Monday, June 24, 2013


Paul McGuire researching new book "A Prophecy of the Future of America" from the Bohemian Grove.

"People always ask me how did I get into such and such a the Bohemian Grove, or how did I meet this person or that?  With the risk of sounding super spiritual this is what often happens.  Often God leads me into a particular area of research and keeps pushing me to go deeper and then deeper.  It is some what like a hunch, but it is far more powerful than that.  It is the leading of the Holy Spirit who gives me ideas, opens doors, gives me supernatural favor and other things which are both natural and supernatural.  I want to say right upfront, I am not lazy and I do an enormous amount of research.  I do my home work and read countless books, articles, etc. on a wide variety of subjects from neurological science, Quantum Physics. history, symbolism, symbolism, Old Testament, New Testament, biotechnology, economics, nano-technology, computer science, genetics, DNA , the Singularity, Transhumanism, the occult, secret societies, archeology, military science, art, literature, films, biographies, history, psychedelic drugs, pertinent novels, religious movements, theology, philosophy, politics, social engineering, energy, nutrition, sexuality, psychology, nuclear physics, globalism, Bible prophecy and many other subjects.  I don't dabble on this stuff, I devour entire books and in some areas I have a photographic memory.

I pray constantly, not in the boring religious sense, I simply walk with God talk to Him and listen to Him and I am careful to listen to Him speak through other people, but I am also discerning and know the difference when God is speaking and someone is speaking through their own bias, emotions or deception.  I walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and train myself to hear His voice.  I meditate in His Word.  Then God speaks to me, opens up doors, brings people into my life or arranges circumstances and supernaturally leads me time after time.  I was going up to San Francisco to do research- I was not planning to go to the Bohemian Grove.  I was literally hiking in a Redwood forest when I overheard a man say, "Bohemian Grove" - I knew it was God speaking.  I prayed and used my senses, God supernaturally led me to a pathway in the forest that led to the Bohemian Grove.  I could tell I was on the right pathway because of the the light and structure of the Redwoods.  There was a mountain blocking the Bohemian Grove, but the Lord spoke to me about the sunlight and showed me that there was a clearing ahead because there was not mountain and the sunlight filtered through towards the latter part of the day.  God implanted into my spirit that this was the path to the Bohemian Grove ... I just knew it supernaturally - there was no doubt and I simply walked into it!

By meditating in the Word of God and training my spirit, God gives me a kind of spiritual radar where I can sense and see things supernaturally sometimes in immediate proximity and sometimes from very long distances.  To whatever degree I am able to see into the future, not perfectly because my emotions get in the way.  But, I want to emphasize that doing your home work is the foundation for that kind of leading.  There a lot of people who claim to have prophetic gifts and want to be used by God, but they do not study the Bible, they do not study prophecy and they are not intensive readers and researchers.  As such, they severely limit what God can do through them!  There is not shortcut here.  Sometimes you have to spend 30 years researching all kinds of stuff, before you can distill complex information!

You see if God's people would simply begin to study and research a spectrum of fields that they may think are beyond them on a human level, God can supernaturally amplify their intelligence and understanding way beyond the power of their human intellect.  I do not mean to sound arrogant, but many of God's people are very shallow, they are not readers and they do not research the cutting edge fields.  For example, they know nothing of topics like the German Schools of Higher Criticism and how that has affected Evangelical theology.  They don't know who Francis Schaeffer is and have not read his books.  They don't understand science, culture, economics, etc.  Before God could use Daniel as a prophet, Daniel had to do intensive study in Babylonian culture, religion, history, etc.  God does not usually download complex prophetic information into ignorant people because God cannot trust them to communicate to the leaders.

Finally, you have to be true to the Word, but your heart must be filled with the love of God.  You would be surprised how many people want to be used by God, but they have not allowed the love of God to be shed abroad in their hearts.  They are filled with envy, coveteousness, jealousy, bitterness, strife and the desire to be important.  All of us fight those temptations in the power of the Spirit by faith, but many people who seek to be used by God deceive themselves.  God does not use small minded people with small hearts!!

In order to be used by God, you must learn to have a big heart overflowing with the love of God, which means you love other people and want the best for them.  You then begin to act supernaturally and think supernaturally and God will do amazing things through you.  But, one of the greatest hindrances to being used by God is having a small heart that is not overflowing with the love of God!  I cannot tell you how many people I meet, that God has gifted and wants to use, but they are not filled with the love of God.  They have a religious spirit and they are critical, judgmental and assume the worst of others!  Love believes the best of others!  If you want to see the power of God move through your life, you have to stop short circuited it.  A lot of people think they have the ministry of criticism and there is no such ministry...we speak the truth in love.

Finally, God does not use men and women who are cowards!  Being a cowards is a sin!  If you are self-righteous, legalistic and a coward (these usually go to together) God is not going to use you!  If you dare to walk on the water, God will use you!  But, if you are trying to be raised up by playing. politics in a church or denomination, you may get that position from a human perspective, but God did not give you that position and you will have no anointing.

God wants to use many of you starting today in ways you could never dream of!  I really mean that, I sense the Spirit of God moving very powerfully right now and He is touching with His power, which feels like warmth, joy and electricity!  As you read these words you are sighing a deep breath of relief because the Holy Spirit is ministering to you.  A heavy load of bondage is being taken off your shoulders because the anointing breaks the yoke.  Right now, you and I are experiencing a divine connection in the Spirit.  The power and life of God is flowing through these words, through grace and He is ministering to you at this very moment.  Literally, you are being touched by the power and Presence of God.  He is filling your heart with hope and promises for your future!  Areas of anxiety that you have been carrying are being dissolved by the deep assurance that is He going to take of those problems and help you.

Open your heart and mind right now to the Spirit of the Lord and He will birth fresh vision in you!  I assume, that at this moment, both of us are surprised by what God is doing!  He is pouring out His anointing oil on you and bondages, fear, anxiety, depression and captivity are being broken.

Now here is where it gets real interesting!  The supernatural power of God is touching you at his moment.  You are being deeply ministered to by Jesus.  He is setting you free!  But, more than that He is downloading into your heart and spirit His living promises, vision and care for your life.  You are literally taking up wings as are walking and not fainting.  I am writing these words from Los Angeles and the Spirit of God is coming all over you and me at the same time,  I sense very powerfully what I can only describe as magnificent brithday present from God to you.  It may not even be your brithday, but God has decided to whatever degree that it is YOUR NEW BIRTHDAY!.  Not necessarily a celebration of the exact day you were born-again.  But, God out of His love for you has presented you with a brithday cake and candles to celebrate the new birth that is happening in your life at this moment.

God is birthing in you a brand new you, by the power of His Spirit.  God is restoring your supernaturally by the power of His Spirit.  You may feel that you have sinned, failed, blown it wasted time and in your own human mind you are angry at yourself deep inside for all the time you have wasted.   The Holy Spirit is coming into your life right now supernaturally and unlocking the strongholds buried in your mind that you have been keeping you a prisoner!

The enemy, your fallen human nature and other people have embedded a lie deep within you, that you missed your time.  This is a lie from hell and God is surfacing this stronghold right now into your consciousness so it can be exposed to the light and broken!  Along with that lie, is a root of bitterness in your life which is in your heart and is blocking the full release of the rivers of living water from flowing out of your inmost being.   What is allowing the root of bitterness to stay lodged in your heart is that you have been hating yourself and despising yourself for the mistakes you have made.

Listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit and consider His Word.  God is commanding you right now (He is not asking you!)  God is commanding you right now, to forgive yourself with an act of your will for not forgiving yourself of these past mistakes and believing the lie  that it is over.  As your brother in Christ, I am asking you to get on your knees or however you want to do it, but do it in such a way that you will remember this encounter with God...right is down in your calendar after your are finished, be sure when you are finished to write it down!  You are building an altar to the Lord at the place where He is meeting you!

Simply pray something like this, "Lord I ask you to forgive me for not forgiving myself and not releasing myself.  Through faith in the finished work of Jesus Christ, I accept your forgiveness right now for not forgiving myself!  I ask you Jesus to cleanse me of this and any other sin by your blood.  Lord I ask you right now by faith to remove all the roots of bitterness to take up root in my heart and Lord I ask you to pull out each and everyone of these roots of bitterness from my heart!

Thank you Jesus! I praise you for doing this!  And I praise you now, as I sense the incredible reality of of feeling the full release of the rivers of living water flowing out of my heart.  Lord, I worship you as the rivers of living water flow out from within me, replenishing and healing my inner being.  God I praise you for the pure joy and delight I feel and the renewed sense of power!

Now, God as I worship you, I choose to possess the land which you have given me!  With an act of my will, I choose to forgive all those (Be specific if the Lord is leading you) that I have chosen to have root of bitterness towards because I have secretly not forgiven them!  Lord I acknowledge and confess that my unforgiveness of myself, opened a portal in the invisible realm for the tormentors (demonic spirits) to torment me in many ways.  Lord,  because I allowed these tormentors access to my life through my lack of forgivnes towards myself, I chose to sin by not forgiving others!

Lord, I come to you by faith Lord and with an act of my will I choose to forgive and release all those who I have not forgiven and have held bitterness towards.  Forgive me Lord for violating your Word and opening the door to tormentors both  in my life and in the world of my relationships.  I release them and myself Lord, choosing to be cleansed by your blood.

Now as you continue to worship the Lord and praise Him out loud, allow the power of the Lord to flow out of your inmost being, to cover your life with His glory and to make all things new.  Know that you act of obedience before the Lord has released the new birthday gift in your life!  Your inner man and woman is being filled with joy and you are being healed.  The Lord is supernaturally releasing and renewing His dream in you!

But, take it all the way!  The Lord at this moment is filling you with His power in the deepest and most wonderous sense.  You are being sanctified and being filled with the power of God like you have never known before.  You are being touched very deeply and tenderly by the power of God as He restores you this day!  Take up wings as eagles!  Run and do not become weary! Today the Lord has done one of the most profound miracles in your life.  Do not allow the enemy or strange voices to steal it from you.

The power of God has come into your life for a reason!  He has a call upon you and He has restored you!  Hear His still small voice and He will tell you what to do!

God has spoken to me this year about taking this message of life and the other truths, He has given this ministry to set people free all around the world!  God has given me a very specific plan that involves the internet, video, film, television, social media, blogs to be used in a way that has never been done before and that will reach millions of people.  He has supernaturally given me a call and a vision!  At Paul McGuire Ministries we have already begun!

As your brother in Christ, I am asking you personally to stand with me in prayer, spiritual warfare and through your financial gifts to reach people in a way that they have never been reached before!  Please understand, that if you have been ministered to by the Spirit of God, by the message the Lord had me share with you above, that is yours to receive completely free and with no obligation!  You do not have to give anything, simply be blessed and walk in what God has given you!

However, if the Lord is speaking to you about standing with me as a partner in prayer and by giving a financial gift or becoming a regular partner, I want to make that opportunity available to you and you can donate below or write me and share with me how the Lord has ministered to you or that you are praying for me.

Please forgive me and our ministry for any mistakes we have made!  I am just one man and I am working about 80 hours per week on this ministry because the Lord had opened up some incredible doors.  Although, we hold regular church services through Paradise Mountain Church, Bible studies and literally reach millions of people around the world every week, we are numerically a small ministry.  We don't have a paid staff and I do not not take a salary for my work, I donate my time and all book royalties, etc.  I do not take for myself, I turn all of it over to the ministry.

Many people think because of my relative fame, books, conferences, television appearances, CNN, Fox News Network, History Channel and feature film appearances that I am personally wealthy.  I get E Mails about my expensive home in Malibu?  First of all I do not have a home in Malibu, we simply use it as shooting location and I drive 2 hoiurs round trip to shoot in Malibu.

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