Thursday, December 9, 2010



As many of you know, I was raised in an atheistic home in New York City. My parent’s friends were artists, business people and intellectually oriented. I was never witnessed to once by an Evangelical Christian growing up in New York City – not once!

However, God was reaching out to me in a number of different ways. I remember, a Catholic mother, who was my friend’s mother, taking us out to sing Christmas carols in the lobbies of apartment buildings. About fifteen of us led by a couple of parents would enter a six story apartment building and ring all the doorbells. The people who lived there knew that about this time of year we would be coming by to sing and they would open their apartment doors to listen and then applaud. We sang Christmas songs, Christian hymns and a few Hanukkah songs.

In Jackson Heights, Queens, despite our religious differences or the fact that some people were atheists and agnostics not one single person ever complained and the songs were enjoined by all. That is what America used to be before the dark and evil clouds of political correctness began to shut out the light of our nation.
My own parents were atheists and agnostics. Yet, to this day, as a young atheist myself, I remember being touched by the Holy Spirit was we sung those Christian hymns! I thought it was the strangest thing, here I was singing a Christian hymn singing about a Savior I did not believe and being ministered by the Holy Spirit! There was something wonderful that happened to me. I began to a feel a joy, peace and the glory of God. These were Biblical hymns composed of almost entirely Scripture verses. It would be many years later until Jesus Christ miraculously saved me.

Another time while participating at a Boy Scout camp on Staten Island the Scouts were having a Church service and reading the Bible and worshipping God. I left the sanctuary and began walking around the hallways of the church but I could feel the presence of God!

At that time, I did not know Jesus Christ as my Savior and I was not born-again. But, the Third Person of the Triune God – the Holy Spirit was ministering to me. When I finally accepted Jesus Christ miraculously fleeing a denominational Christian retreat outside of the University of Missouri, I had an overwhelming encounter with Jesus Christ as the Spirit of God literally rocked my world.

I felt as if I saw God, not in the physical sense, but in the spiritual sense. Years back I rejected Christianity as a choice in my search for God. I got deeply involved in Hinduism, psychedelic drugs, altered states of consciousness, out of boy experiences, communicating with spirit guides, seeing the great white light, meditation and the New Age Movement. When Jesus Christ revealed Himself to me through His Spirit it literally blew away all the false mystical and religious experiences I had had. Due to the Spirit of God I knew that I knew that Knew that Jesus Christ was Lord.

My friends thought I was going through a phase and thought I had become a “Jesus Freak!” But, here I am over thirty years later “trucking” with Jesus. What kept me following Christ? It was studying the Word of God diligently and walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. You cannot walk in the Spirit unless you are renewing your mind with the Word of God! This is why by God’s grace I have not been pulled into apostasy and spiritual deception as many are today. The Holy Spirit which is the Spirit of Truth enables me, after studying His Word to discern truth from error!
If you do not know Jesus Christ, than you need to accept Him as your Lord and Savior. But, then you need to learn how to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ went to the so that He could send us the Comforter, the Counselor which is the Holy Spirit.

The Comforter and Counselor will do just that, He will comfort and counsel you. Living the Christian life is learning to walk in the Spirit. Jesus Christ said, “Out of your inmost being will flow rivers of living water.” God wants to touch with His power and fill you with His presence. He wants to minister to you at the deepest levels of your life and break bondages. Many of you are being overwhelmed with the problems of this world. Deep inside you are hurting and you are in tremendous pain and anxiety. God wants to touch you now with His Spirit. Many of you are wearied, bound by fear and just plain “burned out.”

I know what that is like. I have been there. I want to encourage you to open up to the Spirit of God. I believe my DVD on the Holy Spirit can help you and minister to you. You can download my teaching on the Holy Spirit by downloading this DVD now. Remember the anointing breaks the yoke.

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