Sunday, March 22, 2009


By Paul McGuire

Before I begin, huge numbers of copies of "The Day The Dollar Died" have been mailed out all this week and this weekend. Pre-orders went out first and other orders have been mailed out. I apologize for the delay, even in the pre-order stage we have received a continuing tidal wave of people buying the book. Many people are ordering multiple copies and some pastors are ordering large orders of copies to get the message out! However, we now have it under control!

Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee spoke at the morning session at the Hyatt Regency Irvine and I spoke at the evening session. While Huckabee’s message was an excellent spiritual message, my message was spiritual, prophetic and economic. I shared with the audience that it is my belief that the current economic crisis is planned and it is engineered to bring in a world currency, a one world economic system and a cashless society. At a recent G 20 meeting, the President of Kazakh, Nursultan Nazarbayev, proposed a world currency. Canadian economist and Nobel Prize-winner Professor Mundell backed the proposal for a world currency and urged the G 20 to immediately form a working group to accomplish the task.

Professor Mundell was one of intellectual architects of the European Union’s single currency. As you listen to world leaders you hear the steady drum beat for world currency and some kind of one world economic system. Speaking before over 7,000 people at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, Southern California Prophecy Conference, I outlined what I believe was the hidden agenda behind the current global financial crisis which I write about it in my new book, “The Day The Dollar Died.” The present economic crisis is a planned event designed to deliberately crash the value of the dollar so that a world currency can be ushered in. Unfortunately, you, the American tax-payer and your children are going to suffer terribly during this transition from the U.S. dollar to a world currency. It is designed to lower the standard of living of the American Middle Class. Notice how Communist China is being artificially promoted by the international banking system. While our automobile manufacturers are being bailed out, the Chinese auto industry is about to explode. Mysteriously, they have an electric car ready to be released on the market that will sell for around $22,000. If the U.S. automobile manufacturers produce the same type of car, it would have to sell for around $40,000. The Chinese have distinct economic advantage because their cost of labor is so low. The game plan of the “Shadow Government” is to artificially lower the standard of living of the American Middle Class by promising to take care of all their needs. That is the bait of Socialism or Communism and millions of Middle Class Americans are just waiting to bite the bait!

Let’s take a look at some of these Socialist or Communist nations. First, no one is trying to sneak into Communist China, Russia, Cuba or Venezuela. These nations which forced their people to accept the “workers paradise,” basically have two classes, the poor and the super-rich. It is true that there is some Middle Class in Russia and China, but it represents a very small percentage of the population. They have don’t have freedom of speech, a free media or freedom of religion and we are in the midst of losing those inalienable rights here in America. Ironically, Russia seems to allow more of the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their schools and government than we do in America. Christianity is allowed in the Russian school system. Christianity is not allowed in the American school system. The true Church in China is persecuted, tortured and imprisoned. The State Approved Christian Church in China is allowed to worship openly as long as their message is similar to a well-known American minister who appears on Larry King and presents a Gospel so watered-down, that even King doesn’t buy it. But, the predominant Church in America is the Laodecian Church in Revelation and wouldn’t know the truth from error if it hit them in the head like a one hundred pound hailstone. That is why America is in the mess it is in. The root problem is not the Federal Reserve, the bankers or the politicians. The root problem is the average American Christian has turned his or her back on God and His Word. That is our foundational problem. We have evangelical seminaries where the professors no longer believe God’s Word and they are the one’s training pastors.

As I surf many of the television news networks and listen to some of what is called “conservative talk radio,” I hear an extremely superficial analysis which misses the big picture. Let me give you a specific example, as the media and government focus in on the AIG bonuses and other corporate bonuses which could add up into the hundreds of millions, if not billions of dollars, the more important story is the planned destruction of the American economy through the devaluation of the dollar! Like the Roman circuses of old, the masses are being occupied with a kind of blood lust watching the corrupt CEO’s scream. There is no question that they deserve to scream with their unethical contracts that do not that do not tie their bonuses to performance and profit for their stockholders. There is no question that this is newsworthy and it should be covered. But, there is a far bigger theft going on then the bonuses at AIG and other corporations. The really important story is the Federal Reserve and what they have done with all that money. Very rarely do you see or hear a story on the Federal Reserve. Yet, it is the Federal Reserve who controls and owns our money supply. The Federal Reserve, which is a secret group of private international bankers own and control the U.S. monetary system. Since their charter in 1913, the Federal Reserve has taken over the U.S. monetary system. Yet, because they control both the Democratic and Republican Parties and most the media the average American does not know that the Federal Reserve is not part of our Federal Government, but is a powerful group of international bankers, who are not under the authority of the American people or the U.S. Government! Since around 1914, these international bankers took control of our entire monetary system and they in effect control America. To put it bluntly America is not a free country and the American people lost their freedom in 1914.

The Federal Reserve is the most powerful organization in America and yet they operate in almost total secrecy. Since they own most of the major media you never see an expose on who they really are. They control our money, media and political system and yet our government and the American people do not know who these bankers are, what they do with the money or anything about the Federal Reserve. The Federal Reserve caused the Great Depression and in my opinion they are behind the global financial meltdown. As I write in “The Day The Dollar Died,” the real agenda is a massive expansion of a socialist-style government in the United States, the further establishment of what they term a “scientific or technocratic elite” to rule our nation and the world. However, the first order of business is to tighten their control on the world’s economy by creating a world currency and some kind of “International Federal Reserve,” through the IMF or some other front-agency. This puts the complete control of the world’s monetary and political system in the hands a select group of international bankers who in effect become the “Masters of the World.”

I am aware that their primary strategy in disguising their plans is to marginalize, demonize or relegate anyone who brings this up as a “conspiracy nut.” Yet, they are fully prepared to use and implement at a moment’s notice Police State powers such as Martial Law and have already constructed a global Big Brother surveillance system. I understand that when you bring this up, most people go into a state of cognitive dissonance and disassociation. The reason for this is that we live in a world where social engineering has become what George Orwell called “concentration camps of the mind.” Even now as some of you read these words you are in a psychological state of conflict. A voice inside you say’s” this guy is a “conspiracy theorist” and you are angry. But, if I was simply spouting nonsense you would not be angry. Your emotional state of anger is a psychological survival mechanism. For decades psychologists have understood that people deeply resist any change in consciousness, they would prefer their “normal” or programmed state of mind, even if it is not true. The reason for this is that on a psychological and spiritual level people desire the status quo, a homeostasis or equilibrium. The internal dynamic works like this: A wife and mother is married to a man who she knows is molesting her daughter sexually, even as an infant. That reality is horrific to her and it is do deeply upsetting that it would be possible to have a nervous breakdown in order to deal with it, because it threatens everything she has believed about her marriage and family. These are terrifying thoughts! So as a psychological defense mechanism she goes into a state of denial. The denial, even though she knows deep down inside is a lie, is preferable to the seismic shock of dealing with this reality.

This principle is spiritual as well as psychological. On a spiritual level people are in captured by strongholds and in spiritual bondage. It is this principle that is at play right now in America. Growing numbers of Americans sense that there is something not right about what is going on. They intuitively know they are being lied to and manipulated. However, the external shock of economic crisis produces a twofold result; First, there is the planned result by the social engineers, going back to the father of Behavioral Psychology B.F. Skinner. Shock, trauma and crisis can and are being used in what can only be described as a Mass Manchurian Candidate operation designed to move entire nations into desiring “change.” “Change” is the vocabulary of propaganda and mind control. Due to the dumbing down of the population, people have do not know history and are experience oriented. This problem exists in the Church. “Change” is code for socialist-style society where the people willingly surrender their freedoms. That is what is happening now in America. Crisis and fear is producing rapid mass transformation. This is not a Democratic or Republican issue, both parties are involved. This rooting for Republicans on talk radio is a diversion and it misses the point.

But, the secondary effect, which the social engineers use, such as Skinnerian Conditioning and other forms of behavior modification, do not fully take into account is what I call the “echo chamber effect.” The crisis and fear which is a classic stimulus-response mechanism controls consciousness, behavior and belief systems as long as the external information network such as radio, television, the Internet education and peer pressure etc. reinforce the conditioning. That is what is so important for them to control radio, television, education and the Internet like China does.

By, God’s grace we have a very brief window of time to utilize the “echo chamber” effect. Fear and crisis dislodge human consciousness or unfreezes it in order to produce the global transformation they desire. But in that brief window of time where the programming is being dislodged people are open to the truth. That is why Jesus Christ said, “You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” Thus, there exists what I believe is God-given strategic spiritual window to awaken millions of people to what is really going on. In addition, through a legal, peaceful and spiritual awakening preserve our religious and personal freedoms, even in an environment of globalism. This happened during the First Great Awakening.

In “The Day The Dollar Died,” I talk about the two contradictory messages on the back of a dollar bill. On one hand it says, “In God We Trust” and it also says, “Novus Ordo Seclorum” which means “New Order of the Ages” or New World Order in Latin. Above these words there is a picture of a pyramid and an illuminated eye which is the all-seeing of Lucifer almost at the top of the period. Above the all-seeing eye of Lucifer there is a smaller pyramid at the top. The words and symbols mean that there is a plan for a new world order and that this new world order will be run by an elite class of those who have been “illumined” by Lucifer. This of course had its roots in the Illuminati, but it goes all the way back to Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.

The point here is that our money system is directly connected to a spiritual system. This should not surprise us because this is what the Bible teaches. In Revelation 13 we read about a soon-coming False Prophet or Beast who will head up a coming one world religion. For a time the False Prophet will be the world’s ultimate spiritual leader. Through signs and wonders, this False Prophet will deceive the world into worshipping the other Beast, who is the Antichrist. But, notice in those verses that no one will be able to participate in the coming one world economic system without receiving the mark of the beast. The way you get the mark of the beast is spiritual. You will be required to renounce Jesus Christ as Lord and you will be required to worship the Antichrist as God. Thus the right to participate in the one world economic system is completely based on spiritual terms.

There are serious consequences surrounding the acceptance or rejection of the mark of the beast. If you accept the mark of the beast, which could be biochip implant you will be judged by God and cast into the Lake of Fire where the Antichrist and False Prophet will be sentenced at Christ’s return to earth. If you reject the mark of the beast you will be killed through beheading. Serious stuff!

Consider the reality that we are moving full speed ahead towards the fulfillment of Daniel Chapter 9, The Revived Roman Empire or the “Fourth Beast.” A one world economic system, global currency and the cashless society is literally at the door. However, it is at this juncture that many Bible believing Christians miss the point of Bible prophecy. Jesus Christ did not tell us to sit here until He comes nor misinterpret and reduce the Great Commission to “I am just called to preach the Gospel.” That is twisting the truth to rationalize one’s fear and apathy, and it is a sin to be repented of. The Great Commission encompasses making disciples of all nations and teaching them always to do what I have commanded.” That means communicating a Biblical world view and standing for righteousness. America is already under judgment and judgment begins in the house of God. Remember the words that Jesus Christ spoke to the Church and Laodecia where he warned He would “vomit them out of His mouth because they were neither hot or cold, but lukewarm.” Those words are to us the Laodecian Church in America. We are on the verge of serious consequences in America before the Tribulation Period. I really do not think the average Christian or Christian leader understands exactly how severe those consequences will be. Words are glibly tossed about, “the best thing that could happen to the Church in America is persecution because it will purify us.” First, of all it is the blood of Jesus Christ that purifies us and not persecution. That would mean we are saved by works and not of faith. It is true God uses trials to teach His people and the Church would learn in under a totalitarian state. But, the people who throw those words around do not seem to really understand the full implications of what they are saying. Christians were tortured and went to the gas chambers in Nazi, Germany. Today, Christians are being raped, tortured and killed in Muslim nations and China.

To those who justify their apathy by romanticizing persecution, would you like me to explain in graphic detail what the Communist soldiers, who took over Eastern European nations did to Catholic nuns and young Protestant girls and women? Would you like me to explain explicitly what the Communists did to young girls and women, over and over again sometimes in front of their fathers and husbands? To the Christian’s and to the Christian leaders who seek safety in retreating, accommodation, and justifying their fear and apathy by saying, “I am just called to preach the Gospel.” That is what the Church did in pre-Nazi Germany and Europe. Before the Tribulation Period, the soldiers and agents of Hitler and the Communist Party moved in. Once they took over they dropped their masks of civility and the horrors began. I ask you men specifically,” are you prepared to watch what they are going to do to your wives and daughters?” I ask you Christian women, who seek to escape in some kind of Christian fantasy world, “are you prepared when they come for you and your daughters?” You say, “I don’t want to hear this you are scaring me and God has not given me a spirit of fear.” My reply to you is this, “I am not trying to scare you, I am telling you the truth. I am educating you to the historical realities of what happened. I care about what happens to you. I care so deeply, that I am willing to risk being misunderstood and falsely accused in order to protect you from this ever happening to you. That is what true Christian love is. I am willing to lay my life aside so that you and your family may live. I am willing to be called names and marginalized so that you might find life, hope and safety.

I am your brother in Christ and I have been called to be a Watchman and a Watchman I shall be. I am not coming to you in a spirit of fear, but in a Spirit of truth, love and a sound mind. There is hope. The Lord has given us one last window of opportunity. What I described above can still be avoided, but the hour is growing late. I cannot do this alone on any level. It is only through a supernatural strengthening of the Lord, your constant prayers and fasting, and your financial support that we can do this together. If it is to be done? and I believe with all my heart that this is what the Lord wants because He is merciful, than we must join together. This is a spiritual battle and far too great for any one man or woman to fight alone. I must obey my call! I can do nothing less for the Spirit of Christ commands me to move forward in faith. My eyes are fixed upon the Lord and His command thunders in my heart. I tremble in His presence, for the fear of God has replaced the fear of man. He is a Holy God and I am but dust. His return is closer than we think, but make no mistake about it, there will be spiritual battle before He returns for His Church. We are the Bride and He is the Bridegroom. Even so come quickly Lord Jesus!

Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire Ministries

P.O. Box 220567

Newhall, California 91322-0567

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Watch Paul's interview on YouTube on what is happening economically and where we are headed prophetically by clicking below:

Paul McGuire on Apocalypse and the End Times

Paul's Speaking Schedule
Tuesday March 17th 7:00PM at the Hyatt in Irvine 17900 Jamboree Rd
Irvine, California.
Paul is speaking about the prophetic events about to happen to this nation and what David Wilkerson's prophecy means for our nation this The event is free if you pre-register to Paul via E Mail. Governor Mike Huckabee is speaking in the morning at the Hyatt Irvine. But, registration for each event is separate. More Info McGuire / Huckabee Orange Coast Christian Outreach Week Calendar
March 29th Sunday Morning 10AM at Calvary Chapel Carlsbad 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, CA 92011 Admission is free if you pre-register Paul via E Mail. Get directions (link to google map) Paul will speaking about what is happening in America, the world prophetically and how to prepare
April 2 Thursday 7:00PM Paul will be holding a "McGuire Prophecy Meeting"at the New Hope Nazarene Church in Mission Hills 1063 Sepulveda Blvd. Mission Hills, CA 91345. Free if you pre-register.

Monday, March 9, 2009


By Paul McGuire
On March 7, 2009 David Wilkerson issued a strong prophetic warning of impending judgment upon America and the world. Wilkerson said, "AN EARTH-SHATTERING CALAMITY IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN. IT IS GOING TO BE SO FRIGHTENING, WE ARE ALL GOING TO TREMBLE - EVEN THE GODLIEST AMONG US.

For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.

There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath." This is part of what David Wilkerson wrote on his March 7, 2009 blog. In today's "seeker sensitive' church world those words may be an affront to the Evangelical Church's god, who is not the Biblical God. The Old Testament prophets, the Apostle Paul, the Apostle John and the Lord Jesus Christ Himself were not "seeker sensitive." They told the truth! Using Jesus Christ, the Apostle's and the Old Testament prophet's as God's standard, the seeker sensitive model could be characterized as false prophecy.
Some Bible teacher's, who teach a Pre-Tribulation Rapture, which I believe the Bible teaches, may have difficulty with David Wilkerson's prophecy because at face-value it appears to describe events that would occur during the seven year Tribulation Period. However, I would like to point out two things. First, there is nothing in the Old Testament or New Testament that state's that God cannot allow judgment prior to the Tribulation Period. History is filled with examples, of what may have been God's judgment on a nation or an individual after the birth of the Church or what is commonly referred to as the "Church Age." It is a clear that "the time of Jacob's trouble" begins with the Rapture of the Church and the revealing of the Anti-Christ. But, judgment has and can occur before that time period. The difference is that the judgment and wrath of God during the seven year Tribulation Period begins with the Church of Jesus Christ being removed from the earth and the man of sin or the Anti-Christ is revealed.
Clearly, when one reads David Wilkerson's vision of judgment and his word's, it appears to reflect David Wilkerson's Post Tribulation viewpoint. For example, Wilkerson writes,
In Psalm 11:6, David warns, “Upon the wicked he will rain snares (coals of fire)…fire…burning wind…will be the portion of their cup.” Why? David answered, “Because the Lord is righteous” (v. 7). This is a righteous judgment—just as in the judgments of Sodom and in Noah’s generation." These words indicate a Post Tribulation viewpoint. However, if Wilkerson's vision is from the Lord none of the things Wilkerson says necessarily have to occur after the seven year Tribulation Period begins or we are on the verge of the Rapture immediately before the Tribulation Period begins. I am not saying this with certainty as to the date of the "Rapture," as the Bible warns against specific date setting.
Obviously, we cannot equate David Wilkerson's vision at the same level as the scripture. David Wilkerson has had earlier visions which did not seem to come true exactly as he saw them. Yet, many of the things he saw did come true. Some would raise the argument, that if David Wilkerson's prophecy is not 100% accurate that he is not truly a Biblical prophet. There is no question that in the Old Testament, a prophet could be stoned to death for not being 100% accurate. However, there are many faithful leaders in the Body of Christ who are alive today who have missed God's timing or who have gotten certain things wrong. Yet, they remain faithful men of God. Again, the question could be legitimately raised "your argument is on a slippery slope theologically?" In the strictest sense of interpretation that challenge is legitimate. That is why no man, vision or experience, including the opinions of this author can be put on the same level of scripture.
However, what if God did reveal something to David Wilkerson? What if for example, what he saw was a consequence of an Israeli strike against Iran where computer guided missiles from Russia and other nations were launched. Intelligence experts are aware of the fact that there are thousands of missile aimed at major U.S. cities and vice versa that are on a hair-trigger alert. What if Iran attacked Israel and that action precipitated a nuclear missile exchange through super-powers like Russia, China, Germany, Britain and the U.S. or Russian vessels armed with nukes traveling through the Panama Canal or off the coast of Venezuela or Cub a? What if an act of terrorism such as an EMP or Electronic Pulse Weapon crashed the power grid and U.S. system? Clearly, riots would occur and cities would burn. Or the possibility of unexpected asteroid hit? The possibilities are endless. In addition, we have the theological debate among those who hold to a Pre-Tribulation position of an Ezekiel 38 scenario taking place before the Tribulation Period. I am not here to be an apologist for David Wilkerson, but I am suggesting that his vision does not necessarily conflict with the prophetic time table.
In the final analysis, David Wilkerson's prophetic warning should be heeded. It does not mean that the Tribulation Period has begun, even though Wilkerson probably believes that. The point is that David Wilkerson had a long term track record of being a strong and faithful preacher of the Word of God. He has challenged apostasy and false prophecy for years. At every level, David Wilkerson's character is one of a true Biblical leader in a day where apostasy is epidemic. I for one take David Wilkerson's prophecy soberly. I do not put it at the same level as the Scripture and I do so, recognizing the fallibility of even the best of Christian leaders. But, begin to be prepared both spiritually practically is prudent. The American Church and much of the Church in Europe is the Laodecian Church described by Jesus Christ in the Book of Revelation. After 911, the Church continued to slumber and even in the midst of global economic crisis the modern Laodecian Church refuses to consider the real possibility that Christ could return and Israel is our major prophetic sign.
Without question we are in the last days and Israel is God's prophetic time clock. Iran is a threat to Israel's very existence. Although, the Church and what Henry Kissinger recently called, "the new world order" trifles with Israel's existence and right to the land, God does not. Isn't it interesting that Wilkerson issue's his warning as the threat to Israel is at the critical state. I don't know about you, but I am going to seek the face of God and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I will not be headed to the hills in a camouflage outfit, but I will do what the Lord has commanded us to do which is "occupy until I come." Ultimately, my faith is in the Word of God and not the prophecy of any man.
# # #
Paul McGuire's prophetic novel depicts an America and the world very much like David Wilkerson's recent vision. "The Warning" shows how Christian's survive and like Joseph and Daniel in the midst of cities of fire, rioting and earth-shattering judgment. "The Warning" takes place before the Tribulation Period and the book's hero has a plan to fulfill the Great Commission and to "occupy until I come" as judgment unfolds in America and the world triggered by their division. "The Warning" gives a plan and hope in the midst of cities burning and rioting. God has a plan for you in this time and it is not just to survive. He wants to bring His people into leadership positions.

For More go to

Sunday, March 8, 2009


David Wilkerson issues a strong prophetic warning on March 7, 2009 on God's judgment coming upon America and the world. Wilkerson talked about cities across America in flames and riots. I give a commentary on Wilkeron's prophecy at Here is part of what David Wilkerson said:


For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.

There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath."

Time will tell if the full extent of Wilkerson's prophecy comes true. David Wilkerson also called upon believers to have a 30 day supply of food and water. David Wilkerson has a proven track record of being both prophetic and a true man of God. Whenever, we go to Manhattan we worship at his church - The Times Square Church where the holiness and power of God comes down in a very, very powerful way.

I have things that I want to share about what I believe is about to happen in California, America and the world which I will not share in this blog today, but in the next few days. I will be sharing on the future of America and the world in prophecy this Tuesday at the Hyatt in Irvine at 7 PM. Admission is free but you need to contact me via E Mail to pre--register. Mike Huckabee is speaking at the Hyatt Irvine in the morning and I will be there. That event is now sold out. However, you can come to the What Is Going To Happen To America and The World In The Near Future? Prophecy Meeting which is free, but you must pre-register quickly the event is this Tuesday evening. Many people are telling me I should charge for these meetings since there is considerable cost in putting them on. However, as God's people support our ministry I am making them free.

You need to be there. There are many things that are about to happen in the near future! You can E Mail me at and let me know you are coming and how many.

Also, Sunday March 29th I will be speaking at the Carlsbad Calvary Chapel at 10AM - again is admission is free but you must pre-register. There are two Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. I will be speaking at the Calvary Chapel Carlsbad on 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, CA 92011. Go to the correct church!

The Los Angeles Daily News just did a story with me and other prophecy teachers that went out today and they called me "an unlikely prophet of the Second Coming." That is accurate because I have no desire whatsoever to be called a prophet or be in the spotlight. In my radio, television and writing career I have had plenty of that. That is no longer my interest. I am being pursued by one of the largest secular syndicators in the world for both radio and television. The platform would be huge. Keep me in your prayers. If I cannot tell the full truth I am not interested. Life is to short and I truly believe Jesus is coming soon. The only thing that matters to me is to hear Jesus say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Visit for our up to date prophetic news.

Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567


David Wilkerson issues a strong prophetic warning on March 7, 2009 on God's judgment coming upon America and the world. Wilkerson talked about cities across America in flames and riots. I give a commentary on Wilkeron's prophecy at Here is part of what David Wilkerson said:


For ten years I have been warning about a thousand fires coming to New York City. It will engulf the whole megaplex, including areas of New Jersey and Connecticut. Major cities all across America will experience riots and blazing fires—such as we saw in Watts, Los Angeles, years ago.

There will be riots and fires in cities worldwide. There will be looting—including Times Square, New York City. What we are experiencing now is not a recession, not even a depression. We are under God’s wrath."

Time will tell if the full extent of Wilkerson's prophecy comes true. David Wilkerson also called upon believers to have a 30 day supply of food and water. David Wilkerson has a proven track record of being both prophetic and a true man of God. Whenever, we go to Manhattan we worship at his church - The Times Square Church where the holiness and power of God comes down in a very, very powerful way.

I have things that I want to share about what I believe is about to happen in California, America and the world which I will not share in this blog today, but in the next few days. I will be sharing on the future of America and the world in prophecy this Tuesday at the Hyatt in Irvine at 7 PM. Admission is free but you need to contact me via E Mail to pre--register. Mike Huckabee is speaking at the Hyatt Irvine in the morning and I will be there. That event is now sold out. However, you can come to the What Is Going To Happen To America and The World In The Near Future? Prophecy Meeting which is free, but you must pre-register quickly the event is this Tuesday evening. Many people are telling me I should charge for these meetings since there is considerable cost in putting them on. However, as God's people support our ministry I am making them free.

You need to be there. There are many things that are about to happen in the near future! You can E Mail me at and let me know you are coming and how many.

Also, Sunday March 29th I will be speaking at the Carlsbad Calvary Chapel at 10AM - again is admission is free but you must pre-register. There are two Calvary Chapel's in Carlsbad. I will be speaking at the Calvary Chapel Carlsbad on 6355 Corte Del Abeto Carlsbad, CA 92011. Go to the correct church!

The Los Angeles Daily News just did a story with me and other prophecy teachers that went out today and they called me "an unlikely prophet of the Second Coming." That is accurate because I have no desire whatsoever to be called a prophet or be in the spotlight. In my radio, television and writing career I have had plenty of that. That is no longer my interest. I am being pursued by one of the largest secular syndicators in the world for both radio and television. The platform would be huge. Keep me in your prayers. If I cannot tell the full truth I am not interested. Life is to short and I truly believe Jesus is coming soon. The only thing that matters to me is to hear Jesus say, "Well done thou good and faithful servant" at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Visit for our up to date prophetic news.

Paul McGuire

Paul McGuire Ministries
P.O. Box 220567
Newhall, CA USA 91322-0567

Thursday, March 5, 2009


This is a Prophetic Alert! Israel is preparing to attack Iran in order to destroy its nuclear plants. It is important that believers pray for the peace of Jerusalem and this region in the world. The Book of Daniel teaches us that a powerful territorial spirit controls the area of Iran and is this demonic powers is "The Prince of Persia or Iran." Michael is the angel responsible to watch over Israel/

There are a number of factors in play here. The possibility of an Ezekiel 38 scenario where Russia and its Islamic allies invade Israel or Russia moves into Georgia to control over 42% of the worlds oil supply. In a global financial meltdown this would have a catastrophic effect on the global economy. The European Union which appears to be emerging as the Revived Roman Empire which could include the U.S. or ten regions of the world is pressuring Israel to divide the land. We must understand, that despite what many Christian's are claiming, that the everlasting covenant with Abraham's phyysical descendants is still in effet. Also, on a supernatural level the Abrahamic Covenant is where God Almighty say's, "Those that bless Israel I will bless and those that curse Israel I will curse." The world's, Europe and the U.S. economy is on the edge. If we release a supernatural curse upon our land's by cursing Israel, the Lord may allow us to be pushed over the edge and experience total economic collapse. Let us not be naive. There is serious discussion of Martial Law coming from intelligence sources and the establishment of a military dictatorship. Most of God's people are in the Laodecian Church and cannot see what is happening. I believe God wants to pour out a last days revival and bless His people so they can fulfill the Great Commission. But, this is connected to Israel. I discuss this in detail in "The Day The Dollar Died."