Tuesday, October 4, 2011


By Paul McGuire

The revolutionary Marxist Van Jones, George Soros, the Tides Foundation, the Weathermen, SDS, Ford Foundation and other socialist groups are financing the demonstrations and organizing them. Although, Ron Paul supporter are attempting to steer the groups into understanding the real problem, radical socialists are attempting to mobilize the movement into a revolutionary force that will topple our government.
Many of the demonstrators are talking about the need for a new world order, wealth redistribution and a Marxist society. Remember the Communist and Nazi revolutions began with less than this.
If America goes into some kind of dictatorship from the right or left, remember you were warned. The only people who do not understand what I am talking about are those who have a very superficial understanding of history. We are watching history repeat itself. We will either have a Great Awakening spiritually, theologically and intellectually or we will live under dictatorship!
You and I are directly responsible for what happens. 2011 is the pivotal year. If you continue to play church, listen to sermons that are completely disconnected from reality, than you are a part of the problem. You must make serious changes about where you go to church, who you fellowship with, how you pray and where you give to God. You are in complete deception. if you believe God is going to bless you and protect you .Do not deceive yourself, if you are saying everything is okay and this is just a cycle, you are walking in complete disobedience, This is exactly what the Jews said, every time they were walking in disobedience. Many of your friends have chosen to believe a lie rather than the truth. If you are following your friends and not God, you are in great sin. This is not a game. This is reality and it is happening now. If you love your children and love God, you would obey the Lord and become part of the Great Awakening.
I do not mean to sound harsh, judgmental or critical! However, my conscience before the Lord demands that I now speak out more forcefully. If I lose friends and acceptance, then so be it. I have been called like you to pick up my Cross and follow Jesus. The Lord has put a prophetic fire in my bones for many years. But, now the fire in my bones has been turned up. In Christ I am a man on fire. In Christ I am a burning man.
The Lord has impressed a message in my heart and this is the essence of it.
Unless there is mass repentance in the church about playing church and listening to false teachers, America will live under a dictatorship. All your rights will be gone and pastors will be arrested and jailed by the thousands. God is not joking; judgment begins in the house of the Lord.
However, if God’s people by the millions, begin to genuinely repent of their spiritual lethargy and begin to fast, pray, intercede and stand up for righteousness in the public square, the Lord will hold back the powers of darkness and grant us a reprieve until His return. You and your children can have a future and the Lord will return for His Church. None of this interferes with God’s prophetic program.
Secondly, the Lord has placed a fire in my heart and I must speak these words or I will fail as a Watchman. The Lord is greatly displeased that many in His Church have stopped preaching and teaching directly from His Word. The Bible is God’s Word. Yet, His people preach and listen to messages which are humanistic, man-made and New Age. Globalist messages that are based on psychological motivation. This is an abomination to the Lord and He has been calling the His church for a long time to repent of this sin. It is the root of most of the problems in the church. The Lord is about to bring judgment on the apostate church and call those that are His out of it.
Yet, the Lord in His grace and goodness has given us a window to seek His face, repent of our false doctrine and apathy. He will send a Great Awakening and destroy the dark conspiracies that are now at work. There can be hope for a future.
But, the people of God are sleeping while their enemies circle them and grow in power and number. The Lord out of His great love us is giving us a choice. But, we need to solemnly hear the Word of the Lord. If we continue to play church, which is idolatrous worship and pretend that what is a happening is not happening, judgment is coming.
If we continue to ignore the voice of the Lord, we will soon live under total dictatorship.
I have said what I have been called to say.

Paul McGuire is a Watchman on the wall, one of the best!"
–General Shimon Erem
In this 3-DVD set Paul is a Watchman warning the people what is about to come and what they can do about it, in practical terms! Paul exposes the master plan behind the creation of a one world government, a one world economic system and a one world religion. Our nation and world are about to experience a cosmic convergence predicted by the ancient prophets. The Bible tells us "My people perish for lack of knowledge." Most people do not have any idea about what is about to happen. There are very few Watchmen to warn them.
DVD 1 - Are You Ready for the One World Government?
A global government predicted in Revelation is about to rise. This global government, such as the United Nations, would have its own law and government to replace the U.S. Constitution and government.
• Are mass food riots, social unrest and chaos being used to create a new world order?
• How are the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations and Illuminati involved in this global government?
• Is it true that a United Nations military force is secretly based inside of America?
• What about the reports of Russian, Chinese and foreign military troops stationed in the U.S.?
• Have members of the National Guard and police picked up radio signals from foreign troops that use new radio frequencies that are technically banned from U.S. troops, police and the National Guard?
The Royal Society in England meets to discuss “Weather Control” technology. A special research report prepared for the Army in “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025” was discussed. Are Weather Weapons already being deployed?
There are numerous technologies that can produce Mass Brainwashing. Is it true that advertisers and government can read your brainwaves when you are watching television?
John Dewey is the father of modern education and social engineering through the school system. Is the real purpose of education to educate or indoctrinate?
• How close are we to the prophecy of Ezekiel 38, which involves Israel, the Middle East and World War III?
• Was there really a plan to destroy nationalism and patriotism through mass immigration policies that started 50 years ago?
• Are environmentalism and climate control wealth redistribution mechanisms?
• Have the elite really made public statements that their end game is to turn America into a totalitarian Marxist State like China?
• Are there laboratories around the world in which transhumanism and the interbreeding of animal, human and Nephilim DNA are being used to create cyborgs for warfare?
• Is there an attempt to censor the science of Earthquake forecasting? What does the science of Earthquake forecasting say about Japan, New Madrid and California?
• Do the elite plan to destroy over 7.5 billion lives through population control, eugenics, vaccines, food, weakening the immune system, wars, genocide and sterilization? If so, why?
• Every move, action and thought you make can be monitored through new technology. Are you ready? This DVD offers a personal action plan for you and your family. What steps can you take now to occupy until Jesus Christ comes?
DVD 2 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Economic System?
Are the international bankers controlling government, media, education, science, military and culture for their purposes?
Is it true the bankers plan to seize your property, keep its equity and then turn the nation into renters rather than owners?
This goal has two purposes: (1) Increase the wealth of the bankers by trillions of dollars. (2) In a Marxist Revolution it is essential to destroy belief in God, the family and home ownership. The destruction of home ownership creates the psychological destruction of the human personality as an individual created by God. It degrades men and women into falsely believing they have any value. There is no commitment in “marriage” and no belief in God. After this, people are willing to accept the mark of the beast.
• Why have you not read very much, except in the Wall Street Journal and sources like this, that George Soros has a Bretton Woods II Plan and the Institute for New Economic Thinking?
• Why are we not being told about the hidden agenda to create a one world economic system where the international bankers control everything?
• It is hard to believe that a brutal global dictatorship will be brought into power through a new world financial order and global taxes?
• If accomplished, this economic plan will plunge the human race into a new Dark Age or Tribulation Period, where a small group of elite seize control of the human race who become worthless slaves. Why would anyone want to do this? Why would anyone want to do what Adolph Hitler did?
• Does the Bible really predict a coming cashless society and the mark of the beast?
• Did Lord Jacob Rothschild's 1971 Inter-Alpha Group (whose family line included both banking and the Illuminati) create much of the financial chaos in order to move forward their agenda?
• Will the current global financial policies lead us into the Tribulation Period?
• Did Lord Bertrand Russell, atheist and Fabian Socialist, call for nuclear wars and Black-death like plagues to kill millions?
• Why was Adolph Hitler promoted by Britain and American interests to enforce eugenic policies to kill over 6 million people in the concentration camps? There are powerful global interests carrying out those same policies today!
• Did Hitler and Russell advocate genocide and euthanasia and the “green movement?”
• Some of the world’s most powerful billionaires have deliberately undercut the world’s food production. What action plan can you take to survive the Planned World Food Crisis and hyper-inflation?
DVD 3 - Are You Ready for the Coming One World Religion?
A highly secretive and occult religious movement is organizing all the religions in the world into one. This coming one world religion, which is happening before our very eyes, will provide the spiritual glue to unite the world’s religions into one so that a one world government and a one world economic system can be implemented. The elite understand that money is a spiritual force and that is why we have the all-seeing eye of Lucifer and the words “New World Order” on the back of the dollar bills.
Millions of children are being indoctrinated into witchcraft and paganism.
The Illuminati, founded in 1776, used the Freemasons to spread their power globally. The Illuminati were behind the French Revolution which produced anarchy and revolution. The Illuminati unleashed the spirit of antichrist, where the people held orgies in churches and paraded a topless woman on a horse, who they called the Goddess of Reason. This was a forerunner of the Communist Revolution. Karl Marx was a Satanist and the Illuminati manuscript provided the principles for the Communist Manifesto. The Italian Communist leader, Antonio Gramsci, had close ties to the Masonic leader, Albert Pike, in America, who predicted three major world wars. The third world war was to happen in the Middle East.
The Third Reich and Adolph Hitler were deeply involved in Satanism and the occult. When the U.S. government brought thousands of Nazi rocketry and mind control scientists to America after World War II, many of these men and women were in the occult or practicing Satanists.
Aleister Crowley, who was called the Beast, was a British agent before World War II who had occult-connections all over Europe. Crowley, whose face is on the cover of the Beatle’s album "Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band," remains a powerful influence today. Members of the occult and Satanism have entered the very highest levels of government, religion and military intelligence around the world.
Finally, the Evangelical Movement has been infiltrated by leaders who promote apostasy, spiritual deception and the doctrines of demons. Entire church movements, popular in Evangelical churches today, are based on occult teachings and Marxist theory!
This DVD answers the question how you and your family can learn to use spiritual discernment to protect yourself from being deceived?


Paul McGuire said...

From Paul McGuire everyone else stands up for what they believe except for Christians. Without bashing Christian leaders or churches what strategy can we employ to get Christians to truly engage is spiritual warfare and particpate legally in the process as the demonstrators are doing legally?

Paul McGuire said...

From Paul McGuire everyone else stands up for what they believe except for Christians. Without bashing Christian leaders or churches what strategy can we employ to get Christians to truly engage is spiritual warfare and particpate legally in the process as the demonstrators are doing legally?

Paul McGuire said...

From Paul McGuire everyone else stands up for what they believe except for Christians. Without bashing Christian leaders or churches what strategy can we employ to get Christians to truly engage is spiritual warfare and particpate legally in the process as the demonstrators are doing legally?

Paul McGuire said...

From Paul McGuire everyone else stands up for what they believe except for Christians. Without bashing Christian leaders or churches what strategy can we employ to get Christians to truly engage is spiritual warfare and particpate legally in the process as the demonstrators are doing legally?