Wednesday, July 28, 2010

MP3 Download below.
By Paul McGuire
I was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman when I was fifteen years old. Shortly before Abbie Hoffman died, he openly admitted that he was a Communist. In High School, a friend whose father was a doctor, gave me some of the psychedelic drug mescaline. I had read a book called Heaven & Hell: The Doors of Perception, by Aldous Huxley who said mescaline could enable a person to travel through the “doors of perception.” Huxley also wrote, Brave New World and the rock group The Doors named their group after Huxley’s “doors of perception.”
I was raised in a secular humanistic home in New York City, where my mother was a card carrying member of the ACLU and a socialist. I began to take psychedelic drugs and participate in occult and New Age Movement activities along with anti-war demonstrations.
At that time in my life, I hated America and I was for the New World Order, revolution, one world government, drugs and Socialism. I did not take psychedelic drugs to get high, but to alter my consciousness. In fact, I was involved in meditation, astral projection, yoga, Buddhism, Hinduism and many other eastern Mystical. Religions. I read the teachings and ideas of Baba Ram Dass, Stephen, Timothy Leary, Ken Kesey, Dr. John C. Lilly, Edgar Cayce and others. I saw the great white light, experienced communication with spirit guides and had all kinds of occult powers. I hated Christianity and Christians. When I walked by a church on Sunday morning I would spit on the ground to show my disgust for the Christian religion. I hung out with LSD guru Timothy Leary on St. Marx Place and Ken Kesey, author of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest in Central Park and engaged in a telepathic conversation with Stephen Gaskin as he left San Francisco, where he taught his Monday Night Class, in a hippie exodus of buses painted with psychedelic colors.
My dual major at the University of Missouri, was film making and “Altered States of Consciousness,” which was a brand new accredited field in the psychology department. My professor was high up in the New Age Movement and he invited me to go deeper into the movement. I remember sitting in one of his lecture classes and hearing a voice that said, “Surrender to the dark forces within!”
As a radical I considered joining the SDS and the Weather Underground, but I found all the rhetoric about violence in conflict with my beliefs in non-violence, peace and love. I attempted to enroll in the Black Panther Party but I was not allowed to because I was white. This was my first experience in racial persecution. However, because of my passion, they did allow me to become an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. I was dedicated to peaceful revolution and legally overthrow the U.S. government and bring in a one world government.
Also, I hated Capitalism and believed in wealth redistribution and environmentalism. Because I lived in Manhattan and moved in certain circles, I ended up rubbing shoulders with the leaders of the counter culture. In short, I believed in many of the things that President Obama, Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn believed in. Yet, even at this time I believed in freedom! Freedom of the press, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the rest of our Constitutional rights.
I arrived at the University of Missouri, where the counter culture was exploding. One particular professor who was high up in the New Age Movement was teaching us to use higher consciousness to bring in the New Age. At that time, I was participating in experiments outlined by Dr. John C. Lilly, the medical doctor who taught us that dolphins were intelligent, which was made into a movie entitled The Day of the Dolphin starring George C. Scott.
These experiments involved taking powerful psychedelic drugs while soaking in a sensory deprivation chamber and leaving my body. However, while still at the University of Missouri by politics and spiritual beliefs slowly began to change. First, I noticed that there was no real love, peace and community in the counterculture. They were as bad or worse than the people involved in the New Age religions and capitalism. This came to a head when I began to see acts of violence among the so-called hippies and revolutionaries.
I started to notice hard core Communist propaganda appearing at counter culture gatherings. Posters with a revolutionary fist up raised holding up an AK 47 assault rifle with the slogan “Armed Love.” Hippies were now carrying copies of Chairman Mao’s Little Red Book. There were a lot of papers and speeches being made attempting to transition the counter culture and hippies into the Communist Movement. The literature promoted ideas like, “if you really love people and want to bring peace and love into the world, than you must be prepared to take up guns and bombs and kill people through violent revolution.
The alarm bells in my mind starting to go off. I could sense that the counter culture was being manipulated by powerful outside sources. At that time, I didn’t realize to what extent, we were being indoctrinated, manipulated and brainwashed. Then people began wear T-shirts with the pictures of Che, Fidel Castro, Lenin, Stalin and other Communists. I knew that these people were killing hundreds of millions of people and I could not go along with it, no matter what the justification. The Hippie Movement which began as a movement of peace, love and sex was morphing into a violent Communist Movement with the goal of violent revolution.
Woodstock was replaced by the infamous alleged Hell’s Angel’s murder, filmed live at Altamonte Speedway. Violence, guns, hard narcotic drugs .like heroin and cocaine began to replace the more peaceful psychedelic drugs. Flower power was replaced with Chairman Mao’s, “political power proceeds from the barrel of a gun.”
Even though I considered myself a revolutionary and had long hair down to my belt, I was not interested in becoming a Communist and violent revolutionary, where the ends justify the means. Although, the vast majority of my professors were liberal, one professor assigned us to read a book entitled None Dare Call It Conspiracy by Gary Allen. It was the only book on history that I ever had read that made any sense. It was like somebody turned the lights on in my mind and I could see for the first time. Allen essentially said that both the Communists and Nazi’s were financed by the same international cabal of bankers whose goal was to employ the Hegelian Dialectic of Antithesis or Communism vs. Nazism which was National Socialism, Thesis. In order to create a synthesis, which would be New World Order totalitarianism. In addition, Allen explained how Rockefeller, Kissinger, the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations (which claims to be simply a think tank) were controlling the media and the highest levels of government in order to move us to a one world Communist government.
For the first time in my life I actually picked up the both the Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible and began reading it. I discovered that the Bible not only talked about God’s dealings with Jewish people and His free offer of salvation through His Son Jesus Christ.
But I also discovered that the Bible communicates a Biblical world view about all matters of reality such as science, music, economics, business, morality, sexuality, government, religion, art, creativity, productivity, government, law and politics. I was shocked to discover that the Bible was not the silly little cartoon-like book, that I had been taught that is was. I realized that the Bible spoke about such things as human sexuality, culture, economics, military preparedness, immigration, science, cloning, life after death, evolution, art, music and the role of government and limitations of government.
The stunning tour de force of intellectual, practical and spiritual dynamism that is presented in the Holy Scriptures is so overwhelming to normal consciousness that to people who will read it without bias, will soon discover that they have been brought by the Holy Spirit to a higher level of consciousness that enables men and women in government, the military, medicine, science, psychology, psychiatry, the courts, energy, business, economic theory, arts, music, and creativity can take a quantum leap into the future and access answers and solutions that are not available to men and women who are cut off from this resource.
For example, America’s success and productivity is not simply due to its natural resources or hard work. There are many nations which have an abundance of natural resources and populations which are willing to become educated and work had. America became great because of the blessing of God and that our government and our citizen’s were willing to seek God and His Word and apply it to every area of life. This is why America is great.
In contrast, without exception in history, every single government which has rejected the Biblical God and the principles in His Word, has self-destructed economically and socially. In addition, the citizen’s of the humanistic and socialist revolutions have seen continual poverty, loss of jobs, and a lower standard of living and live under an oppressive tyranny of fear under a brutal dictatorship where people disappear into the night. This would include Nazi, Germany which is just another flavor of Marxism called “National Socialism.” The dangerous trends which are now erupting all around us, here in America.
I was invited to a Christian religious retreat sponsored by a Christian denomination, in the cornfields of Missouri, which looked like the Kevin Costner movie “Fields of Dreams.”. When I go there I was on a serious quest for God. But, all I saw was a bunch of Christian “frat” and sorority girls who basically wanted to party. It confirmed my worst suspicions about the religion of Christianity. I hitchhiked back to the University of Missouri the next morning. When I stuck out my thumb next to the road in the cornfields, a Pentecostal preacher and his wife picked me up and preached to me about Jesus for about an hour.
I figured it was a just coincidence. So I stuck out my thumb again and this time it was a Bible salesman, wearing a dark three piece suit, driving a station wagon packed with Bibles. He was not trying to be politically correct. He let go of his steering wheel and held up a giant black leather King James Bible and began telling me I was a “sinner” and that I was going to hell if I did not invite Christ into my life and except His free gift of salvation and to become born-again. Now, I was from New York City and did not even believe in the word sin. To me sin was an archaic concept.
However, for some strange reason, we pulled off the side of the road and I prayed the “sinners prayer” with Him. At that moment, for the first time in my life I knew that Christ has come into my life and made be born again. This was different than all the New Age and drug induced experiences I had been through. They all seemed like illusions and counterfeits in contrast with the reality of Jesus Christ living in my life. Now with the Holy Spirit in me, I began to study and re-think my positions on every major issue. After years of study and comparing my beliefs with a Judeo Christian world view, I have changed my political, scientific and social conclusions.
By God’s grace my entire testimony has been heard by over 35 million people around the world through Christian television networks, international magazines and newspapers, literature and books that we have sent to prisons and overseas, syndicated radio shows like Art Bell, films, conferences and books. Although it is hard to get an accurate count of the number of people who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior or who have returned to the Lord, after hearing me share my testimony. A conservative figure would be that over 236,000 people have come to Christ.
You can download the Paul McGuire Escape From the New Age & Radical Politics testimony now. Make sure after you have downloaded the file that you check to see if you have saved all the sub files in the one download!
You can download my testimony below on MP3.

Are there plans for a microchip implant buried in the Health Care Bill? Some highly respected legal think tanks believer there is. The plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Both political parties are pushing for a Biometric National ID Card, with an RFID Chip, that will track your every move. Daniel's vision of a Revived Roman Empire is rising before our very eyes. The Mark of the Beast that the Apostle John saw in the Book of Revelation appears to be on the horizon. Paul exposes the truth of a global conspiracy ruled by a secret elite with deep connections to a Luciferian occult in his new book, "Are You Ready for the Microchip?" For a limited time, Paul is giving you the opportunity to pre-order a personally signed copy of "Are You Ready for the Microchip Implant?" You will be among the first to receive your copy due out in a couple of weeks. You can pre-order your signed copy or copies now!
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards.
What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
Monday, July 26, 2010

By Paul McGuire
In his classic book, “The Rape of the Mind” Dutch-American psychoanalyst Joost A.M. Meerloo wrote about the denial of hardcore facts in totalitarian societies:
“Modern psychology has taught us how strongly the mental mechanism of denial of reality works. The eye bypasses external occurrences when the mind does not want them to happen. Secondary justifications and fantasies are formed to support and explain these denials. In Totalitarianism we find the same despising of reality facts as we do in schizophrenia. How else are we to explain the fact that Hitler was still moving his armies on paper after they were already defeated?”
I have just finished writing my book “Are You Ready for the Microchip?” where I expose documented details about how a powerful elite are ready to destroy the individual nation state and create a one world government. Although, I have volumes of information, reports, documentation, quotes and publications to back this up, I am continually stunned about how normally intelligent people will deny the reality of this, even though it stares at them in the face every day. However, what disturbs me more than anything is the large number of Christian leaders and Christians who have chosen to ignore the warnings of the Lord for decades and pretend that nothing is happening, even though it will means that their children and grandchildren, will be arrested, tortured and beaten for their faith should the Lord tarry.
I peculiarly, grieved over the fact that some of the highest Christian leaders in the land keep their people asleep in the face of great danger and are in effect preparing them for the slaughter.
Ezekiel 13: 2 "Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel, prophesy and say to those who prophesy out of their own minds: Hear the word of the Lord! Woe to the foolish prophets who follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!"
Thus said the LORD concerning the prophets that make my people err, that bite with their teeth, and cry, Peace; and he that puts not into their mouths, they even prepare war against him. Micah 3:5
Jeremiah 6:14 "They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, 'Peace, peace,' But there is no peace.
Jeremiah 6:4
The enemies of America have planned for a long to put those who do not believer in Communism, Fascism and immorality into red-education camps. This is based on very reliable intelligence sources. I would like you to click the segment below and watch a video of an FBI agent who penetrated the Weather Underground a number of years ago were President Obama’s friends Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn attended. The talk about a arresting 250 million Americans and sending them to re-education camps. The continued by saying they are prepared to kill 25 million Americans who refuse to be re-educated. That would largely included Christians and their children. But, you don’t hear a peep from Evangelical Leaders not even a peep, even though the documentation is credible.
I believe God in His mercy and grace has given us a brief window to change this thing around, but not through denial. I do not believe that God want this to happen in America and other nations who are on the same track. I have laid down my life to educate God’s people and give them a plan to turn the powers of darkness around before it is too late.
Here is what we must do in the power of the Spirit in order to take our nation back and we cannot do this alone, we must have your help and prayers!
1. Educate God’s people through books, television, tapes and conferences about exactly what is coming. We are in an Information War. All across the world, I get E Mails that say, “I heard you speak Paul and God opened my eyes,” “I read your books and God really convicted my heart and now I am buying bulk quantities and distributing them to friends and “I saw you on television, you don’t come off like your typical preacher, you come off like a ordinary person whom you can trust and I believe God has called you!
Many times people will say something to the affect of after hearing me minister on television or at a conference, “I have never experienced the power of God so strong in my life and I was on my knees weeping,” or “I have never experiences the presence of God so strongly in my life, except when I attending your meeting.” One Hispanic business man who heard me preach to a church in English with a Hispanic translator said to their friend, “What is that? I have never experienced such a strong feeling in my life.”
2. My heart has been set on fire! I am a burning man. The Lord has commanded me to teach the people of God that He is King and a deliverer. All is not lost. The fires of a Great Awakening and a massive soul harvest can rock our land. But, we must seek the face of God.
3. Satan is the illegal ruler of this world. The forces of hell are about to be brought down. The armies of heaven and gathering in the heavenlies. The Messiah is about to rise from His throne and return. He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He will destroy all those who come against Israel in the last days and He will deliver His Church!
4. God has called our ministry to lead the people into crying out to God. As we put our faces towards God and repent. Than God will send His consuming fire. Billions of souls hang in the balance waiting for the Church to be the Church. Millions are going to come into the kingdom and the world will plunge into the Tribulation Period.
I need you to help me with your prayers and support! I need to you to join with me as we engage in spiritual warfare, proclaim the Gospel and help bring in the last days harvest.
In an article in the Wall Street Journal entitled, by Andrew Osborn “As if Things Weren't Bad Enough, Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S by Ann Moscow, Igor Panarin's Forecasts Are All the Rage; America 'Disintegrates' in 2010.” On December 29, 2008, Russian professor predicts the breakup of the United States by 2010 or later. The Russian professor, Igor Panarin, believes due to economic and moral collapse will trigger Civil War which will break the U.S. up until the following regions:
1. The California Region – Will be part of China or Chinese influence.
2. The Central North American Republic. Will be under Canada or Canadian influence.
3. Atlantic America may join the European Union.
4. Alaska will go to Russia.
5. Hawaii will go to China or Japan.
6. The Texas Republic will be part of Mexico or Mexican influence.
None of this needs to happen if God’s people seek His face and wisdom to deal with issue like illegal immigration. We must remember there are powerful people in the U.S. who are doing everything they can to stir up race wars even among believers. God’s using the mind of Christ must intelligently come up with economically viable solutions. Both political parties seek to exploit certain races to accomplish their agenda. They are not interested in those particular ethnic groups of racial groups except as a means to gain political power for themselves.
Of course God’s loves all races equally and God is interested in justice. However, God is not interested in “social justice” which was an agenda specifically created by the Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci to destroy Christianity and the family. Social justice which so many churches are found of preaching is not a Christian principle, it is a Marxist revolutionary strategy created by a Communist revolutionary for the purpose of destroying Christianity and the family unit in order to bring in a Marxist Revolution. But, Evangelical leaders and Christians have been so dumbed down, that you might find 1 out of 1 hundred who understands the difference between the justice of God and Marxist wealth redistribution.
Over 100 hundred years ago the elite made detailed plans to infiltrate society, the church and the seminaries in order to steer it into Marxism using Christian sounding worlds. We must educate God’s people about this. We cannot reclaim America and other nations unless we first reclaim the minds of Christians. This is our goal and it can be done. The devil knows we can have no revival as long as he can get us to preach Marxism and humanism, because there is no spiritual power.
According to Osborn, “Prof. Panarin, 50 years old, is not a fringe figure. A former KGB analyst, he is dean of the Russian Foreign Ministry's academy for future diplomats. He is invited to Kremlin receptions, lectures students, publishes books, and appears in the media as an expert on U.S.-Russia relations. The Professor states that there is a 55%-45%b chance that the disintegration will occur,
," he says. "One could rejoice in that process," he adds, poker-faced. "But if we're talking reasonably, it's not the best scenario -- for Russia." Though Russia would become more powerful on the global stage, he says, its economy would suffer because it currently depends heavily on the dollar and on trade with the U.S. Professor Panarin believes that mass immigration, economic decline, and moral degradation civil war and the collapse of the door.
There many economic and political analysts who have also predicted the breakup of the U.S.S. and Civil War. These experts see the breakup following different regions, but they believe the break up is occurring. Amnesty, LaRaza, the North American Union will force the Texas Republic falling under the power of Mexico. This is what both Bush, Obama and the globalists wanted all along with WTO, GATT, NAFTA and CAFTA. The CFR, Bilderberg Group and International bankers all want to destroy America as an independent sovereign nation in order to establish world government.

Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!

Paul McGuire's new prophetic teaching on Israel, Iran, BP, the real meaning of the Gulf Coast Oil crisis, the secret Nazi occult take-over of the U.S. and the Basel, Switzerland, Bank of International Settlements (The world bank). The deep occult ties certain elite leaders have to the Illuminati and how if influences their game plan for a one world government, world currency and the "Big Crisis" that is coming up soon. Madame Blavatsky, occult leader who influenced Adolph Hitler and UN policy. Blavasky taught that a superior race existed called the Aryan race. Adolph Hitler used this eugenics philosophy as his justification to send 6 millions Jews to the death camps. Christians need to understand that our Constitution and Bill of Rights protect us from this, but there is an all-out attempt to replace the U.S. Constitution with a UN Constitution and North American Union Constitution. There are people in high places stirring up race wars in order to expand their power. Listen to this up to the minute McGUIRE MP3 Prophecy Update 12.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

By Paul McGuire
Every dictatorial government controlled its people through fear. Satan rules his kingdom through fear. As the spirit of antichrist moves into our culture in greater degrees we see fear increasing. Fear is used as a weapon of control. But, the Bible says, “That God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.
Jesus Christ promised that in the last days the Father would pour out His Holy Spirit and give us the Comforter and the Helper. In fact, in the last days we are going to experience a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit which will lead to an authentic revival and a last day’s harvest of souls.
Fear, paranoia and helplessness continue to increase in our culture, especially with the coming microchip implant on the way. For example, Wal-Mart has decided to use RFID tags on clothing to monitor their customers. Obviously, the Corporate-controlled media is running all sorts of articles telling the public how wonderful this is and hiding the downside. First, of all when you are wearing RFID tagged clothing, that RFID tag cannot be turned off. The RFID tag can be removed, but the tag will always be transmitting. So if a thief drives by your house with a scanner they know what items you have purchased. Since a National Biometric ID Card is soon to be released, anyone in a store or anywhere will be able to read all kinds of private information on you.
Wherever you go, the RFID transmitter in the National I.D. Card will let people who know you are and all the private things about you. Retailers will be able to track and store information of the names, addresses and other things that are on your I.D. This can be used for surveillance and sold. It brings us one step closer to the microchip implant. The greatest mmistake the Christian and conservative culture has made is to not have fully comprehended how evil, evil really is. This happens because people do not believe the Bible they are reading or sit under teachers who sugar coat the Scripture. The story of Lucifer's rebellion, Armageddon and the Lake of Fire is not a cute metaphor. It is powerful truth that is ignited by the Spirit of God to awaken His people and protect them, if they will heed His prophetic warning.
With mathematical precision this interview with a former FBI agent who penetrated this Weather Undergound meeting, where Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were present reveals accurately the plans that the Progressives, Marxists and Communits in power have for our nation. This should not surprise us, it is classic Communist doctrilne where the ends justifys the means. In every Communis Revolution in the last 100 years we have wiltnessed this kind of bloodshed, where over 200 million people die. If you think about this from a rational and moral point of view you will fail to grasp where we are headed in the near future. Like Serial Killers these people do not think like you and I do. They are fully capable of carrying out these evil plans with no sense of moral guilt whatsoever. They are an ideological cult who have been brailnwashed. Click here and listen to what the FBI agent said about the re-educatioon camps.
Just think of it, banks, sports stadiums, movie theaters, churches, retailers, restaurants, walking down the street or driving you will always be monitored without you knowing it. You will always be under surveillance and it could be done by a van parked down the block or any building you walk into.
These “smart tags” will be rolled out in 3,750 U.S. stores next month and can be read by a simple hand-held scanner. U.S. retailers, including J.C. Penney and Bloomingdale's, have begun experimenting with smart ID tags on clothing and other items to better ensure shelves remain stocked with sizes and colors customers want, and numerous European retailers, notably Germany's Metro AG, have already begin using the technology. In the next few years hundreds of millions of “smart tags” will be in use.
For those that believe this is harmless, they are naïve. Totalitarianism is incremental like the story of the frog boiling in the water. We are moving into the world depicted in the movie Minority Report. “Smart tags,” Med-Chips, National Biometric I.D Cards and then the microchip implant.
As I have explained in my new book, Are You Ready for the Microchip? - The actual microchip implant that will be the Mark of the Beast will not be distributed until the Antichrist is revealed. But, this will not happen until after the Rapture of the Church and the Tribulation Period begins. However, between now and then microchip implants are going to be used. Many of you may already have a microchip implant in you that was secretly implanted during a vaccination. The technology for microchips in the tip of the needle during vaccinations is already here and has been used.
The question is, how are you going to survive and stay sane in the new world of Big Brother. There is only one way and that is renewing your mind with the Word of God and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. Sadly, most Christians are attempting to live the Christian life on their own strength. But, in order to be an Overcomer in the last days and fulfill the destiny God has for you, you are going to have to walk supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Even in a Big Brother world, life is going to go on. Jesus Christ talked about how people would be marrying and giving in marriage right up until the end. There will be societal, political and economic upheaval. But, you must continue to “occupy until Jesus comes.” That means getting involved in the political process, education, investing, long-term planning, raising children, ministering, sharing your faith and living life!
The world is not going to fall apart. But, the only way we can be effective for God and to fulfill the destiny He has for us is live and walk supernaturally in the power of the Holy Spirit. It is the dunamis or dynamite of the Holy Spirit that gives us the power to live victoriously. Unlike children of the world, we have supernatural power and help. We have the Helper, the Counselor and the Comforter living inside of us!
Are there plans for a microchip implant buried in the Health Care Bill? Some highly respected legal think tanks believer there is. The plan could be to microchip every child born in the USA starting in 2013. Both political parties are pushing for a Biometric National ID Card, with an RFID Chip, that will track your every move. Daniel's vision of a Revived Roman Empire is rising before our very eyes. The Mark of the Beast that the Apostle John saw in the Book of Revelation appears to be on the horizon. Paul exposes the truth of a global conspiracy ruled by a secret elite with deep connections to a Luciferian occult in his new book, "Are You Ready for the Microchip?" For a limited time, Paul is giving you the opportunity to pre-order a personally signed copy of "Are You Ready for the Microchip Implant?" You will be among the first to receive your copy due out in a couple of weeks. You can order your copy or copies now!
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!

Friday, July 23, 2010
By Paul McGuire
A revolution started when one third of angels led by Lucifer launched a rebellion against God. Ancient Babylon led by Nimrod and his mother, launched an occult conspiracy that began at the Tower of Babel and continues to this day. The Bible in great detail goes into the nature of this spiritual battle that has lasted for thousands of years and is culminating in our day. The hidden things of darkness are now being exposed. American’s and people around the world are discovering for the first time that their governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, economics , science and religion have been under the control of an a secretive elite who are the Invisible Government.
These powerful elite who have powerful who are being controlled by principalities and powers and the world rulers of darkness or the kosmokratos. We are now at the time that the ancient Hebrew Propjets, Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul wrote about. The one world government is rising all around us and America is being destroyed to pave the way for one world government. A one world economic system where you cannot buy or sell with the mark of the beast is now here. All of this was predicted in Revelation 13 and my research indicates that the “mark” is a microchip implant. In my brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip Implant? It will be out in a couple of weeks and there is still time to pre-order now by going to
The Bilderberg Group ordered that every U.S. citizen has to receive a microchip. Those microchips are ready now. Verichip Corporation the leader in manufacturing microchips, changed its name to PositiveID, so it could receive medical stimulus and Health Care funding by manufacturing a Med-Chip. Every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip by 2013. They may not make that date, if you express your voice. All of this is researched from credible documentation. A number of highly respected attorneys have said that the Health Care Bill provides for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant.
From all over the world we are receiving E Mails from men and women who have received Christ through our books like The Day The Dollar Died. People buy these books in quantities and give them to businessmen, entertainment industry people and other kind of people who would never ready any religious books, but they are interested in the content of these books because it gives them cutting edge answers and then the E Mail me and tell me they have accepted the Lord. Our goal is to distribute one million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? As such we are making these books available at bulk discounts if you agree to give them to people who need to hear the message. In addition, our freedoms are being taken from us. I have exposed this conspiracy in the book and given a plan of action on how to take your nation back.
Time is running out fast. I also write about the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, how to walk in the supernatural and how God has promised to pour out His Spirit on both the Jews (Joel 2) and the Church (Acts 2) in the last days. We are trying to teach from the Bible and history how it is possible to have a Great Awakening and ignite the fires of revival.
Properly understood, this does not have to contradict Paul’s warning of the great apostasy spreading in the Church and it does not interfere with Bible Prophecy. Our goal is to spiritually equip God’s people to become workers in the final last day harvest before the Return of the Lord.
We have produced television shows, working on a new radio program, holding conferences and doing what we can to fulfill the Great Commission. There seems to be blindness to a large percentage of the Church that the Lord is returning soon and that Israel is God’s prophetic time clock and that we must stand with Israel. However, we need to raise millions of dollars while we still have the freedom to do so, in order to launch a worldwide outreach. We thank God for every donation $25, $100 or $1,000.
Together these gifts add up. I want to challenge some of you who can give substantial amounts to really seek the Lord about what you should give. I would not ask you to partner me but I have a burning fire in my heart and I believe we can preserve freedom and America and other nations so that the Gospel can be preached. God has spoken to me through His Word some things that are coming and how if God’s people will repent and seek His face, do not have to come to pass. God has a good plan for America, your nation and your life that is good. There is still hope and the promises of God.
I ask you to partner with me with your prayers and gifts because. To date, I have not taken a salary or remuneration in this ministry. All book royalties go to the ministry and I work 18 hours a day 6 days a week. God has convicted my heart deeply and I cannot stand idly by and watch our nation be destroyed. What I do, I do out of love for God, you, your children and grand children. I am not judging other ministries who never talk about what is really going on, But, I know that I could not put my head on the pillow at night with a clean conscience if I did that. I am doing what the Lord has called me to do.
Please keep me and our family in your prayers, it is not easy to be on the frontlines and take a public stand for righteousness. When the enemy cones in like, a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against Him! God has called you and me for such a time as this. Let us be bold and believe God for great and mighty things! Nothing is impossible with God! We are launching out to teach the Word of God, help bring in the coming last days harvest and ignite the fires of revival.
There are very powerful forces of darkness that are attempting to bring down our nation and nations in the world, so they can establish a godless world government. There plans are very evil and I am going to link some of their remarks, but there is still a small window of time that I believe that God has given us to stop them. The spiritual fathers of the Great Awakening understood that being a true Christian meant standing against evil as well as preaching the Gospel. If America goes down, much of the preaching of the Gospel worldwide will end!
In addition, we must stand with Israel! Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn have been traveling to Egypt to promote Hamas and Hezbollah. Ayers and Dohrn also organized the flotilla of ships in order to discredit Israel. President Obama has announced plans to use NATO troops to force a Palestinian State.
I want you to click here and hear the testimony of an FBI agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground where Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were. (Friends of Obama). They are deadly serious according to highly respected Constitutional Attorney these re-education camps are being built around the United States. These are not conspiracy theories, these are real and I have documentation in my book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
But, before the Lord returns, there may be incredible persecution of believers. But, the Bible teaches us that God deals with individuals, nations and communities differently. If we seek the face of God with all our heart and do not bury our heads in the sand, we can stop this. I believe it can be delayed until the Tribulation Period. But, I literally weep for my nation and God’s people and leaders. Many of them know what is going on, but they are not telling the people! They are burying their heads in the sand and hoping it will go away. But, history shows us that evil does not just go away. It must be resisted. The philosopher Edmund Burke, said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” My heart breaks and I believe the heart of God breaks when he sees all His people walking around like nothing is happening. Are there true prophets in the land? The false prophets are always promising peace and prosperity. But, I am here to tell you under the power of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord is my witness, that we are marching towards destruction.
Things are not going to just improve! We have broken the laws of God and we, and our children are going into captivity! Yet, the Lord in His love for us extends His hand of deliverance and hope. The Lord is shouting, a trumpet is being blown in Zion. If we will repent, seek the face of the Lord and in the power of the Spirit drive the Enemy from our land through spiritual warfare. God will show His mercy to us and we do not have to follow the way of the German Church in Nazi, Germany. Righteous men and women can be put in political office. The powers of darkness and their evil plans can be stopped. There can be hope for you and your children’s future!
But, now is the time. There is no other time. The time is now. I have put everything I have into this. Will you stand with me? In prayers, support and action?
Your servant in Christ,
Paul McGuire
By Paul McGuire
A revolution started when one third of angels led by Lucifer launched a rebellion against God. Ancient Babylon led by Nimrod and his mother, launched an occult conspiracy that began at the Tower of Babel and continues to this day. The Bible in great detail goes into the nature of this spiritual battle that has lasted for thousands of years and is culminating in our day. The hidden things of darkness are now being exposed. American’s and people around the world are discovering for the first time that their governments, Presidents, Prime Ministers, economics , science and religion have been under the control of an a secretive elite who are the Invisible Government.
These powerful elite who have powerful who are being controlled by principalities and powers and the world rulers of darkness or the kosmokratos. We are now at the time that the ancient Hebrew Propjets, Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul wrote about. The one world government is rising all around us and America is being destroyed to pave the way for one world government. A one world economic system where you cannot buy or sell with the mark of the beast is now here. All of this was predicted in Revelation 13 and my research indicates that the “mark” is a microchip implant. In my brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip Implant? It will be out in a couple of weeks and there is still time to pre-order now by going to
The Bilderberg Group ordered that every U.S. citizen has to receive a microchip. Those microchips are ready now. Verichip Corporation the leader in manufacturing microchips, changed its name to PositiveID, so it could receive medical stimulus and Health Care funding by manufacturing a Med-Chip. Every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip by 2013. They may not make that date, if you express your voice. All of this is researched from credible documentation. A number of highly respected attorneys have said that the Health Care Bill provides for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant.
From all over the world we are receiving E Mails from men and women who have received Christ through our books like The Day The Dollar Died. People buy these books in quantities and give them to businessmen, entertainment industry people and other kind of people who would never ready any religious books, but they are interested in the content of these books because it gives them cutting edge answers and then the E Mail me and tell me they have accepted the Lord. Our goal is to distribute one million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? As such we are making these books available at bulk discounts if you agree to give them to people who need to hear the message. In addition, our freedoms are being taken from us. I have exposed this conspiracy in the book and given a plan of action on how to take your nation back.
Time is running out fast. I also write about the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, how to walk in the supernatural and how God has promised to pour out His Spirit on both the Jews (Joel 2) and the Church (Acts 2) in the last days. We are trying to teach from the Bible and history how it is possible to have a Great Awakening and ignite the fires of revival.
Properly understood, this does not have to contradict Paul’s warning of the great apostasy spreading in the Church and it does not interfere with Bible Prophecy. Our goal is to spiritually equip God’s people to become workers in the final last day harvest before the Return of the Lord.
We have produced television shows, working on a new radio program, holding conferences and doing what we can to fulfill the Great Commission. There seems to be blindness to a large percentage of the Church that the Lord is returning soon and that Israel is God’s prophetic time clock and that we must stand with Israel. However, we need to raise millions of dollars while we still have the freedom to do so, in order to launch a worldwide outreach. We thank God for every donation $25, $100 or $1,000.
Together these gifts add up. I want to challenge some of you who can give substantial amounts to really seek the Lord about what you should give. I would not ask you to partner me but I have a burning fire in my heart and I believe we can preserve freedom and America and other nations so that the Gospel can be preached. God has spoken to me through His Word some things that are coming and how if God’s people will repent and seek His face, do not have to come to pass. God has a good plan for America, your nation and your life that is good. There is still hope and the promises of God.
I ask you to partner with me with your prayers and gifts because. To date, I have not taken a salary or remuneration in this ministry. All book royalties go to the ministry and I work 18 hours a day 6 days a week. God has convicted my heart deeply and I cannot stand idly by and watch our nation be destroyed. What I do, I do out of love for God, you, your children and grand children. I am not judging other ministries who never talk about what is really going on, But, I know that I could not put my head on the pillow at night with a clean conscience if I did that. I am doing what the Lord has called me to do.
Please keep me and our family in your prayers, it is not easy to be on the frontlines and take a public stand for righteousness. When the enemy cones in like, a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will raise up a standard against Him! God has called you and me for such a time as this. Let us be bold and believe God for great and mighty things! Nothing is impossible with God! We are launching out to teach the Word of God, help bring in the coming last days harvest and ignite the fires of revival.
There are very powerful forces of darkness that are attempting to bring down our nation and nations in the world, so they can establish a godless world government. There plans are very evil and I am going to link some of their remarks, but there is still a small window of time that I believe that God has given us to stop them. The spiritual fathers of the Great Awakening understood that being a true Christian meant standing against evil as well as preaching the Gospel. If America goes down, much of the preaching of the Gospel worldwide will end!
In addition, we must stand with Israel! Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn have been traveling to Egypt to promote Hamas and Hezbollah. Ayers and Dohrn also organized the flotilla of ships in order to discredit Israel. President Obama has announced plans to use NATO troops to force a Palestinian State.
I want you to click here and hear the testimony of an FBI agent who infiltrated the Weather Underground where Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn were. (Friends of Obama). They are deadly serious according to highly respected Constitutional Attorney these re-education camps are being built around the United States. These are not conspiracy theories, these are real and I have documentation in my book Are You Ready for the Microchip?
But, before the Lord returns, there may be incredible persecution of believers. But, the Bible teaches us that God deals with individuals, nations and communities differently. If we seek the face of God with all our heart and do not bury our heads in the sand, we can stop this. I believe it can be delayed until the Tribulation Period. But, I literally weep for my nation and God’s people and leaders. Many of them know what is going on, but they are not telling the people! They are burying their heads in the sand and hoping it will go away. But, history shows us that evil does not just go away. It must be resisted. The philosopher Edmund Burke, said, “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.” My heart breaks and I believe the heart of God breaks when he sees all His people walking around like nothing is happening. Are there true prophets in the land? The false prophets are always promising peace and prosperity. But, I am here to tell you under the power of the Holy Spirit, as the Lord is my witness, that we are marching towards destruction.
Things are not going to just improve! We have broken the laws of God and we, and our children are going into captivity! Yet, the Lord in His love for us extends His hand of deliverance and hope. The Lord is shouting, a trumpet is being blown in Zion. If we will repent, seek the face of the Lord and in the power of the Spirit drive the Enemy from our land through spiritual warfare. God will show His mercy to us and we do not have to follow the way of the German Church in Nazi, Germany. Righteous men and women can be put in political office. The powers of darkness and their evil plans can be stopped. There can be hope for you and your children’s future!
But, now is the time. There is no other time. The time is now. I have put everything I have into this. Will you stand with me? In prayers, support and action?
Your servant in Christ,
Paul McGuire
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
By Paul McGuire
The United States of America has now officially embarked on a foreign policy which place America in the position of cursing Israel and violating the Abrahamic Covenant.
Click here and you can watch Paul speak at a prophecy conference.
“And I will bless them that bless you, and curse him that curses you: and in you shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:31
Palestinian Authority has announced that if Israel and the Palestinians fail to reach a settlement in the creation of a Palestinian State. President Obama will support a United Nations Resolution that would recognize the new Palestinian State.
In 2009, Ahmed Qurei, former member of the Palestine Liberation Organization executive committee, expressed that the Obama Administration would bring the U.N. Security Council to unilaterally create a Palestinian State whether or Israel agreed.
The Palestinian Authority expects “big movement” by the Obama Administration toward seizing land that would encompass a Palestinian State by the end of 2010. All of this is based on many pledges from President Obama.
Obama’s pals, former Weather Underground leaders William Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, were in Egypt helping to launch the six-ship flotilla from Turkey to Israel that ended in a violent clash with Israeli Defense Forces. The American Communist and World Communist Movement along with former members of the Weather Underground, who just happen to be friends with the President, are openly Pro-Palestinian and anti-Israel. Given the fact that America is on the verge of financial and social collapse, do we really want to violate the Abrahamic Covenant by “cursing” Israel and being cursed by Almighty God? The result of “cursing” Israel will be destruction to our nation beyond our imagination.
We have been educating people all over the world about this, because many Christians do not understand the Abrahamic Covenant. Our books like The Day The Dollar Died and the very soon to be released Are You Ready For the Microchip? Are giving people answers to the national and world crisis we are in today. Therefore we are communicating economic, social, cultural, scientific and global political answers through Intelligence Analysis and Bible prophecy. The fruit of this is that people are accepting Christ and returning to Christ through our outreach, from all over the world in increasing numbers.
I have been doing intensive research about the microchip implant which is already here. By God’s grace I have uncovered information about the coming microchip implants that will cause every person who reads the book to make decision about their relationship with God.
It is a powerful evangelistic tool that can be given to lukewarm believers and non-believers. As with The Day The Dollar Died people are pre-ordering copies and multiple copies to give to their friends or people they know.
The Earth and our nation is going through a shaking that we have not seen before since the time of Noah. Yet, you and I were called for such a time as this. We need to pray for Israel, our various nations, reach the lost and “occupy until He comes.”
I believe we are going to see two things happen simultaneously, an explosion of apostasy that will lead to the coming one world religion of the False Prophet and an explosion of a last day’s revival that will precede the Return. As we begin to get serious with God as the Body of Christ there will be a massive last day’s harvest of souls before the Return.
For those people who have put God first and are partnering with ministries that are being faithful to preach the truth, call on God for revival and helping to bring in the last days harvest, God is going to supernaturally reveal His faithfulness in all things. People come up to me all the time and ask me what they should do with their money. The most important investment you can make is in the Kingdom of God. I have met many people who have clutched on to their money and have lost it. I have met many others who are investing in the last days harvest and God is supernaturally blessing them!
That does not mean you should not be educated, prudent and wise in temporal investments, education and planning. Being spiritual does not mean we ignore the practical!
Hope to meet you personally at the David Hocking Israel & Prophecy Conference at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills where I am speaking. The conference is August 6-7 in a couple of weeks. There is still time to make plans to come and the conference is free! Paul also continues his monthly Bible Prophecy teaching series at Shoreline Baptist Church in Fountain Valley, Beth Ariel Fellowship in Canoga Park and other locations. Coming up will be doing a two Sunday series in the San Diego area and special events in the San Bernardino area. Be sure to visit the new website at

Israel or America is going to strike Iran’s nuclear production facilities. Iran will shut down the world’s oil supplies in the Straight of Hormuz. The U.S. has sent 46 naval ships to Costa Rica in preparation of an Iranian counter attack involving Nicaragua. America proceeds in global government and the coming microchip implant. The Good News is that God promises to pour His Holy Spirit on the Church and Israel in the last days. Listen to "Israel, America Prophecy & Outpouring of Holy Spirit in Last Days" this MP3 now.

Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

By Paul McGuire
The whole world is in a holding pattern. The conflict with Israel and Iran intensifies. After conducting its successful coup d’état in Honduras against President Manuel Belaya, President Barack Obama is now focused on Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega by massing a huge U.S. Coast Guard and Marine Corps presence in neighboring Costa Rica, a base of operations for Reagan administration-backed CIA operations in the 1980s in support of the Nicaraguan contras. Watch Paul McGuire's "Signs of the Times" Message
The Costa Rican Congress agreed to Operation Joint Patrol, which will see 7,000 US Marines, 46 mainly U.S. Coast Guard vessels, and 200 helicopters and 10 combat aircraft descend on Costa Rica. This is part of a U.S operation to support the nation of Israel. Israel will never allow Iran to develop nuclear weapons and Iran is committed to getting nukes. A war between Israel and Iran could provoke World War III. The following scenarios would instantly take place:
1. The price of oil and energy would explode. Iran would begin to shut down the world’s oil shipments and especially those to the European Union through the Straight of Hormuz which Russian pumps its oil from Siberia through. Expect to pay $10 dollars for a gallon of gasoline.
2. Panic would sweep through the world financial markets and possibly a global economic crash bringing in world currency and world government.
3. World trade would screech to a stop causing massive riots, Martial Law and the distribution of the microchip.
4. America would begin to spend trillions of the largest military build up the world has ever seen.
5. Russia is the largest oil producer in the world and along with Iran their business would boom. The recent discoveries of oil off the coast of Israel could cause Russia, Iran and other nations to make a mad dash to the South to seize those oil reserves. Thus Ezekiel 38.
6. Massive inflation caused by the jump in oil prices and military spending would lead to hyper-inflation.
7. The price of oil, food and gold would skyrocket.
There is an event or series of events coming to the world that are political and natural. Our responsibility is not go into retreat or fear, but fulfills God’s call to pray for our nation, Israel and the world as never before. In II Thessalonians, the Apostle Paul refers to the Church as being the Restrainer against evil. The Holy Spirit living in the lives of the believer restrains all kinds of evil in the world. The Antichrist cannot come and the Tribulation Period cannot begin until the Church or Restrainer is taken up in the air before the Antichrist is revealed.
God has placed incredible dominion under the feet of the Church, of which Christ is the head. When it says that the head of the serpent will be crushed, this also refers to in part the Church crushing the of Satan’s dominion in this world. We in the middle of the great spiritual battle of the last days and we are actively to engage in spiritual warfare, which includes The Prince of Persia, the demonic territorial spirit which seeks to destroy Israel in the Book of Daniel. But, we have been invaded with territorial spirits. Due to the fact that the much of the Church does not teach the entire Bible in America, demonic forces have rushed into fill the vacuum.
But the purpose of our ministry is awaken the people of God through teaching the entire Bible, expose apostasy which is robbing the Church of its spiritual power and evangelizing the lost. The scripture says, “When the enemy comes in, like a flood the Spirit of the Lord has risen up a standard against him.”
Through faithfulness to God, studying the Bible, committed to a Bible believing church, prayer and evangelism, the great Last Days harvest is beginning and we are seeking to ignite the fires of a Great Awakening.
Everyday I receive E Mails from people all over the world whose eyes have been opened through this ministry and have come to Christ through my books,, radio, television and attending my meetings. By God’s grace I hear over and over again, “You do not come off like a typical preacher, especially on television. You are real, very bold and God used you to bring me, my husband and wife and our children to Christ because of the way you present the message people relate to you Paul and trust you.”
Paul McGuire's new prophetic teaching on Israel, Iran, BP, the real meaning of the Gulf Coast Oil crisis, the secret Nazi occult take-over of the U.S. and the Basel, Switzerland, Bank of International Settlements (The world bank). The deep occult ties certain elite leaders have to the Illuminati and how if influences their game plan for a one world government, world currency and the "Big Crisis" that is coming up soon. Madame Blavatsky, occult leader who influenced Adolph Hitler and UN policy. Blavasky taught that a superior race existed called the Aryan race. Adolph Hitler used this eugenics philosophy as his justification to send 6 millions Jews to the death camps. Christians need to understand that our Constitution and Bill of Rights protect us from this, but there is an all-out attempt to replace the U.S. Constitution with a UN Constitution and North American Union Constitution. There are people in high places stirring up race wars in order to expand their power. Listen to this up to the minute MP3 Prophecy Update12.
I cannot tell you how many Mails I get weekly from the ten years I hosted a 3-hour nationally syndicated radio show. Person after person says something to the effect, “The Holy Spirit coming though you when you came on the air and the Spirit of God were so thick you could cut it with a knife. I prayed with you to accept Jesus Christ or I pulled off the road sobbing to turn my life back to Christ and receive Jesus Christ listening to you on the radio, reading your books of when I heard you speaking. My husband and I both came to Christ. Everyday I would turn on your show and had my kids listen to it, when I picked them up from school. Today, in a large part due to The Paul McGuire Show, they are now walking with Christ.”
I have met and heard from thousands of people who have shared this with or how they bought a copy of the books to give to people. People who are turned off to Christ.
Jesus Christ, said you judge a tree by its fruit. We have not been afraid to speak out the truth boldly and countless thousands have receiving Christ. As you know we have produced our on television shows. A number of Christian television networks have asked us to produce a regular show and they will air it for free. This is very expensive just to produce these and we are beginning to produce radio shows again, because we have been approached by secular and Christian companies. The reason for this is first, God’s grace and your prayers and support. The Christian television networks we and radio shows we have been on have told us, “We received more listeners, more salvations, more responses from your interview or conference than any other thing that we have aired for the entire air. Our phone lines and Internet has been jammed for people wanting to receive Christ from all over the world. In addition, even though I never mention money) over the air, people are sending donations in to these networks.
I am not interested in building a fancy building, but we must supply these networks with high quality productions while there is still time. Some of you can help with small, medium and large gifts through the mail or via the donate button on and our new website at
With your partnership and prayers we can reach millions for Christ and save your freedoms! When I personally open a donation envelope, I thank God and pray for God’s blessing on the individual! We are very frugal steward of God’s money and understand that many people sacrifice a great in order to give. When you send, E Mail or give your donations and there is a pressing need in your life, please send me a note and I will personally prayer for you. God is interested in every area of your life and I have seen Him work miracles in terms of blessing people, jobs, health, relationship problems, financial problems, salvation of loved ones, intercessory prayer for President Obama, government and other prayers. I am not at liberty to share what I know and how I prayer. In every single situation I have seen God miraculously answer prayer. Not always the way we asked an answer for it, but He always answered it.
I have prayed for many people, their loved ones, family and co-workers to be saved. I have seen jobs turned around, marriages healed, supernatural deliverance and Biblically based miracles. It is a great blessing to see God use our books and radio and television to reach millions. This is happening because people like you are praying for me, may family and ministry. Remember, we, like many ministries, are on the front line in the spiritual war. We only advance to the degree that you are praying for us in faith. Would you commit to being a regular prayer partner with us.
Paul McGuire's new prophetic teaching on Israel, Iran, BP, the real meaning of the Gulf Coast Oil crisis, the secret Nazi occult take-over of the U.S. and the Basel, Switzerland, Bank of International Settlements (The world bank). The deep occult ties certain elite leaders have to the Illuminati and how if influences their game plan for a one world government, world currency and the "Big Crisis" that is coming up soon. Madame Blavatsky, occult leader who influenced Adolph Hitler and UN policy. Blavasky taught that a superior race existed called the Aryan race. Adolph Hitler used this eugenics philosophy as his justification to send 6 millions Jews to the death camps. Christians need to understand that our Constitution and Bill of Rights protect us from this, but there is an all-out attempt to replace the U.S. Constitution with a UN Constitution and North American Union Constitution. There are people in high places stirring up race wars in order to expand their power. Listen to this up to the minute McGUIRE MP3 Prophecy Update 12.

Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
BY Paul McGuire
Ideas have consequences politically, artistically, sexually and culturally. The Founding Fathers of America, who had a Judeo-Christian world view produced a society based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights that was unique in all of human history. There has never been a better form of government than in America. The Constitution and Bill of Rights recognized the Creator, the sinfulness of man and the fact that man’s natural tendency was to drift towards tyranny and so they carefully put safeguards in the American system.
The primary safequard was dividing the government into three separate branches so they would keep each other in check and protect “We the people.”
The second very basic safeguard was the Second Amendment where the citizen has the right to bear arms. The purpose of arms was not to protect people from burglars and rapists, but protect the people form tyrannical government. It goes hand in hand with the Constitutional right to have an armed militia and states’ rights. Modern Christians like their secular counter parts have been dumbed down by the indoctrination of humanists in the public school system and cannot understand the historical realities that created the ability of the Bill of Rights.
Two eras have come out of the Middle Ages which have tremendous impact on where the world is going to day. The Renaissance which began in Southern Europe in Italy during the 1300’s and 1400’s. The Reformation which began in Northern Europe in the 1400’s and 1500’s. The Renaissance was a humanistic movement that idealized man’s intellect and reason. The Renaissance placed a good emphasis on nature and the environment. But, the Renaissance represented Human-centeredness.
They key artists of the Renaissance emphasized an as the center of the universe. Jan Van Eyck in the Northern part of Europe where the Reformation occurred used nature, scripture and realism.
The art of the Renaissance also shows increasing independence of man,
which results in loss of meaning or existential absurdity. Art went from the beauty of the Madonna exposing her breast n the feeding of the baby Jesus, to the “Red Virgin” who was the King’s mistress and the purpose of the female breast exposed was for sexuality.
The Renaissance intellectuals were worldly and were more impressed with pagan
philosophers of Greece than with the Bible.
Later Renaissance to capture the universal beginning only with man who can find ultimate meaning apart from God. Plato and Aristotle were compartmentalized in Michelangelo’s Art. The people of Renaissance became pleasure seeking and worldly.
The Renaissance was a very worldly time - many "natural" children were born - children
Without a legal father. Prostitution abounded. They worshiped beauty apart from morality
These ideas were reflected by Dante who separated erotic love and romantic love with his mistress and wrote no romantic writings for the wife he lived with. As we shall see ideas have consequences. The Biblical ideas of the Reformation lead to Biblical morality and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The ideas of the Renaissance, which represented humanism, led to a violent and bloody French revolution open orgies in the church. Every revolution in the history of man based on humanism has led to totalitarianism, the loss of freedom, the bitter persecution of Christians and mass murder.
Fascism (National Socialism) and Communism lead to the deaths of 200 million people in the last century and it is about to repeat itself in America,
The overwhelming majority of Evangelical Christians in America have no idea about what is to befall the. They are like children playing on a street with serial killers moving closer. Their leaders are incapable of leading them because they do not understand what is happening. I will never forget meeting one my friend’s grandparents in an elevator in New York City and he showed me his tattoo from the Nazi Concentration Camps.
The purpose of our ministry to educate people from a Biblical perspective as to where we are and provide a plan of action to preserve freedom while the Lord has given us time. It is not too late to stop the train! With God all things are possible!
It is critical to America and the world that we educate people to the legal protections they have regarding, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, and FREEDOM OF SPEECH. There are subversive forces on the Right and the Left that have done everything in power to keep American Christian's from knowing their Bill of Rights. Once you know your Constitution and Bill of Rights you can see clearly the number of politicians on the right and left, the Supreme Court, treaties and Executive Orders that are being stolen from you, right before your very eyes.
The American Constitution is a unique Judeo Christian document. It is in total contrast to a humanistic European Union, United Nations and North American Union where you have no rights! This is incremental tryanny and the result will be global totalitarianis. During the First Great Awakening in America that began in England with George Whitfield, the ministers were deeply involved in the political process and would preach sermons, that were published by the large newspapers of the day. These ministers would teach the people about how Biblical truths were connected to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Up until several decades ago in America, the majority of Bible believing ministers taught their people about the Constitution and Bill of Rights which caused our religious freedoms to be protected.
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
BY Paul McGuire
Ideas have consequences politically, artistically, sexually and culturally. The Founding Fathers of America, who had a Judeo-Christian world view produced a society based on the Constitution and Bill of Rights that was unique in all of human history. There has never been a better form of government than in America. The Constitution and Bill of Rights recognized the Creator, the sinfulness of man and the fact that man’s natural tendency was to drift towards tyranny and so they carefully put safeguards in the American system.
The primary safequard was dividing the government into three separate branches so they would keep each other in check and protect “We the people.”
The second very basic safeguard was the Second Amendment where the citizen has the right to bear arms. The purpose of arms was not to protect people from burglars and rapists, but protect the people form tyrannical government. It goes hand in hand with the Constitutional right to have an armed militia and states’ rights. Modern Christians like their secular counter parts have been dumbed down by the indoctrination of humanists in the public school system and cannot understand the historical realities that created the ability of the Bill of Rights.
Two eras have come out of the Middle Ages which have tremendous impact on where the world is going to day. The Renaissance which began in Southern Europe in Italy during the 1300’s and 1400’s. The Reformation which began in Northern Europe in the 1400’s and 1500’s. The Renaissance was a humanistic movement that idealized man’s intellect and reason. The Renaissance placed a good emphasis on nature and the environment. But, the Renaissance represented Human-centeredness.
They key artists of the Renaissance emphasized an as the center of the universe. Jan Van Eyck in the Northern part of Europe where the Reformation occurred used nature, scripture and realism.
The art of the Renaissance also shows increasing independence of man,
which results in loss of meaning or existential absurdity. Art went from the beauty of the Madonna exposing her breast n the feeding of the baby Jesus, to the “Red Virgin” who was the King’s mistress and the purpose of the female breast exposed was for sexuality.
The Renaissance intellectuals were worldly and were more impressed with pagan
philosophers of Greece than with the Bible.
Later Renaissance to capture the universal beginning only with man who can find ultimate meaning apart from God. Plato and Aristotle were compartmentalized in Michelangelo’s Art. The people of Renaissance became pleasure seeking and worldly.
The Renaissance was a very worldly time - many "natural" children were born - children
Without a legal father. Prostitution abounded. They worshiped beauty apart from morality
These ideas were reflected by Dante who separated erotic love and romantic love with his mistress and wrote no romantic writings for the wife he lived with. As we shall see ideas have consequences. The Biblical ideas of the Reformation lead to Biblical morality and the Constitution and Bill of Rights. The ideas of the Renaissance, which represented humanism, led to a violent and bloody French revolution open orgies in the church. Every revolution in the history of man based on humanism has led to totalitarianism, the loss of freedom, the bitter persecution of Christians and mass murder.
Fascism (National Socialism) and Communism lead to the deaths of 200 million people in the last century and it is about to repeat itself in America,
The overwhelming majority of Evangelical Christians in America have no idea about what is to befall the. They are like children playing on a street with serial killers moving closer. Their leaders are incapable of leading them because they do not understand what is happening. I will never forget meeting one my friend’s grandparents in an elevator in New York City and he showed me his tattoo from the Nazi Concentration Camps.
The purpose of our ministry to educate people from a Biblical perspective as to where we are and provide a plan of action to preserve freedom while the Lord has given us time. It is not too late to stop the train! With God all things are possible!
It is critical to America and the world that we educate people to the legal protections they have regarding, FREEDOM OF RELIGION, FREEDOM OF THE PRESS, and FREEDOM OF SPEECH. There are subversive forces on the Right and the Left that have done everything in power to keep American Christian's from knowing their Bill of Rights. Once you know your Constitution and Bill of Rights you can see clearly the number of politicians on the right and left, the Supreme Court, treaties and Executive Orders that are being stolen from you, right before your very eyes.
The American Constitution is a unique Judeo Christian document. It is in total contrast to a humanistic European Union, United Nations and North American Union where you have no rights! This is incremental tryanny and the result will be global totalitarianis. During the First Great Awakening in America that began in England with George Whitfield, the ministers were deeply involved in the political process and would preach sermons, that were published by the large newspapers of the day. These ministers would teach the people about how Biblical truths were connected to our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Up until several decades ago in America, the majority of Bible believing ministers taught their people about the Constitution and Bill of Rights which caused our religious freedoms to be protected.
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
*Tonight I will be speaking at Shoreline Baptist Church 7PM in Fountain Valley
On July 2 at 8:30PM, July 3 at 12:00AM I will be giving a message on God TV. Please make sure you double check the Time Zones. I am not sure if the Time Zone is PST, EST, etc. So check their guide.
By Paul McGuire
On July 4th, 1776 our Founding Fathers signed THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Below I have copied parts of that important, which has been subverted and continues to be attacked to this very day.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
*Our Founding Fathers made reference to God and acknowledged His existence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
*Our Founding Fathers did not believe in evolution but a Creator, which means a Personal Living God of the Universe. They also clearly stated that IT IS NOT GOVERNMENT THAT GIVE OR TAKE AWAY RIGHTS. THOSE RIGHTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO US BY OUR CREATOR.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…
*This passage has been historically called “The Right to Revolution.” In addition, our Founding Fathers that in order for a government to be legal and legitimate it must operate from the consent of the people. How many laws, treaties, Executive Orders have been passed without the consent of the people in the last 20 years. The courts and the Supreme Court have usurped their Constitutional authority and have issued numerous laws forced against the will of the people? Since so many of these laws have directly attacked the laws of God, why has the Church been so silent? The result of our disobedience to stand for things that are important to God, our nation is under judgment and the people are going into captivity.
…laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
In addition Jesus Chris said, “Occupy until I come.” It is time to take our nation back, legally and lawfully. America was a gift to the nations and a gift to us. Through our disobedience it was stolen from us. The answer is obedience to the call of God for this hour.
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
On July 2 at 8:30PM, July 3 at 12:00AM I will be giving a message on God TV. Please make sure you double check the Time Zones. I am not sure if the Time Zone is PST, EST, etc. So check their guide.
By Paul McGuire
On July 4th, 1776 our Founding Fathers signed THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Below I have copied parts of that important, which has been subverted and continues to be attacked to this very day.
“When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.
*Our Founding Fathers made reference to God and acknowledged His existence.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness
*Our Founding Fathers did not believe in evolution but a Creator, which means a Personal Living God of the Universe. They also clearly stated that IT IS NOT GOVERNMENT THAT GIVE OR TAKE AWAY RIGHTS. THOSE RIGHTS HAVE BEEN GIVEN TO US BY OUR CREATOR.
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government…
*This passage has been historically called “The Right to Revolution.” In addition, our Founding Fathers that in order for a government to be legal and legitimate it must operate from the consent of the people. How many laws, treaties, Executive Orders have been passed without the consent of the people in the last 20 years. The courts and the Supreme Court have usurped their Constitutional authority and have issued numerous laws forced against the will of the people? Since so many of these laws have directly attacked the laws of God, why has the Church been so silent? The result of our disobedience to stand for things that are important to God, our nation is under judgment and the people are going into captivity.
…laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
“If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”
In addition Jesus Chris said, “Occupy until I come.” It is time to take our nation back, legally and lawfully. America was a gift to the nations and a gift to us. Through our disobedience it was stolen from us. The answer is obedience to the call of God for this hour.
Order Paul’s brand new book Are You Ready for the Microchip? Are You Ready for the Microchip? reveals the hidden language in the Health Care Bill which calls for a Med-Chip and a microchip implant. How the Bilderberg Group gave orders to microchip the entire U.S. population and then the world. Starting in 2013 every baby born in the U.S. will receive a microchip at birth, if they are on schedule or a number of years afterwards. What terrorist attack or one crisis will give the power for every citizen to receive a microchip. The new microchip technology with an RFID chip is so advanced it sounds like science fiction. With documentation, Paul explains how this fits into Revelation 13, where the False Prophet will head a one world religion and force people to accept the mark of the beast. What will Christians do if a microchip implant is mandatory before the Tribulation and it is not yet officially the mark of the beast? Paul wrote this book to reach believers and people who are cynical about end time prophecy. Receive a discount when you buy multiple copies of the book to give to friends and associates. The goal is to distribute a million copies of Are You Ready for the Microchip? Many are not yet spiritually ready when they are offered the microchip and they are going to take it. What if that happens to your loved ones and the people you know? Paul explains clearly the consequences of receiving the mark and how you can escape having to be here to receive it. Order your copy or copies now.
Please make sure you check to see if you have entered your complete name and full mailing address. All transactions are secure!
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