Monday, March 24, 2014
Saturday, March 22, 2014


Standing Down Goliath by Paul McGuire is taken from the best of a series of articles that Paul McGuire wrote for NewsWithViews
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
We are meeting in the rear chapel of Beth Ariel which is in the back of the main chapel located at 22222 Saticoy Canoga Park,CA 91303 You simply walk to the side and back to find the rear chapel.
We are meeting in the rear chapel of Beth Ariel which is in the back of the main chapel located at 22222 Saticoy Canoga Park,CA 91303 You simply walk to the side and back to find the rear chapel.
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
Paul McGuire on God TV this Sunday March 23rd and March 24th Pikes Peak Conference. Paul will speak on the Luciferian Elite.
For more info click here!
Paul McGuire on God TV this Sunday March 23rd and March 24th Pikes Peak Conference. Paul will speak on the Luciferian Elite.
Watch Paul McGuire on George Noory's TV Show Beyond Belief - sign up fro free 10-day trial
Download Paul's MP3 "The Secret Occult Destiny of America."
Paul McGuire on God TV this Sunday March 23rd and March 24th Pikes Peak Conference. Paul will speak on the Luciferian Elite.
For more info click here!
Paul McGuire on God TV this Sunday March 23rd and March 24th Pikes Peak Conference. Paul will speak on the Luciferian Elite.
Watch Paul McGuire on George Noory's TV Show Beyond Belief - sign up fro free 10-day trial
Sign up for the live streaming Orlando Prophecy Conference or Quickly Register to Attend!
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
By Paul McGuire
March 10, 2014
The majority of the population in places like America and
Europe live in something like a subtle trance state and they do not realize
that they have now entered the world of the science fiction movie Minority Report. For decades numerous technologies
have been employed that average Americans have no idea exist and if you told
them, they would robotically say “conspiracy theory.”
For example, a San Diego-based company Emotient has
developed a technology that will allow people to read other people’s emotions.
The company developed a Sentiment Analysis prototype app for Google Glass which
would allow people who put on the fashionable computerized headset to read the
emotions of people around them. Political operatives, advertising people, and
even clerks in stores could instantly know your reaction to just about
anything. Just imagine walking into a store with the clerks wearing these
headsets so they can in essence “read your thoughts” through “an aggregate
emotional read-out.”
The wearer of Google Glass using this app is able to measure
a full range of emotional states, including joy, surprise, sadness, fear,
disgust, contempt, and anger, or even frustration and confusion.
Ken Denman, CEO of Emotient, said “It’s a breakthrough
technology that allows companies to aggregate customer sentiment by processing
facial expressions anonymously. We believe there is broad applicability for
this service to improve the customer experience, particularly in retail.”
Now if you think that this technology has just been
developed you are probably the product of public education where scientific
learning modalities target left-brain learning and suppress right-brain
learning. Therefore you are very good at following orders and mapping out basic
plans, but you have little or no ability thinking outside of the box or seeing
the big picture. Without knowing it you are a compliant citizen of an Orwellian
world which you probably don’t believe exists.
The reality is that this kind of “mind reading” technology
has been existence for quite some time and is probably an essential part of the
surveillance state. In addition to facial recognition technology, brainwave
reading technology, and other technologies that you don’t know about yet, your
mind is probably being read in all kinds of environments including shopping
malls, sports stadiums, airports, and through your cell phone, laptop, and
television for the collection of metadata, should somebody decide to view it.
Of course, if live in a “trance state” your programming would cause you to
dismiss this as just a bunch of tinfoil hat conspiracy stuff.
The knee-jerk
response that most Americans and specifically members of the media have to
credible and documented information that is outside of their artificially
programmed reality is to say the words “conspiracy theory.” It is like
listening to a chorus of the Russian behavioral scientist Pavlov’s dogs barking
in unison. Since you don’t read anything outside of the box of your televised
programmed reality targeted for a third-grade education, you would not have
read any of the thousands of articles from scientific studies on
neuropsychiatry, brain entrainment, binaural beats, isochronic tones,
consciousness, etc. published not only in prestigious scientific journals
available online, but in numerous popular online publications like Wired.
The following quotes are taken mostly from the second
edition (1954) of the book The Human Use of Human Beings:
Cybernetics and Society, by Norbert Wiener. Can you actually imagine one of your
favorite “nice guy” conservative television media commentators transcending for
a moment the football sports host mode of analyzing the Republicans and
Democrats like they were two competing teams?
"When I control
the actions of another person, I communicate a message to him, and although
this message is in the imperative mood, the technique of communication does not
differ from that of a message of fact. Furthermore, if my control is to be effective
I must take cognizance of any messages from him which may indicate that the
order is understood and has been obeyed."
"When I give an
order to a machine, the situation is not essentially different from that which
arises when I give an order to a person..."
Mind reading technology has been around for a long time and
is an outgrowth of research and development by various nations including
Germany, Russia, America, Great Britain, China, and other nations. In 1942 the
Cybernetics Group launched the “Man-Machine Project” with participants like
Joseph C.R. Licklier, Gregory Bateson, Margaret Meade, and Arturo Rosenbluth,
who was trained by Norbert Weiner who developed Cybernetic Theory, which
maintained that the human brain is nothing more than a computer which can be
programmed on the individual and societal scale. Gregory Bateson, who wrote“Cybernetics & Human Knowing,” has reportedly done considerable mind control research.
As far back as 1960, Behavioral psychologist Joseph C. R.
Liklier wrote in a paper entitled “Man-Computer Symbiosis”:
“The hope is that, in
not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled
together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no
human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the
information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such
later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer ‘dyads
[twofold],’ and the sterile vision for a ‘Posthuman Renaissance,’ where “there
are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between
cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.”
In the 1930s German rocket scientists like Wernher von Braun
began developing mind control technology based on occult sciences. Adolph
Hitler was deeply involved in genetically engineering supermen or god men. This
occult-based science provided the basis for a “post human renaissance,” long
before Futurist Ray Kurzweil began promoting Transhumanism and the Singularity.
Cybernetics led to the development of computer-brain interfaces, microchip
implants and artificial intelligence. All of this was predicted in the Bible
beginning with Nimrod and the Tower of Babel, where the tower was not only a
Stargate, but a means of creating a “posthuman renaissance.”
In the Book of
Revelation we read about holographic reality with the account of people
worshipping the image of the Beast. In Revelation we are also introduced to the
technology of the microchip implant and the computer-brain interface that goes
along with it. Finally, Jesus Christ predicted the return of a transhumanist
and posthuman race when He said “As it was in the days of Noah so it will be in
the days of the Son of Man.” Jesus Christ was referring to the return of the
Nephilim, who were the product of the interspecies breeding between the “Sons
of God” and human women. It is essential to grasp the techno-spiritual truth
that Christ is talking about. The Bible is not the irrelevant and archaic book
that its enemies want it to be perceived as. Among theological, economic and
social truths, the Bible deals with science and technology like genetics,
transhumanism, stargates, multi-dimensional realities, interdimensional beings,
mental telepathy, time travel, interdimensional portals, eternity, and the
realities of a New Heaven and New Earth.
The Bible also provides a precise cosmic map into the
geopolitical future, a global economic system, cashless society,
multi-dimensional military theatres, genetically modified super-soldiers, free
energy, super-medicines, and linguistics, and dismantles flawed economic and
social theories based on Keynesian economics, the Malthusian premise that all
of Mankind’s problems are due to excessive population growth, and the myth of
scarcity. These theories are based on faulty models and miscalculation and are
the currently accepted equations upon which the so-called scientific elite base
their plans for a new international order.
First of all, there is no such thing as energy, food, water,
or other non-existent scarcities! The only scarcity there is is the scarcity of
individuals who are capable of unlimited intellectual thought and creativity!
Since Man, including his intellect, is made in the image of God, Man has the
intellectual and creative apps downloaded by Nature’s Creator in the DNA code,
that is capable of solving any problem. Thus, scarcity of any kind is simply
non-existent because the human mind is capable of creating out of nothing an
endless amount of alternative sources for anything! However, if you believe
that Man is simply the result of random chance and evolved from primordial
slime, then you have an internal bias which prevents you recognizing the apps
downloaded inside the DNA code which exist to solve any problem. That means any
problem! Modern human consciousness, scientific theory, public education, and
artificially limited modalities of thinking prevent Man from operating the
software already embedded in the human mind. This apparent inability to access
this level of thinking is not accidental; it is programmed.
Since the time of Atlantis, which was ruled by ten
god-kings, a scientific elite has arisen to rule over the masses. The current
scientific elite loves to read the philosopher Plato and his “New Republic,”
which they view as a model for their new international order based on
programming and genetics. In order to maintain control over the masses, these
“Pharaoh god-kings” had to program into the human race through satanic
religions the belief in the divine-right of kings to rule. The Hebrews only
became slaves of the Egyptians because they rejected the Truth they were given
by their Creator. The same thing is happening in America, Europe, and around
the world today. The Middle Class is being wiped out and is being morphed into
a slave class because they chose to reject the economic and spiritual power of
their Judeo-Christian truth which is embodied in the Word of God. This is
precisely how Adam and Eve, who were the rulers of a paradise called the Garden
of Eden became the slaves of the death force. I document all this in detail in
my book, A
Prophecy of the Future of America.
In Part 2 of this series I will discuss the Fabian
Socialists like Lord Bertrand Russell, who joined the Frankfurt School which
advocated the application of mass social engineering. The Frankfurt School
actually developed the theology and organizational structure behind the Seeker
Friendly church movement within the Evangelical Church. The majority of
Evangelical seminaries and churches in America have not received their theology
or methodology from the Bible, but from the militantly anti-Christian social
engineering of the Frankfurt School. Lord Bertrand Russell wrote in his 1951
book, The Impact of Science and Society:
I think the subject
which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology.... Its
importance has been enormously increased by the growth of modern methods of
propaganda. Of these the most influential is what is called `education.'
Religion plays a part, though a diminishing one; the press, the cinema, and the
radio play an increasing part.... It may be hoped that in time anybody will be
able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is
provided by the State with money and equipment.''
Russell continued, "The
subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a
scientific dictatorship....”
It is imperative to understand that the scientific elite
despised Christianity! The purpose of their mass social engineering was to
destroy Biblical Christianity and replace it with a satanic and occult belief
system which most Evangelical Christians believe is Christianity… after all
they go to “Christian” mega-churches. But the Seeker Friendly-style churches
and television evangelistic programs are nothing more than pseudo Christian
religious theatre used as hollow structures which permit the Illuminati’s
highly aggressive satanic S & M pornographic messages to be bombarded into
the consciousness of our children with neurological and stroboscopic intensity.
Bertrand Russell wrote "Although
this science will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the
governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions
were generated. When the technique has been perfected, every government that
has been in charge of education for a generation will be able to control its
subjects securely without the need of armies or policemen.''
The reason your friends look at you with that deer caught in
the headlights stare and the reason you hear so often the mantra “conspiracy
theory,” is because the governing class, the people who actually control things
like most “conservative” media outlets, don’t want you to know that your belief
systems are programmed.
© 2014 Paul McGuire - All Rights Reserved
Paul McGuire: radio
talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.
Paul McGuire is the
author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, The Day the Dollar Died and
Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television
show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated
talk radio show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. Paul McGuire
is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News
Network and CNN.
Paul is the producer
of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour
special with Paul McGuire entitled Seven Signs of the Apocalypse. Paul has
interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives
in Los Angeles, California.
At fifteen years old,
Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary
member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying Altered States of
Consciousness at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience
hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie Field of Dreams. Paul
re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely
false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.
Please Note: You will only be able to see the shows if you are a subscriber or by signing up for the FREE 10-day trial in order to watch the interviews. on Beyond Belief.
Show Blurb:
They are many who believe that we are in the last days, as prophesized by the bible. This belief is reinforced by emerging technology that erodes our sense of privacy and diminishes financial independence. We may soon find ourselves voluntarily embedded with nanochip implants that track and control our behavior. Paul McGuire draws a correlation between bible prophecy and the computer advancements which may just be the technological mark of the beast in this interview with George Noory originally webcast March 5, 201
Paul McGuire on George Noory Beyond Belief Mark of the Beast & Prophecy
Mark of the Beast Technology: Paul McGuire was a guest on 2 shows
with George Noory of Coast to Coast on Beyond Belief where Paul talked about
mark of the beast technology and prophecy.
You can watch the shows for free by signing up for the 10 day free
trial. You will only be able to
see the show if they are a subscriber or by signing up for the FREE 10-day
trial. (Make sure to promote the 10-day trial so that your audience will be
able to watch your interview.)
Paul McGuire on George Noory Beyond Belief TV Show
They are many who believe that we are in the last days, as
prophesized by the bible. This belief is reinforced by emerging technology that
erodes our sense of privacy and diminishes financial independence. We may soon
find ourselves voluntarily embedded with nanochip implants that track and
control our behavior. Paul McGuire draws a correlation between bible prophecy
and the computer advancements which may just be the technological mark of the
beast in this interview with George Noory originally webcast March 5, 2014.
Click to watch preview!
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Robot Journalism & the Virtual Reality News Game Show - Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
(Article below)
By Paul McGuire
(Article below)
Order this powerful 110 minute MP3 teaching from Paul McGuire now! See more info below!
By Paul McGuire
I was watching a large cable news network where a female
host asked two ethnically diverse news commentators to offer their different
opinions on the crisis in the Ukraine. What was interesting was that both of
the commentators were reading their “opinions” from teleprompters. They were
having an artificial debate where their talking points were carefully scripted
from some unseen team of “experts.” The ethnicity of the news commentators is
not the issue; they just happened to be the taking heads on at the moment. In
the new and improved television news there is no longer a past, present or
future, just the moment you are in when you are watching. In the next moment,
there was some middle-aged White news commentator in a fancy suit also reading
from a teleprompter and basically talking about nothing
As usual I was channel surfing like crazy because of the
incredible barrage of boredom coming from the “news” networks, with all the
journalists looking like television hosts on some kind of virtual reality game show. Actual news content and objective reporting
of facts has been reduced to about 2% of the broadcast segment, and each
segment is dominated by the obligatory
long-shot of the female journalist’s legs and high heels, depending upon which
network you are watching. There is also the new obligatory medium close-up shot
of the handsome male journalist that features his hair style and tie or the
obligatory close up of the female journalist that reveals her attractiveness,
shapely figure and that strategic hint of underplayed sexuality.
Below their faces, a “lower third” graphic is placed in
the title-safe lower area of the screen giving a steady stream of news flashes.
Finally, there is the “news footage” like Russian soldiers streaming into the
Ukraine. Television news is entertainment
with a very narrow band width of content and examination; it is like a global
virtual reality video game targeting
specific demographics. One news channel has hosts and topics designed to
appeal to viewers who have traditional religious values and are conservative
and another news channel targets less religious and more liberal viewers. Like
the Republican and Democrat parties, both networks are controlled by the same
elites and neither will broadcast anything their masters don’t want us to hear.
Like our supposedly separate political parties, they exist to give us the
illusion of a choice.
The most disturbing thing about this virtual world of
television news is not the subjects, questions and topics that it covers; it is
the subjects, questions and topics that it deliberately ignores. By creating a
subconscious “out of bounds” series of important topics and questions, the
message is communicated to the viewer that these types of questions and topics
are not that important. But the secondary message that is communicated is that
there is something wrong with you if you have interest in these “out of bounds”
topics and questions…you are not “normal” and even worse, maybe you are a
“conspiracy theorist.”
To put it simply, this is a form of social engineering
that uses the dynamics of high school peer pressure to force people to think
and behave in certain ways in order to be accepted by their peers. If they
deviate from the artificially created “norm” then they will be perceived on a
subconscious level as “losers.” As simple as this form of social control is, it
is very powerful because it works!
The viewer who enters this virtual reality of television
news is programmed into conformity. He is bathed in a steady stream of Alpha
brainwaves that are being emitted from the digital television screen, putting
him in a relaxed, compliant, and receptive state of mind. On one level he is
watching this virtual world of news with the attractive male and female journalists,
but, subconsciously he is (in effect) lying down on a soft bed of green grass
by a gently rolling and bubbling stream that carries each thought away like a
bubble while a soothing voice quietly says “just let go and go with the
flow…just go with the flow.”
It may seem like only moments have passed when something
like a cell phone ringing, the doorbell, or a person’s voice seems to wake him
up. An hour has gently slipped by, and without realizing it the viewer has
entered an entirely new virtual world. He has been gently transformed, calmed,
and reassured that everything is okay. The viewer now seeks out activities,
friendships and even new kinds of churches that reinforce what he or she has
learned in that virtual world.
Without even knowing it the viewer has turned the control
over his mind and thoughts to the subliminal suggestions or affirmations of the
virtual world. Before you know it the viewer has chosen to leave the world he
was born in and used to struggle in for the comfort of this welcoming virtual world.
Now the process is complete. The great conflict is over.
There is no more struggle between reality and ones internal thoughts and
questions. There is no more sense of isolation, alienation, or rejection. You
have left the cold brutal world of the empty self for a divine communion with
the virtual world. You have finally been
accepted and you are part of the team. Tears of joy stream down your face and
you begin to sob as you look down at your emaciated body, stationed on an
assembly line in a dimly lit manufacturing plant where you toil fourteen hours
a day making some technological component. Your heart
sings because you are no longer alone! You are one single cell that has now
joined all the other cells for the great Purpose!
(c) Copyright 2014 Paul McGuire
In this intensive teaching Paul McGuire explains from Bible prophecy how the fallen angels descended on Mount Hermon in ancient Phoenicia and impregnated human women. These interdimensional beings gave man technology at this time. Atlantis was a highly advanced scientific and techological society ruled by ten god-kings. Plato in his "New Republic" called for society to be ruled by a scientific elite. This is happening in our world today. The Flood of Noah was designed to wipe out the DNA corrupted by the fallen angels. The account of Noah is a DNA, digital, holographic account that is about genetics. Jesus Christ said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." The Bible predicted Transhumanism, the Singularity and the World Brain. Paul McGuire connects the dots in this powerful teaching!

In this intensive teaching Paul McGuire explains from Bible prophecy how the fallen angels descended on Mount Hermon in ancient Phoenicia and impregnated human women. These interdimensional beings gave man technology at this time. Atlantis was a highly advanced scientific and technological society ruled by ten god-kings. Plato in his "New Republic" called for society to be ruled by a scientific elite. This is happening in our world today. The Flood of Noah was designed to wipe out the DNA corrupted by the fallen angels. The account of Noah is a DNA, digital, holographic account that is about genetics. Jesus Christ said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." The Bible predicted Transhumanism, the Singularity and the World Brain. Paul McGuire connects the dots in this powerful teaching!
In this very powerful MP3 teaching series, "The Secret Occult Destiny of America," Paul McGuire teaches from the Bible on subjects like DNA of God: Transhumanism, Genesis and the Flood of Noah, and the Return of the Nephilim." This brand new teaching from Paul teaching covers the Secret Occult History of America, the meaning of the Phoenix on the back of the U.S. dollar, the Watchers and Mount Hermon, Fallen angel technology, the Tower of Babel as a Stargate, Hyperborea, Vril-ya Maidens and occult technology for UFO's, Werner von Braun and the Nazi's, multi-dimensional warfare. Paul McGuire explains the latest research on the microchip implant and the World Brain, the future of America, Bible prophecy, the coming one world religion, coming one world government, coming one world economic system and the return of Babylon, outlined in Revelation 17 & 18. Paul McGuire has been called one of the very few people who understand hot to connect all the dots about what is really going on in our world today.
Paul McGuire's teaching is a powerful explanation of the Word of God as a DNA, digital, holographic, genetic account where Jesus Christ talked about the "days of Noah," which refers to the return of the Nephilim and much, much more! Paul opens up the powerful truths of Scripture beginning in Genesis where Paul explains that Adam and Eve were created as "rulers of planet earth" and the account of the highly advanced pre-flood civilizations, the correct translation of the Tower of Babel as "the gate of the gods" which was a Stargate built by Nimrod and an interdimensional portal.
Paul McGuire reveals the Absolute power of God's Word and why it was the rejection of the Word of God by Adam and Eve which allowed the death force into the world and the DNA of mankind. Paul explains how the contemporary Evangelical church has also rejected the Word of God and has activated the death force in the lives of millions of Christians who attend these churches and our nation and world. Paul compares the Truth of the Word of God with recent discoveries in Scalar Technology, Quantum Physics, String Theory and Transhumanism.
Paul McGuire explains the great spiritual war between Lucifer and God that is happening on earth right now with great clarity. Paul gives historical documentation to prove that man of the Founding Fathers held to a strong Biblical worldview and that these men wrote extensively about the dangers of the Luciferian Illuminati and their relationship to the Central Banks of Europe which eventually became the Federal Reserve System in 1913. The fathers of the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening were Bible scholars and had a deep knowledge of history, science, culture, economics and philosophy. Unlike the average Evangelical leaders today who is uneducated about these things and ignorantly rejects realities like the existence of secret societies and the Illuminati as "conspiracy theories." The truly great Christian leaders, who built our nation on the Christian faith, did not dismiss secret societies and their influence on economics and the banking system because they knew that these dangers were very real! Paul McGuire gives enormous documentation based on credible historical, scientific and economic sources that provide overwhelming evidence for what he is saying.
Finally, although Paul does not claim to be a prophet, many have called Paul McGuire's writings and teachings prophetic in nature and have called Paul a true Watchman on the Wall, to warn our nation and world of what is coming. One of Israel's most famous generals, General Shimon Erem said, "Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the Wall for Jerusalem, one of the greatest." General Shimon Erem urged people to pay close attention to what Paul is saying.
Paul McGuire is an author, speaker, feature film producer, national television news commentator, syndicated radio talk show host of the Paul McGuire Show for over ten years, an international Bible teacher, a professor of Eschatology and has been in the ministry for over 35 years. Most importantly, Paul had been faithfully married to his wife for over 35 years and they have three children together. By the grace of God, Paul's life and ministry fulfill the Biblical requirements for being a faithful minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Paul did not call himself into the ministry, like many other faithful men of God, God supernaturally called Paul McGuire into the ministry around 37 years ago. While having a dual major at the University of Missouri in Filmmaking and the brand new field in Psychology called, "Altered States of Consciousness," Paul was fleeing from a Christian denominational retreat that he was invited to. While hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri in what looked like a "Fields of Dreams" experience, Paul McGuire was miraculously saved after praying the sinners prayer with a Bible salesman who was driving a station wagon filled with giant black King James Bibles.
At the time Paul had long hair and was deeply involved in radical politics and the New Age. Growing up in an atheistic home in New York City, Paul had experienced cosmic consciousness, saw the great white light and had hung out with counter culture leaders like Abbie Hoffman, Dr. Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, while in his teens. Although, Paul did not believe in "the archaic concept of sin," Paul asked Jesus Christ to forgive him of his sins and invited Jesus Christ to come into his life so that he could be born-again, while the Bible salesman was speeding down the back roads of Missouri past the cornfields. Paul was radically saved by Jesus Christ and changed forever! (See more below)
In this very powerful MP3 teaching series, "The Secret Occult Destiny of America," Paul McGuire teaches from the Bible on subjects like DNA of God: Transhumanism, Genesis and the Flood of Noah, and the Return of the Nephilim." This brand new teaching from Paul teaching covers the Secret Occult History of America, the meaning of the Phoenix on the back of the U.S. dollar, the Watchers and Mount Hermon, Fallen angel technology, the Tower of Babel as a Stargate, Hyperborea, Vril-ya Maidens and occult technology for UFO's, Werner von Braun and the Nazi's, multi-dimensional warfare. Paul McGuire explains the latest research on the microchip implant and the World Brain, the future of America, Bible prophecy, the coming one world religion, coming one world government, coming one world economic system and the return of Babylon, outlined in Revelation 17 & 18. Paul McGuire has been called one of the very few people who understand hot to connect all the dots about what is really going on in our world today.
Paul McGuire's teaching is a powerful explanation of the Word of God as a DNA, digital, holographic, genetic account where Jesus Christ talked about the "days of Noah," which refers to the return of the Nephilim and much, much more! Paul opens up the powerful truths of Scripture beginning in Genesis where Paul explains that Adam and Eve were created as "rulers of planet earth" and the account of the highly advanced pre-flood civilizations, the correct translation of the Tower of Babel as "the gate of the gods" which was a Stargate built by Nimrod and an interdimensional portal.
Paul McGuire reveals the Absolute power of God's Word and why it was the rejection of the Word of God by Adam and Eve which allowed the death force into the world and the DNA of mankind. Paul explains how the contemporary Evangelical church has also rejected the Word of God and has activated the death force in the lives of millions of Christians who attend these churches and our nation and world. Paul compares the Truth of the Word of God with recent discoveries in Scalar Technology, Quantum Physics, String Theory and Transhumanism.
Paul McGuire explains the great spiritual war between Lucifer and God that is happening on earth right now with great clarity. Paul gives historical documentation to prove that man of the Founding Fathers held to a strong Biblical worldview and that these men wrote extensively about the dangers of the Luciferian Illuminati and their relationship to the Central Banks of Europe which eventually became the Federal Reserve System in 1913. The fathers of the First Great Awakening and the Second Great Awakening were Bible scholars and had a deep knowledge of history, science, culture, economics and philosophy. Unlike the average Evangelical leaders today who is uneducated about these things and ignorantly rejects realities like the existence of secret societies and the Illuminati as "conspiracy theories." The truly great Christian leaders, who built our nation on the Christian faith, did not dismiss secret societies and their influence on economics and the banking system because they knew that these dangers were very real! Paul McGuire gives enormous documentation based on credible historical, scientific and economic sources that provide overwhelming evidence for what he is saying.
Finally, although Paul does not claim to be a prophet, many have called Paul McGuire's writings and teachings prophetic in nature and have called Paul a true Watchman on the Wall, to warn our nation and world of what is coming. One of Israel's most famous generals, General Shimon Erem said, "Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the Wall for Jerusalem, one of the greatest." General Shimon Erem urged people to pay close attention to what Paul is saying.
Paul McGuire is an author, speaker, feature film producer, national television news commentator, syndicated radio talk show host of the Paul McGuire Show for over ten years, an international Bible teacher, a professor of Eschatology and has been in the ministry for over 35 years. Most importantly, Paul had been faithfully married to his wife for over 35 years and they have three children together. By the grace of God, Paul's life and ministry fulfill the Biblical requirements for being a faithful minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ! Paul did not call himself into the ministry, like many other faithful men of God, God supernaturally called Paul McGuire into the ministry around 37 years ago. While having a dual major at the University of Missouri in Filmmaking and the brand new field in Psychology called, "Altered States of Consciousness," Paul was fleeing from a Christian denominational retreat that he was invited to. While hitchhiking on the back roads of Missouri in what looked like a "Fields of Dreams" experience, Paul McGuire was miraculously saved after praying the sinners prayer with a Bible salesman who was driving a station wagon filled with giant black King James Bibles.
At the time Paul had long hair and was deeply involved in radical politics and the New Age. Growing up in an atheistic home in New York City, Paul had experienced cosmic consciousness, saw the great white light and had hung out with counter culture leaders like Abbie Hoffman, Dr. Timothy Leary and Ken Kesey, while in his teens. Although, Paul did not believe in "the archaic concept of sin," Paul asked Jesus Christ to forgive him of his sins and invited Jesus Christ to come into his life so that he could be born-again, while the Bible salesman was speeding down the back roads of Missouri past the cornfields. Paul was radically saved by Jesus Christ and changed forever! (See more below)
There is still time to sign up for the Orlando Prophecy Summit Conference to see Paul McGuire and the many other prophecy speakers. But, don't wait because they are almost sold out! You can also sign up now for the live streaming of the conference!
Paul McGuire will be on George Noory's (Coast to Coast) TV show, Beyond Belief starting March 5th. Sign in here for the shows. If you don't see the show immediately E Mail them, they should have just been posted since we shot them in Boulder last week!
By the grace of God, the Lord has opened the door for Paul
to share his testimony to tens of millions of people in this nation and around
the world through both secular and Christian media. As a result,
countless numbers of people have received Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
and many have come back to the Lord, who had wandered away.
The foundation of Paul McGuire’s ministry and Paradise Mountain Church is based on I
Corinthians 3:12-15, which talks about the Judgment Seat of Christ which every
believer, will stand before to give an account of his or her life. Although,
we are saved entirely by faith in Christ alone, we are accountable for what we
did with our lives, gifts, time and talents. At the Judgment Seat of
Christ, there will be rewards and crowns given out, such as the “Soul Winner’s
Crown” and everything done for selfish or vain motives will be burned up.
"Now if any man build upon this foundation gold,
silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble; Every man's work shall be made
manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire;
and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. If any man's work
abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward. If any man's
work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet
so as by fire. I Corinthians 3:12-15.
In addition, there will be great rewards and crowns given
out to faithful believers at the Judgment Seat of Christ. (1 Corinthians
9:4-27; 2 Timothy 2:5). The good news is that God will reward
every believer for what they have done for Him! Even if no one every
acknowledged what you did here on earth, God will reward you! Also,
believers do not stand before the Great White Throne of Judgment, which should
not be confused with the Judgment Seat of Christ. The Great White
Throne of Judgment is where all those who have chosen to reject God’s free
offer of salvation will stand before a Holy God as Judge. The
secular world and much of the modern Evangelical church completely rejects the
truth of a Holy and Righteous God has created our world according to His divine
and absolute law. Although, modern society has attempted to remove
God’s laws such as the Ten Commandments out of all public places, God’s laws
are still in effect.
The Ten Commandments are just part of the Law of God. Every
person alive has violated countless numbers of God’s laws. As such,
all men are declared sinners, which mean to miss the mark of God’s Holy
standard or laws. According to God’s Word, the penalty for sin is
death. This is the Law of Sin and Death that went into effect when
Adam and Eve disobeyed God’s Word in the Garden of Eden. According
to the Word of God there is only one way a person can be justified before God
and cleansed of his or her sin. Jesus Christ said I am the way,
the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
As the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ took our sin upon Himself
when He died on a cross. When we place our faith or believe in Jesus
Christ and what He has done for us, we are saved from our sins. A
person must be saved through faith in Jesus Christ in order to enter
Monday, March 3, 2014
Secret Occult Plan for America & Global Prophetic Trends
Order this powerful 110 minute MP3 teaching from Paul McGuire now!
In this intensive teaching Paul McGuire explains from Bible prophecy how the fallen angels descended on Mount Hermon in ancient Phoenicia and impregnated human women. These interdimensional beings gave man technology at this time. Atlantis was a highly advanced scientific and techological society ruled by ten god-kings. Plato in his "New Republic" called for society to be ruled by a scientific elite. This is happening in our world today. The Flood of Noah was designed to wipe out the DNA corrupted by the fallen angels. The account of Noah is a DNA, digital, holographic account that is about genetics. Jesus Christ said, "As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man." The Bible predicted Transhumanism, the Singularity and the World Brain. Paul McGuire connects the dots in this powerful teaching!

There is still time to sign up for the Orlando Prophecy Summit Conference to see Paul McGuire and the many other prophecy speakers. But, don't wait because they are almost sold out! You can also sign up now for the live streaming of the conference!
Paul McGuire will be on George Noory's (Coast to Coast) TV show, Beyond Belief starting March 5th. Sign in here for the shows. If you don't see the show immediately E Mail them, they should have just been posted since we shot them in Boulder last week!
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