the world will be looking for answers, as well as hope. As the writer and on-screen prophecy expert of the “Chaos Reaction-Basic Extinction” film, a mass secular audience will be able to discover ancient secrets that offer both answers and hope! There is a very real supernatural dimension to this film and its timing. People are discovering this all around the world as interest in “Chaos Reaction” has now gone viral, but we are still a number of weeks before production.
To my surprise, the film has transcended simply being a film and it has now become something of a spontaneous movement composed of a wide spectrum of people. These people are people who share a deep sense of urgency and that we are at one of the most critical moments of human history. They have not seen the film yet, just the teaser and some material written about the film. You can see the teaser and read the up to date information by simply going to The teaser for “Chaos Reaction –Basic Extinction,” is so powerful people have been moved to tears after watching, because they understand what is being communicated. People are getting a divine sense of mission and a call to help get the message of this film to millions of people around the world. They are spreading the word, and information, and film teaser/trailer through social media and the Internet.
It is kind of difficult to explain in words what is going on. But, I have experienced, seen and heard stories where just ordinary people like you and me, along with some powerful people, have been overwhelmed by this sense of mission to help join with others in spreading the message. Again, it’s hard to put into words what is happening, but there is a significantly growing number of people who just seem to get it, deep within, kind of like deep calling unto deep. But, at the same time there are many people who don’t get it. I have some ideas, but I really can’t explain why, except to say there are those who seem to be called to this, an elect if you will - those that seem to have a heightened sensitivity to spiritual-type things - and where we are in terms of the convergence of the prophetic, the eternal and the crisis of what could become, a “Basic Extinction,” for a huge percentage of mankind. The people, who get it, seem to share a deeper sense of obligation to really love their brother (or sister). I don’t want to overdo it or sound corny, but some people have a higher sensitivity and sense of personal duty for what is happening at this time in history and are part of the solution. These people are loving people, so their focus is not just themselves, so they understand the stakes! It is kind of like that message of seeds being planted on stony ground and good ground.
Back to the original article:
According to Charles Krauthammer, in an article entitled, “The Abandonment,” “Not since its birth has Israel been so cast adrift by its closest ally.”
The consequences of abandoning Israel by America or any other nation is clearly spelled out in the Abrahamic Covenant that God made to Abraham and his physical descendants, giving them the physical land of Israel. The land is not given on the basis of their righteousness or goodness. In the Abrahamic Covenant, God say’s, “I will bless those that bless thee (Israel) and curse those that curse thee (Israel).” America is on the verge of economic collapse and totalitarianism to manage the chaos, either from the left or right. To put it bluntly, if America is cursed by God, I don’t believe America will survive as a nation.
All across the Middle East there have been attacks on the U.S. A third US aircraft carrier, USS Stennis, is moving into place for leading 25 nations in a 12-day naval exercise off Iran’s Gulf coast. A large-scale mine-sweeping drill will simulate the prevention of Iranian efforts to block the Strait of Hormuz. There is an armada of British naval power massing in the Gulf as Israel prepares an Iran strike. In addition, we are in a kind of cosmic convergence of geopolitical and spiritual factors. Israel has a brief window of opportunity to destroy Iran’s nuclear production facilities, before Israel could be nuked. The importance of this window is amplified by the U.S. Presidential election. Also, from a historical and prophetic basis, countless times in history major events have revolved around the Jewish Feasts.
Before you read the following, I want you to understand that I am not a fatalist! I do not believe the Bible teaches fatalism. Many people are confused about this issue, because they have not properly thought through what appears at first glance to be a theological dilemma. Secondly, I believe that God’s prophetic plan will unfold exactly as He planned and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent that. Throughout the Bible we see God’s prophetic plan unfolding. Yet, at the same time, we see God responding to prayers, repentance and fasting of His people, through divine intervention upon a nation, a people, a war and all kinds of situations. There is no question that we are seeing Bible prophecy come alive before our very eyes. Yet, prior to the Tribulation Period, we have been commanded to pray for our leaders.
“ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Notice that this verse does not teach fatalism! The promise is that if the church prays for all who are in authority and those in government, the result will be, we can live quiet and peaceful lives! That directly teaches that our prayers are to change things! So for example, if we are obeying this verse, then we don’t fatalistically assume things like economic collapse and living in a police state. The outcome is not fixed! The outcome is produced by prayer. Is the church in America truly praying with the power and intensity that is required to see the power of God transform a nation? Yet, I constantly here hear well-meaning Christians take Scripture out of context and essentially say that in the last days everything has to get worse and there is nothing we can do. That is a partial truth, but it is not rightly dividing the Word of God. In the last days, generally, spiritual darkness and evil are going to increase. But, why would God promise His people a peaceful life, if they pray? The key is that prayer changes things! If the church and individual Christians are praying, as God commanded, evil will be restrained and blessing will be poured out!
That does not undo God’s prophetic program. The beginnings of the Great Apostasy have already begun and the spirit of antichrist is moving through our nation and world. But, the Spirit of the Lord is also moving throughout the nation and world! The reason Jesus Christ commanded us to, “Occupy until I come, “ Make disciples of all nations,” and “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel,” is that when we obey His commands in the power of His Spirit, the powers of darkness will be pushed back and evil restrained. The most powerful force on earth and in America right now is not political, economic or military. The most powerful force on Earth, is Christ’s Bride, the Body of Christ on it knees in prayer. That establishes the authority of the Kingdom of God on Earth!
This is one of the primary reasons why the church is still here! Now, the world is moving on many fronts, in the direction God predicted through His prophets. At God’s appointed time, and when God chooses to, He moves in partnership with His people, as when God listened to Abraham, in what could be described as an intercessory prayer conversation, regarding God’s judgment of Sodom. God is King and Sovereign and so in the end, after listening to Abraham, he sent judgment, because He could not find a sufficient number of righteous people.
The vision of the Prophet Daniel regarding the Fourth Beast, the prince who is to come (Antichrist) and other prophecies will all come to pass. No amount of fasting and prayer will permanently prevent the coming of Antichrist and the Tribulation Period. There will be an Ezekiel 38 war and Armageddon. There will come the mark of the beast. At the present moment, I do not want to debate the topic of the Rapture, of which there are divergent views among Godly Christians. But, I believe that the “Restrainer,” of evil and the Antichrist, is the Holy Spirit inside the lives of believers in the church. At the present moment the church is to “Occupy until I come.” But the time will come when the church is removed, only then can the Antichrist assume power, because the Restrainer has been removed. The world then enters a literal seven-year Tribulation Period or “The time of Jacob’s Trouble.” The Tribulation Period very much involves Israel and Israel accepts Christ as their Messiah, as they see Christ supernaturally deliver them. This opens the door for the Second Coming, when Christ returns to Earth, with the armies of heaven, to defeat the satanically energized armies at Armageddon. Jesus Christ, Yeshua and Israel’s Messiah, rules and reigns with David as His co-regent from Jerusalem.
Before you read what I believe was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I want to clearly qualify what you are about to read. First, I do not hold the office of a Daniel, Ezekiel or Joel, etc. Although, I believe in the gift of prophecy for today, I do not believe that equates in any way to level of prophecy of the Old Testament prophets, Apostles and Jesus Christ. Nor do I believe any man holds that level of office today, although many appear to claim that. When I say written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I am not in any way implying a level equivalent to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, experience by those who were chosen to write the Word of God. I believe that God supernaturally speaks to His people today, but at the present moment in time, I am not aware of any man on earth who has ever held that level of office, besides those called to write the Scripture, which alone is God's final authority in all matters. In addition, the primary operating rule established by God, is that it is the Word of God that is our final authority in all matters. No personal prophecy, revelation, dream, vision or teaching is above the Word of God, ever! It is the Word of God and the Word of God, alone which is our final authority!
As such, when you read terms like, “Thus saith the Lord,” it is to be understood in the context of a prophetic statement inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, it is in no way to be implied that any human servant or minister of the Lord, is a direct mouthpiece from God and perfect in all that is communicated. This a very important spiritual distinction, because it is only the Word of God and the specific prophets in the Old Testament and Apostles in the New Testament, whose words are completely under the direction inspiration of the Holy Spirit and are in the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
What the Lord put on my heart to communicate and if I am hearing the Lord correctly, this what the Lord spoke to me, no in an audible voice, but through the Spirit.
"You must immediately focus your eyes on Israel,” saith the Lord. "You are now entering the season that the ancient prophets predicted. You are living in the days when the words My prophets spoke are being fulfilled. Israel is My prophetic time clock says the Lord. The Temple that will soon be rebuilt is where the fullness of My presence dwells on earth and the place where the Son of Perdition, will illegally occupy, whom the fallen world will choose to worship as God, because they have rejected Me.”
For the Lord would say to you, "My hand has always been upon Israel and it is now and forever more. Look at the fig tree says the Lord, it has come to life. Remember the Parable of the Fig Tree says God, it will show you where you are and where you are going. The fig tree came to life in 1948 says the Lord. The prophetic countdown and the message I spoke through My servant Daniel has brought you to the time of the Fourth Beast. Ready yourselves says the Lord, remember the Parable of the wise and foolish virgins.”
"The sound of the Shofar is echoing across the earth from Jerusalem and it is being heard by millions, even in the halls of great power says the Lord, there is trembling and among by elect there is expectation. The True Servant of God knows and understands the signs of the times. You are to fully obey My command to communicate the present signs of the times and My prophecies throughout the earth,” says the Lord. “This is a Holy Commandment and I have already placed the fear of the Lord thy God in you.”
"Do not doubt,” says the Lord of Israel, “that I AM about to roar from Jerusalem! Know fully, that you have been commanded to fulfill your assignment. My True Servants are soldiers and know me both as their God, Savior and Commander. You are under command! Fulfill you assignment."
"As you move out in faith like Joshua and David, you will see My hand upon you. I have raised you up for this hour and I have given you new ways of communication, like the film, “Chaos Reaction,” I have told you what to do and you must move quickly. You are to obey Me, even when it appears to be contrary to your own understanding! At the same time, I have given you My wisdom and you are to be harmless as doves and wise as serpents, for you are living in a time period like the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot."
For the Lord would say to you..."I have raised my faithful men and women to stand with you and those that hear My voice and My command and obey Me, by standing with you, by supporting you, by praying for you and do what I lay upon their hearts. It is these who are My faithful servants, for they to understand what it means to be under command and every one of them will share in your full reward and there are those among them whose reward will be even greater than yours!"
"I AM speaking throughout the earth,” says the Lord, “and My commands are being decreed, those that know me are under COMMAND. Even now I AM calling those who can hear to stand with you and come along side you in the way I have spoken to them. I say to you now,” says the Lord, “that you are to obey My Voice. The Shofar has been blown and there is a war in the heavenlies, and a war on Earth involving My Holy City, Jerusalem,” says the Lord.
"I have spoken to you through My prophets about this time and this age. I decreed an everlasting covenant between Myself and Myself,” says the Lord, “regarding the geographic land of Israel. I decree in an Everlasting Covenant that the land of Israel is to be given to the descendants of Abraham. This is My Covenant,” says the Lord, “and it stands today and forever, as it is an Everlasting Covenant. Know that when I entered into Covenant with Abraham, that Abraham a man, was in slumber upon the ground, as I passed the torches over his body. Therefore,” says the Lord your God, “you are to understand the meaning of My words, I decreed an Everlasting Covenant, between Myself and Myself. The blood of My Son, Yeshua is an everlasting seal upon this Everlasting Covenant and the Seven Seals, which only the Lamb is worthy to open."
Thus says the Lord, “It is Israel that is the focal point of what I am now doing in these last days. Even Lucifer and his angels along with the Man of Sin, understand that it is Jerusalem and that is why Satan who seeks My kingdom, will send the Antichrist to occupy My Temple in Jerusalem,” says the Lord. “Yet, while Satan and his armies understand the importance of Jerusalem, many of My own people, both Jew and Gentile are blinded from the truth."
For the Lord would say to you, "Here My Word now,” says the Lord your God. “Tremble at My voice and be quick to obey because My faithful servants obey and understand the signs of the times. The fig tree has come back to life and the generation My Son spoke of will see what I spoke through My prophets come to pass. Remember My Words,” says the Lord, “engrave them upon your hearts now, for the hour is far later than you think. I WILL BLESS THOSE THAT BLESS THEE AND CURSE THOSE THAT CURSE THEE. This concerns My land Israel and the Everlasting Covenant I made with Abraham."
"Here My Word,” says the Lord! “Here My word as it is delivered through My prophets and watchmen. The Shofar has sounded! Here My Word,” saith the Lord, “and hear My Solemn Warning, YOUR NATION IS IN GRAVE DANGER. JUDGMENT IS AT THE DOOR, AS JUDGMENT IS AT THE DOOR OF ANY NATION WHO WOULD SEEK TO CURSE MY BELOVED ISRAEL."
"Hear My Call and My Command,” says the Lord, “Hear Me Now as I require of you, as I would any soldier or servant under My Command. You are to hear MY VOICE and you are to tremble. In the power of MY SPIRIT, those that know Me, know MY VOICE. You are to stand with Israel and the people I have called,” says the Lord. “You are not to despise or look down upon whom I have called and wherever I have called them."
"My Spirit is opening your eyes, observe what is happening with Israel and I speak to you this day and require of you, obedience. You are to stand with whom I have called, because you are equally called. As I speak to you now,” says the Lord, “you are to fully obey by joining alongside, doing what I have placed in your heart, giving as I have commanded you to give and rising up in prayer and fasting."
"This is not their project,” says the Lord, “it is Mine and those that I have called, I will judge or reward, according to their faithfulness. Those that I have called to join in My call will share equally the fruits of the harvest. Remember Israel and those that are faithful to Israel are faithful to Me."
Paul McGuire9/20/2012 around 10:30AM PST
Back to the original article:
Before you read the following, I want you to understand that I am not a fatalist! I do not believe the Bible teaches fatalism. Many people are confused about this issue, because they have not properly thought through what appears at first glance to be a theological dilemma. Secondly, I believe that God’s prophetic plan will unfold exactly as He planned and there is nothing anyone can do to prevent that. Throughout the Bible we see God’s prophetic plan unfolding. Yet, at the same time, we see God responding to prayers, repentance and fasting of His people, through divine intervention upon a nation, a people, a war and all kinds of situations. There is no question that we are seeing Bible prophecy come alive before our very eyes. Yet, prior to the Tribulation Period, we have been commanded to pray for our leaders.
“ I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty" (1 Timothy 2:1-2).
Notice that this verse does not teach fatalism! The promise is that if the church prays for all who are in authority and those in government, the result will be, we can live quiet and peaceful lives! That directly teaches that our prayers are to change things! So for example, if we are obeying this verse, then we don’t fatalistically assume things like economic collapse and living in a police state. The outcome is not fixed! The outcome is produced by prayer. Is the church in America truly praying with the power and intensity that is required to see the power of God transform a nation? Yet, I constantly here hear well-meaning Christians take Scripture out of context and essentially say that in the last days everything has to get worse and there is nothing we can do. That is a partial truth, but it is not rightly dividing the Word of God. In the last days, generally, spiritual darkness and evil are going to increase. But, why would God promise His people a peaceful life, if they pray? The key is that prayer changes things! If the church and individual Christians are praying, as God commanded, evil will be restrained and blessing will be poured out!
That does not undo God’s prophetic program. The beginnings of the Great Apostasy have already begun and the spirit of antichrist is moving through our nation and world. But, the Spirit of the Lord is also moving throughout the nation and world! The reason Jesus Christ commanded us to, “Occupy until I come, “ Make disciples of all nations,” and “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel,” is that when we obey His commands in the power of His Spirit, the powers of darkness will be pushed back and evil restrained. The most powerful force on earth and in America right now is not political, economic or military. The most powerful force on Earth, is Christ’s Bride, the Body of Christ on it knees in prayer. That establishes the authority of the Kingdom of God on Earth!
This is one of the primary reasons why the church is still here! Now, the world is moving on many fronts, in the direction God predicted through His prophets. At God’s appointed time, and when God chooses to, He moves in partnership with His people, as when God listened to Abraham, in what could be described as an intercessory prayer conversation, regarding God’s judgment of Sodom. God is King and Sovereign and so in the end, after listening to Abraham, he sent judgment, because He could not find a sufficient number of righteous people.
The vision of the Prophet Daniel regarding the Fourth Beast, the prince who is to come (Antichrist) and other prophecies will all come to pass. No amount of fasting and prayer will permanently prevent the coming of Antichrist and the Tribulation Period. There will be an Ezekiel 38 war and Armageddon. There will come the mark of the beast. At the present moment, I do not want to debate the topic of the Rapture, of which there are divergent views among Godly Christians. But, I believe that the “Restrainer,” of evil and the Antichrist, is the Holy Spirit inside the lives of believers in the church. At the present moment the church is to “Occupy until I come.” But the time will come when the church is removed, only then can the Antichrist assume power, because the Restrainer has been removed. The world then enters a literal seven-year Tribulation Period or “The time of Jacob’s Trouble.” The Tribulation Period very much involves Israel and Israel accepts Christ as their Messiah, as they see Christ supernaturally deliver them. This opens the door for the Second Coming, when Christ returns to Earth, with the armies of heaven, to defeat the satanically energized armies at Armageddon. Jesus Christ, Yeshua and Israel’s Messiah, rules and reigns with David as His co-regent from Jerusalem.
Before you read what I believe was written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I want to clearly qualify what you are about to read. First, I do not hold the office of a Daniel, Ezekiel or Joel, etc. Although, I believe in the gift of prophecy for today, I do not believe that equates in any way to level of prophecy of the Old Testament prophets, Apostles and Jesus Christ. Nor do I believe any man holds that level of office today, although many appear to claim that. When I say written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I am not in any way implying a level equivalent to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, experience by those who were chosen to write the Word of God. I believe that God supernaturally speaks to His people today, but at the present moment in time, I am not aware of any man on earth who has ever held that level of office, besides those called to write the Scripture, which alone is God's final authority in all matters. In addition, the primary operating rule established by God, is that it is the Word of God that is our final authority in all matters. No personal prophecy, revelation, dream, vision or teaching is above the Word of God, ever! It is the Word of God and the Word of God, alone which is our final authority!
As such, when you read terms like, “Thus saith the Lord,” it is to be understood in the context of a prophetic statement inspired by the Holy Spirit. However, it is in no way to be implied that any human servant or minister of the Lord, is a direct mouthpiece from God and perfect in all that is communicated. This a very important spiritual distinction, because it is only the Word of God and the specific prophets in the Old Testament and Apostles in the New Testament, whose words are completely under the direction inspiration of the Holy Spirit and are in the inspired and inerrant Word of God.
What the Lord put on my heart to communicate and if I am hearing the Lord correctly, this what the Lord spoke to me, no in an audible voice, but through the Spirit.
"You must immediately focus your eyes on Israel,” saith the Lord. "You are now entering the season that the ancient prophets predicted. You are living in the days when the words My prophets spoke are being fulfilled. Israel is My prophetic time clock says the Lord. The Temple that will soon be rebuilt is where the fullness of My presence dwells on earth and the place where the Son of Perdition, will illegally occupy, whom the fallen world will choose to worship as God, because they have rejected Me.”
For the Lord would say to you, "My hand has always been upon Israel and it is now and forever more. Look at the fig tree says the Lord, it has come to life. Remember the Parable of the Fig Tree says God, it will show you where you are and where you are going. The fig tree came to life in 1948 says the Lord. The prophetic countdown and the message I spoke through My servant Daniel has brought you to the time of the Fourth Beast. Ready yourselves says the Lord, remember the Parable of the wise and foolish virgins.”
"The sound of the Shofar is echoing across the earth from Jerusalem and it is being heard by millions, even in the halls of great power says the Lord, there is trembling and among by elect there is expectation. The True Servant of God knows and understands the signs of the times. You are to fully obey My command to communicate the present signs of the times and My prophecies throughout the earth,” says the Lord. “This is a Holy Commandment and I have already placed the fear of the Lord thy God in you.”
"Do not doubt,” says the Lord of Israel, “that I AM about to roar from Jerusalem! Know fully, that you have been commanded to fulfill your assignment. My True Servants are soldiers and know me both as their God, Savior and Commander. You are under command! Fulfill you assignment."
"As you move out in faith like Joshua and David, you will see My hand upon you. I have raised you up for this hour and I have given you new ways of communication, like the film, “Chaos Reaction,” I have told you what to do and you must move quickly. You are to obey Me, even when it appears to be contrary to your own understanding! At the same time, I have given you My wisdom and you are to be harmless as doves and wise as serpents, for you are living in a time period like the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot."
For the Lord would say to you..."I have raised my faithful men and women to stand with you and those that hear My voice and My command and obey Me, by standing with you, by supporting you, by praying for you and do what I lay upon their hearts. It is these who are My faithful servants, for they to understand what it means to be under command and every one of them will share in your full reward and there are those among them whose reward will be even greater than yours!"
"I AM speaking throughout the earth,” says the Lord, “and My commands are being decreed, those that know me are under COMMAND. Even now I AM calling those who can hear to stand with you and come along side you in the way I have spoken to them. I say to you now,” says the Lord, “that you are to obey My Voice. The Shofar has been blown and there is a war in the heavenlies, and a war on Earth involving My Holy City, Jerusalem,” says the Lord.
"I have spoken to you through My prophets about this time and this age. I decreed an everlasting covenant between Myself and Myself,” says the Lord, “regarding the geographic land of Israel. I decree in an Everlasting Covenant that the land of Israel is to be given to the descendants of Abraham. This is My Covenant,” says the Lord, “and it stands today and forever, as it is an Everlasting Covenant. Know that when I entered into Covenant with Abraham, that Abraham a man, was in slumber upon the ground, as I passed the torches over his body. Therefore,” says the Lord your God, “you are to understand the meaning of My words, I decreed an Everlasting Covenant, between Myself and Myself. The blood of My Son, Yeshua is an everlasting seal upon this Everlasting Covenant and the Seven Seals, which only the Lamb is worthy to open."
Thus says the Lord, “It is Israel that is the focal point of what I am now doing in these last days. Even Lucifer and his angels along with the Man of Sin, understand that it is Jerusalem and that is why Satan who seeks My kingdom, will send the Antichrist to occupy My Temple in Jerusalem,” says the Lord. “Yet, while Satan and his armies understand the importance of Jerusalem, many of My own people, both Jew and Gentile are blinded from the truth."
For the Lord would say to you, "Here My Word now,” says the Lord your God. “Tremble at My voice and be quick to obey because My faithful servants obey and understand the signs of the times. The fig tree has come back to life and the generation My Son spoke of will see what I spoke through My prophets come to pass. Remember My Words,” says the Lord, “engrave them upon your hearts now, for the hour is far later than you think. I WILL BLESS THOSE THAT BLESS THEE AND CURSE THOSE THAT CURSE THEE. This concerns My land Israel and the Everlasting Covenant I made with Abraham."
"Here My Word,” says the Lord! “Here My word as it is delivered through My prophets and watchmen. The Shofar has sounded! Here My Word,” saith the Lord, “and hear My Solemn Warning, YOUR NATION IS IN GRAVE DANGER. JUDGMENT IS AT THE DOOR, AS JUDGMENT IS AT THE DOOR OF ANY NATION WHO WOULD SEEK TO CURSE MY BELOVED ISRAEL."
"Hear My Call and My Command,” says the Lord, “Hear Me Now as I require of you, as I would any soldier or servant under My Command. You are to hear MY VOICE and you are to tremble. In the power of MY SPIRIT, those that know Me, know MY VOICE. You are to stand with Israel and the people I have called,” says the Lord. “You are not to despise or look down upon whom I have called and wherever I have called them."
"My Spirit is opening your eyes, observe what is happening with Israel and I speak to you this day and require of you, obedience. You are to stand with whom I have called, because you are equally called. As I speak to you now,” says the Lord, “you are to fully obey by joining alongside, doing what I have placed in your heart, giving as I have commanded you to give and rising up in prayer and fasting."
"This is not their project,” says the Lord, “it is Mine and those that I have called, I will judge or reward, according to their faithfulness. Those that I have called to join in My call will share equally the fruits of the harvest. Remember Israel and those that are faithful to Israel are faithful to Me."
Paul McGuire9/20/2012 around 10:30AM PST
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