Wednesday, May 22, 2013



PART 1 of 2

By Paul McGuire


Most people understand the enormous developments in computer technology and biotech. However, most people do not realize that scientific mind control has greatly surpassed the other fields in its research and application. The first thing you need to understand about mass mind control is that it is all-pervasive. Every image you see on television, film and the internet has a high likelihood of being technological mind control, depending on its source.

Every movie, television show, news report, new story, movie script, music video and television news-theater is potentially part of a global interlocking mind control operation. I realize that what I have said is overwhelmingly horrific and even the possibility of it being true is causing people to shut the blinds down psychologically.

One of the most terrifying movies ever made was The Manchurian Candidate, the original black and white version starring Frank Sinatra, which was far more powerful than the later version with Denzel Washington. The comedy-love story Conspiracy Theory, with Mel Gibson, also reveals how far we have come toward total serfdom.

On a daily basis our senses and minds are assaulted with a bizarre array of images, stories, pictures, and narratives that have a kaleidoscopic and stroboscopic effect and overwhelm our rational mind, forcing our subconscious to put together the pieces, which is the essence of mind control. What you are experiencing is a collective consciousness and global living theatre that is being shared with hundreds of millions of people at the same time.

Notice for example that the week the Benghazi hearing broke that the news was mysteriously dominated by a story about three girls abducted as sex slaves in a Cleveland home. It had all the gruesome elements of one of the more sexual horror movies and captured the consciousness of the American public. The other story that just happened to break was the trial of Jodi Arias, which was filled with pornographic elements and also resembled a horror movie

The average dumbed down American’s mind is occupied by an endless series of news stories which often break simultaneously, with important news. If this is not mind control, then at the very least it is Big Brother manipulating the news through distraction. So successful was Big Brother in the brainwashing process that in the novel upon which Big Brother was based, 1984, by George Orwell, the people truly believed that “Freedom is Slavery” and “War is Peace.”

When you are looking for the truth there is a great deal of information on the internet but a lot of it is not credible. The internet is a lot like Alice in Wonderland, where Alice meets the Caterpillar smoking the hookah pipe and saying this way and that way at the same time, creating overwhelming confusion. The information is loaded with disinformation and the so-called credible sources are designed to take you off track. It is a suicide pill for the gullible, rather like wandering the Las Vegas strip at midnight on LSD.

The Illuminati, created in 1776, published the Illuminati Manifesto. If you read their goals you will notice that the Communist Manifesto is a mirror of theIlluminati Manifesto, written about 100 years earlier. The big secret is that communism is simply a tool of the occult Illuminati and it is not the atheistic system it pretends to be. Karl Marx was a practicing Satanist, and he listed the goals of the communists:

1) The abolishment of all ordered Government
2) The abolishment of all private property
3) The abolishment of all inheritance
4) The abolishment of all Patriotism
5) The abolishment of all Religion
6) The abolishment of all family and marriage
7) The creation of a World Government or World Order to take the place of all of the above things that had been abolished.

The founder of the Illuminati, Adam Weishaupt, wanted one world government with the Illuminati in control. Their plan was to get rid of all existing government order through orchestrated chaos so that this goal could be accomplished. Destroying private property and money, which is going on the in the U.S. right now, is really a mind control operation. By having a communistic type of "community," or communal property, they could psychologically sever any sense of ownership, so that there would be no sense of patriotism or boundaries.

That is why hippie communes sprang up and today home ownership is being destroyed, because psychologically this would destroy all sense of individualism, which is the enemy of the communist collective state of consciousness. Scientific mind control has integrated itself into the corporate world and business world. The emphasis is on “group think” or the team, which is the collective. The individual is not rewarded for unusual effort; the goal is not productivity or excellence, but being part of a team.

In the Christian world of mega-churches and church growth movements you have change agents who are being used and promoted behind the scenes, whether they are aware of it or not. One Christian celebrity author’s mission is to attack the five “global Goliaths,” which include Christian “ego-centric” leadership. At first glance, that sounds very appealing, seemingly promising no more television preachers with giant egos. But when you dig deeper you see the attack is on strong men who have strong beliefs and clear visions that might not be in agreement with the globalist agenda, so they are demonized by calling them “ego-centric” leaders.

I am not saying that this author is a not Christian; he may well be one. But he is either self-deceived or incredibly naïve about history and the globalist agenda, of which he is a pawn. Men or women who dare to stare history in the face and make changes are always labeled ego-centric. However, it is precisely because they are strong-willed and ego-centric that they have the ability to withstand incredible opposition and persevere. This Christian author wants to use psychological processes and collectivist group think to neuter them. Plain and simple, this is mind control.

Remember the movie The Fountainhead, starring Gary Cooper and based on the novel by Ayn Rand. Cooper played the role of a brilliant architect, whose passion was to create buildings that were never built before, that embodied greatness. Cooper was ego-centric, as was the author Ayn Rand. People with a collectivist mindset conspired to blow up and burn down his buildings because they exposed the mediocrity of their cookie cutter and team mentality architecture. Cooper, precisely because he was ego-centric, had the courage to fight for his ideas.

The Christian celebrity author I mentioned earlier is using highly effective communication techniques based on scientific mind control to get people to go along with his non-Biblical vision. Just because he smiles, is affirming, and uses relational “jiu jitsu” he successfully contributes to the total misunderstanding of Biblical humility and love by modern Evangelicals, who are committing suicide by the monotony of their message, and not by marital monogamy.

Powerful psychological transformation is about brain-washing, or mind control. The Illuminati social engineers understand that if you can get children to be sexually active and encourage young girls to have abortions without their parents’ knowledge you can sever the deep bonds between the parent and child. You can then bond them to the government or state. Again, all of this is sophisticated mind control. Finally, through societal chaos and destroying all boundaries, you destroy all loyalty to God, country and family, so that you can program people’s loyalty to the collective or the state.

The psychological warfare strategy designed to accomplish this is called chaos. The Illuminati used the term “Order out of Chaos,” which the radical socialist organizer Saul Alinsky called “manufactured crisis.” Ironically, Saul Alinsky dedicated his book Rules for Radicals “To Lucifer the First. Revolutionary.”
As a former radical in the counter culture, who demonstrated with Abbie Hoffman when I was fifteen years old and attended all kinds of radical meetings, I was naïve at first and did not understand that I was being used as a pawn.

Like many Americans in my generation, I never used the word “communist” publicly because I and my contemporaries were brainwashed into believing that the communist menace was just a paranoid-wacko conspiracy theory promoted by “nuts” like Senator Joseph McCarthy. Some of my friends’ fathers who had successful jobs as advertising men on Madison Avenue tried to recruit me in the communist movement. I was at meetings where SDS and the Weathermen were trying to recruit. However, even though I held many radical views, I could not buy their ideology. As I looked around the world, common sense told me Communism was a failure and I did not see one single nation that was prosperous and free that was Communist.

The only logical explanation I can give to seemingly otherwise intelligent young men and women buying into Leninism is the element of sophisticated brainwashing. Supposedly, there are now many multi-generational communists in positions of power. I can only explain this by suggesting that they have undergone a very intense form of cult programming, just like a religious cult.

When I hear the story of former Weather Underground leader Bill Ayers’ father supposedly sponsoring Obama’s college education it has all the earmarks of scientific brainwashing, because nothing else seems to explain it. The same would be true for the upbringing and education of Bill and Hillary Clinton along with many others.

In 1963, the communist goals were examined at a Congressional Hearing. Here is part of the record of that hearing.

Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963


Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America.

Read Part 2 at Paul’s Blog

© 2013 Paul McGuire - All Rights Reserved

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