Tuesday, October 31, 2017

By Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire beginning on or around November 4th, radical groups such as Antifa, ISIS and the national MS 13  gang are planning to launch riots, violence and demonstrations in cities across the U.S.  In addition, further MANUFACTURED CRISIS is planned in D.C. regarding the timed release of investigations is planned.  George Soros just spent $18 billion of radical causes around the same general time frame.  A carefully planned PSY OPS operation is being set up to "bait" and "seduce" conservatives, pro-Americans and Christians to make the fatal mistake of "pushing back" and making a physical show of strength.  

Key disinformation leaders already imbedded in the conservative, Christian and pro-American media will use persuasive reasoning to motivate Christians and conservatives to engage the radical groups.  This is a carefully planned trap, it is a bait and seduction that will be used as to create the false narrative of the "white, conservative right wing, Christian, pro-Constitutional extremist."  It is highly possible that violence, shootings, bombs and mass shootings will be conducted NOT by true conservatives or Christians or pro-Americans, but imbedded agents from any number of sources, including the radical left." for the purpose of manufactured crisis  and creating public demand for gun control and Martial Law where the Constitution and Bill of Rights are suspended and replaced by some kind of globalist-elite sponsored police state.  Spread far and wide!  No matter how intensely you are provoked do not bite the bait!  Remember, that we are fighting a spiritual battle with law abidding peaceful and spiritual weapons that are fare more powerful and physical weapons.  Beware of illegitimate leaders that arise that trying to marginalize the power of spiritual weapons and promote the use of physical weapons.  Those leader are false leader and they do not have the Holy Spirit inside of them.

"The weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds."  This communication is urgent and must be spread fare and wide!  Visit for free resources and the archives of the Paul McGuire Report, freed video messages, thousands of free articles and powerful books that unmasks this such as the brand new book CONQUERING THE MATRIX.  Visit

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