Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Paul McGuire speaks on:
Deception in the Government
Deception in the Economy
Paul McGuire Last Days Conferences Watch
Paul McGuire speaks on:
Deception in the Government
Deception in the Economy McGuire Speaking at Last Days Economy Conferencemy
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Author Paul McGuire on "The Satanic Elite," one world economic system by...
Watch Paul a number of times on God TV this weekend and on The History Channel H2 , Paul will be feature on "Countdown to the Apocalypse: Four Horsemen. Paul's new comprehensive teaching MP3 "The Satanic Elite - The Twelve Men who are controlling the world by bringing in a one world economic system by 2018.
By Paul McGuire
There exists secretive Satanic elite, that consists of perhaps twelve men at the very top, who rule the world through banking and international finance. Publicly these men pretend to be humanists, but secretly they have to chosen to worship Lucifer. They are now in the process of the final take over, where they will bring in a one world government and one world economic system, beginning as early as 2018. Their primary means of achieving this goal is economic and through scientific mind control.
In the United States, the primary evidence for the success of their mind control operation is the fact that the thinking, belief systems, morality, behavior and religious beliefs of the average America have made radically changed in just a few shot decades. They have perfected social engineering to such an extent that they have now indoctrinated several generations of Americans into being anti-Christian, anti-American and Marxist in their belief systems.
The stealth-like nature of their strategy has developed politicians at the highest level who are programmed like Manchurian candidates with synthetic personalities and they have developed Manchurian actors and entertainers as well.
Going back to the League of Nations, around 1918, the church was the special target for social engineering through the efforts of one of the Dulles brothers, who was financed by Rockefeller. Today the majority of American Christians and churches no longer believe in things like Satan, prophecy and the Antichrist, The Satanic elite know who their Master is and will follow His orders unto death. Unlike Christians who no longer go to church and read their Bibles, a highly organized and hierarchal army of Satanists faithfully perform their Satanic rituals which include human sacrifice of babies and the abduction of children, along with adults. Their rituals include the drinking of human blood, drug taking, brutal rape and sexual orgies. Many of the people at the highest levels of government, finance, media and culture participate in these Satanic orgies and rituals in deep underground in caves in Europe and other locations around the world.
For those who know how to recognize their Luciferian symbols, they are openly displayed everywhere. It is more than strange that some of the most powerful men in the world meet regularly at the Bohemian Grove and offer mock sacrifices of babies on a giant statue of Molech or Baal, in Northern California. It is very revealing that the U.S. dollar has an Illuminati/occult pyramid, with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words in Latin, Novus Ordo Seclorum or New Order of the Ages, which means New World Order printed on the back of it. In fact, the all-seeing eye of Lucifer is clearly seen on numerous multinational corporation logos along with a vast array of blatantly occult symbols.
One of the most famous Satanists of recent times was Aleister Crowley, who was called, “The Great Beast 666.” In 1904, Crowley received a supernatural communication from what he called a “praeterhuman intelligence.” This was the basis for Crowley’s book, “The Book of the Law,” upon which Crowley’s religious philosophy, Thelema was built. Crowley and his followers were accused of human sacrifice and other Satanic rituals. Aleister Crowley’s face is on the Beatles Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Heart Club’s album and is a kind of saint to the giants of the music industry. But according to declassified documents, Crowley worked with British Intelligence and high-ranking members of the American government. The O.T.O.-secret society he founded had some of the world’s most powerful and influential people of his time.
Today we see the counterculture revolution as the Presidents and Prime Ministers of many nations. But, the counterculture revolution of the 1960’s, was manufactured by a secret scientific and occult elite in Great Britain. This elite modeled their occult vision for America’s youth on the pagan cult ceremonies of the Egyptian and Roman Empires. The Egyptian Isis Priesthood of the third millennium B.C., had its roots in Babylon, as Isis is another name for the wife of Nimrod, who was originally called Semiramis.
These Babylonian occult ceremonies were essentially about mind control. The incantations, dances, beating of drums, use of psychedelic drugs and repetitive movements put people into deep trance states where they could be controlled. "
The influence of Aleister Crowley’s Thelemic philosophy and his vision of a New Aeon in countless films, television and books, a reminder of the powerful influence that this Satanist had on our global culture. In fact, prominent members of Crowley’s O.T.O. were (and still are) heavily involved in the production of Hollywood movies, embedding within their plots Thelemic tenets. Since the beginning, science fiction is a favored genre to expose viewers to what is called predictive programming.
Crowley’s vision of a New Aeon or New Age influenced the mass media, especially in the area of science fiction films and books. Allegedly, science fiction authors like Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, Arthur C. Clarke and A.H. White helped shape Crowley’s vision of the future through a brain washing technique called predictive programming. A coming New World Order was downloaded into the American subconscious through predictive programming. When you see television and films in our time, you see numerous depictions of predictive programming and mind control at work, especially in the areas of science fiction and fantasy.
Crowley’s belief of a New Aeon matches perfectly with the Illuminati plan for a new world order ruled by secret elite. The Illuminati Manifesto, upon which the Communist Manifesto got many of its ideas, is moving at lightning speed to establish a World Socialist Government. The characteristics of this government, fit perfectly with the world government under Antichrist and the one world economic system, along with one world religion created by the False Prophet in the Book of Revelation. It is not an accident that Mystery Babylon and Babylon the Great is mentioned numerous times in the Book of Revelation.
The first one world government, one world economic system and one world religion, was started by Nimrod at the Tower of Babel, or ancient Babylon. The reason God judged Babylon, was because he could see that it was an attempt by man to become god, by building a tower to the stars. Babylon in its essence was about a revolution against God and an attempt by man to replace god, by the collective. It is not by accident that Communism’s true origins are found in the occult teachings of the Illuminati and that the international bankers, who financed both the Bolshevik Revolution and Hitler, were part of the Illuminati. In fact, Karl Marx was a practicing member of a Satanic church and Lenin knew that is power came from the Illuminati.
Totalitarianism is always a revolution against the Kingdom God –always! Every Communist, Socialist and National Socialist movement is the spirit of antichrist attempting to overthrow the rule of God. It is not an accident that Lenin referred to the first revolutionary, meaning Satan. It is not a coincidence that Saul Alinksy’s book, “Rules for Radicals” was dedicated to Lucifer. Alinsky writes on his dedication page.
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Theoretically, the pathway to a socialist dictatorship is no longer bloody revolution. Mind control is far more effective in destroying Christianity and establishing a totalitarian state. The science of mind control is now capable of mass brainwashing.
Aldous Huxley, the author of “Brave New World,” commented on effective mind control when he said, “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.”
Nazi, Germany, Russia, Great Britain and the United States had all been experimenting with drugs for mind control purposes. Both the CIA and Russian intelligence competed for Nazi mind control scientists after World War II. Many of these mind control scientist were deeply involved in the occult and Satanism. Psychiatric reports proposed that LSD could break down existing behavior patterns and be used in reprogramming or brainwashing. Thus, the militaries MK ULTRA program began with the help of Dr. Aldous Huxley who had contact with the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley.
Interestingly, years later while speaking at the U.C. Berkley in 1962, Aldous Huxley outline’s his vision for the ‘ultimate revolution’, which is a Luciferian and scientific dictatorship where people will be conditioned to enjoy their slavery. The counter culture revolution from Britain was launched immediately afterwards. It appeared Huxley had advance knowledge?
“There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution.” — Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee, another founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group, which birthed the Council on Foreign Relations in the U.S. While at Oxford, Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the "Children of the Sun," a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain's Roundtable elite.
Aldous Huxley, along with his brother Julian, was mentored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I and famous author. H.G. Wells wrote, “The Open Conspiracy: Blue Prints for a World Revolution. In the "Open Conspiracy," Wells wrote of an elite group of men who would rule the world. Wells called his conspiracy a “one-world brain,” which functions like a “police of the mind.” H.G. Wells use of predictive programming in his popular novels (Time Machine, The Island of Dr. Moreau, and so forth), and those of his disciples Aldous Huxley (Brave New World) and George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm), were written as kind of religious attracts with a "mass appeal" for a one world government.
Unlike most historical figures who lose their relevancy as the years go by, Crowley’s influence is steadily increasing in the 21st century. This is not only a result of luck or natural evolution. Crowley and his O.T.O. maintained ties with high-level members of the British and American governments, as well as with influential figures in science, law and culture. The world’s elite, have embraced Illuminist values, and is in perfect accord with Crowley’s Thelema –occult doctrine. These connections facilitated the mass dissemination and acceptance of his works in popular culture. Crowley did not only predict society’s abandonment of traditional religions and the embrace the Aeon of Horus, he was part of the motor that made these changes happen. The recent Olympic Ceremonies featured giant replica’s of the Eye of Horus, which is the Eye of Lucifer, which is the same all-seeing eye of Satan on the back of the U.S. dollar.
The reality that both the American culture and the global culture has been under an all-out assault by psychological warfare where the goal is to take prisoners captive and make them slaves through mind control and that is precisely what is happening now.
Now, the only questioned to be asked is, “what do we do about this all-out war by Satanic elite who have every intention of either enslaving us or destroying us. Don’t be deceived for a moment that is exactly where this is going! The answer to that question sounds loud and clear in everyone of our hearts. We already know that it is our duty before God to go to war spiritually and legally with the powers of darkness. Now, the only reason you might have a problem with that is, you don’t read your Bible. The Apostle Paul specifically used the words in Ephesians 6, “That our fight is not against flesh and blood…” The clearly implies that we are to be in a fight! Then further on the Apostle Paul tells us to where the full armor of God and how to wage war in the Spirit. There is absolutely no question here that the Apostle Paul is telling you that you are to be a spiritually armed soldier in the army of the Lord!” Therefore it is obvious that you must now recognize that you are now enlisted and you are to follow orders!
There should be no confusion here. It was not all that long ago the Christian churches proudly sang the hymn, “Onward Christian soldiers…marching as to war.” The church knew that it was in a spiritual war with the forces of Satan and that they were commanded to fight spiritually! Then the Apostle Paul teaches us that, “the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God.” We are to understand that we have been given the most powerful weapons in the universe and they are spiritual!
In Revelation 19, there is a description of the Lord Jesus Christ coming down from heaven with the armies of heaven for the final battle of Armageddon where Christ, a conquering King is going to destroy His enemies including Satan. It is imperative that you understand that you are already enlisted as a spiritual soldier in the armies of heaven now! It is when you understand and accept that powerful truth, that you will receive your marching orders. Satan or Lucifer is the temporary prince of this world. We have been given specific weapons to destroy the armies of Lucifer and to set the prisoners free.
You must understand that God is more powerful than Satan. Satan is attempting to lead a revolution against God on earth with one third of the angels at this moment. Satan has deceived millions of men and women into serving him and that would include the Satanic elite.
But, God has given you specific and strategic spiritual weapons to set people free from Luciferian mind control. Now it is very important that you listen very carefully to what I am about to say to you. The power of Satan can be broken off this nation now. This is the great secret that the powers of darkness do not want you to know! When Jesus Christ said to His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me...” Jesus Christ meant those words. In addition, Jesus Christ specifically told his followers and that includes you and me, that Jesus Christ has given us that authority. That means in the power of Jesus Christ we have authority over Satan and his armies! However, unless we understand that we have that authority and use it, it will do us no good.
It is at this point all hell breaks loose in a person’s thoughts or in a conversation, because the powers of darkness will do anything to divert you from knowing and using that truth. Theological arguments are Satan’s primary tool. In addition to being an author, I am an internationally recognized expert on Bible prophecy. I am fully aware of all arguments that are used to derail that truth. Let me say in the strongest terms that I can, that I am aware of what the Bible says in terms of God’s prophetic timeline. I understand thoroughly that many events have to happen before, Christ rules and reigns planet earth from Jerusalem and Satan is sent to the Abyss. In addition, I am not even remotely suggesting that we are Christ.
Please listen very carefully as I explain what I mean. Jesus Christ has given us spiritual authority over specific situations, events, people and nations. As such, it is possible to break the power of the Satanic elite over a nation in a temporal sense, until Christ returns. Breaking the power of Satan over America does not imply interfering with God’s complete prophetic program!
So back to the business at hand. Once we understand that we have been given the power to defeat our enemy, we must then use that power strategically and efficiently. This trance state over America can be broken. The grip of mind control and brainwashing can be shattered and millions can be set free! The key is to understand the spiritual and psychological nature of this warfare, as well as the strategy and organization structure of our enemy. Once that is understood, we employ the most powerful weapons known to man in the battle. These are spiritual weapons with very practical consequences. As someone trained and prepared for the use of these spiritual weapons with overwhelming force, we employ them strategically. This will result in the total penetration and annililation of walls and barriers in another dimension. There will be an accompanying convergence of such magnitude that it will send shockwaves from another dimension into the very core of the Satanic elite. This will change the course of history. But, you will not fully understand what you have accomplished until you leave this dimension for eternity. The time is now!
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Paul McGuire you need to know what is gong to happen very soon in America. Watch the above video and spread far and wide!
Friday, December 7, 2012
By Paul McGuire
Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our very eyes! A strike or takeover of Syria is a key step towards the coming world currency planned for 2018 and the one world government. A good friend of mine, the late General Shimon Erem, told me a number of years ago that he had seen satellite photos of Iraq smuggling their chemical weapons and WMD’s into Syria during the second Iraq war. Apparently, George W. Bush knew this and for whatever reason, never used it to explain the answer to the question, “Where were the WMD’s?”
(Paul is finishing his new book, "Where Will You Be When the World Ends?" that will give the latest updates on Bible prophets and what is happening the world now. You will be given new information, that has not been made public. This intelligence will you make sense out of what appears to be confusion. What you are seeing a series of manufactured crises design to bring in the world predicted by the Book of Revelation. You can pre-order you copy now!)
As the ancient prophets and the Book of Revelation predict, the world will be a place of great confusion and intrigue in the last days and Satan knows that his days are short/ Dennis Cuddy in his article for News With Views, entitled, “The Power Elite and the Muslim Brotherhood Part I,” “Concerning the recent revolutions in Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen, etc., they have been marked by violence. Relevant to this, Zbigniew Brzezinski (an advisor to both presidents Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama) in The Grand Chessboard (1997) explained the importance of “how the United States both manipulates and manages Eurasia’s key geopolitical pivots,” and then he revealed: “A possible challenge to American primacy from Islamic fundamentalism could be part of the problem in this unstable region… and would be likely to express itself through diffuse violence.”
Zbigniew Brzezinski is a key player in the coming one world government and has been Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to several Presidents and co-founded the Tri-Lateral Commission with Rockefeller. The Muslim Brotherhood which Adolph Hitler helped to organize. The beginning framework for the Muslim Brotherhood goes back to Lord Herbert Samuel, who was one of the first to refer to the establishment of a “new world order,” in the House of Lords in 1918. Samuel was a member of the Milner Group; Lord Milner was a member of the secretive elite, who were executing Cecil Rhode’s plan for a one world government. Samuel set up a government in the Arab and Palestinian world that birthed the Muslim Brotherhood. The elite who are planning the one world government completely reject the idea that Israel is God’s land and Jerusalem is His Holy City.
The USS Eisenhower, an American aircraft carrier that holds eight fighter bomber squadrons and 8,000 men, arrived at the Syrian coast today in the midst of a heavy storm, indicating US preparation for a potential ground invasion. If Syria uses chemical weapons the U.S. and other nations will strike.
There are a total of 11 US Navy aircraft carriers that can hold thousands of men and was joined the USS Iwo Jima Amphibious Ready Group, which holds over 2,500 marines. Also, there are large (US) special operations forces near Syria. If the US decides to intervene militarily in Syria, it has over 10,000 troops, 17 warships, 70 fighter-bombers, 10 destroyers and frigates and guided military cruises. Some of the vessels are also equipped with Aegis missile interceptors to shoot down any missiles Syria might fire.
But, the conflict may extend beyond Syria to the domestic U.S. As I documented in my book, “Countdown to Armageddon,” published in 2000 Iran has had large numbers of sleeper cells in the U.S. for decades, waiting to be activated. Many of them are now an extension Iran’s Revolutionary Guard, In addition, Iran has been sending in through the Mexican border, Hezbollah terrorists for decades. The total amount of Iranian terrorists throughout the West, including South America and the United States, could exceed 40,000. In addition to WMD’s they could have nuclear weapons. In a WND Exclusive,” Iranians Prepare Terror Campaign Inside U.S.,” Michael Carl interviewed Steven O’Hern, where O’Hern said: “Iran’s Revolutionary Guard is alive and well in the U.S. and the country’s law enforcement officials ignore them at their peril, according to former U. S. Air Force officer Steven O’Hern. O’Hern says that the Revolutionary Guard, long an influential factor in the radical Islamic regime in Iran, does most of its surveillance and intelligence gathering through its proxy force, Hezbollah, considered by many to be a terror group. “It is my sense that IRGC will rely more on Hezbollah in the U.S. than having their own operatives here.
The reason for that is Hezbollah presence is primarily through the concentration of the Arab-American communities, mainly Lebanese, throughout the U.S., such as in Michigan and elsewhere,” the source said. Former FBI counterterrorism officer and Islam analyst John Guandolo agrees that the Revolutionary Guard has a presence in the United States, and it operates through the major Shi’a communities. “This is the Iranian government’s military activity in the U.S,” he said. Guandolo, who established Guandolo and Associates in 2012, says that when it comes to working to undermine non-Muslim countries, Shi’a and Sunni Muslims work together. “We do know the Sunni and Shi’a groups that are hostile to the United States are working together.
In Lebanon, Iraq, and other places we see Hezbollah, by Iran, and Hamas with al-Qaida, working together on the ground,” Guandolo said. “In the United States, the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization, the Islamic Society of North America, put forth the ISNA Code of Honor which says Sunni Muslims will not challenge other Muslims, the Shi’a, on their Takfiri, their legitimacy,” Guandolo said: “In the United States, the Revolutionary Guard and Hezbollah have a long-term mission of gathering intelligence on homeland targets and maintaining the capability to deliver multiple terrorist attacks if the IRGC chooses to do so,” O’Hern said. “I say ‘maintain’ because the Guard has already developed it.” He said attacks could be ordered in retaliation if Iran’s nuclear program is hit, or, “Sleeper cells could even be ordered into action if economic sanctions were so successful that the regime was in danger.” “Attacks against the U.S. homeland are only one place where the IRGC can strike – it also can attack U.S. troops and facilities in Afghanistan, Africa, Europe, all of which are closer,” O’Hern said.
All of the above fits into the prophetic puzzle. In Revelation 13 it talks about the coming one world government, one world economic system and one world religion. Remember the elite of our world, are an occult-based elite simply look at their symbols.
I deal with this in my DVD, “Moon into Blood” and “Are You Ready for the Coming One World Government, One World Economic System and One World Religion?” Along with my MP3 series,“The Plan to Rule the World.”
Currently they are targeting 2018 for the emergence of a global currency called, “The Phoenix.” The bird on the back of the U.S. dollar is not an eagle; look carefully it is a Phoenix!
The elite are in the process of creating regional global governments. The purpose of the chaos in the Middle Eastern nations is to bring about as new financial order. The Illuminati strategy is the same, “Order Out of Chaos.”
According to Dennis Cuddy, in News With Views, elite are using the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) to take control of the nations which have had these revolutions by appealing to their desire for a New World Order based upon Islam. In 1944, Maulana Muhammad Ali wrote The New World Order, in which he professed: "There is but one faith, Islam, which has been able to weld different nations into one homogeneous whole; and this, therefore, is the New World Order on which depends the advancement of man towards a higher goal."
There is much more to this story, than I can write now. All of this has major prophetic implications for America, the European nations and the rest of the world.” But, let us remember, prophecy was not given to us for idle speculation. God chose you before the foundation of the world for such a time as this. He gave you insight into the future so that you could fulfill His plans!
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Where Will You Be When World Ends -Paul McGuire
Paul McGuire's new book is availabe now for a pre-sale
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
*"Where Will You Be When the World Ends?" Paul's brand new book is ready for pre-order
By Paul McGuire
An important component in
understanding current events can be found in understanding the prophecies in
the Bible as they relate to modern history.
These prophecies have a statistical record of being 100% accurate, which
means they are statistically more accurate than computer analysis, remote
viewing and predictive programming.
In predictive programming,
science fiction movies, books and other media are used to subconsciously
implant a belief system or expectation of what the future will be like. For example, in the movie, “The Hunger
Games,” the subconscious message was, if you want technological progress, you
have to be willing to give up your freedoms and accept a totalitarian form of
government. This message is being
communicated in hundreds of films and television shows. The result is an attitude of compliance,
acceptance and expectation that society should move this way.
Predictive programming is an
occult based system of mind control that creates a future society based upon a
spirit of antichrist, rather than a Biblical worldview. The Fabian Socialists, who were the
architects of the emerging global government and New World Order, were an
eclectic group of writers, philosophers, economists, poets and political
leaders. For example, H.G. Wells, the
head of British Intelligence during World War I, was the author of numerous
science fiction novels, which were instruments of predictive programming. Well’s wrote science fiction books like,”The
Invisible Man,””War of the Worlds,””The Island of Dr. Moreau and “The Time
Machine.” He also wrote non-fiction
books like, “The Open Conspiracy and “The New World Order.”
Authors like “1984,” written
by George Orwell and “Brave New World,” written by Aldous Huxley, who allegedly
worked for British Intelligence, and came to Hollywood in the 1930’s. Their books were examples of predictive
programming. Commenting on the financial
elite, Huxley said:
bankers, by pulling a few simple levers that control the flow of money, can
make or break entire economies. By controlling press releases of economic
strategies that shape national trends, the power elite are
able to not only tighten their stranglehold on this nation's economic
structure, but can extend that control worldwide. Those possessing such power
would logically want to remain in the background, invisible to the average
It should be noted that the
ideas of these so-called atheistic socialists were actually birthed out of
occult beliefs. The Tavistock Institute which
was the fountainhead of scientific mind control was birthed by the Fabian
flowed from the global drug empire of the British East India Company, which
enslaved nation’s like China through opium. Tavistock also stemmed from the
ideas of H.G. Well’s in “The Open Conspiracy,” which flowed from The Society of
Psychical Research (SPR). SPR promoted
all sorts of occult practices.
Ironically, Tavistock was created from the Leipzig and Frankfurt
School’s of critical thinking, which officially rejected occultism and
spirituality, but in reality came out of the occult. The Frankfurt School was instrumental in
tearing down the power of the Christian Church in Germany and provides the foundation
of what is now known as the Seeker Friendly and Emergent Churches. It is critical to understand that many
movements in the Evangelical Church stem directly from the mind control
sciences of Tavistock.
is a direct connection between the occult, Tavistock, Frankfurt and the
international financial elite. Tavistock
and other occult-based mind control operations were funded by the British
Royalty, which is allegedly involved in all kinds of Illuminati and Satanic
practices, In addition, the Rothschild’s helped finance the Illuminati. Rockefeller,
the Federal Reserve, the City of London and Wall Street, reveal their occult
connections by using Illuminati and Satanic symbols all over the monetary
systems, governments and corporations.
For example, the occult pyramid and the all-seeing eye of Lucifer on the
back of the U.S. dollar is just one of thousands of open occult symbols.
Communism and Fascism, which were formed by the Illuminati, there has been a
systematic assault of all the institutions of God, such as the family unit, religion,
moral absolutes and the promotion of sexual immorality.
Tavistock produced the counter culture of the 1960’s
and is connected with rock’n’roll music, films, popular culture and drugs. The
term pharmakeia perfectly describes
the mind control technologies using sex, drugs, rock’n’roll, the occult and
pornography. But, Tavistock is very much
active today, using things like depth psychology to create the Occupy movement,
which is backed by Soros. American,
European and global political choices are now manufactured through social
engineering. For example, the Arab
Spring movement was a “Psy Ops” movement, as was the recent election in
The bottom line in all this is that the ruling
elite, which is heavily involved in Satanic practices is using mind control or
sorcery to destroy the Middle Class and establish a Luciferian elite and their
worker slaves. Aldous Huxley made these
remarks at a speech at a university in California:
"A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the
all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a
population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their
servitude. To make them love it is the task assigned, in present-day
totalitarian states, to ministries of propaganda, newspaper editors and
schoolteachers.... The greatest triumphs of propaganda have been accomplished,
not by doing something, but by refraining from doing. Great is truth, but still
greater, from a practical point of view, is silence about truth."
Occult philosophy is essential to this totalitarian state because it
teaches that man is not made in the image of God, therefore he has no intrinsic
value. This opens the gates of hell to
enslave man with economics, (wealth redistribution) mass mind control and the
real goal of social engineering, which is to control mass consciousness, so
that masses or the people on the bottom of the pyramid live as controlled
puppets and economic debtors to the ruling elite. The present economic crisis is simply the
mechanism for creating slaves!
The Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, I believe is God’s
inspired and inerrant Word, the problem is that many of the people talking
about it, have no idea what it is actually saying. But, the power of truth in the Bible is like
a cosmic tsunami smashing the strongholds of hell on the beaches of human
consciousness. It is clear starting in
Eden, that God made man, male and female to be the rulers of Paradise. Man was never created to be a slave! Adam and Eve lost the power of their
rulership by entering into a dialogue with the consciousness of evil, embodied
by the serpent. In its simplest terms,
Adam and Eve lost their rulership by rejecting God’s Word, in favor of the evil
philosophy of the serpent. The serpent
was the most powerful of fallen angels, whose name was Lucifer, which means the
“shining one.” He wanted to be god and
led a revolution against god, along with one third of the angels, which is
still continuing to this present day.
Lucifer’s plan was to enslave mankind, which he did when he deceived Adam
and Eve. All those who have chosen to
serve Lucifer, hope to gain power by enslaving others and that is the world
system. The dictatorial rule of Satan is
manifested in physical models of society and power. Beginning at the Tower of Babel, then under
the Pharaoh system, where God’s people were made slaves. Every time mankind
rejected the precepts of God for a philosophy like Communism, Fascism or
humanism, men and women became slaves under a cruel and dictatorial ruler, like
Lenin, Stalin, Hitler and Mao, where hundreds of millions were put in slave
camps and murdered. There is a vast
difference between the workers’ paradise of Karl Marx and the paradise of God
in Eden.
In a cosmic sense we are now approaching crunch time! The prophecies and predictions of the
Biblical prophets are coming true before our very eyes.
The world is being ruled by a Satanic elite,
which are herded us like slaves to the one world government, one world economic
system and one world religion predicted in Revelation Chapter 13. Men and women who reject God as their Ruler,
will receive the ultimate mark of a slave, the mark of the beast, which is a
microchip or biochip implant where no one can buy or sell, without this
electronic mark of the beast.
The planned destruction of the dollar and the manufactured economic
collapse is intended to bring in the coming one world economic system, by
around 2018. Then the mass population of
planet earth, who chose to reject God, will choose to worship the Antichrist as
God. We are in the birth pains described
by Jesus Christ as the signs of the times in Matthew 24. Christ and the Apostle Paul warned of Satanic
elite that would rise to rule the world in the last days. They clearly said that the spiritual
deception in mankind would be so intense that they would be under a Great
Delusion of Great Apostasy. This is
global mass mind control that is first spiritual and also drug oriented and
Through so-called secular predictive programming mankind has been
programmed to accept a world authoritarian leader, accept the loss of freedoms,
accept being slaves and accepting a mark and embrace the idea that all resistance
in useless. The Satanic elite is openly
killing off, or “culling the herd,” of “useless eaters,” by taking the world’s
population from 7 billion to 500 million.
They are using the Science of Eugenics first developed by the
Rockefeller Foundation in the 1920’s and then adopted by Hitler in the 1930’s
as the scientific justification for their goals.
On a theological level, a superficial reading of Bible prophecy would
lead one to conclude that we are to be fatalistic, accept our role as victims
and do nothing until Christ returns. Yet
the Bible teaches that we are to, “rightly divide the Word.” That means we are to take great care to
interpret it correctly. Now, based on my
personal experience, of teaching Bible prophecy to millions of people through mass
media, I know that many will instantly misinterpret what I am about to
say. But, within the Evangelical
Community there is almost an unconscious death wish when it comes to Bible
prophecy. Nowhere in the Bible does it
ever teach Christians to become fatalists and do nothing until Christ
returns. Nowhere! In fact, the Bible teaches at great length
the responsibility of those who claim to know Christ, to actively engage the world
and the culture. For example, in the
Parable of the Talents, Christians are told to use their talents, abilities and
resources for God, or suffer severe penalties for becoming apathetic and doing
nothing! Christians often talk about the
preaching the Gospel, which of course is what they should do. However, the words of Jesus Christ, “Occupy
until I come,” are omitted by many Christians as if it were an obscenity!
Yet, Jesus Christ is specifically telling us that we are to “Occupy until
I come!” Occupation implies maintaining
your position and even advancing it!
Yet, we see the majority of Christians adopting a non-Biblical theology
or retreatism or escapism. The most
often used excuse is that we are in the last days and we are not to interfere
with God’s end time program.
Essentially, the argument goes we are to just hang in there until the
Rapture. The non-Biblical idea is that
if we attempt to do anything, we might be interfering with God’s Sovereign
plan. Thus passivity and fatalism are
promoted as the ultimate will of God for the truly spiritual Christian.
All of the above so-called theological reasons for apathy, passivity and
fatalism, are the direct opposite of what Christ is actually teaching. In fact, they are a complete defiance of His
stated will! When Jesus Christ said that
we are to, “Occupy until I Come,” that is precisely what He meant. He said, “occupy and not hide, retreat and
The idea that by taking action based on a sound mind is an attempt to
overrule God’s Sovereignty is the exact opposite of what Christ taught. It is impossible to for any man to overrule
God’s Sovereignty through prayer or action.
God’s Sovereign plan will unfold exactly as He planned and He did not
create man to live in a fatalistic universe.
That is why God most often works in partnership with His people. Many times you will hear the false
theological argument that this is the last days and everything is supposed to
get worse, therefore we should not attempt to do anything about it, because we
might interfere with God’s plan. This is
theological insanity! It has been the
last days ever since the time of the Apostle Paul over 2,000 years ago. During the last days, which we are still in,
there have been countless revivals like the Reformation, First Great Awakening
and Third Great Awakening. There has
been global evangelism where hundreds of millions have accepted the truth of
Christ’s message. Empires of great evil
like the Third Reich, Lenin, Stalin and others have been destroyed or
By God’s grace technological achievements such as the light bulb, electricity,
air travel, television, computers, medical advances and countless other
scientific breakthroughs have alleviated great suffering. The American Revolution with its unique
Constitution and Bill of Rights produced the greatest Middle Class in the history
of mankind, along with the most freedoms, including religious freedoms. All of this and much, much more has happened
during the last days!
We are still in the last days and the signs of the times are intensifying
every day. The danger of global thermonuclear
war, plagues, famines, wars, economic collapse, earthquakes, freak weather and
asteroid impact are just a few of the dangers the human race faces. However, in the face of the warnings given to
us by the ancient prophets, scientists, Apostles and Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ
emphatically commanded us to, “Occupy until I Come!” That is our prime directive!
“And I say
also unto thee, that thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church;
and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew 16:18
It is
important that you accurately understand what I am saying. I am not calling for some kind of Christian
Reconstruction movement or the establishment of a Christian theocracy. I am simply advocating that what Christ
taught be established in relationship to our present moment. When the church is in obedience to the words,
“Occupy until I come,” the gates of hell cannot prevail against the
church. At this present moment, which is
in the last days, the church is to move forward as the spiritual armies of
light and engage the armies of spiritual darkness. That conflict or spiritual war is to continue
until Christ returns. The reason
spiritual darkness, chaos and the armies of evil appear to triumph in our
present hour, is because the church has rejected its mandate from its Lord to,
“Occupy until I come.” The correct
interpretation of the “gates of hell cannot prevail,” is to be understood in
the sense, that the gates of hell represent hell’s kingdom on earth. But, the church, if viewed properly is to be
seen as a divine battering ram, smashing down the gates of hell! When the individual Christian and church come
into divine alignment with God’s intention, there will be a release from heaven
of spiritual power that has the power to overturn the earthly kingdoms of
spiritual darkness and drive the powers of darkness from the land. This is ground zero in the spiritual war. All economic, political, social, spiritual,
technological and institutional control will turn on this one truth. Everything we are experiencing in America and
around the world will be impacted by an eternal force. This is the game changer and it must begin
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Paul McGuire Something Big Is About To Happen
By Paul McGuire
Most people are fighting ideological and spiritual wars
on the battlefield of the past. In their
debates, rhetoric and logic, they attempt to win the heart and souls of
mankind, by bringing up figures from the past or the present. The result is that this error in
multi-dimensional military strategy always produces defeat and captivity!
A recent case in point would be the Republican Party’s
strategy involving Mitt Romney. This
political battle or campaign was targeted towards an America of the past, which
is an America that does not exist anymore.
The point is not how or why, this America disappeared. The point is how the so-called most
intelligent marketing, advertising and campaign strategists spent hundreds of
millions of dollars waging a war on the wrong battlefield, using the wrong
weapons and could not figure out until late election night, why they lost.
Unfortunately, Christians are losing the battle for the
culture. Nine out of 10 kids from
Evangelical homes will walk away from their faith in Christ, by the time they
are in college!
This is not the will of
God and this is the reason Paul McGuire Ministries is constantly using
non-traditional approaches to communicate the truth. For example, I was recently on the History
Channel’s H2 Channel, where they did a second special with me entitled,
“Countdown to the Apocalypse: Four
Horsemen.” I was given an open door to
teach Revelation to tens of millions of people, most who are not
religious! I am not trying to brag, but
I think it is important for you to know, because this favor happens due to your
prayers. Internally, at the History
Channel they rate me a “10,” which is their highest rating for a guest and they
told me why.
They said, “Paul you don’t
come off preachy and religious, you come off like a real person and are
extremely credible. When you are on the
air, you actually pull in more viewers for us, who are not religious. You explain the Book of Revelation in ways
that are understandable and that capture the average viewer’s
imagination.” I am grateful to God for
that gift. They aired the special over
20 times in just 3 weeks alone and they never censor me. In fact, the producer told me, “Okay Paul
this is your time present your message as strongly as you want to.” The producer was giving me the green light to
present the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which I did. These are sophisticated people, they don’t
normally due this! One of the female
producers working with me was part of the production of Al Gore’s film, “An
Inconvenient Truth.”
Also, the movie we are doing, “Chaos Reaction – Basic
Extinction,” is designed to reach a mass secular audience, and especially young
people. We are in communication with a
number churches who want to use the film as an evangelistic tool. As you know my books and material are read
and viewed by large numbers of secular people around the world. Unfortunately, this is very hard to explain
to some Christians, they want you to do it in the traditional way. I am not trying to knock anybody, but judging
by the spiritual condition of our nation and world, I don’t think the
traditional way, works very well? But,
our ministry is reaching millions of people in 122 nations and we need your prayers
and support just like any other ministry.
I think some people assume because we operate differently, that we must
be rich and don’t need money. The fact
is everything we do, and I do is about teaching the Word and winning souls to
Christ and that requires support.
Many of you probably don’t know that I am a licensed
minister with a large denomination and the pastor of a local church, where we
hold regular meetings. In addition, I am
a professor of Eschatology, which is Bible prophecy. The reason I don’t call myself Rev. McGuire
or Dr. McGuire is that it would shut doors to the people I am trying to
reach. There is nothing wrong in doing
that, but the Lord has called me to reach people who are very turned off by
By God’s grace, He has put into our hands a number plans
that will reach countless millions of people for Jesus, here in America and
around the world. I have partnered with
a select number of every talented people who are capable of making these
projects happen. I don’t want to frighten anyone but because He has given us a
brief window of opportunity now to change the hearts of millions of people in a
very short period of time, it our responsibility to obey the Lord and we need
your help to do it.
There is nothing
we do in this spiritual battle, except for prayer, which can change so many
millions of lives so quickly! These
projects like the film project, “Chaos Reaction – Basic Extinction,” the books,
DVD’s, MP3’s, articles that go viral and my appearances on secular television
and radio networks give us the opportunity to reach countless millions
instantly, If a sufficient number people see and hear these missions, we can
change the hearts of millions of people, which will radically change the direction
of your nation and mine! This is not political, it is purely spiritual!
However, we are fasting and praying that the Lord will
take the veils of people’s eyes and that they would truly see the global impact
that can be made in a very short period of time. We must remember, the UN is meeting now about
total control of the Internet. As such
we must act now, while there is time!
I would love to speak and respond personally to everyone
who writes me. I have tried and I
physically don’t have the energy to do that, if I did I would collapse with
exhaustion! But, I am willing to talk to
a very select groups of people personally, who are personally capable of
financing these projects and have the burden to do so. Due to the urgency of the hour and historical
precedent, we know that a dictatorship or totalitarian government can be set up
in a matter of hours. As I document in
my book, “Where Will You Spend Eternity,” these plans for a totalitarian
take-over are already n place. All we
need in one major crisis and it is all over!
This is a sober analysis of exactly where we are, but through God’s
power we can effect change.
I hope you understand by looking at history, that America
can be overthrown, through a revolution literally overnight. I know, I was at these early planning meetings
decades ago, in New York’s East Village where Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers and
even George Soros attended these meeting and mapped out a plan for the
future. Remember as a 16 year old boy,
the Weather Underground leaders were my heroes.
It was only by the grace of God that I dragged my feet about joining,
since I had a deep moral conflict with AK-47’s and using revolutionary
violence. But, I remember as if it was
yesterday what their specific plans where and they are being carried out now, right
in front of our eyes. But wealthy
businessmen donated to their cause and financed their revolution.
I have a specific plan, created in conjunction with high
level creative psychologists who understand how to radically change human
behavior and mobilize and a spiritual counter-revolution very quickly. These experts
strategically launched all the Arab-Spring-type revolutions in the Middle East
and they are preparing an Arab-Spring operation in the U.S. by using Social
Media and other youth oriented technologies.
Using the most cutting edge research and communications technology, they
are planning to topple the government of the United States like they did with
the “Occupy Wall Street-operations.”
Long before this is over, the people of the U.S. will find themselves
living under the all-powerful. “People’s Public of the United States!” This entire revolution along with the
rejecting of the Constitution could happen in about a week and by the time most
people realized what actually happened, it would be over. What breaks my heart is that there seems to
be only a handful of Christian leaders who truly understand the great danger we
are in.
I am trying to credibly and with intellectual integrity
shine a light in the darkness. As such since
the hour is so late, I must change my strategy and go around these leaders and
reach the people God has chosen to be the Watchman and intercessors for our
Make no mistake about Christians, those who believe in
the traditional family, who believe in Bible prophecy or the Word of God
literally are all classified as terrorists!
Why? Because from a logical viewpoint and spiritual perspective, these Christian’s
are the enemy, I was speaking at a Bible prophecy conference for Chuck Smith at
Calvary Chapel in Costa Mesa. I was
speaking with one of the other speakers, General Jerry Boykin about whether
these re-education camps are really true,
He told me, as other prominent leaders have that these re-education
camps have been built and many very high-level military leaders believe that
they are for hard working, Christian, family values, patriotic Christians who
are now profiled as terrorists!
It is crucial as you get into my new book, “Where Will
You Be When the World Ends,” that you fully understand that there exists
network of these vast camps across America, also that very high up in the
military and credible sources believe that the camps are for law-abiding,
Christian and patriotic individuals. In
addition, as I point out in my book, they intend to use U.N. Law or an
Executive Order to protect us from terrorism, as an excuse to take away all
guns. There are many subtle ways this
can be done, like you are suffering from PSTD when you came back from
Afghanistan, you take a sleeping pill; you take antidepressant or ant-anxiety
medication. Much of this can be mandated
by the Obama Health Care Bill. History
shows us that in places like Germany and Russia, that once guns were taken away
from the citizens, people were rounded up and taken from their homes
In the famous nursery “Humpty Dumpty,” The first recorded versions of the rhyme
date from the early nineteenth century and the tune from 1870 in James
William Elliott's National
Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.
Many of those who would seek to change America and the
world have become the proverbial “Humpty Dumpty’s.” They are fighting the wrong
war on the wrong battlefield. The future of America will be won by those who
know how to win the battlefields of the future! There are many people who designed a
psychological strategy to convert people to their way of thinking. They understand that the collective consciousness
and demographics of America have radically changed. It should have been obvious by just looking
at the RNC Convention, composed of an overwhelming majority of white people in
a particular age group, that they had lost the battle before they began. Don’t get me wrong, I fit into that group,
but America is a lot bigger than people like me!
The first recorded versions
of the rhyme date from the early nineteenth century and the tune from 1870 in James
William Elliott's National
Nursery Rhymes and Nursery Songs.
Whatever you think of Obama and his strategists, they
understood this “change” and even made it their campaign slogan. Obama was personally fighting with the
weapons of the present and the future.
Obama was busy connecting with his followers through Twitter, Facebook
and other social media. Obama was publicly
in the company of the social icons of the present and the future. People like alleged-Scientologist Will Smith
and his wife, Jada. Again, like him or
not, L. Ron Hubbard represents a science fiction religion of a future set in
3,000 A.D. Will Smith stars in future
oriented sci-fi films like, “I Am Legend” and “I Robot?” It is not an accident that Scientology has so
much influence in Hollywood, which was the plan, developed by L. Ron Hubbard in
the 1950’s.
In contrast, Mitt Romney and conservatives act like
elderly people who don’t know how to use the Internet. An aging actor from the past, Clint Eastwood,
reincarnates “Dirty Harry," but a large percentage of voters don’t know
who “Dirty Harry,” is. The late
communications theorist, Marshall McLuhan, coined the phrase, “the medium is
the message.” What he was saying is that
content is secondary to images and feelings in the global village of mass
George Soros hired some very savvy, people who know how
to wage war on future battlefields by using neuropsychology and scientifically
manipulating the masses. Garret LoPorto
is a depth psychologist, who understands how to mobilize unconscious urges and
specializes into turning brands or movements into cults.
Another Soros sponsored group, Adbusters uses
the Delphi Technique to engineer a pre-determined consensus. This is a re-adaption of the Hegelian
Dialectic, which creates two opposing forces in order to create a
pre-determined synthesis. This is why
the international bankers have financed both sides in World War I, World War
II, the Viet Nam War and other conflicts.
goal is to win the future of America through transformation. The destruction of the traditional family,
women being encouraged to work outside the home (I am not saying that a women
cannot work out of the home,” the promotion of sexual promiscuity, homosexuality,
the pill and a sex saturate culture is strategically designed to destroy the family
unit. For decades, psychology has been mined for better methods to manipulate
the masses. Today, the methods are more sophisticated, more brazen, and more
effective. The protest organizers are manufacturing dissent within society,
while creating consensus within the movement.
documentary that will be released named, ‘Thrive – What on Earth will it take?’
to expose the elite power structures and lay out a plan that would trigger a
revolution that would liberate mankind.
In this new technology of marketing triggers are implanted to create
radical social change and revolution.
For example, the Arab Spring and other Islamic revolutions throughout
the Middle East are produced by triggers.
Ultimately, this means the World Socialist Government planned by the
Fabian Socialists and placing the American Constitution under the control of
the U.N. Constitution.
there are many people who believe in the Constitution and Judeo Christian
principles, who understand this battlefield of the future, the vast majority do
not and that is why we are losing America!
The only way to positively impact America, preserve our freedoms and
religious liberties is to understand the dynamics of multi-dimensional or
spiritual warfare and the battlefields of the future. At the upper echelons of the military around
the world, there is the understanding of predictive programming, where trained
specialists can enter another dimension and see into the future.
addition, throughout the Old Testament, you read the stories of powerful kings
who relied on supernatural information about the future from the true prophets
of God. Wars and battles were won based
on receiving accurate intelligence about the future. In addition, a detailed and accurate study of
what is called Bible prophecy is not meant to amuse, but to equip a spiritual
army with spiritual weapons.
talk of preserving freedoms, reclaiming America and the Constitution is
meaningless until you understand how the battlefield of the future is to be
fought and won. This knowledge does not come
from mere intellectual study and logical analysis. Since the battlefield takes place on another
dimension, outside of time and space, the knowledge and spiritual weapons can
only be accessed through non-traditional methods. Quantum physics, String Theory, predictive
programming and other sciences begin to approach a true understanding of the
battlefield. But, complete understanding
of the battlefield of the future can only come about through a supernatural
revelation in the inner man that transcends time and space. This revelatory knowledge comes
supernaturally from beyond this present dimension. That dimension is called such names as the
invisible realm, spiritual realm or parallel universe.
transference of this revelation moves from one dimension into another with a
force that is translated in Latin as dunamis,
which is where we get our word dynamite or explosion. The Biblical verse, “As long as they sought
the Lord, they continued to prosper,” can only be understood out of the context
of what is perceived as religion or organized religion. It is a spiritual dynamic that is similar to
the words in Acts, “Clothed with power from on high.” The idea is that there is an infinite
spiritual energy that is explosive in nature, like dynamite and categorized as dunamis.
this dynamite-like force of infinite energy explodes in the human mind, it
explosively lights up the neurological pathways, fires orders to the DNA cells
via enzymes and the DNA cells command the human biosystem of brain, body and
mind to actualize and reach their optimal potential. The consequence is a radical downloading of
supernatural information through words, pictures and dreams, often taking one into
the future. As a by-product, the biophoton’s
light-up, that person generates a supernatural glow. Multidimensional information has been passed
from one dimension to another in a burst of energy. At that moment, mere human consciousness is
transported into multidimensional areas of awareness and the battlefield of the
future. That is not a bunch of New Age talk
that is simply explaining a Biblical experience in scientific terms.
that information is transported, a group or individual is supernaturally
equipped to effectively win on the battlefields of the future. This revelation enables one to transcend the
knowledge, tools and training of those who have mastered the rudimentary
weapons of war, used in the battlefield of the future.
the present moment, there is an enormous amount of fear regarding the outcome
of events happening all around us. That
fear in the dimension of physics, generates an energy field that produces a
crippling death. All the rational and
statistical data seem to confirm, that the battle is lost. But, that data is an illusion! That illusion can only be overpowered by the
overwhelming force of the revelation of truth and the power that comes with it!
Remember David as he said to the giant
Goliath, “How dare you defy the armies of the living God!” That is the spirit that should be in
ministers and God’s people right now! We
must remember that for the Christian, he or she has supernatural access to
Jesus Christ through prayer and we have been given the keys of the kingdom.
read in the Book of Acts, that as the church was faithful to read the Word and
worship God, they were given supernatural boldness. I am going to be very blunt with you; it is
possible to take America back and your nation, before the Rapture occurs. The church is the “Restrainer,” and our job
is to restrain the forces of evil. It is
amazing to me that in the Book of Acts, it specifically labels cowardice a
great sin, and a promise of great punishment to those who surrender to it!
hear all these intercessory prayer meetings of repentance and prayers for our
nation, but I have never once heard anyone repent of being a coward or give a
sermon on the sin of cowardice! Many of
you want to see God move powerfully in your lives and to be used by God and a
mighty way. Let me share with you a
secret, when you come before the Lord and repent of the sin of cowardice and in
intercessory repentance, repent of the collective sin of cowardice, you will
see the power of God come down upon your life like never before!
And at the
time of the offering of the oblation, Elijah the prophet came near and said, “O
Lord, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, let it be known this day that you are
God in Israel, and that I am your servant, and that I have
done all these things at your word. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, that this
people may know that you, O Lord, are God, and that you have turned their
hearts back.” Then the fire of the Lord fell and consumed the burnt offering and
the wood and the stones and the dust, and licked up the water that was in the
trench. And when all the people saw it, they fell on their faces and said, “The
Lord, he is God; the Lord, he is God.” (1Ki 18:36-39)
But Elijah answered the captain of fifty, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” Then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty. (2Ki 1:10)
But Elijah answered the captain of fifty, “If I am a man of God, let fire come down from heaven and consume you and your fifty.” Then fire came down from heaven and consumed him and his fifty. (2Ki 1:10)
The day you decide to repent of cowardice and ask to truly be filled
with the power of God, are the day supernatural boldness will come upon you and
your church. I am not talking about
being foolish or not using wisdom, it is possible to be wise and bold at the
same time! When you throw yourself face
down on the floor and specifically repent for cowardice, the spirit of weakness
and timidity will leave you. You will be
consumed by the power of God and that is the day (to my male friends) you will
truly become a man, a man of God, a mighty man of God!
The time has come to stop negotiating and surrendering land for
peace. That never worked for Israel and
it will not work for you. There notable
exception, but much of the theology of the Seeker Friendly church and growing
numbers in the Evangelical church, believe that if they stop standing for righteousness
and God, they will be left alone by those who oppose the things of God. The devil has deceived them and that is great
spiritual deception! You have become a
weak shepherd and the world secretly despises you and you will be held
accountable for sending your sheep to the slaughter!
We have some Christian celebrities, who have risen to prominence,
largely because they have not stood for truth and they have compromised. I have watched them on TV, on some of the
biggest shows. I have been a guest on
some of those same shows and I empathize the pressures they are under. But, I have seen the hosts do everything they
could to get a straight answer from some of these celebrity Christians, because
they wanted to know where they stood.
But, they continued to dance around the issues and never stood for
truth! Can’t you see that these
television talk show hosts did not respect these leaders? Yes, they were polite to them, but they saw
them as weak and waffling on the issues.
This kind of representation of the Gospel is hurting the spread of the
Gospel in our nation! You can speak the
truth in love and it is not real Christian love to deny the truth. Making sinners feel good in their sins is not
love! It is pure evil, because you are
allowing them to go to hell without a Savior!
But, millions of Christians in America worship these celebrity
pastors. I tell you as one imperfect man
who is anointed by the Spirit of God and has been given a prophetic calling,
not from his own imagination, but from the Lord Himself, that this cult of
celebrity in the Body of Christ is idolatry before the Lord. I tell you under the anointing of the Holy Spirit
that you have opened your hearts to false prophets and they are spreading a
spiritual cancer in our nation. America
is on the verge of judgment and that is a message of love, because it gives you
an opportunity to repent and seek the face of God. I say that because I love you in Christ!
Hear the Word of the Lord, America and the nations of the world are
moving very quickly into very dangerous waters and playing with forces they
cannot control! As some of you know, I
stopped writing books for about 2 years, until the Lord gave me something to
specifically say. My heart is burning
and I am on fire. The Lord has opened my
eyes to things that are coming, that many of you cannot bear to hear right
now. I am currently finishing up, what the
Lord told me to write, entitled, “WHERE WILL YOU BE WHEN THE WORLD ENDS?” It is a prophetic book that shows you what is
going to happen to America in the near future and where America and the world
are heading. Many of these things are
predicted by secular economists, sociologists, military generals and
scientists. Unless there is mass repentance and crying out to God! God burned into my heart the message, that if
His people will do certain things, He will delay what is coming until the
Tribulation Period and He will pour out a blessing on our nation and your
But, make no mistake about this, judgment is at the door and I describe
some of things the Lord showed me would soon happen, unless God’s people stop
playing church and truly seek the Lord! One other thing I must share, because the
Lord has given me the release to say it.
The Lord impressed on my heart that many of His people are under great
financial stress and bondage. His people
are losing their jobs, their retirement and home values keep going down, there
are few decent paying jobs out there and it is only going to get worse! But, the Lord showed me what can happen if
His people ignore His warnings! I kept
hearing the Lord impress upon me, as I saw the brutal signs of total economic
devastation, riots, starvation, cities burning and military troops controlling
out cities and towns, along with the help of foreign and UN troops. The Lord kept saying to my spirit, “This is
not my will that this is happening! What
you are seeing does not have to happen.
All of this is happening because of judgment, because there was no one
to repent and stand in the gap. I have given my people an opportunity to stand
in the gap and intercede. The Lord
added, “As I have instructed you, (I have recorded various MP3 series which
teach the message that God is our Source) and all wealth is spiritual! The Lord said, “I have supernatural supply
for My people, as I did in the time of Joseph!
When my people begin to look at Me as their Source again, there eyes
will be opened. At that time I will not
only supernaturally supply their needs, but I will open doors
miraculously!” The Lord impressed upon
my heart, His vision for America and other nations of the world, who choose to
obey Him. “I am not dependent on the
world system! I AM GOD and there is NO
“If My people will seek My face, repent and cry out to Me, I can and
will pour out an economic miracle in this nation and other nations. There will be no natural explanation for it,
because I will bring it about supernaturally and miraculously. It will defy those that seek to control the
world’s wealth.” The Lord then impressed
upon my heart, I have promised to deliver My people from the wrath to
come. Before the Rapture of My Bride
occurs, I will create a powerful economic miracle that involves energy and
technology. There will be an
unexplainable economic miracle that will supply the needs of My people
abundantly. It will be unexpected, but I
will pour out mighty financial and economic miracle, that will affect the whole
world! For that season, people will
think we have entered some kind of new Golden Age.”
I cannot share with you some of the sources of my information, because
it would endanger their lives. Other
material in the book is fully documented from credible sources. It is very possible
that by 2018, the financial elite will force a world currency on the world and
a one world government and there are global/radical political and social
changes coming soon. Simultaneously to
that there is going to a powerful and global mass spiritual awakening which
will pull in many who claim to be Christians and fulfill the Great Apostasy
which will bring about a one world religion.
“Yet, as in the times of Moses and Egypt, I will deliver My people in
the Rapture and the world will be thrown into Great Tribulation. But, until that time, for the sake of My
people, I will pour out unprecedented economic blessing because they are not
under My wrath.”
summary, winning the battlefields of the future is not only possible, but
certain when the revelation and power that comes from another dimension, enters
people and re-creates them. The future
is not fixed and the battlefield of the future will be won by those who choose victory! Please understand that I am saying God’s
prophetic program will come to pass, as He planned it, but God’s people are to
be filled with the Holy Spirit and bold in the last days! We are to be like David, Joshua, Caleb, the
Apostles and Jesus Christ Himself. We
are to be on the offensive and not on the defensive! One of the reasons we are losing this war, is
that we act defensively and have theology that is defensive. The Bible cries out with leaders who were
filled with the power of God and aggressively pursued the enemy!
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