Wednesday, February 27, 2013
By Paul McGuire

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Paul McGuire
Most people today look at America’s and the world’s
problems using a three dimensional perception. This perception, which is often
known as “scientific materialism,” is the belief that the only reality there is
is the one that we can see with our eyes. It is from there that we get the
expression, “seeing is believing.” The
problem is that this belief system is not true and any attempt to manage what
is called reality will simply fail without understanding and accessing what
scientists now call the “Fourth Dimension.”
Let’s quickly review the major problems we are facing in
America and around the world that are now at the critical state. One is the
possibility of a global financial collapse, riots, anarchy, and some form of
totalitarianism to manage the chaos. In addition, we have an enormous increase
in hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, solar flares, food shortages, and plagues,
and already a dangerous level of social chaos. Many people, not just in
America, but around the world are concerned about a far lower standard of
living and the loss of freedoms, including religious freedoms.
The question is how do we effectively deal with all of
those problems? Currently we have an
extremely large percentage of non-effective ways of dealing with them. For
example, during the last Presidential election between President Obama and Mitt
Romney, Romney and the Republicans spent a lot of money, but ran an ineffective
campaign. Collectively the so-called conservative movement, with some notable
exceptions, is for all practical purposes an ineffective movement, with its
primary strategies almost entirely built on a social paradigm from the Reagan
The reason conservatives worship Reagan, and I happen to have liked the
man, is because they are stuck and frozen in time. They have not allowed their
consciousness, perception, and awareness to develop effective strategies to
communicate with America as it is now and not as they remember it to be and
want it to be. They are out of touch and disconnected, and their consciousness
is frozen.
In contrast, no matter what you think of President Obama,
he and his team understand the America we now live in and are able to
effectively communicate with it. One example would be the use of Obama’s
constant personal messages on Twitter.
Neurological scientists have created enormous
breakthroughs in discovering how the human mind works in just the last five to
ten years. Let’s look at the discovery regarding neuroplasticity, which allows
the brain to continually reorganize itself and empowers neurons to adjust their
activities to a new environment. Neurons or nerve cells carry information,
thoughts, memories, perception etc. through the brain, which allows us to
think. Neural plasticity is vital to letting the brain form new neural pathways
in order to understand and process information.
If we allow our minds to be programmed through social
engineering or mind control or due to our own failure to take the willful
action to think new thoughts in response to new situations, the neural pathways
cannot allow our minds to receive new information in a dynamic world. In short,
our minds fall back on earlier or previous programming. Our brains become
frozen and we cease to be effective in all that we do.
The Romney campaign and the current Republican Party
illustrate this principle. Essentially, Mitt Romney was communicating a “Leave
it to Beaver” message to the world of 2012. Obama was communicating effectively
to 2012. When I first turned on the Republican National Convention on
television I was stunned to see that almost everyone attending was White. As
the late communications theorist Marshall McLuhan said, the “Medium is the Message.” You can fight that all you want, but it is
the way things are so you have to deal with it! The American voter is primarily
swayed by image, facial expressions, and clever sound bites.
I happen to like Clint Eastwood as an actor, especially
his earlier films, but the “Dirty Harry” image of an aging white actor
communicates the ultimate negative message to many voters. In a tragic sense,
it exemplifies the mentality of the Republican Party and many conservatives,
which is that they are totally out of touch. On a neurological level, their
brains do not have enough neuroplasticity and new neurological pathways are not
being built. In short, they are stuck and frozen.
Unfortunately, this same neurological process is at work
in many conservative radio talk show hosts, although there are many good
ones. These radio talk show hosts do
realize that their message is stale and repetitive. Without realizing it they
have become clichés of themselves. If they are not careful, they are going to
lose their ability to educate and motivate the masses. I have essentially
stopped watching what used to be called conservative television shows, because
with the exception of a very tiny minority, they are brainless talking heads
who don’t have a clue what they are talking about and that is why they have
been given the job. But since they don’t think, they have not figured that out
yet. But you can’t fool the audience; the audience knows exactly what is
Personally I am very concerned about the state of America
and the sobering reality is that unless things change this nation is going to
go down and go down hard! Many of you understand what I am talking about, but many
of your friends, like mine, are walking about like clueless zombies.
The primary battlefield is the battlefield of the mind
and we would not be facing the challenges we are facing now if we had not
already lost that battle. The Fabian Socialists like H.G. Wells, Bertrand
Russell, and Aldous Huxley, and the KGB, the CIA, and scientists like B.F.
Skinnner completely understand this. They get it!
Other groups of people who are dancing in a collective
trance state with their neurological pathways psycho-surgically amputated are
the majority of Evangelical Christians. You would think with all the Biblical
teaching on the renewing of the mind, the mind of Christ, and the verse, “For
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind”
that they would think clearly and act courageously. But I can tell you from personal observation
that the larger percentage of Evangelical Christians do not have a sound mind
because that would imply they were actually thinking. The reality is that they practically have no
mind at all and therefore they have become useless in the greatest spiritual
battle of all time!
How did this happen? The Evangelical Christians began to
embrace the same theology that destroyed the church in Nazi Germany and caused
the Evangelical Christians to vote for Hitler by 98%. This happened because
they allowed their minds to be conquered by the philosophy of the German
Schools of Theological Higher Criticism, which taught that the Bible was not
written by God and that there was no resurrection, no miracles, and Jesus
Christ did not rise from the dead. In addition, they taught there is no Heaven
or Hell.
The German Evangelical church had become dumbed down and
lacked any spiritual discernment, so they viewed Adolph Hitler as kind of a
Messiah. Why? Because he told them what they wanted to hear and promised them
peace, prosperity, and universal health care. The dumbing down process was not accidental;
it was highly strategic and scientific social engineering. Adolph Hitler and
the secret occult societies that put him in power, like the Vril Society and
the Thule Society, merged the demonic teachings of the occult with the science
of mind control and won the battlefield of the mind.
Today all of the things I have mentioned in this article
are accelerating to a high speed in America. The first strike in the
battlefield of the mind is to convince your enemy that they are powerless
against you and there is no possible way for them to win, except to surrender.
This is the focal point of psychological warfare. Just like in Hitler’s time
there are highly advanced scientific and technological weapons of warfare being
employed. But to the person who is brainwashed this is just tin foil hat and
conspiracy theory stuff. That stream of thought which is promoted by the media,
politicians, and other leaders is the core component of the brainwashing
process. It shuts down the neurological pathways by erecting a terrifying
psychological monster which says to you that if you think independently you are
crazy and you will be rejected by your peers.
After World War II the OSS, which became the CIA,
smuggled into the U.S. over four thousand Nazi scientists under Operation
Paperclip. These were either rocket scientists or mind control scientists, or
both. The Nazi rocket scientists launched the U.S. space program and took us to
the Moon. But the mind control scientists were just as much on the cutting edge
as the rocket scientists, and even today people have no concept of how
sophisticated and advanced mind control technology is.
However, the Nazi scientists were also members of secret
occult societies which were able to contact demons and gain highly advanced
scientific information. While the leaders of the educational system and the
scientists were pretending to be atheists they were using very powerful and
occult forces.
In the Bible the Apostle Paul writes, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and
blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12
Evangelical Christians in America do not take that verse literally and they
cannot engage in this spiritual warfare because they do not understand it
exists. Among those who think it does not exist would be the majority of
Republicans. Behind every single problem in America right now there exists a
raging battle in the invisible realm or fourth dimension, between angels and
demons. Despite the fact that the Bible calls us to be “spiritual warriors”
most Republicans, Christians, and conservatives are AWOL from the primary
battlefield. The result of this failure to engage in what God commanded is the
primary cause of the chaos we are seeing.
are a growing number of scientists in the fields of Transhumanism, physics,
neurological sciences and other fields that now understand that our world is
far more than just three dimensions. String Theory in physics states that there
are thirteen dimensions composed of vibrating strings. Many physicists acknowledge the reality of
the Fourth Dimension and Scalar technology, which theorizes that everything
that happens in the physical world first was designed, created and birthed in
the Fourth Dimension. Christians have referred to the Fourth Dimension as the
spiritual world and the invisible realm.
who understand the Fourth Dimension tell us that it is possible to transfer
unlimited energy with very little cost from the Fourth Dimension into our three
dimensions. These scientists claim that energy forces that can cure any
disease, information beyond our understanding, and also destructive energy can
be pulled out of the Fourth Dimension using Scalar Technology. It appears the
inventor Tesla stumbled onto this over a century ago. In Ayn Rand’s novel,
“Atlas Shrugged,” she makes mysterious references to this other dimension. The
Nazis called it the Vril force and Sir Francis Bacon, the Freemasons, and the
Illuminati have accessed it. One of the aspects of this Fourth Dimension is
that it allows for time travel, which was written about by Tesla before the
information was suppressed.
here is how understanding the reality of the Fourth Dimension enables us to
access infinite information that is applicable to the problems we face and to
the battlefield of the mind. If you read the words of Jesus Christ very
carefully and discard your religious bias against the supernatural, Jesus
Christ actually gives us enormous supernatural power. In Eden before Adam and
Eve fell they were given the authority to be rulers of planet Earth. That rulership
was removed from the consciousness and DNA of Man when Adam and Eve listened to
the voice of the serpent, which represents Lucifer.
when Jesus Christ died and resurrected from the dead, among other things He
restored spiritual authority and rulership to those who believe in Him. This
restoration is not complete yet. The full supernatural authority and rulership
will be fully restored in Heaven when those who are the elect will rule and
reign with Christ and as co-rulers they will sit on thrones with Christ.
through failure to truly understand and obey God’s Word most of the church is
completely unaware of the power Christians have been given as they are led like
lambs to the slaughter.
On a scientific level, when neuroplasticity is restored
and the neural pathways are allowed to develop to their fullest potential, the
consciousness of man will be vastly expanded.
There is a divine synergy between the scientific, the biological, and the
spiritual. Jesus Christ said “You have the mind of Christ,” but the human brain
will have to be vastly expanded to carry what is called the “mind of Christ.”
Thus there must be a corresponding amplification in neuroplasticity and
neurological pathways.
Christ taught a very precise method of accessing this supernatural power and
releasing what are called miracles from the Fourth Dimension, or the spiritual
world. We see hints of this through the Bible, such as Elisha’s servant seeing
a massive army protecting them, an Army that appeared as chariots of fire. He
was able to see out of our three dimensions and into another dimension.
inventions and recent scientific discoveries about the Fourth Dimension tell us
that time travel is possible and that it is possible to step out of time and
space. The Infinite Personal Living God of the Universe resides outside of time
and space.
that scientific truth which supports the greater Biblical truth we can accept
scientifically and by faith what God means when He said to us “For I knew you
before the beginning of time and you were called for such a time as this.” It
is critical in the outcome of the current battle that you clearly comprehend
that God specifically designed you and fully equipped you to live right now in
the here and now. Furthermore, you have a series of assignments that pertain to
the great battle, which is your duty to fulfill.
is not an accident that you were called to be here now, wherever you are
located throughout the world. It is also not an accident that you are reading
these words I have written at this very moment. This is not accidental… it is
planned! As you read these words you are
aware and responsible for the battlefield of the mind that is going on. If you
are normal, and I assume you are, you cannot stand idly by because your conscience
is torturing you, but you do not know what to do. This is why you have
encountered this article on this website right now. Again this is not an
my studies in the prophetic Scriptures, studying science and listening to that
still small voice within me, I am presenting you with the truth you need now. I
am not the author or originator of this truth; it comes from another dimension
sent from an Infinite Personal God who knows you personally.
important thing to know is that if you have met the conditions outlined in this
article you have been given supernatural authority and a power so great we call
it the miraculous. In addition, you have
been given rulership that will culminate when you leave this dimension for the
invisible realm.
process is simple. You simply look into your heart and pick a number of areas
which are of critical concern. Some may apply to your personal life or a loved
one; all the rest must apply to what is happening collectively all around us.
Then, by exercising faith, you are going to specifically engage one task at a
time on the battlefield of the mind. When you do this you are going to release
the same energy that keeps the planets in orbit and generates life. You are
going to direct this energy in the form of a prayer to the Supreme Being and
you are going to ask Him to do specifically what you believe needs to be done,
no matter how impossible it may seem.
you think is possible cannot be allowed to limit your consciousness; you must
move beyond the realm of the possible into the realm of understanding that
anything may be possible. When you do this, believing like a child that this
will happen, you are going to release what would be the equivalent of a cosmic
shockwave, which will disintegrate any stronghold or wall that would attempt to
block the power of your prayer. You must understand that you were called here
for such a time as this to use it.
Therefore you cannot fail to use it.
are about learn how to release the most powerful force in the universe. There is nothing that can stop it. You must
have the courage to walk away from all forms of trivial and non-Biblical
religion. When the Apostle Paul said “For the Kingdom of God is not a matter of
talk, but of power” he was clearly explaining this principle. It is your job to release the power of the
Kingdom of God on Earth. This does not change God’s prophetic program, but it
does change absolutely everything we can change, and that is a lot!
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