Wednesday, July 18, 2012



SUNDAY, MAY 16, 2010




By Paul McGuire

A major news story broke on AOL and countless other mainstream news media outlets that the Obama Health Care Bill will require all U.S. citizens and babies to receive a microchip or Medchip by March 23, 2013. Whether or not the microchip requirement in the bill is implemented by 2013, remains to be seen.

In 2010, my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip? was released, and I asked the question, “Is the microchip implant hidden in the Healthcare Bill? Are newborn children starting in 2013 going to receive a microchip shortly after birth?” Then in the book, I wrote, “ In the massive US HEALTHCARE BILL, which your elected representatives voted for without reading, there is a section titled: Subtitle C-11 Sec. 2521 –National Medical Device Registry which states:

“The Secretary shall establish a national medical device registry (in this subsection referred to as the ‘registry’) to facilitate analysis of postmarket safety and outcomes data on each device that—‘‘(A) is or has been used in or on a patient; and ‘‘(B) is a class III device; or ‘‘(ii) a class II device that is implantable.”

The language is deliberately vague, but it provides the structure for making America the first nation in the world that would require every U.S. citizen to receive an implanted in them a radio-frequency (RFID) microchip for the purpose of controlling medical care.

A number of states like Virginia, have passed “stop the mark of the beast legislation” in an effort to stop this.

As with numerous other things that I have written and spoken about based on solid documentation, I am regularly challenged by some and especially those in the Christian community who are clueless about what is going on. Their criticism has never prevented me from presenting the facts, because I never take a poll about what I write or speak on. A Christian is called to speak the truth in love, whether or not it is accepted. I am not trying to t disparage any ministry, but I don’t determine what I say based on whether or not it is “Seeker Friendly,” or popular. The only issue is, is it true and is it wise to communicate it at that particular time. There are many things that I could say, but don’t, because after seeking the Lord, I do not believe it would wise to communicate it

The microchip implant moves closer day by day ,along with the “manufactured crisis” of illegal immigration and the problems of states like Arizona are creating an environment where Senators Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) are moving legislation forward that would require all U.S. workers, citizen’s and resident alike, to obtain and carry a National Biometric ID Card in order to work within the United States. It does not matter where you stand on the issue of amnesty or immigration, everyone is going to have to have a National Biometric ID Card that will eventually contain an RFID transmitter would allow Big Brother electronic data bases to track all of your personal information. It is a simply a national ID card under another name.

All of this which is out to happen very soon is just the tip of the iceberg.

President Ronald Reagan refused to pass what he called this “Mark of the Beast” legislation. But, now we are on the verge of something so big both globally and nationally that this world and nation will never be the same.

Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.

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Are You Ready for the Microchip? and the Are You Ready DVD series are available now.

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